Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Tissue salts
- Scabies
- Navitol & heart palpitations
- Swelling in the ankles
- Parathyroid Disease
- Gastroparesis
- Treatment for H. pylori
- Ivermectin for parasites
- Norwegian dwarf goat's milk
- BP top number vs. bottom
- Gestational diabetes
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Nice to have you on with us, question and answer Friday, which is always a lot of fun. Okay guys, let's get to these questions. We got quite a few of them. Patricia is asking about tissue salt. Now, I got to be honest with you, I have gone probably 20 years, okay? Understand call in radio show and The Doctor Is In podcast, Facebook's and I went 20 years without anybody ever asking me about tissue salts. And then the last two Fridays, I get asked about tissue salts.
Here's my answer that I would've given 20 years ago. That is homeopathy, okay? It really isn't my expertise. So if a doctor wants to give you tissue salts, I got no issue with it. The benefits of it, I'm not sure. Okay? I'm not sure. It's kind of funny, Patricia. Like I said, I haven't been asked that and over 20 years and now two Fridays in a row I got asked about tissue salts. It's not my expertise. Homeopathy is something. I took a course in homeopathy in the 1970s, and it's like anything else. If you don't practice it, homeopaths, they know what they're doing. Dr. Martin, when it comes to homeopathy, not so much. Okay?
Sandra, does genetic D N A testing really have the ability to tell you which medication works best for you? Not that I know of Sandra. Not that I know of. I've heard about that, but no, I'd say no. I mean, look, if you need an antibiotic, you need an antibiotic, okay? Whether your D N A tells you you might do better with one than another. I don't know, but I am. I'm not convinced about that. So I would say Sandra, no, generally.
Greta, can I talk about scabies? Well, a little might. I had talked about this week. Parasites. Anyway, scabies usually a mite. You get bit a rash. Look, here's my treatment of scabies. I've treated it many times. I put oil of oregano right on the skin. Oil of oregano internally, probiotics, sometimes I put a little mixture right on the skin. Open up a capsule, put a little bit of powder in there. You can mix it with oil of oregano and put it right on that Scabies. Any rash? Pretty well fungal. And I like the combination of probiotics and oil of oregano. Okay, that is my go-to. Okay, thank you, Greta.
Rita, can it be that Navitol keeps me from heart palpitations? Yep. It can be. Look, Navitol does a lot of things. And I think I answered that this week sometime, because somebody was, oh yeah, somebody was on a private Facebook group and talking about pine bark extract. And some people, it didn't do anything for them or one person said it made them tired. Look, everybody's different. You got a different fingerprint than me since April. April, from what I understand, this past April, the population of planet Earth hit 8 billion, we're 8 billion and changed now and counting. Not one person has the same fingerprint as someone else. We're all unique, we're all different. And in medicine, you have to keep that in mind.
But understand this, when I'm talking on The Doctor Is In podcasts or when I had my radio show, I talked in generalities. There's always exceptions. So this one person said, well, I think it was Dr. Axe or whatever said that possibly someone on pine bark. That has not been my experience. My experience. And I've written books about this on pine bark extract and chronic fatigue syndrome, how it was the number one thing. And millions have found out that to be true, that pine bark extract Navi ol helps with energy. Navit is a Latin name for energy, okay? Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier.
Now, Rita is asking, could it help with heart palpitations? Yes. And I'll tell you why. Because it elevates nitric oxide. It opens up blood vessels. Nitric is a substance that we didn't even know about in the 1970s. We didn't know the body had nitric oxide. The guy who discovered it in the eighties won a Nobel Prize because of it. I didn't even know that. That's why when someone tells you that the science is settled, run for us, run by the very nature of science, it's not settled. Science is observation and repetition that science and science by nature has to be questioned all the time. You question it. Like I said, in the 1970s when I was in school nitric, I knew what nitroglycerin was. And they used to give nitroglycerin even in the seventies, in the sixties for angina, but they didn't even know how it worked. They just know it worked for angina pain.
And then they discovered nitric oxide, that the body has a form of nitroglycerin, a little explosion that's found in the blood vessels, and it opens up your blood vessels. And one of the things that has been discovered with pine bark extract is that it opens up blood vessels. Well, that makes it very good for your heart, makes it very good for your brain, makes it very good to help with heart palpitations. It's my go-to. It's our flagship product. Navitol is our flagship product, and I couldn't get enough of it in the late 1980s and early 1990s to give to patients. It really helped my wife. And then I couldn't get enough of it to bring to my clinic so that I could give it to thousands and tens of thousands now, hundreds of thousands of people over the years. It's my go-to.
