Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a wonderful start to your day. We sure appreciate you guys coming on when you can live. We understand not everybody can. Okay, let's get going. Tanya is asking a question about Botox. I like the last part of it. If you disagree with Botox. Dr. Martin, what could I do to reduce this wrinkle? Well, okay, that's a good question. Now, what do I think of Botox? I don't know. Look, I'm always hesitant, always hesitant to talk about or endorse anti-aging surgery, okay? Or injections like Botox. Look, they come with side effects and one thing I've seen with Botox over the years is possible muscle paralysis and muscle damage. That's what I've seen over the years. Look, I'm not telling anyone look what to do or whatever. I'm an alternative guy.
So I would say, look, and I don't blame people. They want to look good and whatever, but at the end of the day, if you take care of your metabolic health, because one of the things that sugar does, sugar is toxic in so many ways, and one of the ways it's toxic is what we call ag capital A, capital GE apostrophe small S, advanced glycation N products, okay? That's big word to mean. Glycation. What does that mean? Well, sugar attaches itself to hemoglobin sugar and then you can measure that by your A1C, so it attaches to red blood cells, sugar does, and you can measure that. And we all know that if your A1C is above 5.4, you got insulin resistance for sure. Okay? Now the other thing that sugar does, it attaches itself to protein in your skin. Causes, causes, wrinkling causes aging of the skin.
That's what sugar does. And so if you eliminate as much as possible sugar, you're doing your body a big favor when it comes to anti-aging and obviously a lot of other things. And I find okay for skin, I always talk to you about bone broth and why it's so good for you, good for your gut, good for your hair, your nails, your skin. I like it, okay? I like it. And on the skin itself, Rivera, I've used it for years and years and years when I discovered pine bark and its powerful antioxidant effect. I had a skin product made from it and I love it. And again, there's no magic guys. We're all going to age. There's no magic, but you can take care of yourself. You drink water. Water is so good for your skin. People are so dry and they don't even realize it.
They're so dehydrated and their skin that takes a toll and they've always blamed, by the way. Another thing, sun on sun damage. Sun damage, sun. I find it to be the opposite of that. Now, again, I don't want anybody burning in the sun, but the sun is good for your skin. Don't burn in it, but it's good for your skin. Vitamin D is very anti-aging. And like I was saying, bone broth is probably one of the best things you can do because it's collagen. It's a collagen protein collagen. Your skin's made up of collagen. It keeps your skin tight rather than wrinkle. But we're all going to get wrinkles.
It's impossible really to avoid. It's just that some get more than others. And I'm not telling people not to do Botox. You ask me. There's side effects to that and you got to be careful. But that's making that decision. I give you a little bit of insight from my point of view. Thanks, Tanya. I appreciate that question. Grace, I think I already answered this the other day. I think I got it twice in Planos. We talked about that. You'll see, I've seen in Planos, I saw it quite a bit in the office. It's an autoimmune thing and I see a lot of autoimmune in the office. Man, it was like crazy, especially in the latter years of my practice. Lot autoimmune. Well, why I was always a Y guy. Leaky gut, the overuse of antibiotics, the overuse of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories causing dysbiosis in the microbiome way, way, way too much autoimmune.
And it's not getting better, it's getting worse. Okay, Denise, I was wondering if slow cooking meat to fully cook so it is tender makes it lose its nutrients like vitamin B12 and K two, et cetera. Look, I'm not too worried about that. And I would tell you, Denise, don't get into the weeds, okay? Because you're going to ah, you cook it and you're now, you're losing all your nutrients. You're not losing all your nutrients with cocaine. Your food. I like my steak rare by the way. Like medium, medium rare. I like it. Rare I do. And you probably are getting a little bit more vitamin at that time. Maybe some more B12. But you know what? At the end of the day, you know my philosophy, if you're on the Titanic, don't worry about the deck chairs, okay? Don't worry about the deck chairs. If you've got metabolic syndrome, if you're in 93%, then it's eggs, meat and cheese, okay?
