1228. Q&A with Dr. Martin

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Castor oil
  • Cream vs milk
  • Repairing myelin sheaths
  • Firmicutes or bacteroides in red meat
  • Dissolving of blood clots
  • Mast cell syndrome
  • Abnormal ventricular function
  • Methylated folate
  • Candida parasite cleanse
  • Oxalates
  • Pilonidal abscess
  • Pericarditis



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and welcome to another live this morning and one of our favorite days. Question and answer Friday, and I hope you're all ready. Okay, let me get to the questions this morning. Okay, and Brianna's asking a question, I think she probably asked it within our group. Okay, the Martin Clinic private Facebook group. "Does anyone know anything about the health benefits of castor oil? Is it just a fad or actually medicinally beneficial? I have heard it can subsidize pain related to ovarian cyst." And then Brianna. Okay, so Brianna and somebody else asked a question on castor oil. Let me just look real quick. I should have wrote that name down. Oh, it's Brianna twice. Okay, it's the same one. Okay, and Brianna's asking in another way. "I've been having a lot of pain for ovarian cyst and my husband was looking into castor oil benefits once." Okay, it's the same Brianna, I'm assuming.

Brianna, look, castor oil has been around for a long time and anybody that's in alternative medicine, I don't know if you want to call that natural medicine, which I was in for almost 50 years. Man, that makes me old. If you haven't heard of castor oil, you come from another planet. Now the benefits of castor oil, my grandfather used to use it and with a heat rub some on the belly for different things and ovarian pain and all. Look, I think I talked about this maybe last week or the week before. I got no problem with castor oil. Okay? I got no problem at all. When it tells you it cures everything from coughs, colds to ovarian cysts, now I got a problem with it because my experience is not that. Am I against it? Not at all. If you find Brianna and try it, if you find it gives you relief from your ovarian cyst, good for you.

But when I was in practice, it wasn't castor oil because what I do with ovarian cyst, why do you get ovarian cyst? You see, I get to the root issue because ovarian cyst only grow in the presence of estrogen dominance. Estrogen too high, okay, progesterone too low. And in that presence, ovarian cyst would grow. Add to that, add another growth hormone. Insulin. Insulin makes things grow. Okay? So for ovarian cyst, and I was big on uterine cyst, any kind of growth in the woman's anatomy would be caused by estrogen dominance. They had too much estrogen compared to progesterone. So I was a root guy. Now that doesn't mean castor oil. If you find that effective, go for it. But for me, I was blocking extra estrogen, okay? And that's what I did. I would dimm it out and I would get that patient too, to cut down on the carbohydrates. Why? To lower insulin. Two things, lower estrogen and lower insulin.

And that's why one of the reasons, guys, I love flax seeds. Flax seeds would be better for your ovarian cyst than castor oil because flax seeds have a hundred times more lignans than any other seed or nut or anything. And that's what helps to block your estrogen, extra estrogen. You don't have to worry about estrogen. You got a lot of estrogen. Every, men get a lot of estrogen. They got more estrogen than their wives when they hit 50 most men. So I'm a blocker of it. That's where I come from, Brianna. But anything that would give you relief, if castor oil gives you relief from that, you're not getting at the root issue, but if it gives you relief, go for it. I'm all for it, okay? And like I said, I've been around a long time castor oil, my grandfather used it, okay? My grandfather used to use it. The Martin Clinic's over a hundred years old and you guys think I'm over a hundred years old, but I'm really not. Okay, I'm getting there. Okay, thank you Brianna for the question. I saw it twice anyway.

Linda, do you know that we love Linda's and Larry's? Okay, that's what I call when I'm trying to get your attention, right? Linda's, Linda asks "regarding the podcast, cream versus milk." You remember that? Cream versus milk. I brought out a milk container if my memory serves me properly and a cream container, and I read you the difference in sugars, okay, so that's what Linda is referring to. I've listened to the podcast two times, times. Well, you're a smart girl, Linda, you're listening where Dr. Martin said there are 13 grams of sugar in a 1% milk carton as opposed to no grams of sugar and 35% cream he never mentions and if I didn't, I'm sorry, where the 13 grams of sugar comes from, why do I call? It's not added by the dairy industry, okay? It's not added by that. It's subtraction when you subtract.