Somebody asked the other day, what does it do? Everything. Well, look, it is a very powerful antioxidant. It's got tremendous research. If you Google Pine Park extract, you'll find out that it's got an enormous amount of research for a natural product. It really does. And so I tell the story of it. I've written books about it. One of the first books I wrote was Pine Bark Extract the Bark with the Bite. But yes, Rita, thanks for the question. Very good.
Marian, why would swelling happen after drinking water in the morning in the ankles? Kidneys? My friend has Hashimoto's. Well, look, I mean, there's several things that can cause swelling in the ankles, okay? Venous insufficiency, okay? Where the veins in the legs, there's not enough pumping action to go back up to the heart. That can cause swelling. Dehydration can cause swelling. Medication can cause swelling. So the question that Mary and I would have is what medications? They might notice it because usually when you get out of bed, usually if you had any swelling in your ankles, that's gone down overnight. Usually not always, because some people have chronic swelling due to, like I said, venous insufficiency or they got kidney disease or whatever.
But usually the best time for your swelling to go down is during the night. And then you might think, or at least Arian, your friend might think, I think you're asking for a friend. They might think, well, as soon as I drink water and my swelling comes back, nah, it's not the water. Okay? It's not the water. The fact is they got problems there. And if they have Hashimoto's, they may have kidney problems too. And even liver problems can give you swelling in the ankles. Okay? So there's usually marry in an underlying condition. Thanks for the question.
Brenda. Question about parathyroid issues with the men. What causes this problem? Well, usually, okay, it depends. Okay, because it can be a few things that cause parathyroid is, I mean, they are little pea size glands on the sides of your thyroid. And parathyroid are very important because they help control the calcium levels in your blood. Okay? And what can cause parathyroid problems? Usually what I found was people were very, very deficient in vitamin D. Okay, that's the number one. Cause now they could have other issues, an autoimmune condition that can cause parathyroid. But generally, like I said in my practice, I found that people that have very, very low levels of vitamin D, Brenda, okay?
Theresa, what to do when one has gastroparesis? That's a slow movement of food through the digestive tract. Okay? What to do? Well, look, any suggestions? Look, keep the stomach, okay? Because that's where it's going to start. Really help mulch down that food. So keep your stomach very, very acidic, okay? The only place you want to be acidic in your whole body is your stomach. Very acidic right there. And what will help that is a patient that has gastroparesis, I would have them on digestive enzymes with every meal. Every meal. And then probiotics. Because probiotics help with the digestion of food, those friendly bacteria. Is there anything that they don't do? I mean it, is there anything that they don't do? No, they're so good. Okay, so I would have 'em on digestive enzymes. Every meal you're going to absorb your food much better. It's going to help with the breakdown of food and probiotics. Okay, thank you Theresa.
Sheila, what is my opinion on h pylori and bismuth? Bismuth is Pepto Bismol. Okay, so they gave you that for stomach acid and some digestive issues. What do I think of that as a treatment for H pylori? Look, a study came out yesterday on H pylori, the best treatment. And I know they give you antibiotics and man, oh man, they give you a cocktail that can be very, very strong to kill h pylori. But here's the study came out yesterday, read it yesterday, flagged it. Broad spectrum probiotics are the best treatment for h pylori. Now if you look at our digestive enzymes, our formula, okay, here's me because I treat it so much over the years, sibo, which is really cyl, small intestine fungal overgrowth. You know me, I try and convince you that it's not bacteria, that's the problem. It's a fungus and guys, it's like H pylori. We all have H pylori. It's whether it raises its ugly head or not.
Who doesn't have H pylori, who hasn't had H pylori. But if you have a good stomach acid, this is why in our formula of digestive enzymes, broad spectrum enzymes with different forms of protease, amylase, lipase. And then I put oil of oregano to kill h pylori and to help kill sifo, which medicine calls sibo, small intestine bacterial overgrowth. It's a fungus, my friend. It's a fungus, it's yeast, it's candida. But that formula is meant to kill h, PYL, Loori and cfo. And besides being a powerful digestive enzyme to break down food, do you know that? I take that every day, folks. I take that every day and I have patience. Or I had patients taking that with every meal.
