1354. The Downfall of Health Care: 4 Critical Failures

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great start to your day. And I hope you're getting your notifications. A lot of people say they're not, and that has nothing to do with me, but can be frustrating. Always Go to the Martin Clinic on your Facebook, go to Martin Clinic. I got to read to you a headline in an article that I looked at the other day. Americans Pay More for Healthcare but Die Sooner. It wasn't a positive article at all, and it was talking about the bang for the buck. Now listen, we're no different in Canada, okay? Because this has been figured out before in the United States. They're saying they're paying on average. Okay, so you got 300 and what 40 million people in the states, 10 times the population of Canada. And what they're saying in this article is the average American pays $11,000 per person for healthcare in the United States, and they're not getting the bang for the buck because in spite of spending all that money, they're not healthier.

They die sooner comparatively to countries that spend a lot less. Now, we're no different in Canada. I think it was figured out probably four or five years ago when I read how much we pay as Canadians. We pay somewhere between 13 and $14,000 per person in Canada for healthcare. And at the end of the day, it's not healthcare. It's disease care. The amount of money spent on prevention is negligible compared to what we spend when people get sick. Now, one thing I do love about our healthcare system is the catastrophic coverage. Meaning if you've been in a car accident, I have a son-in-Law as an emergency physician. I call 'em one 800 Sam. He's such a good doctor. If you get in a car accident or you get hit by a bus, don't call me. Okay? So our catastrophic care in Canada, United States, you have a heart attack.

You want to get to a hospital as fast as you can, and that's a hundred percent in agreement with that, okay? But what we're talking about here is the amount of money we spend on. So-called healthcare and we're not getting the bang for the buck. The results are terrible. And this morning, it's not like you guys don't know this, but it's always good to go over. So here's me, and I always ask the question, why are we in such bad shape? Why are we spending so much money? Why and why aren't we getting the results we should have for the amount of money we spend? Okay, I talked to you. We never talk about prevention, okay? Rarely. I'll give you an example. The Cancer Society, okay? Canada, the United States, here's the Cancer Society. What do they say? Early detection. Early detection.

Guys, I'm sorry, I'm not against early detection. I'm not, but that's not prevention. Detection's not prevention. In their minds it is because to them, early detection means you're getting out of cancer early enough. The chances of you living longer are better. Again, I don't disagree with that, but I don't want you to get cancer in the first place, okay? As I point my finger out to you guys, I got 1, 2, 3 pointed back at me, okay? So when I point at you and I say, I want you to prevent cancer, I talk to myself too, okay? How do you prevent cancer? Well, cancer first of all is a complicated thing, but what we can do and what we can control, you can't control our environment, okay? You can't live in a bubble. I don't expect you to. And even if you did, somehow toxins would get in there. Nah, come on, we got to live on the planet. It's the way it is, okay? It's just the way it is. But I talk to you about taking care of you food primarily sun, steak and steel. And I mean, somebody asked me the other day if I was joking, I'm not joking. I mean it. Sun steak and steel food.

Get strong, get in the sun. Nothing better for you, nothing better for you prevention, but why? Okay, so let's just go over this. Okay? See my notepad, number one on the top, and I put them one and two, and they belong together. And they are often intermixed in terms of ownership. The biggest problem, why we're failing, why we're spending so much money. The biggest problem is what? Big pharma and big food. See that? Big pharma, big food, a conglomerates. Follow the money. Follow the money. Look, I'm not saying there's no good people in big food and big pharma, they employ millions of people. And look, I don't want to go after their people. I want to go after their motives. They love status quo. And unfortunately medicine, okay? I have here on number three, modern medicine. And modern medicine hasn't been taught prevention. They just haven't. It's not part of their education. It's very little of it. Well, as a matter of fact, I'll take you from cancer to heart disease. And since the late sixties, 1970s, I watched it happen. We've been on a fat craze and cholesterol craze, okay? Big pharma, big food and medicine, modern medicine, that's all they really know about food. Oh, fat makes you fat. Fat is bad for your blood vessels. Cholesterol is the boogeyman.

