1162. Heavy Metals & Hidden Flames: Inside Inflammation


Dr. Martin discusses a study from the European Journal of Inflammation that’s saying subclinical inflammation is a massive problem. Subclinical inflammation is inflammation without infection. Dr. Martin explains.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. And we appreciate you guys coming on with us and to do these things live. It's always enjoyable to have a good audience. And we thank you so much. This morning, we're going to talk to you about a new study that came out of the European Journal of Inflammation. Okay? The European Journal of Inflammation has said this, subclinical inflammation is a massive problem, okay? And the journal said this, okay, so subclinical inflammation, okay, what's that mean? Subclinical? Well, look, they're talking about silent inflammation. Okay? Inflammation without infection. I like that. It's inflammation without infection. If you get an infection, you want inflammation. Yeah, you get a cold. Why is a little weed virus that you can't even see? You couldn't even see it. You need an electron microscope.

And even then you can't even see it. And yet, do you ever feel rotten, right? I mean, you've got a cult. Oh, like you fell out, you're unwell and a little wee virus will knock you out. You think you're tough? Just get a bug and then you find, oh man, oh man, my head is pounding my sinuses and this, that and the other thing, and sore throat and you know what I mean, guys? But that's inflammation that's actually on your side because your body's releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines and your immune system goes into high alert. And what's driving me crazy right now? Just got to say it. Here we are. They're preparing us. Here we are in August. And what are they preparing us for? Oh, here comes the virus again. Here it comes. Put on your mask, get the shot, do this and do that.

It drives me insane. And every fall, if you didn't know it's fall, come to Northern Ontario. Well, it's not fall yet. Yeah, but we know it's coming. That's called climate change. Okay? We get the climate change here, okay? You Floridians, you don't know what fall is, okay? But we do, the leaves are going to start falling off the tree. It won't be long. But it's funny how the world sort of gets us ready, right? It gets us ready because it wants to do something. And it never talks about you preparing your immune system, okay? That bothers me because it's every year. Do you think there won't be a virus next year? You don't think, Hey, they've been pushing the flu for I don't know how many years as long as I've been alive and every year's the same. And it's interesting, isn't it? When the flu season, why is the flu season in the fall and in the winter, did they ever clue in that?

Maybe it's a lack of the sun, the lack of vitamin D. They don't talk about that. But you guys okay, they you like my new pronouns, they and us. We know better. We know better. You guys are smart. Okay? Now back to what I was saying. I just have to say that it drives me crazy. Every year at this time, they talk about uhoh. They're following a certain strain of a virus. Uhoh. True or false? Exactly true. What they do. And the big pharmaceutical companies who pour millions and millions and millions of dollars to politicians, what do they do? Same thing every year. Them and us. Welcome to us. We don't drink the Kool-Aid. We don't drink that Kool-Aid.

We know better. That's all. And if people don't believe us, well, what can I say? Okay, wear 17 masks. I don't care. It's up to you. You decide. But that's not the real mask. Vitamin A is the real mask that really protects you. Now, let's get back to the program I was talking to you about subclinical inflammation. Okay? So clinical inflammation is infection or autoimmune where you have rheumatoid arthritis, for example, and that would be clinical inflammation. It's measurable, you feel it pain. But what they're saying in this journal, there's subclinical inflammation. Inflammation without infection, very important, very important. And what they're saying is in the European Journal of Inflammation, this type of inflammation, okay, subclinical inflammation increases. Listen to what they say in this article. It increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's, ms. Heart disease, we talked about that at length yesterday.

Inflammation destroys blood vessels, left unattended, right? Inflammation's on your side, you have an infection. It's on your side. It's the ambulance system. Your body's fighting something. But if it's subclinical and you don't even know it's there, it's dangerous. Left in your tissue bloodstream for too long, it destroys. It wasn't meant to be. Now it says here, heart disease, autoimmune kidney disease, cancer, you name it, okay? Activates immune cells and releases proinflammatory cytokines. The same thing that happens in an infection, but it's subclinical. It's dangerous because it goes on too long and you are not aware of it.

And unfortunately, doctors, I was talking to a patient, an ex patient, really, I gave this ex patient, I said, get your doctor to take these following tests. Remember in the book, in my new book, sun Steak and Steel, in chapter 10, I talk about the test that you need to done. And I tell you what they mean and why you should have it done. And one of the things that I want you to check for is this silent inflammation. Your C R P, which is made in your liver at the sign of inflammation will rise up. C R P. Somebody asked me the other day, doc, what should my C R P be? Zero. You shouldn't have any inflammation unless someone kicked you in the knee. Unless you have a bug. Well, then you're going to have inflammation. It's your body's ambulance system. But what if you don't have any of those things and your C R P is high? That's not good. And this study was done, I'm going to say in 2000, they show that when your C R P is high, you can detect heart disease seven years ahead of time. You don't go to bed healthy and wake up unhealthy unless you've got a bug, right? You ever have that? Of course. Hey, I was feeling great. Now I don't feel so good. And it comes on suddenly like a goal. You know what I mean? I'm sticking my tongue out and I just saw it's orange. I took B 12 this morning.