Okay, Theresa asking about that slow movement of peristalsis of the food down the gi. You need digestive enzymes. I put a certain probiotic, by the way, in that digestive enzyme again to kill h pylori. Okay? Very good question. Thank you very much. And to be honest, I don't know about Pepto Bismol and h pylori. I haven't seen any studies on it studies, but thanks for the question, Sheila. Okay. A lot of doctors prescribe ulcer drugs. Yeah, well, look, the reason they prescribe ulcer drugs is because h pylori can cause ulcers when it's activated.
Okay, Ghislaine, what does Dr. Martin think of ivermectin treatment to fight parasites? Well, it's famous. It's a med. It's been used for years. And isn't it funny that Ivermectin was like outlawed during the pandemic? Doctors were told you ain't prescribing that now, ivermectin, I mean, you never got a prescription for me for that. I use natural remedies, but seems to be quite effective. Yeah, I got no problem with it. I got no problem with that at all.
Joanne, what does Dr. Martin think about Norwegian dwarf goat's milk? Look, goat's milk, again, let me give you my Coles notes version. You got to be age to know what Kohl's notes are. I tell that to my grandchildren. Do you know what Kohl's notes are? What are you talking about Kohl's notes? Well, it used to be little synopsis of courses, right? That you could go and get before exams and get Kohl's notes. Do they still make those? Not with Google, right? Anyway, but let me give you the Kohl's notes version of milk. Okay? First of all, why do you need it? Okay, so I'm not saying that Norwegian dwarf goat's milk is bad for you. It's actually probably a little bit better. I'm sure it is better than grocery store milk because I don't want you drinking grocery store milk. Why do you need that? Even if you listen to me for any length of time, including the last 50 years, what have I told people?
Drink water. What's better than milk? Water? Now you're a baby. You need mama's milk, and if you have a cow in the backyard, you can drink that milk. If you have goats, you can drink the milk, but it's not better than water. I get people trying to drink two things, water and coffee. Coffee's better than goat's milk. Okay, it's now. Am I against it? No. I don't know anything about Norwegian dwarf. I don't. I just know those are little goats that are baby. I mean, they're miniature. Is their milk good? Yeah, I guess so, right? I'm not big necessarily on drinking milk. If you want to go for it, just lay off the grocery store stuff and then you get kids. Because parents have this in their head, it's been drummed into them that kids need milk for calcium. No, they don't eat cheese. Get a kid weaned once they're off mum's milk, get them weaned on water, no juice, water.
And because they denatured milk so much, why do you think there's so much allergy to it? Okay, so I'm not against it. I don't know specifically Joanne, if it's goat's milk probably have less issues than dairy, but I'm not against dairy. Don't ditch dairy. Switch dairy. I'm big on dairy. Dairy is very important. Cream butter, okay, Cheese's huge on that. It bothers me when you get people that, for example, they talk against dairy. Like dairy gets the big X through it for the last 20, 30 years. And I never was part of that. Never, never, never. Part of ditching dairy. Switch dairy, but don't ditch it. Okay, thanks Joanne.
Barbara, I have a blocked carotid artery over 15% due to saturated fat, Barbara. No, you don't. Now you might have a 50% blockage, but it's not due to saturated fat. Someone that told you that doesn't know a thing about nutrition. Now I'm just going to say it. Fat don't make you fat, and fat does not block arteries, okay? No it doesn't because fat, saturated fat doesn't turn to fat in your body, okay? It turns to oil, it actually lubricates. Okay? And Barbara, I don't mean to come after you because I'm not, I'm on your side, but you've been lied to. Okay? There's good fat and bad fat. The good fat is eggs, meat and cheese. Butter, that's good fat. A lot of it is saturated. Saturated fat is satisfied, fat. And when you eat it, you are doing an oil change in your body. You're lubricating your carotid arteries, you're unblocking them.
Now what blocks them? Sugar. Sugar turns to triglycerides and bad fat in your body. Sugar does. Okay, so the world, you got carotid arteries that are blocked, you better not eat bacon because that's going to clog your arteries. Well, they were wrong. Never have they been right. I've written how many books I love cardiologists, by the way. I do, but they get it wrong on everything. They got it wrong. They said butter's no good for you. Use margarine. They said salt's, no good for you. They were wrong. They said cholesterol is no good because it gives you heart attacks. They wrong it. So you didn't get blockage of your arteries, Barbara, because of saturated fat.