Okay, Linda, if I didn't say it, I sure should have, so I'm glad you brought it up. How do you get 13 grams of sugar in a serving of 1% milk compared to 35% cream? How do you get sugar in there? Well, it's by subtraction. When you take the fat out of something in dairy, you increase the sugar content. It's by subtraction, not by addition. Okay, and I didn't mention that. I sure meant to. Okay, you don't have to add sugar. Why do I call 1% milk skim milk? Milk, milk, milk at the grocery store? Why am I so against it? It's what they take out. If you got a cow in the backyard, Linda, drink milk because you're really drinking cream. Very, very, very low sugar, okay? If you look at for example, yogurt, Greek plain yogurt, there's still some grams of sugar in there, okay? It's not that they're adding it, it's found in dairy, but the amount goes way up by subtraction, not by addition. Okay? Did I answer your question? Linda? Thank you for that question. I'm glad you brought it up and I glad you listened to that podcast twice.

You guys know me. I'm a big reader of the Bible, okay? I read my Bible every day. There's a part in the book of Acts in the New Testament that talks about Bereans versus those at Thessalonica. Okay? Big story to tell you this. The writer of Acts said, well, the people in Berea were much more diligent than those in Thessalonica. You know why? Because they searched the scriptures, the Old Testament to see if what the apostle Paul was saying was true or not. Guys, I want you to think I'm not asking you to trust me only I'm giving you the other side of it, almost invariably, right? I'm giving you something. I'm going to talk about a few things today. I'm going to give you my view on it, but what do I tell you? Almost every day, almost every other guru don't agree with me. I'm giving you the other side of it.

The food industry certainly doesn't agree with me on 99.9% of everything that I say the food industry would tell you, oh, it's the opposite. We'll talk about that today. I've got some questions on that. Okay? And guys, all I've been saying for a lot of years on my radio show for 20 and now my podcast years, what have I been saying? They're lying. Liars, liars, pants on fires. It's not science they're talking about, it's indoctrination and they're good at it and the media is in on it and medicine is in on it in the sense they don't take any nutrition in medical school. So you know how I used to say this. You might as well go to your plumber, go ask your plumber, you got a plumber and your doctor, okay, look, I hate to be negative, but I'm just sort of being facetious but true in a way.

If a plumber listen to me for a couple of months and then you had a debate between a plumber and most doctors, not all, most about nutrition, the plumber would know more. Why? Because they don't teach nutrition. Imagine that they don't teach nutrition in medical school. If they get a half an hour, I would give them a high five. They don't know anything about nutrition. So what happens? You have a narrative. It's been going on for years. Cholesterol, bad. Fat makes you fat. It's all about calories. It's all about moderation. Milk is good for you. You need milk. No you don't. You need mama's milk and then give that kid water and I don't need to drink anything except Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie with cream. Okay? But that's where I come from, Linda, thanks.

Stacey. How are you Stacey? I got a daughter named Stacey. "Does anyone know what helps to repair myelin sheaths?" Yep, I know, B12. There's nothing that will repair your myelin sheaths like B12, okay? And that's why B12. That's why Dr. Martin almost on a daily basis will talk to you about B12 or vitamin D or both. I am so big on B12. It's because in all my years of practice, what did I see almost? Well, I did see it every day. That was people walking around, they had no idea with low levels of B12, and your brain needs B12 and your nerves need B12. Myelin sheaths of the covering of your nerves. They need B12 to work properly. When you're deficient in B12, you're not going to drop dead overnight. It doesn't work like that, but you're not going to be well.

Again, where do you get B12 in food? You know it, but the world, they don't like it because it goes against their narrative. Red meat bad. I got other questions about red meat. Who asked another question? Let me get to it right away. Red. Now Red is that your name or is red because you're asking me a question about red meat, but I got red. Red. How are you if that's your real name. Well, I used to know guys that were called Red. What does red meat feed? I'm glad you asked. Firmicutes or bacteroides? Okay, I usually tell people, don't get into the weeds too. Don't get in too deep. You're making life confusing, but no, you're a reader. Good for you. Again, challenge me. Challenge me. I'm going to say something Red. I want you to think about it and you do your reading, okay? But just understand this.