Okay, now back to the journal. So the journal says what we've known for a long time, but I haven't finished yet, is that inflammation. It's not Houdini. It doesn't just spontaneously appear unless you have a bug, a virus or bacteria. But if it's there, it's very destructive according to the European Journal of Inflammation. And then they say it's at the root of heart disease. Neurogenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, kidney disease, cancer, because it activates immune cells, it releases pro-inflammatory cytokines over a long period of time, which are very destructive. Okay, we got the memo. Okay? But here's what else they said. They said one of the hidden causes is heavy metals. Well, interesting. They say one of the causes of subclinical inflammation in your body are heavy metals. And they name three, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Okay? Lead, cadmium, and mercury. Now them and us, okay? I'm going to do a them and us again. Them, they say that mercury is found in fish.

Maybe I'm not saying there's not, but here's what I found. The people that had mercury when I tested, when I did urine test, where I found people that had mercury, people that were carbo holics and especially high fructose corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup contains mercury. And imagine it's in every food just above. Go to the grocery store from cereals to crackers to whatever they add sugar to. They use high fructose corn syrup. And there's a lot of reasons why I call it the antichrist of sugars. And one of them is because it contains mercury. And I used to tell people it's not the fish, I guess if you eat too much tuna, but I didn't find that in my practice. It wasn't that. It was high fructose corn syrup and people had no idea they were drinking that stuff and they were eating that stuff.

Okay? Anyways, according to this journal, it's big cause of subclinical inflammation. The other one LED ladies, they tested over 300 makeups, lipsticks. And I don't want you to be offended. Some guy said this years ago, and I just started laughing. I couldn't help it. And then my wife looked at me, and when my wife looks at me like that, I better shut up and quit laughing. I'm a dead man anyway, because the guy said, well, speaking of makeup in women, he said, if the barn needs painting painted, oh, was I ever in trouble? I didn't say it. I just laughed at that. Okay? But they tested over 300. This is years ago. I mentioned this on my radio show years ago. If it's made in China, it's got lead in it. Okay? You got to be careful with that stuff. Get into your tissue. Now, I'm not telling you not to anyway, let's not get into trouble for nothing this morning, okay? I'm just reporting the facts. So you have mercury, lead, cadmium, smokers. I mean, I never, rarely ever saw an exception. Someone that was smoking or secondhand smoke, cadmium incredible. What I used to see when I used to do testing for heavy metals.

So according to this journal, there's a couple of other reasons. And then they went on about the heavy metals. Then they said pro-inflammatory foods, but then they didn't say anything. But let me say it, what is a pro-Inflammatory subclinical foods, vegetable oils, seed oils. Again, the middle aisles of your grocery stores, processed foods they use hydrogenated oil. Oil that was meant for your car. Go to fast food restaurants, ask them what their cooking their food in, and you'll find out it's processed oil. It is fabricated oil. It was never meant for human consumption ever. And Canada's gift to the world. What we're exporting now is canola oil. You can use it in cars for an oil change, fully synthetic. And yet people are cooking with that. Dr. Martin, there's no saturated fat in canola oil. I know. And so what? That don't make it good for you.

Your body wants saturated fat. Okay, so here's the other pro-inflammatory foods, okay? Refined grains. Yeah, today breads and noodles and pasta and blah, blah, blah. Refined grains, all the nutrients are out of those grains and they changed the flour and now we got inflammation, they changed the oil, and now we have inflammation. It's subclinical. You don't even know it. And then with the high fructose corn syrup, there's nothing more inflammatory than high fructose corn syrup in my opinion. Listen guys, your body doesn't even know what to do with it. Your body is so stinking smart, it sees it as a foreign invader. So your body turns on the immune system when it shouldn't be turned on.

So when someone tells you stink is no good for you, run. They don't know what they're talking about. Get back to the farm. Okay? Now, so heavy metals, okay? Heavy metals. Now let me say this. I don't care who you are on this planet, we just don't live in a pristine environment in food, in the air and in water. You know what I mean? You live on this planet, you are going to be exposed. So what do you do? What do you do to keep everything on your side? What do you do against the onslaught of heavy metals that are everywhere? What do you do? Well, that's where you make your body a fighting machine, okay? You have an organ in your body. What is the biggest detox organ in your body, your liver? So if the theory is true, and it is that we live in a polluted world, it's just the way it is, guys.