Eggs, meat and cheese, EMC. Now there's better meat, better eggs, better cheese, and there's probably better ways to cook. And by the way, if you put 'em in a slow cooker, is that what you mean by that? I got no problem with that. As a matter of fact, all the vitamins will be there. I mean you might get a little less, but I don't think so. Okay, the overarching principle, if you're on the Titanic, just get started and don't worry about the deck chairs. Now, if you're down the road and you're doing really healthy and you can afford organic meat, everything organic and find the best way to cook, I got no problem with that either.
For people that are really take care of themselves and they want to fine tune that. I ain't got no problem with that. But generally I speak in generalities. If you eat meat, you're going to get your vitamins. Okay? And some cuts of meat like steak are better, liver better. But if it's meat, it's good. Okay, and it's a good question, Denise. I don't know. Slow cooking meat depends if it to fully cook. Meaning do you mean when you're frying a steak or are you talking about slow cooking in a slow cooker? I'd be really good within its juices. Okay, no problem. Okay, thanks Denise for the question. June is MSM and glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate good for joints? Yeah, it's good for joints. I like it. I never liked that on its own. I never liked MSM or chondroitin or glucosamine on their own. I'm a combination guy, a formula guy. And in order to get the results I needed in my practice, that's what I did. Between my son and I and my son, I give him even more credit than I would take for myself. He's a real smart formulator.
I like our formulas. We just found that if you put the right stuff together in a supplement, you're going to get better results. And I was a result driven. I had a practice. I had to look people in the eye. I had people looking at me like, doc, when are you going to fix me? I had to get results. I had to face people. And I had probably a hundred thousand office visits in all my years. Somebody said the number and I said, yeah, maybe I saw a lot of people, obviously people repetition. I mean, we're all new patients. I did follow ups with people, but I had to get results. I probably told you the story of pro. I used to send people, I remember this is a long time ago. Go to the health food store and pick up a probiotic even when probiotics weren't popular.
But I never found one that is good as the one I formulated. I knew what strains needed to be put together in order to kill yeast, for example, and heal leaky gut, for example. And I used to be able to show people leaky gut. I had to fix it. It had to get better. So you're asking a good question. Okay, so when it comes to inflammation, if you got joint pain, you have inflammation, okay? And formulas that get rid of inflammation, better work. They better work anyway for the question. Okay, that was June. Claude is asking a question about how can one tell if caffeine is affecting their cortisol and adrenal? Well, you would know it. You would know it, Claude, because when you drink coffee, you might get real jittery or whatever that's affecting your adrenal glands. And I used to tell my patients where that happened.
I did a lot of work with chronic fatigue syndrome, which was an adrenal gland exhaustion. The adrenal glands were running on fumes and it was cortisol through the roof and then a real imbalance of cortisol from the adrenals. And for some people they found that coffee made them jittery. You know what I think of coffee, the real vitamin C. I never want people to stop drinking coffee ever. Even with adrenals, I used to tell 'em, well drink the decaffeinated. It's not the coffee that's bothering your adrenals. I could prove it to them. It's not coffee. I said that bothered. Oh, Dr. Martin, I can't drink coffee. No, you can drink decaf and get a good water. It's called Swiss water process. Decaff a very natural way to decaffeinate the coffee bean. No problem. Coffee is one of the greatest, and I doubled down and tripled down and quadruple down on this and I mean it. Coffee is a tremendous multivitamin, tremendous multivitamin, and it's a gift. Think about it. I mean, not everybody loves coffee, but most people do. Okay? And if you don't, you're weird. Okay?
