1173. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Once again, hope you're having a great start to your day and we sure appreciate you guys coming on and question and answer Friday. Always fun. And I can't say that there's ever been a time that I didn't appreciate question and answer Friday. Okay, let's go to our questions. Brenda, I did some digging. She says, and they're saying you need 150 grams of carbs a day for brain health. And I found many articles saying that is what we need. Please help me to understand this. Well, Brenda, if you're new to the program, this might be different from what you've read in those articles, but if you are someone that has been following us for a bit, it's repetition. Now your brain needs fuel for sure.

Here's what I say about carbs. Your brain don't need carbs. Look, I'm not saying carbs, people are never going to eat carbs. I'm not saying that. But what I am saying is carbs are way, way, way overrated. As a matter of fact, your brain, we talked about this a thousand times, what causes damage in the brain more than anything else is carbohydrates, especially your simple sugars and crappy carbohydrates are very destructive to the brain. Brenda, they're very destructive. And remember, Alzheimer's was pegged in 2005 as being diabetes of the brain. Does your brain need carbohydrates? Absolutely not. I'll tell you why. Again, okay? Your body's going to burn one of two fuels. You're either burning carbohydrates or you're burning fat as fuel. Those are called ketones.

And your brain loves burning fat as fuel. It's a better fuel. That's why I call it changing fuels. Eggs, meat and cheese are rocket fuels, turbo fuels logs on the fire instead of paper and twigs. Listen, for the last 50 years or more, dieticians, physicians, even gurus have said, your brain needs carbohydrates, can't operate without it. That's never been true. It wasn't true then, and it's not true today. And again, I'm not saying, Brenda, that someone's going to go through life and not have carbohydrates. I'm not saying that. I'm just telling you that the articles you read, it's propaganda, it's bias. Science has never shown that. Has never shown that. And today we're carbo holics. That's our problem because the biggest problem in brain is insulin. And you don't need much insulin at all when you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese. And you need a pile of insulin when you're eating carbs, okay? And there's no real such thing as complex carbs, okay? They're carbs. If it's a piece of bread, it's going to be sugar in five seconds. That is the wrong fuel, Brenda, for the brain. Now again, I just go back to this all the time. There's them and us, there's them. Mainstream everything. Go look for articles or whatever. And then us, we're in the minority. I agree.

We're on the narrow road, not the broad road, the popular road. We're on a narrow road and I understand that. Okay? So you're going to get a lot of mixed messages. So please help me understand this, Brenda. I love that. Ask questions. I will defend my position to you every time. And I had multiple years of experience in getting people to change their fuel. The results were incredible. And so you do not need 150 grams of carbs a day. You don't need five grams of carbs a day, 150. That's a lot of carbohydrates. You just don't need it. And again, if you look at who's influenced nutrition, it's the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. Thank you. Gerie. What is the best protocol to recover from vertical, extreme neck pain, dizziness. Well, look, I mean, the thing is gerie, that vertical can be a pile of things.

Okay? When you tell me about extreme neck pain, well, I'm going to suggest that that vertigo came from there. It certainly could be a big factor. Okay? It could be a neck problem affecting the cranial nerves, middle ear, those crystals in your middle ear, they get out of balance. But I always look to at vertigo, tinnitus, I am big on B 12 because oftentimes that can be an issue because of the low levels of nitric oxide. And nitric oxide opens up blood vessels. And blood vessels have a big to do with nerves. They supply even the nerves. You need blood supply for nerves to work properly. So again, it could be a pile of things. Gerdy the best protocol, find out the cause. Look at V 12. A lot of causes of vertigo too, by the way, are viruses, especially if it's an acute sudden onset.

The vertigo, oftentimes it can be a virus. So antiviral, vitamin D, vitamin A that you eat, and steak, very antiviral probiotics. Patrick, how do we know if we're getting enough protein? Especially if we are only doing O M A D? What's that? And how much protein should we be eating? And I got that asked this question this morning, I need to gain weight and have been doing E M C since February. Feel good, but losing, continuing. Look, Patrick. Look, look, look, I never ever like talking about how much protein a person needs. I'll tell you why. Because protein is king. It's the king of the castle, and carbs are their dirty. Okay? So how much, you know what I mean? You can Google how much protein and I've never seen people get it right because protein is so good for you. Protein has gotten a bad rap and they want to limit it, especially when it comes from the animal kingdom.

