The Food & Drug Administration in the United States has just approved the claim that fish oil can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. It’s very rare that the FDA gives a positive statement about natural products, and Dr. Martin says he never expected to hear this in his lifetime!
Join Dr. Martin as he explains why the omega-3 fatty acids that come from animals are superior to those from plants. Also, he explains why the DHA form of fish oil is the best you can get.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live here this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Have you had your vitamin C? Oh coffee. Today, guys, I want to do a little bit of teaching, okay? And I'm going to tell you why I'm going to do it, okay? I'm going to tell you why I'm going to do it because this statement came out. Listen to this, okay? This is an approved statement put out by the FDA on fish oil, okay? Fish oil, and it's an approved statement by the FDA. Fish oil, EPA and DHA. I'll teach you that in a minute. Reduce the risk of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, and this is an approved statement by the FDA.
The FDA when it comes to natural, they never approve anything, okay? They don't. When you sell supplements in Canada or the United States, and Canada's a little different because Canada has what they call NHP numbers, and that means those things have been approved, but if you ever see commercials for supplements in the United States, they'll go, this statement has not been approved by the FDA. Okay? They just put that out as a disclaimer, but listen to this, again, this is a statement on fish oil, okay? EPA fish oil and DHA fish oil, okay? Again, I'll get into this in a minute. Reduce the risk of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, an approved statement by the FDA.
Now, today's teaching is going to show you the difference between fat. Okay? There's good fat and there's bad fat. Now, I want to show you, this is one pound of fat. See it? Everybody see that? One pound of fat, okay? This here, okay, is bad fat. Fat found around your organs. We call it visceral fat, okay? Bad fat. Now, I got out one of our capsules, high DHA, and I'm showing it to you. See it, okay? Looks like fat inside there, right? Okay, so there's one pound of fat. I'm putting the fish capsule beside it. See, that? Looks like visceral fat, but this is good fat and even the FDA lets us say it, okay? Incredible because they don't let you say anything, okay? But a statement approved by the FDA, this is good fat. Why? Because it contains good fat inside of it, good oil, okay? So bad fat, inside the body, visceral fat, good fat inside this capsule. Now, let me explain the difference, okay? Let me explain it to you and we'll try and keep it as simple as possible.
Now, when I say bad fat, I mean fat around your organs, okay? One of the signs of metabolic syndrome is visceral fat or belly fat. You can be skinny as a rake and not be healthy because you can have fat on the inside around your organs, your heart, your liver, your pancreas, your kidneys. That's called visceral fat, and metabolic syndrome, guys you know this, is caused by insulin resistance. And insulin resistance a lot of times creates this bad fat inside the body, okay? Now, why is this, okay? I'm showing you one pound of fat. For those listening on a podcast, one pound of fat, why is this visceral fat, so dangerous? Okay, couple of reasons. Let's go over them.
One out of five teens in the United States are obese, okay? So they got lots of this. One out of five teens in the United States are obese, obesity is rampant, but again, I'm not even necessarily talking about obesity because most people, 93% of the population, 93% have some form of metabolic syndrome, and one of the characteristics of metabolic syndrome is they have bad fat around their organs. It's called visceral fat. Now, why is this fat dangerous? Okay? I've often taught this, but I'm using a visual this morning, so I want you to understand this, okay? There's two main things when you see visceral fat or if someone has what we call metabolic syndrome, 93% of the population do. This is, guys, this is so important to understand this.
When you look at this one pound of fat, okay? What is so special? What is so dangerous about this fat? Two things. One, this releases growth hormones. Growth hormones. Obviously, one of them is insulin. Obesity or fat, visceral fat doesn't have to be obese. You could be skinny and have this on the inside. It releases insulin. It makes you more insulin resistant. This here, if you have this inside of your body, your cells are saying, insulin, I can't stand you. The problem is this makes insulin secrete even more, and we all know that insulin is a growth hormone, and that is why whenever you see visceral fat, there's always the risk of cancer increasing. I'll give you a list of them.
How does visceral fat increase cancer? One of them is insulin and the other one is estrogen. When, ladies, think about it for a minute, women, you have more fat on your body. Well, you should have compared to a man, right? Breast tissue, your hips, okay? That's just normal. It's normal, and this attracts estrogen, okay? Fat attracts estrogen. Well, that's alright. You're a woman. The problem is estrogen makes things grow. Insulin makes things grow. Estrogen makes things grow, and let me give you the list of estrogen and insulin cancers. Colorectal, breast, obviously, ovarian, uterine, endometrial, kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach. Cancers today are on steroids, meaning that we're not winning the war on cancer. We're losing the war on cancer, and one of the big factors is bad fat, visceral fat, fat around the organs, okay? Hormones, they're attracted to this insulin estrogen, okay?