There is a war today. Here it is. There is a war today on red meat. There's a war, they want you to eat crickets. There's a war on red meat. That's a fact. It's propaganda. It's not science. They couch it in the name of science. It is so far from science, it drives me crazy and I've shown you in the past and I will show you, God willing, if this show continues on a daily basis, what's better for you? Red meat or any other food in the world? Any other food. Red meat is the best. It is the most nutrient dense food in the world. All the vitamins. And somebody asked me the other day about vitamin C, do you know that even when you have steak, you get some vitamin C, you don't need a lot of vitamin C by the way. You need coffee. Oh, there's questions about coffee this morning.

So here's what I'm saying, Red. Okay, you're talking about good guys and bad guys, okay, firmicutes. I don't even know if that's how you say it. And bacteroides. Firmicutes are the good guys. bacteroides are the bad guys. Good and bad. Which one are you feeding with red meat? Red feeding the good guys. Okay, and then you ask, okay, Red goes on to say, is meat okay for colorectal cancer? Do you know what? Here's my statement, Red. I'm not going to ever back off of it. Never. You show me every study. I'm not backing off of what I'm going to say right now. I won't back off of it. Cancer hates steak. It hates it because it doesn't feed it. Steak feeds your good guys Red. Okay? And I know all the gurus out there and all their fiber, fiber, fiber, fiber, only fiber feeds good guys. That is a bunch of bunk. It's a bunch of bunk and it's brought to you by Kellogg's and the food companies, they love it.

The middle aisles of your grocery store. People, they love that. It's where all the money is in groceries. They just have had that same narrative that red meat causes cancer. You know how many years that's been around over 40 and consistently on my radio show and podcast, I tell you that ain't true. That ain't true. I don't care if the majority of people say it. It can't be true because how can something so good for you? And the only thing that really contains B12, an essential vitamin, all the other B vitamins by the way too. How can that be bad for you? It feeds your good guys Red. Your good guys. Cancer hates steak and loves bread and sugar and all the things that they tell you are good for you. No they're not. No, they're not. Okay, thank you. And I get a little excited.

Olive, I have a majority of these symptoms of dystonia but not had diagnosis. I have two cervical fusions, any supplements take with neurological problems. I just mentioned them, vitamin D, B12, B12, and vitamin D, neurological and just about everything else too. Olive, thank you.

Eva, "do you have a supplement that would dissolve clots?" Well, look, if you got a clot, don't wait for a supplement to dissolve it. You want to thin your blood and make sure you don't get a stroke because if that clot, for example is in your leg and it goes up into your lungs, you're in deep doo doo. Okay? So look what keeps your blood thin is the way I look at it. What's the number one thing that thins out your blood? I'm waiting. It's a question. What is the number one thing that thins out your blood? Water, Tina, that's my audience. Annette. You guys are so stinking smart. Patricia and Rosa. Michael, you got it. Water and Gertie. I like that too because Gertie's thinking K2. Look, there's actually proteolytic enzymes, okay, proteolytic enzymes that help dissolve clots. Okay?

But look, there's something that medicine does well, okay? So if you got a clot and they put a clot buster in there, I mean that's where medicine can save your life. I'm all for that. But at the end of the day, I am wanting to prevent clots and the first thing you want to do is make. You got 60,000 miles of blood vessels. It's the river of life. Blood is the river of life, the life of the flesh is in the blood. Thin it out. I saw live blood for years and I showed people for years. Look, you got blood as thick as molasses. Thin it out, drink more water. Dr. Martin, I drink a lot of things. I drink a lot of, my doctor just said drink fluids. Your doctor. I don't want to be so negative all the time, okay? I want to be positive, okay?

And she has deep vein thrombosis. So Eva, yeah, you're right. You got to be very, very careful with that and to protect going down the road. You see, I'm not so much, okay, water proteolytic enzymes can be effective. We have them in our digestive enzymes. Now let me say something else. When it comes to blood clots to prevent water, right? Don't get dehydrated. One exercise, move blood vessels and nitric oxide. Why I love Navitol because it elevates your nitric oxide. So does vitamin D, nitric oxide. What does what? Opens blood vessels. The best supplement in the world for nitric oxide bar none is pine bark extract. Navitol the best by far. And I proved it too.