And I love SS because it's very high in protein. And usually if you want to like for you're asking a question, you're continuously Patrick losing. Well, I would probably tell you the answer's not in food, it's in muscle and you need to develop more muscle, okay? And again, I don't know you Patrick, so if I saw you, I could give you even better detail. But get strong. And if you're losing, there's very rare, by the way, in this day and age, we're always talking about people trying to lose weight, people that are trying to gain weight, people that are just tiny. That's way they're built. I tell 'em, look, you're not getting one enough protein usually. And two, you need to get strong. You need to build muscle. And so often I tell people though, you throw away the scale if you're feeling good and you you're strong.

What does weight loss mean? I mean, if you're losing weight, unexplained plus you're feeling sick, that's different. But if you're feeling good, pat, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm just make sure again, I don't know you, but make sure you're strong. Build muscle. So many people have sarcopenia, even obese people, sarcopenia, they got a lot of fat, but they got no muscle. And the king of foods for muscle is protein. So can you get too much protein? No. I guess if you eat 30 something eggs a day, I don't know why you'd want to do that. If you're not hungry, don't eat. Some people, they want to measure everything. That's not me. Okay? And now look, I'm not telling you, look, if that's you, I want you to read labels, by the way, I'm big on that. But how many grams of this, how many grams of this eat low carb the rest of your life and eat a lot of protein and fat?

The way God puts it in nature? Think about it. Eggs. You got a lot of protein in an egg, you better believe it. And bioavailable protein, it's much higher bioavailability than plants. I'm not saying plants are no good, I'm just telling you that people tell you that plant protein is better than animal protein. It's not even close. So how much protein? Well, if you're not hungry, stop eating. Usually if you have bacon and eggs in the morning, this has been proven by the way, how bacon and eggs are sausage and eggs in the morning in terms of your blood sugars, in terms of insulin, in terms of your cravings, in terms of almost anything, you are going to be a lot better off having a high protein and fat in combination. What's bad is carbs and fat, not protein and fat. So I'm not big guys on measuring.

I'm not big on how many grams. And don't believe for one second that protein damages your kidneys. It's not true. It was never true. I'd been screaming blue murder for years about that. Oh, Dr. Martin, I got protein in my urine or my creatinine is I must be eating too much protein. No, you're eating too much sugar, you're eating too many carbs. That's what kills your kidneys. Not protein. But when you know nothing about nutrition, I hate to say it, doctors get about an hour in medical school about nutrition and they believe these lies, oh, protein that is terrible for your kidneys and then 50 years later they still believe it. And you need so many carbs for your brain to operate properly brought to you by the cereal companies and cholesterol is bad. It gives you heart disease. No, it doesn't.

But I'm not here to change the world's narrative. I'm not. I have no intention of changing the narrative. I may mean at my audience and getting them to think outside the box protein. I've never had a case. I mean it. I've never had a case in my office that I had to tell a person, would you cut back on your protein? I've never had a case now in a weight loss program, okay, let's say, okay, now I want to lose weight. Well, you can't be eating all day. I mean and lose weight, and it's not calories, it isn't, but that's why when people struggle with weight loss, well first of all, most of the time it's hormonal, but second of all, they're usually eating the wrong food. They've got the wrong fuel, and I got to flip that on them and I give them a high protein diet because then they're not hungry.

They don't have the cravings like they used to. Okay, thanks Patrick. We appreciate you very much. Okay, Brenda, A 40 year old has an infection in the fistula truck. Okay? Now is that in the fistula truck? Did she get a fistula? What is the fistula tract? Okay, you get a fistula, not a fistula tract as far as I know, and that may not be the way you phrased it, Brenda. Okay, you can get a fistula. I know what a fistula is. I've seen it between the colon and the anus. I've seen it in the bladder between the bladder and the vagina. That's a fistula. And you get an infection. Yeah, you can get an infection. And the best thing is, and oil of oregano, that combination probiotics and oil of oregano. That's what I like. Mary, does too much B 12 cause histamine levels to rise?

Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Now, remember above B 12, okay, Mary B 12 is a water-soluble vitamin. You don't accumulate it. It doesn't build up in your body and become toxic. It just doesn't do that. Okay? Now, if your B 12 levels are optimized between 800 and 1200 is where I like them, and you get to that area in terms of blood work, then you can stop taking B 12 and just eat red meat. Okay? But B 12 never, ever, ever causes a histamine to rise, okay? A histamine response usually comes out of mast cells when you're developing some kind of either autoimmune or developing allergies, and they can come out of nowhere, but I've never seen it in response to B 12 ever. Ever. So out of the blue eight months ago, I developed, yeah, but that's the way things are. Mary, out of the blue, allergies come for a lot of people that had no problems.