Now, the other thing that this does, okay, again, showing you the one pound of fat, what does it do? It creates inflammation in the body. When your body has this inside of it, your body sort of sees this as an invader, a foreign invader. Your body sees it like, what's that doing inside of me, and one of its things that it does is it releases inflammation. It's like a protective mechanism, and you release, not to get too technical, but interleukin one, interleukin six, and growth factors, okay? Tumor necrosis growth factor. They're increased just by the presence of this bad fat. Okay, so that's bad fat. What does it do? Hormones, horror-mones. Two, inflammation and inflammation is not Houdini. It just doesn't show up. There's a reason for it. This is one of the main reasons, bad fat, okay, so that's number one.
Now I'm bringing to you a good fat, okay? Approved by the FDA statement, is this fat, okay? Now, remember omega 3 fatty acids. Don't be confused by this because it's really important you get it, okay? What I'm talking about and what the FDA is talking about is DHA fat and EPA fat. That my friend is only found in the animal kingdom. EPA and DHA are not in the plants. Now, there's omega in plants, okay? You can get omega in plants, you can get hemp seed and whatever seeds, and they have omega 3, but they don't have EPA nor DHA because they're only found in the animal kingdom. Why do you think I am such a proponent of animal foods? Why? Because it's good fat, and this will not make you fat. When you consume EPA, DHA, especially DHA, because EPA is very good, but DHA is the superstar of omega fatty acids. It's the superstar, and even the FDA agrees with that statement. It's the superstar.
Now, why is this a good fat compared to what looks like similar fat, bad fat, visceral fat inside your body? Why is this so good for you? Because what fish oil does or if you eat a steak, if you eat a steak. Remember there's as much DHA or even more in steak, than there is in fish, but that's all right, I like the capsule. Okay? I have fish every day. Every day I consume fish in a capsule. Okay? I prefer steak, but I take this every day. Now, for the FDA to say this, I almost fell over, that we can say it's approved by the FDA. It's just unbelievable when you think that they only approve drugs, but they allow this statement on fish oil, why? What is here that's not in here? What's in this capsule that's different in a fat compared to visceral fat? Okay? There's three or four things that really are important to understand.
When you consume fish oil or DHA, EPA, you are lowering triglycerides, proven fact. What have I told you? What is a dangerous fat inside your blood vessels that look like this? Triglycerides. When you eat sugar and crappy carbohydrates, you get this floating through, not only around your organs, but you get fat balls called triglycerides. They float through your blood vessels and damage your blood vessels. Triglycerides, it's normal. Everybody has triglycerides, but you don't want them to be high, and this my friend, fish oil, DHA, EPA will decrease your triglycerides. Isn't that incredible? How can a fat, lower fat balls? It's beautiful. Okay, so that's one. It'll lower your triglycerides.
This will increase. Okay? Your cholesterol. Oh, Dr. Martin cholesterol goes up. How can you have my cholesterol go up? Yes. EPA and DHA will increase your HDL. You are increasing your Amazon trucks, your FedEx trucks, your transport trucks inside your blood vessels than the higher your HDL is. High density lipoprotein. The higher that is, the more they hitch their wagons to this in your bloodstream. Fat balls. You got it? The more trucks you have on the highways, the more they take those triglycerides and take them out of the bloodstream and bring them back inside the liver so that they can be processed and they're showing that DHA and EPA, the higher the DHA especially will lower your fat balls, triglycerides, and increase your HDL cholesterol. Woo-hoo. Who knew? Who knew? That's very important on how this is a good fat for you. Fish oil in a capsule or eating steak. Sun steak and steel. You think I was kidding? I wasn't kidding. I meant it. This is how you help your body.
Even the FDA agrees will lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. The more your good fats are up and your bad fats are down, triglycerides, the better it is for your heart. Okay? This here, okay, works a second way. We know what it does to lower triglycerides and increase HDL. Got it? The second thing, this on its own will lower, so I'm pointing to fish oil, will lower insulin resistance by 13% just even without the change in your diet. Now, listen, Linda and Larry, listen, you know me. Nothing out does a bad diet, so you know me. I always start with your diet. Please start with food. When it comes to health, start with food, but I just got to tell you what has been approved as a statement and research confirms it, that consuming DHA and EPA that are only found in the animal kingdom will lower your insulin resistance by 13% without dietary changes.