That's modern medicine. That's what they're taught still today, part of the curriculum of heart disease is telling young physicians are soon to be physicians. That cholesterol is a big, big problem in heart disease. They still haven't got the memo. It's so pervasive. It's so pervasive in teaching, in indoctrination, I'm not even confident to change their minds, right? Part of everything. And when you consider, think about this for a minute. When you consider that the average medical doctor, God bless them, they've educated, they're smart. The average amount of time that they spend in nutrition is an hour and sometimes less. They just don't learn anything. And again, what they learn is fat is bad. Cholesterol. You get cholesterol in the animal kingdom in eggs, meat and cheese. So guess what they say? You better limit that you got cholesterol. And cholesterol is the bad guy when it comes to heart disease.

So they get no training in nutrition. So do you think they think food is important? You would think any physician would think, well, what I put in my mouth is pretty important. No, they really are not taught that. So they hand it off to a profession called the dietician. And unfortunately, dieticians are into moderation, calories, eating lean, and they're really big on the plant Kingdom not big on animal kingdom. They change the pyramid. Well, the right pyramid, and they flip it, and they want you to have fruits and vegetables and grains and carbs and be careful with protein. Imagine. Think about in medicine that here we are in 2024 and most medical doctors, here's what they know about nutrition. I'll just make a point about your kidneys. Protein's going to damage your kidneys. It's 2024 and still today, protein damages your kidneys. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. They still haven't got nutrition 1 0 1, the basics. And this is why, guys, you could be confused every day it seems on our private Facebook group, or if I get an email, you want to send an email, send it to info@martinclinic.com. Okay?

People accused me yesterday of not answering all the questions I meant to. I must have missed a few. I didn't mean to miss. Okay? Resend those questions so that I can look at them, okay? But it's unreal. Here we are. And protein is bad, fat is bad, cholesterol is bad, moderation is good. Fruits and vegetables are higher on the food chain. Then eggs, meat and cheese. That's not right nutritionally. It's not right, but they bought it. It's in their craw. And so their limited knowledge is killing us. I was reading an article, I'll bring you to diabetes as an example. I read an article yesterday, probably Sunday, I think I read an article. It was an article from 1917, a medical journal. Here I have it here. I made a few. Wow. There wasn't really notes to be made, but I just wrote it down. Hold on a minute. In 1917, diabetes was treated in 1917 by listen to this meat, organ meat and fish. They were telling diabetics in 1917, according to this article, to eat meat, organ meat, like liver and heart, and I don't know, tongue, somebody said they like tongue and fish. Of course, right? In 1917, a hundred years later, how does modern medicine treat diabetes? Okay, food wise. Carbs. Carbs and more carbs. That's how they treated.

1917, they had it right? Well, there was no insulin, there was no drug treatment for diabetes in 1917. So physicians were like my father, who in 1968 was diagnosed with diabetes and said to me, son, it's sugar, diabetes. Yeah, dad, what's that mean? Don't eat sugar. And all of that was lost because again, I'm bringing you back to why. Why did that get lost? Why in 1917, big pharma, look, they did a wonderful thing. They discovered insulin, it's wonderful. I'm happy because you got type one diabetes. Insulin was safe. You're like, your pancreas isn't working. It's not that they don't do wonderful things, but just think of it. In 1917, eat meat.

Okay? That was the treatment. Eat meat, organ meat, meat, meat, fish. Beautiful. That was the right thing to do. We're advanced a hundred years and more, and because of big pharma and big food, it's carbs. Carbs and more carbs and moderation. That's why we're confused. That's why we're confused. I'm not confused. I got trained properly. I told someone the other day, I had to get untrained in nutrition. I learned what everybody else learns in school in order to get my nutritional degree, I had to toe the line. I knew it was wrong. I had to undo it. It's not that fruits and vegetables will kill you, okay? Please.

Okay, but we live in a, where in 10 years, the average American in 10 years, the average American average Canadian consumes a ton of sugar, a ton. A ton is 2000 pounds, isn't it? The average American and average Canadian in 10 years, and starting as children will consume a ton of sugar. It's not moderation, guys. It's in everything. Big food, big food, really don't care about your health. And modern medicine doesn't know anything about food. They're stuck in the seventies, okay? You ever see a guy with long sideburns and only sideburns? Okay, I had long sideburns. I did. I could show you pictures of me long sideburns. You know when 1970s, we all wanted to be Elvis.