And then look at the question Marcia's asking, "can too much DHA cause blood clots?" Just the opposite, Marcia. DHA, never, ever, ever once cause the blood clot and the reason is Marcia, think of DHA. What is it? Lubrication. You're getting a lubrication with DHA. It makes your blood vessels slippery, not sticky. Sugar makes your blood vessels sticky and you want your blood vessels to be slippery. And DHA Marcia makes your blood vessels slippery so you don't clot. It's the opposite. It's the opposite. I am so glad you asked me that question, Marcia, because I got excited.

Okay, Tanya, "what supplements could help a person with mast cell syndrome?" Mast cells are allergy cells. I used to see this in my office all the time. I turn around and say you got allergies? Oh yeah, okay. I said, I know because you got a lot of mast cells up. They release histamine and histamine makes you sneeze or cough, watery eyes, whatever, right? You got allergies, you got hives or whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah. They're mast cell. And so what supplements could help a person with mass cell? Well first of all, Tanya, most of that happens first in the gut. So that's why I am so big on probiotics. And the other thing is okay with leaky gut and mast cell syndrome, a lot of times it goes along with this is you got a lot of yeast in your body. Fungus, candida, don't feed the bears.

You know why a lot of people, their allergies get a lot better when they don't have any sugar at all. They're not feeding bears, they're not feeding the yeast. And when you got that, a lot of people, Tanya, they're allergic to themselves. Their worst enemy is themselves. They got leaky gut autoimmune that's mast cells when they go crazy. That's what autoimmune is. Okay? I use the illustration, I got them right here. Autoimmune, when they check the gut, instead of seeing the shag carpet with the villi here. They see that the small intestine villi have been carpet bombed and now it looks like that. The villi have been carpet bombed. How did they get carpet bombed? Antibiotics the very thing that will save your life will carpet bomb your gut. Okay, I'm getting too excited.

William, "what does Dr. Martin think of [inaudible]?" I don't know how they pronounce it. Okay, but here's what I think, William, for sleep and anxiety, your body makes it, if you're looking to supplement that you know where you get inositol, if that's how you say it. When you eat steak, you got all the B vitamins in steak, all of them. Okay? And B12. Now I'm big on supplementing not with B complex so much. I'm not, I rarely ever gave anybody in my clinic anything but B12 and then sent them home and told 'em to eat a lot more steak. Okay, red meat now inositol or anyway, who cares what it's called. Your body makes that, but in the presence of B vitamins, that's why I would tell you to eat more steak.

To take that as a supplement. Nah, like DHEA worth taking? Nah, I never found it to be that effective. 5 HTP, nah. Again, if it works for you, good for you, but I'm just giving you clinical experience. Nah, not so much. If you want a good product, in my opinion is our cortisol formula. They're nothing better on the market, nothing. I made it, but I just had all that experience and then some things worked, some things didn't work so well for sleep and anxiety and that's why I told this program. I don't know how thousands of times, I'm not big on melatonin. I love melatonin. Your body makes it the sun and dark at night. Wear your mask over your eyes. But I'm not big on taking melatonin as a supplement. I'm just not.

When the craze came in about 20, 25 years ago, I mean it was melatonin, melatonin, melatonin, melatonin, melatonin. It was everywhere. And I had a radio show and people I would phone in every week. Dr. Martin, what about melatonin? I heard it a million times and I had the same answer then as I have today. Go out in the sun, don't wear sunglasses, you're going to make melatonin from the sun and you don't even have to sunbathe let your eyes sunbathe. And even in Northern Ontario in the winter, as long as it's a sunny day, you're making melatonin. You're not making vitamin D, but you're making melatonin. Okay? I know I'm crazy, but too bad. It's the way I am.

Okay, Doris. Doris has got ventricular function appears abnormal. Okay, what can I do to help? Well, if your ejection fraction is not up to snuff, the best thing for your heart, in my opinion, I would do maybe three things, but the best one is coQ10 ubiquinol, anything heart related is ubiquinol coQ10. How do you get that in food? How do you get ubiquinol in food? Steak. Yeah. Another reason why you want to eat it. Now if you got your heart ain't working the way it should. I'm big on ubiquinol, okay? I'm big on it. CoQ10. I love Navitol too, by the way. Oh, okay. Thank you Doris.