I don't care if you go to Costa Rica and you have your own little island, but good for you. But you're not going to get away from Xenoestrogens. You're not going to get away from heavy metals. You're just not going to get away from it. So the idea, it's like the virus. You are not getting away from viruses, okay? You're not not getting away from bacteria. You can't even see them. What are you talking about? It's you. It's your soil, it's you inside. It's your body. I always talk about that. It's much more important. I'm not saying don't worry about the environment at all and don't even think about it or what you're drinking or what you're eating. I don't say that. But what I'm saying is you got to turn your body into a fighting machine. You got to turn your own immune system on and let it do its job that it's well-trained to do.

You got to set up your navy seals in your body. What do you do? You got an organ now you got a couple, but the main one is your liver. You have a liver, people, liver. Liver. Isn't that for eating? Yeah. Well, it's good for you, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about your liver. It cleans. How does it do that? Well, it produces glutathione, Velcro. If it's empty, your liver, the Costco parking lot, empty it. What? Empty it. Keep it empty. What? Your liver. Don't fill it up with fat because if you fill up your liver with fat, okay, I am showing fat. You know what this fat does? It attracts heavy metal. When the liver is full of this because you're eating too much sugar and you're eating too many crappy carbohydrates, you know what happens? Your liver doesn't produce glutathione like it should.

Velcro, okay? So clean your liver. What's the best way? Seven days. Six days, really? Right? Empty the liver, the reset empties the liver. Everybody's talking about this intermittent fasting. Look, I like it. Okay? I like it. But if you eat eggs, meat and cheese, you're fasting without fasting, okay? And I like the idea not to eat at night. I do. I'm big on them, but I want people to eat the right foods you going to eat? What are you going to do fast the rest of your life and not eat? Of course you're going to eat. I told the lady the other day, quit fasting.

You're skinny as a rake and you're not healthy. I said, I'm not saying you can't fast at all. I mean, that's all you're thinking about. Eat the right foods and you're fasting without fasting. Empty. The liver. Two seal, seal, reseal your gut, leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky joints, leaky lungs, leaky sinuses, leaky skin, leaky everything. Patch up the leak in your gut. Because one thing about heavy metals, and they didn't mention this, and they could have and they should have heavy metals. How do they get up into your brain? Well, they have to get into your blood, right? You can't have heavy metals in the brain. Like in Parkinson's, they do autopsies. You know what they see in Parkinson's? Heavy metal in the brain. How in the heck did it get there? Leaky gut. And here's what else they found in Parkinson's and ms, an enormous amount of yeast or fungus in the brain, fungus does not belong in your brain.

It carries it's a carrier. Yeast carries heavy metals into your brain. So what do you do? Stop the leak. Why do you think, guys, I am so big on probiotics. Those bacteria, the good guys, they help to mend a broken not heart, mend a broken barrier. They replace the barrier. I like bone broth too because it's got L-glutamine, not glutathione, glutamine. It's an amino acid that repairs along with probiotics. It repairs the barrier between your gut and your blood. Guys, I am so holistic because when someone says something, I want to know why it's happening. When someone says, why are we seeing so much more neurodegenerative changes, doc, why are we seeing so much more cancer than ever before? Why are we seeing so much heart disease, especially in young people? Why? I'm a big guy on why and why do we see so much yeast coming into the brain?

Because of leaky gut? You got to fix the leaky gut and don't feed the bears. You want another reason why not to eat sugar? Because yeast lives on sugar, it lifts on it. It's only got one fuel. Yeast has one gas tank and it only wants you to put sugar in that gas tank. What feeds it? Don't feed the bears. Where did you think that expression came from? I made that up 30 years ago. Don't feed the bear because in Northern Ontario, they actually have signs on the highways. I mean, do they think we're stupid? I guess so. You know what they say on those signs in Northern Ontario? Don't feed the bears. Well, I've never fed a bear here. Bear, come here, let me feed you. What they really mean is don't leave your garbage. Okay? Why don't they just say that instead of insulting us?

Don't feed the bears. I don't feed bears, but when you eat sugar, you are feeding yeast. Isn't it funny that yeast cells, which carry heavy metals and cancer cells have one thing in common? They live on sugar. Oh, but Dr. Martin moderation. Ah, sugar is good for me, isn't it, honey? Nah. Well, it feeds the bears. Okay, so these studies are incredible. I appreciate the Journal of Inflammation out of Europe. I really do. I read the article. I go, wow, these guys are getting it. They're talking about subclinical inflammation. And another reason, even on these seed oils, because people are eating so much processed and fast foods, their omega six levels are up through the roof and they don't have enough omega three. It's 2030 to one now ratio that creates an enormous amount of inflammation in the body. Okay? Empty the liver. Get rid of yeast probiotics unless you're planning on leaving the planet. Okay, guys, tomorrow's question and answer Friday. I wonder what questions we're going to get. I'm already looking forward to it. Okay? I look forward to spending my morning with you guys. I do. It's them and us. Okay, guys. I love you dearly. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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