So B, Dr. Mary, see if there's any foods that bother you. See, if anything in the environment, you got to be your own doctor there, but usually it's because usually Mary, what elevate histamine is leaky gut. So you might've developed leaky gut, you might've not have had it before or you had no symptoms before, and I look at the gut more than anything else that has developed. Okay? Thanks Mary for the question. Anna, could we discuss oxalates? Well, sure. You can actually Google high oxalate foods, okay? One of the reasons, Anna, that I take people off fruits and vegetables for 30 days on the reset, one of them is oxalates. Okay? Now, if someone gets a kidney stone, for example, 75% of kidney stones are oxalates, 25% are uric acid. And all I'm saying is, okay, when you look at oxalates per se, they're not bad for you, but if you got trouble filtering your kidneys are not filtering properly, well that can set you up for kidney stones. But not only that, I talked about this in my new book, sun Steak and Steel, okay? I talked about oxalates in there. I talked about it in my last book too. The metabolic reset. I talked about oxalates because oxalates are often found in breast tissue and that's not good.

That's not good. Again, it's not all food because ordinarily your body can get rid of oxalates, but what are oxalates, by the way? Little glass. They're crystals and they're glass crystals, kidney stones, gallstones, breast tissue, oxalates. So yeah, I mean it all has to do with whether your body, Anna can filter out the oxalates or not, and if not, I'd be very careful with that. Good question. Thank you very much, Hannah. Here's another one about B 12. Should B 12 supplement be taken with food mark's asking, can it be dissolved under the tongue just before a meal? Absolutely. Look, B 12 is water salt. Look, I don't know if I necessarily buy this or not, okay? When you have a fat soluble vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, adec, those are fat soluble vitamins, and you'll get a lot of gurus telling you, you got to take a fat soluble vitamin with a meal because it's going to be absorbed better. I don't necessarily just buy that, okay? Doesn't mean I don't. I'm not going to die on that hill. But B 12, that don't matter. Absolutely doesn't matter because it's a water soluble vitamin you can take of B after a meal, doesn't matter, and you're not swallowing it anyway. B 12, the biggest thing, because somebody's asking this question too, I saw it. Hold on a minute, let me get to it.

Theresa, I'm going to answer your questions right now, Theresa, too. Okay, is vitamin B 12 spray better than tablets? Well, it doesn't matter whether it's in a spray. It has to be though in the right form, meaning it's methyl cobain. That's the key to B 12. Secondly, B 12 cannot be swallowed. So if you're taking a multivitamin and it has B 12 in it, you ain't getting B 12 from the multi, you might get other B vitamins, but you're not getting B 12. B 12 is a large finicky structural vitamin, and at the best of times it's not the easiest. That's why, and this has been proven that taking a sublingual tablet that dissolves in your mouth or a spray a B 12 spray that you just spray in your mouth and you don't swallow it is even more effective than a B 12 shot.

I've always preached that by the way, and B 12 shots. I'm not against them. I like them. I do, but it's better to take B 12 every day and it actually will top up. I can prove this. Studies have proven it and I saw it in my own office, the people that take B 12 every day in a sublingual form, and by the way, I take B 12 every day. I do. The key is methyl, make sure it's the right B 12, because otherwise your urine's going to be expensive for nothing. If it's Cy Cobain or whatever, it does not absorb in the body.

It has to be in a sublingual form, and I like the higher amount of B 12. Ours is 4,000. Micrograms used to be five, but Health Canada didn't like that. Okay, any who? Thanks Mark. Judy, my husband was taking hormonal support. Can he take the menopausal formula? Well, that's to elevate progesterone, so no, I wouldn't recommend the menopausal formula, but with the hormonal formula, and we're just praying it's going to be back to a theater near you very soon. I don't want to get into it. Get your hubby on flax seeds because of ling's and Ling's will block any estrogen. Okay, Judy, thanks for the question. Any idea why gelatin is not on the okay list for the reset? Are you talking about bone broth gelatin or are you talking about making your own gelatin? Laurie from bovine or what are you talking about? Gelatin's.

All right, I got no problem. Do you mean it as a supplement or do you mean it as food? That I'd need to know, but I got no problem with it. It's okay. Eggs. Meat and chase. I don't remember. Lori, is there anywhere that I said you can't have gelatin? I don't remember that. I'm a senior. Maybe I might've said it. I can't see that. I would've if I did. I made a mistake. Kathy, what does Dr. Martin suggest for cold sores aside from keeping up with vitamins? Well, look, cold sores is the herpes virus. It's usually a sleep. We all got a herpes when we got chicken pox and it'll only raise its ugly head. Herpes simplex, which is cold sores or herpes zoster, which is shingles look, the best thing to keep that down. Yes, the immune system eat vitamin Ss, lay off the sugar so you don't hinder the work of your white blood cells to keep that thing at bay.