Marty, what does Dr. Martin think of methylated folate? Well again, I'm just going to bring this to you, okay? I like methyl. Okay? Methylating is a process. It's more bioavailable. I am showing you Marty, our B12. See that? Okay, and if you read the back of it, it says 4,000 micrograms of methylcobalamin. Okay? Methyl. Methyl at the front of B12 or folate is the best because it's the most bioavailable of that form. This is the most absorbable. B12 is methyl. Read your labels guys. Make sure that your B12 is methylcobalamin, okay? It's the one your body absorbs. Okay? Thank you very much for that. That was Marty.

Okay, Marianne, "what could some of the symptoms experience with candida parasite cleanse"? Well, you get a die off if you're full of yeast. The yeast is like the Last of the Mohicans. It don't like to die. It's going to put up a fight. Don't feed the bears. And if you don't feed the bears and you cleanse them and they come out of your body, it's called the die off. Does it happen? You bet your boots it happens about 90% of the people when they start killing off yeast, they get a die off. It's an actual happening where people, they don't feel so good, they're nauseous. Maybe some digestive issues. It's the yeast saying you stinker. How did you find out how to kill me? And they die off. It's actually a medical term, die off. Now, most doctors don't think you could ever get yeast and you're not full of yeast. Dr. Martin made that up. Anyway, doesn't matter. I'm not out to win them as converts. Okay, Marianne, thanks for the question.

Joy, oxalates. Okay, Joy, who else? Wendy, wait a minute. David, Marcia and Joy all had questions on oxalates, so let's do it. I did the big dive this week. I did a real good dive on oxalates this week. Guys, what did I say? The animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and manmade kingdom. The oxalates are found in the plant kingdom. Okay? And I'm not saying you can't have plants. I'm not saying that. I'm saying don't live on the plant kingdom. You were never meant to live there, but you can eat them. But just understand, one of the side effects of oxalates are kidney stones, gallstones, interstitial cystitis, bladder stones.

Because women generally, I'm going to make a general statement and there's a lot of exceptions, but I'm going to make a general statement. Women bought the lie, in the 1980s and the 1990s and in the 2000s that salad was better than meat. And women who loved their salad and green smoothies we're making lots of oxalates. Okay? Crystal, glass. So all I say is don't live on them. You can have some. You want to have your salad, have a salad. Don't make it the main thing in your life. I know women, they love that. I hear it every day. Dr. Martin, all I say to you, you're not a rabbit, okay? You're not. You are a woman, okay? And I know there's men that like their salads. Okay, I know that. I'm making a point. Okay, let me get to the other one. They all ask the same.

Oh, Marcia, "do popcorn, tomato juice, pure cranberry juice. Ingredients only cranberries contain oxalates. Could that precipitate kidney and urinary problem?" Popcorn. I like popcorn. Look, don't live on it. And tomatoes, no tomatoes, acidic tomatoes, oxalates, come on, but don't live on them. Tomatoes. Okay? Tomatoes or potatoes. They both have oxalates, but that doesn't make them bad. It's the amount and the worst oxalate ever is almond milk. 2000 times more than you need in a day. One glass of almond milk. What do you got that for? Never drink it. Okay. Ever.

Now, who asked about coffee? Wait a minute, let me get to it because. Oh yes, it was Dana. Dana, thanks for the question. Dr. Martin was talking about oxalates today and how bad they are for us. I love you, Dana. "What should we do about oxalates in coffee?" Well, I got a PhD in nutrition. Here's what I'm going to tell you about oxalates in coffee. That is fake news. There's so little oxalate in coffee. You want to fix kidney stones? Drink coffee, black coffee. Oh, you should see the new study that came out about coffee and fatty liver. I don't have time today to get into it, but I promise you, you know me in coffee and I'm sorry, Dana, I just don't agree with that. I know you read it. I've seen it. I've seen it 40 something years ago. And you know what I used to say? I used to say BS. Okay, coffee don't have oxalates. I'm glad you asked that question, Dana.