I used to tell that to my patients, you're weird. I would tell 'em that in a loving way. I love you, but you're weird. You don't like coffee. What's the matter with you? Dr. Martin? Can I drink tea? Oh, come on. Why do you want to drink tea when you can drink coffee? And I used to allow them to have some tea, but I said, remember tea's got oxalates in it. Okay, coffee don't. Tea does, okay, but guys, listen, you're going to have a cup of tea if you have to, you English and Irish. I went over to Ireland and this is years ago. I said, is there any coffee around here? I mean, you guys are all drinking tea. I feel sorry for you anyway, okay? No, but Claude, you'll know it. Okay. When coffee bothers you, try the decaf my friend. Try the decaf.
Some people are just like that. It's a caffeine, but coffee is good for you. A thousand phytonutrients. One of the best things you can do for your blood sugar is drink coffee. It acts like metformin without the side effect. Okay? I love that question. Thank you Claude. Joanna, besides the reset, which we know works best, you got it? What are your thoughts on taking PGX? It's conc fiber or gluc supplement for blood sugar mat. Look, in my office, I used conc years ago. You're talking more than 25 years ago, and to me, there's better stuff out there, but if you find that it helps you with your blood sugar, I got no problem with it. Okay? I just found a lot of people got bloating with it. They didn't like it. It was uncomfortable and I tried it. The glucan in, yeah, it's been around a long time, by the way, and you can try it if you want.
I got no problem with that. I find our cortisol formula, by the way, it is very, very good for blood sugar. And the reason it is, think about it for a minute. If you can level out your cortisol, okay, cortisol is what? It's that stress hormone. If you can level that out, okay, think about that. If you can level it out, it's really good for you because cortisol, what it does naturally is elevate blood sugar. That's its job. It's his job to do that. Okay, anyw, who thank you for the question. Vince was born with wolf Parkinson's, white syndrome, okay? Diagnosed in 2005 and you had an experimental ablation, okay? What is that? That is a congenital heart defect and you're born with it, and most people go through life, they don't even know they have it. Okay? So it's rare. What else do I know about it?
Well, look, I would tell you, Vince, even before, because you're asking whether it comes back, I don't know if you can actually fix it. Probably with the ablation, that's what they were trying to do. You know what? I don't know if it can come back, but here's what my thinking on that would be. Claude. First of all, take care of your heart. How do you do that? What's the best things that you can do for your heart? Well, don't eat sugar. Why glycation? I talked about it earlier. It's part of atheros sclerosis. That's what glycation does. It hardens arteries. It hardens skin. You lose your elasticity with glycation, right? Reduce your glycation, reduce your inflammation. How do you reduce inflammation? Keep insulin down and you keep insulin down by lowering your carbohydrates. Okay? I love antioxidants. I love for heart navit all. I like coq 10.
If you were a patient of mine clo, I would've had you on with your congenital heart disease. I would've had you on coq 10. What's coq 10? Quinol. Why do I like it? Because your heart has a lot of mitochondria, the heart muscle, so does your brain. coq 10 is essential for heart and so is high. DHA. You know me in oil. I love oil lubricate. When you go for an oil change in your card, they do a lube job. They lubricate good idea. Your blood vessels need lubrication, and that's why high DHA is so good for your heart and high DHA is so good for your eyes and high DHA is so good for your brain. I love that. Okay, so yeah, I think Vince, if you keep doing that, you're going to be fine as far as it comes back, I don't know.
I don't have enough experience to tell you with that. Okay? I really don't. Okay, Claire, I take thyroid support. Smart girl. You're off your meds for thyroid. Well, I don't know. You're not my patient. I did have heart palpitations occasionally. Is there anything else I can take with my tiredness? You're taking B12. I would have you on our multi nutrient. You see, look, let me just say a few things here, okay? If you have fatigue, your body's talking to you, your body's talking to you, and that can be a sign that you have inflammation in your body. I wrote a book years ago, secrets that your Doctor won't share with you, and I talked about inflammation in that book and that it was often silent, but if you're fatigued, it's often a sign that you have that silent inflammation going on. Your body reacts to that.