And I love probiotics. I love oil of oregano. I'm big on that even on a daily basis. I really love that antiviral and stress because usually cold sores, it's a perfect storm. Stress shingles, perfect storm stress. It's the straw that breaks the camel's back, if you know what I mean. So get cortisol down too, because that has an effect. Thank you very much for the question, Kathy. Another Kathy with a K. The other one was with a C. What causes macular degeneration? Blood supply. Blood supply, blood supply, your eyes, blood supply, kidneys, blood supply. Why do you think diabetics have so much trouble with their eyeballs? Blood supply, sugar damages, blood vessels, sugar damages, blood vessels, and it starts with damaging capillaries, and that's why it's not protein that damages your kidneys. It's sugar. It's not protein that damages your eyes, it's sugar. Why do we see so much more macular degeneration today than we used to?

Not that it wasn't always around, but it's a lot worse. Why sugar? My friend? The 200 pounds of sugar a year that people consume and they have no idea that they consume that much. It's the average, but your body was never, ever, ever meant for that. Okay, now to rehabilitate, macular degeneration. It's amazing what your body can do. You cut out sugar, oil. Oil, oil. Blood vessels need lubrication, high D H a oil for the eyes, blood vessels need nitric oxide. B 12 N atol for the eyes. Amazing. Some of the things that I've seen over the years. Kathy Michel, my friend, has osteoporosis. What should she take and do? Get strong muscles. Muscles. Muscles for bone. Ladies, why are you more susceptible to osteoporosis? Yeah, I know your estrogen goes down, but it's not that. It's muscles. You need to get strong. The stronger you are, the better your bone responds.

Your muscles anchor into the bone and as they do, your bone strengthens. They work synergistically together. Bones and muscles work synergistically together. They have a love relationship. If you get strong, your bones will appreciate it. Lay off the sugars and bones, love eggs, meat and chase, because I've talked about this, you need vitamin K two for your bones. Yep. And vitamin K two is found with your calcium in nature because God wanted you to eat eggs, meat, and chase for your bones and for everything else too. Okay? Now you're not going to hear that everywhere. You're going to be told to take calcium with osteoporosis, and I tell you that's a big mistake. You don't need calcium. You need vitamin K two and eat your calcium. Don't take it as a supplement. It won't get to its intended destination. Now I like vitamin D, obviously with vitamin K two, supplement with vitamin D and K two.

Put them together, eat eggs, meat and cheese. Michelle, thanks for the question. Ann, what does a young person having psoriasis for years get psoriatic arthritis in the knee? Painful and debilitating? Well, I'm going to tell you 100%, Dan, 100% that young person has leaky gut. You do not get psoriasis, eczema without leaky gut, leaky gut, leaky skin. Then it'll get leaky gut can go to leaky joint. It's autoimmune. It started in the gut oftentimes after, and the microbiome got shifted and you got more bad guys than good guys. And yeast came into the equation, that invasive army and it spread in your bloodstream and it went to the skin and then can get into the bones. You've got to go back to the start of it. Leaky gut, fix that, change the diet. Get off all sugars. No sugar. No sugar, no crappy carbs. Those are very inflammatory too.

Okay? Okay. Thanks Anne. Dale, I do not drink coffee. Dale, why not? And I am wondering if it's okay not having vitamin C for 30 days to do the reset. Google said eggs, meat and cheese do not contain vitamin C. Well, Google is wrong. Okay? When you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you ain't missing any vitamins, not one. You get a trace of vitamin C. Vitamin C, guys, why do you think I named coffee vitamin C? Because vitamin C, ascorbic acid is way overrated in my opinion. Not that I don't like it, it just overrated. What did I say about Linus Pauling who won a Nobel Prize in medicine on his research in vitamin C? He only missed by one letter in the alphabet, vitamin D. Okay, guys, I know I got a sense of humor, but I mean it, I'm serious. When you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you don't need to take any vitamin C.

You've got what your body needs. You'll never get scurvy never by eating eggs, meat and cheese never get scurvy. A lack of vitamin C, okay? You won't. Now, coffee per C does not contain vitamin C. Okay? Because some people think I've said that. No, I'm not saying that. What I said about coffee is coffee has a thousand phytonutrients. Okay? I tell this story all the time because I'm big on pine bark extract. I have been for 40 years. When Jacque ache, if you know the history of Canada, apparently he's the one who named Canada. Canada, Jacque ache. He was a French Explorer. 25 of his men died from scurvy, and he wrote that after the natives, the first nations befriended him. When he come up the St. Lawrence River, they gave him a tea with pine bark extract in it. He wrote it down and he said, holy moly. Well, what's pine bark extract? That doesn't have vitamin C in it. It's a polyphenol. It's got a multitude of antioxidants and phytonutrients and whatever. Not specifically vitamin C. Look, here's where I really like vitamin C, by the way, the other vitamin C, not coffee, okay? I like it in very high doses intravenously.