But somebody else is asking about coffee. Here it is. I got C E R E, Ceresa. I don't know if the girls spelled this right or whatever and if they didn't Ceresa, maybe it's Theresa, I don't know, but if it's Ceresa, let me answer your question. "You're always talking about how good coffee is for you." I am since when? Oh, a minute ago. "But my family has a history of anxiety in AFib. What's that got to do with coffee?" Coffee's good for you. Coffee's good for your heart. Coffee's good for AFib. Why would you cut it out? Okay, I don't buy it. I don't buy it. It's not true. Coffee got a bad wrap, but it started 60 years ago, 50 years ago I had to defend coffee in the 1970s when I graduated. Coffee companies owe me money. I was their biggest fan and I said it for years. It's not acidic. It doesn't make you acidic. I hate when they said that. I said, you drink coffee and your body has sodium bicarbonate. It makes it alkaline. And was I right? 150 and counting studies have shown that coffee is the real vitamin C. I'm going to bring you another one early next week on coffee. Okay? Promise.

Okay, and Lorraine's asking about water. Water is water. She says she boils water every day at room temperature. Is that the way you like it, Lorraine? Yeah. Water is water. Only water is water, but you're drinking water. Go for it. You want to boil your water, boil it. I don't care. I knew people that used to drink hot water. They boiled the water and drink it like a coffee and tea. Hot, hot, hot. I don't care. I like cold water in the morning because that gets your metabolism going. But hey, water's, water and how much a day Lorraine? Two liters. 64 ounces for my American fence. That's the sweet spot and that's the minimum amount people need. Okay?

Cheryl, pilonidal. That is when you get an infection, an abscess right at the crack at a bum and an ingrown hair there gets infected in an abscess. I've seen it. I've seen it in my days of practice and it ain't no fun under the sun. The best thing for that is a probiotic. I used to get them to open up a probiotic with oil of oregano. I'd make a little sap for them with probiotic capsule open with the powder oil of oregano, a little bit of coconut oil, but it's an abscess and it ain't no fun. Okay, thanks for the question.

Francis. Okay, she's asking about magnesium glycinate, but magnesium, byglycinate, bisyglycinate, byglycinate, whatever you want to call it. It's the same. I like magnesium citrate and bisglycinate. And the reason we got bisglycinate, I like it is because of some people with the citrate, they found it bothered, their stomach loosened their stool and we got bisglycinate, but they're very, very good for you.

Storm is saying, "I've been diagnosed with fatty liver. What can I help to make the liver heal itself with CBD oil with fatty liver?" I've never heard that CBD oil helps fatty liver. Now maybe it does. You're bringing something new to me. I know CBD oil, but I didn't know that it does anything with fatty liver. But on Monday, okay, now Storm, I'm going to answer with big detail. On Monday on fatty liver, new study just came out. I'm going to wait till Monday Storm to answer your question. I don't know about the CBD, but I'll do know what the new study says on how to empty your liver from fatty liver.

Somebody, Wendy's asking about cirrhosis of the liver. Now that's a different puppy. That's advanced liver damage. Can you reverse it? Yes, possibly. You need the grace of God and you got to be so strict. But cirrhosis, now your liver can regenerate. There's no organ like your liver in the body. Okay? There's just none. So if any organ can regenerate, it's your liver, but you better never have another stinking carb in your life. Anyway, we're going to get into that more on Monday. Thanks for the question.

Francis is asking about pericarditis. That's inflammation of the little sack around your heart. How do you get it? Usually through a virus can attack that. Now there's been research about bacteria in the gums descending into the pericarditis into the sac of the heart. At the end of the day, you want to have a very strong immune system. If anybody gets pericarditis, inflammation of that sack, well you want to do everything. Anti-inflammatory diet, no sugars, no carbs. I would do the reset and I would be very big on high DHA, coQ10, heart, coQ10. Ubiquinol is coQ10. And it better not be ubiquinone. Ubiquinol you need, okay? And I would be on probiotics. I would be on oil of oregano, inflammation, infection.

Okay, there, I think I did it. I think I did it. David asked about the crystals in the bladder and I already answered that question. Thank you very much guys. I'm breathing okay. If I had a watch that told me to breathe, it would've been talking to me since the start of the program. So that's why I don't wear one of those watches. I don't want to know. I don't want anybody to tell me to breathe. Okay guys, we love you guys. You have no idea. You guys are so smart. It blows me away how smart my audience is. It blows me away. Love you. See you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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