So if you see, you go to the mall and you see someone with long sideburns, you go, he's stuck in the seventies. Well, guys, that's medicine. They're stuck in the seventies. They're still blaming cholesterol for heart disease. They still want you to eat carbohydrates when you're a diabetic. And the teaching I give you guys on a daily basis is if you are a diabetic, not only are you on the Titanic, but you have an allergy to carbs. You and carbs don't get along. You might like them, but they don't like you. Carbs do not like a diabetic.

Now, diabetics became a diabetic because they were carbos, no exceptions to that. I'm not talking about type one. I'm talking about type two, adult onset sugar, diabetes. They call it adult onset because it really only happens to adults, untrue. And we have a med for that. That's our modern system. It had nothing to do with prevention. If it was prevention, public service announcements would be out. Every day you see the middle aisles of your grocery store, you see all those cereals there and all that crappy dinner and that kind of stuff. Stay away from that stuff. That's what the public, if they really wanted to save the healthcare system, that's costing us a fortune and is not delivering. Okay? Now I got to show you something else. Point number four, because this is important too. Okay? Why are we in the situation? Big pharma, big food, modern medicine, that does not take any nutrition, hardly into account at all. See, the fourth one, media. Media. The media are bought and paid for. Remember now the media are in business guys, okay? 80% of their budget, 80 comes from big pharma and big food.

Do you think they're going to tow the line? Big pharma and big food, they spend big time bucks on media. And what happens? Well, the media, they're not going to bite the hand that feeds them, right? They're not biting the hand that feeds them. And there's so few today, investigative journalists. So I thank God for Facebook. I thank God that we have an alternative media here on social media that I can pontificate at least give you the other side, $11,000 per person in the United States a year. Guys, you have no idea how much, just the second someone is diagnosed in North America with diabetes, how much that costs?

Crazy. Because if you're a diabetic, it's expensive. Not just the medication, the treatment from the eyes to the legs, the circulation to kidney disease, to dialysis, to heart disease, to cancer. If you're a diabetic, you're 50% more likely to have a heart attack. That's common knowledge. And this is why even you see, big pharma gets involved because if someone becomes a diabetic, it's a cash cow, then they do this. Well, they train physicians. They're not stupid. Well, if you are 50% more likely to have a heart attack, we better put diabetics on a statin drug. Guys, I get a migraine when I hear that.

You know how many millions and millions of people are taking statin drugs? I said, why are you taking that? Well, I might have a heart attack. Yeah, you might. You're giving me one. But let me tell you, for the last 70, 80 years, the thing that interests listen to, I'm just going to make a statement because I've been around a long time, so I want to make a statement. Okay? You know what? The number one topic that people like to listen to is health. Almost more than anything else. Health is at the top. Okay? Okay. Now, listen, I'm going to make a second part to the statement. And yet people are very interested in health.

But even today, if their doctor says it must be true, and that's why things don't change. It's hard to change a leper spots because you go to your doctor and your doctor says, well, if you don't take this medication, you're going to have a heart attack. And you're a lay person. You don't have a medical degree. I don't want to have a heart attack, doc. I know you don't, but you better take this because that's how they're trained, and it just keeps going. Now, people today are much better in a way because they question not easy to question a physician because medicine's a big, we are not all medical doctors. It's not easy to question. But guys, I appreciate my audience because you guys question me all the time, and you guys are smart. Whenever I do my little tests, you guys always pass with flying colors. Okay? So why are we spending so much money? Why are we getting very little bang for the buck? Why? Why, why, why? Why big pharma, big food, modern medicine media, hard to fight that guys. You know, the old expression, hard to fight city hall. Hard to get anything changed. Yeah, well, you just change yourself. Okay? I was talking to a pharmacist the other day, smart, a pharmacist. Smart, smart, smart. And she understands the importance of food. It was refreshing to hear it.

It can be done. Okay, guys, now I'm serious about those questions because some people ask your questions, guys. Okay? And look, I try and not miss anything, but I guess I miss a few. I don't mean to, guys, I appreciate the questions. I ain't scared of you asking me questions. I like how are you going to find anything out if you don't ask? Right? That's why we dedicate pretty well two programs a week to question and answers. Okay? We're getting to that. We get so many guts. All right? That's all right. And a lot of stuff that I do comes from your questions, okay? Okay, guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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