Someone has cancer and you can get intravenous therapy with not only vitamin C, but I like vitamin C intravenously. You couldn't take that much because you get diarrhea if you just swallowed it. But intravenously, I like it. I've seen some good research on it, okay? So it's not that I'm against vitamin C guys, but when you do eggs, meat, and cheese, you got vitamin C in there, you got traces of it. That's all you need, and you're never going to get scurvy and you're going to feel better and you're going to get all your amino acids and you're going to get everything. Okay? Thanks for the question Dale. Cecilia, just wondering if the iodine in the thyroid control is enough for women? Yep. Because it's a very good iodine. But listen, listen, this is really important, Cecilia, that I tell you this. Thyroid is not only dependent on iodine, okay?

That's why I'm very big on selenium. You know where you get selenium steak? Your thyroid doesn't work without enough protein and not from the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, it's one of the big reasons that women more than men have trouble with their thyroid. Okay? Now, there's a lot of other things. I've talked about that for so many years, but I'm telling you, you make a mistake just taking iodine if you're not eating steak to get your selenium. But if you look at our thyroid formula, that's a perfectly balanced formula for the thyroid. Thank you for the question, Cheryl. Last Friday, you mentioned you have seen reversal of hardening of arteries. Yep. I want to be prepared for an ultrasound test next week on my carotid artery. What helps keeping blood vessel? Whoa, Cheryl. Okay, in one week, you're not going to change anything that's going on right now.

Okay, but well, I talked about it the other day. Vitamin D and vitamin K two. K two is so good for heart disease, eggs, meat, and cheese. Okay? And vitamin D, because it elevates nitric oxide. Lubricate your blood vessels need an oil change. High D h A oil, in my opinion. Omega three, yes, d h a the best. Lubricate butter lubricates. Oil. Oil, okay, good. Oil. Like butter doesn't clog your arteries. It lubricates your arteries. Lubricate, okay. I dunno. Nothing about my car, but I know I got to get an oil change every once in a while. Even my grandson told me the other days a mechanic. You know what he said? Grandpa, what happens to old oil? I said, the oil is no. He said, change your oil. That's a good idea. I said, why? Tell me why. Well, oil, older oil, you know what happens?

It loses its viscosity thickness thins out too much. You want good oil, okay? I said, okay, change your oil. Omega three. Okay, thanks for the question, Colleen. I can't take a probiotic. Well, look, I mean, listen, what can I tell you? I mean, there's eight now. There's not seven anymore. There's 8 billion. April it happened. We hit 8 billion on the planet. You're different Colleen than anyone else on the planet. People that can't take probiotics out of 50 years that I meet. One or two. What do you mean you can't take a probio? Well then take fermented foods. It's not like a broad spectrum probiotic, but it's better than nothing. Okay? Better than nothing. Drink some pickle juice too.

Okay? What did Dr. Martin think about electrolyte powders? Yvonne? I like them. I like electrolyte. I like electrolytes and every individual is different. Put some salt in your water, guys. I always recommend that's electrolytes. Salt in the water like a Himalayan salt or a Celtic salt. A good salt. A real salt. Put a pinch in your water and you got electrolytes. I personally need a little bit more electrolytes. That's just me. Okay. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or whatever. I like electrolyte powders, okay, I do in an electrolyte powder. You need sodium chloride, potassium, magnesium. Okay, those are electrolytes. Okay, ginkgo. Janet, last question. What do I think of ginkgo? Look, I like it. I've seen some research on Ginkgo in my clinical practice. It used to be a guru years ago. Again, guys, there's nothing that I didn't try in my office.

I can't think of anything that at one time or another didn't cross my desk either in samples or whatever to try on patients or whatever. You got to understand, I had a radio show for 20 years and Ginkgo was, it was the catch me out for a while and I just didn't find clinically for me. I like some other things better for the brain than ginkgo for me. Okay? My experience, you're asking me, so I got to tell you, but I, it's not that I don't like it, it's not that I don't like seeing it. Some research on depression, for example. But again, me clinically, I never really got the results that I liked with my patients with Ginkgo. Okay, guys,

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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