It's saying hello. Now, the thyroid formula again is so good for you and good for you for taking it. Most women I know should be on the thyroid formula. Some men for sure, but women almost for sure because of their complex physiology, women are complicated if you didn't know it. They've got a lot of moving parts, women compared to men. And I don't like the blending of the sexes. By the way, any physician that tells you different, I can't understand it. There's so much difference in the endocrine system of a woman. The physiology is different. They got ovaries. It makes them complicated, okay? And you got to deal with that because that affects your thyroid. But one thing I like too about the multi nutrient, okay? What we used to call blood boost, okay? It touches all the bases. It really is for people that are just not up to snuff. It touches all the bases. There's no formula like it.
The only bad thing about multi nutrient is trying to keep it in stock. You just can't make enough of it. But you got to understand that's not easy. That is a very, very finicky formula, and we need all the ingredients and it's not always easy and just the way it is. And then when people try it, you know how many tens of thousands of testimonies we have about that product? Hey, I tell people, well, doc, how do I know if it's working? Well, if it didn't work in the first bottle, it ain't working in the second one. I'm not going to have to tell you. I used to tell my patients that I'm sending you home. You're going to take this multi nutrient and you'll know. You'll know, oh yeah, doc, I feel better with that problem. There you go. It's working. I don't understand.
You got a headache, you took Advil or Tylenol or whatever, okay, Aleve or whatever, and you still got a headache, would you take, you know what it is? I'm going to just keep taking it. Why would you take it if it doesn't get rid of your headache? Okay? And I'm not telling you to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, okay? I'm not telling you that. I'm just giving you an example. When a product works, you know it, and that's why the multi nutrients, I get people, they want to choke me to death. They're mad at me, we're out of stock. Stop. Don't you love me? Yeah, I do love you. It ain't my fault. That stuff is so difficult to make our manufacturer because you got to bring in about a hundred different nutrients in there. I remember the manufacturer, this is years ago, saying to me, can you change the formula to make it easier for me?
I'm sorry, I won't. I get results in the clinic. I got to look people in the eyeballs, and if it don't work well, they're not happy puppies with me, guys, it is one of the differences with me because I was in practice for 50 years just about, and I still got to answer to you guys, okay? Thank you very much. Oh, so Claire, if you're still tired, you get on that multi nutrient and let me know how you do. I'm just looking at Barb, I can't remember if I answered this or not the other day. Is exposure to sunlight harmful to someone with lupus? Yeah, it can be. If you have lupus, another autoimmune disease, and it involves connective tissue and it can be very, very serious. Lupus, often those people become allergic to the sun. What a terrible thing. No, not all lupus, but just about, yeah, you got to be really, really sensitive to the sun.
Those are the people that I would have them taking vitamin D as a supplement. Okay, guys, I'd rather you get in the sun. If you can get in the sun, it is so good for you, not just for vitamin D, but for melatonin, for your immune system, for your brain, for your heart, for your joints. Think of anything, you are a human solar panel. I double down, triple down, quadruple down, whatever, down on vitamin D. I'm big on the sun, sun, steak, and steel. Okay? Is there anything the sun isn't good for yet? Well, probably one thing and that's lupus. Okay? I feel sorry for people, but again, lupus starts with leaky gut and you got to start there to fix it. And in the meantime you got to, for a lot of those people with lupus, they just can't get in the sun, but they need vitamin D and they need to take a supplement of vitamin D. Okay, with K two, by the way. Okay? Really important to get K two. Okay, I think I answered all the questions. Yeah, I answered Susan's about the blood calcium test and the ionized blood calcium test. Yeah, I answered that on Friday. Okay, guys, we sure enjoy question and answer Friday and Monday. Usually it's Monday too. Almost invariably we got to do two programs of question and answer. You know what? Good for you guys for asking questions. I want to be able to answer questions. Okay? Really important. Okay, we got a great week coming. Tell your friends, tell your family. We love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!