Now, can you imagine what happens when you do this with dietary changes? It decreases insulin. Okay? Insulin resistance. Now, the other thing that it does, it lowers all markers of inflammation, okay? Now, obviously if it reduces insulin resistance, you're lowering markers of inflammation because insulin resistance creates inflammation, but on its own again, they're showing that you will lower your CRP C-reactive protein by consuming fish oil or steak oil. You see the fat around the steak. Eat it. Why? It's got DHA. It's got EPA, eat it. Don't avoid the fat. Now, this is very, very, very anti-inflammatory. It lowers all markers of inflammation. Remember, inflammation is on your side till it's not. Inflammation is good. You've got a cold. Oh, my head, my sinuses, I don't feel good. I got a sore throat. That's inflammation. It's the body's ambulance system. It's trying to kill the virus or the bacteria. Is that good? Yes, it's good. It hurts, but it's good. It's a good hurt, okay?
I always hated it when you take stuff to kill the pain, especially when you're fighting a bug, because that's your body's way of heating up to kill a virus. When you get a fever, yeah, it's no fun, but your body's actually doing what it's supposed to do. Now, if that fever stays there, if that inflammation stays there, you know what happens? It starts to destroy blood vessels first. That's why cardiovascular disease, my friend, it's inflammation, but what starts inflammation? You see, it might be a bacteria or a virus, but the vast majority of the time it is insulin resistance and it's a lack of oil. You know what, guys? I don't know anything about my car. I don't. I know how to put gas in it. I feel pretty good about that.
I know where to put the gas in, but I leave the oil to where they change oil, okay? I don't know anything about that. I mean, I just know my grandson's a mechanic, one of my grandsons, and he said, grandpa, you got to change the oil in your car. I said, that's not just marketing, is it? No. He said, it's not marketing. He said, because after a while, your oil loses its viscosity. It's not protecting your engine. Okay. Go get your oil changed, grandpa. Okay? I said, you know what, grandson? I want to teach you something. It's the same thing in your body. You need good oil in your body to lubricate, to lower inflammation, which will damage your blood vessels and your cells.
Guys, this is incredible. You have to understand there's good fat and bad fat and you can eat bad fat too. Bad fats are fats that belong in your car and not your body. Do you know what I mean by those? Listen, how smart the marketing department is for food companies. Let's change the name of seed oils to vegetable oils like Crisco. They're geniuses. They're marketing geniuses. They duped the whole world. You go to the middle aisles of your grocery store and you will find all these oils. Canola oil and grape seed oil. They belong my friend in your car. You can bring them and put 'em in your car. They don't belong in the body. This kind of oil belongs in the body. Fat oil from the animal kingdom. There's no oil like it. Okay?
When someone calls you fathead, you take it as a compliment because your fat in your brain is made up of this good oil. DHA, DHA, DHA. You know what I always say? Good, better, best? Well, good is omega three from seeds. Plant kingdom. I got no problem with that. They're good. Much better is EPA from fish or steak and ALA from dairy, very good. But the top is DHA, because your brain is actually made of that fat. Don't you want more fat in your brain? Well, for sure you do. What this does inside of your body, it lubricates, it protects your blood vessels, it lowers inflammation. It lowers your risk of clotting. That's because blood gets so thick, it clots, and I'm a big guy on just drink water. It will thin your blood. You want a blood thinner? Drink water. DHA and EPA, it declots your blood. You don't want your blood clotting and inflammation left unattended will damage your blood vessels.
This is also an antioxidant. It protects your blood vessels. Anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, and even the FDA lets you say it. Wow. I never thought I would see the data that would happen, but isn't that interesting, guys? Now you get it, right? You got it? I hope. The difference between bad fat inside your body, okay, see and good fat inside your body, the difference between the two, okay, you got the memo? I'm going to test you on this. Okay? That's what teachers do, they test, okay, but I think if you get that, that is really important. Okay? Really, really, really important.
Okay, so we got a great week coming. We just come through question and answer Friday, but we always look forward to it, don't we? I mean, I think we all do. I love it. It reminds me of my old radio station days when I had to rapid fire answer questions that came in by phone to the radio station. Okay? So anyway, oh, by the way, I didn't even tell you this. Let me just finish with this because there's some things that this does, and it came out of the Mayo Clinic. This lowers your blood pressure and it helps to lower blood sugar. Who knew? I mean, these are incredible. Okay? These are incredible. Love it. Okay. I hope you like the illustrations. I can't help myself. I'm an illustrator. That's how my brain works, okay? Okay, guys. We love you dearly, and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!