Now there is bad fat. Bad fat is found in a donut. Bad fat is found in the middle aisles of your grocery store from cookies to whatever because they make it with hydrogenated oil. Those are fats that are bad for you. And then what do they do? They combine that bad fat with carbohydrates and now you have disaster creates inflammation in the body and that inflammation can damage blood vessels and create a plaque. So when you get plaque, well, Dr. Martin, okay, because look, okay, so I am showing here, okay? For those on the podcast I'm showing here one pound of fat. See it? So when they look at a clogged artery, it looks like this. Right? Yellow, this is no good. So they said, you see when you eat an egg, be careful.
You got yellow yolk and that yellow yolk is fat and it's going to look like this in your arteries. No, it doesn't. That's not what happens. That turns to oil. One thing I know about my car, I don't know much, but I know I better go get the oil changed. So when someone tells you, and I think almost every physician would agree with this, they don't know much about food. They'd say, yeah, hear olive oil is good for your heart, so they're not against it. Yeah, but olive oil has oleic acid, bacon has oleic acid. What's the difference? Is olive oil good for you? Yep. Is bacon good for you? Yep. But they see the dripping of fat and they say, well, that's bad because that fat that you see dripping off bacon, oh, that's clogging your arteries. No, it was never true. I was screaming like John the Baptist in the seventies, repent. It's not true. I mean it. It's so stupid. It's not nutrition.
Barbara, I love you, but you gave me a question that I had to pontificate on. Okay, now I appreciate it, Barbara, take more oil, eat more bacon. Lay off the sugars, lay off those crappy carbohydrates, crappy carbs or carbs with bad fat and carbs. You put a combination. Think donut. Okay? When you want to fatten up and make a mouse sick or a rat, a laboratory rat, you give him a donut. So when you go to Tim Horton's or Dunkin Donuts and you get a donut, don't eat it. Look at it, but don't eat it and don't get a muffin either because they're made with bad fats and a mountain load of sugar. Oh, like Martin, I used to hear this all the time. Dr. Martin, it's a carrot muffin. It's got fiber. Fiber in it. Yeah, I know, but it's not good for you. That was me consistent, Barbara, thank you.
Okay. Oh, I better get going here. You got lots of questions. I am going very slow. Okay, I promise not to get sidetracked anymore. If taking chemotherapy, what to do the lessen the side effects and get some of those chemicals out of your body. Very, very, very, very, very good question. Madonna, probiotics, broad spectrum. And a lot of times when they're giving you chemo, I hate this, but it's true. They'll tell you, don't take any supplements and don't take a probiotic. That gives me Madonna a massive headache. The very thing that would help to detox you from the chemo would be a broad spectrum probiotic. It would make everything better. It would lessen the side effects. It would help to detox you. Okay? Am I going to win on that? No, but I'm right. Now the other thing I would do, Madonna, and again, I love glutathione. And glutathione is like Velcro. And by the way, natal helps with glutathione. It elevates your glutathione besides your nitric oxide.
Okay, Deborah, fluid in the ear. Well look what's causing it. Usually they have an inflammatory process going on. They usually have fungus, they usually have leaky gut, leaky gut, leaky ear. Look, you can get fluid in your ear, water in your ear from swimming, right? And then people, oh dude, I've got water. I can't come out and whatever. I mean that's temporary and blah, blah, blah. But what I'm saying is chronic fluid and especially with tinnitus or whatever, change your diet. Do the reset and fix leaky gut. Broad spectrum probiotic and don't feed the bears, no sugar. Okay? Thank you for the question, Deborah.
Joanne, what does Dr. Martin say about broken blood vessels in the thumbs all the time? Three to four times a week. You're weird. I've broken a few blood vessels in my thumbs over the years, but if it happens all the time, I'd put you on Navitol to strengthen those blood vessels. Okay, today is a Navitol date.
Carol, what does a lack of having a gallbladder affect the absorption of vitamin D three or K two? Yes and no. Look, God gave you a gallbladder primarily so that you can eat fat. A lot of animals don't have gallbladders, but they don't eat fat. You need a gallbladder and it's a big aid because it's a little reservoir, but at the end of the day, Carol might give you a little bit of weakness. I would watch your fat soluble vitamins more than maybe the average person. But at the end of the day, understand this, the gallbladder is there as a reservoir for bio, and if you don't have a gallbladder, you still make bile. Your liver makes bile. Your gallbladder don't make bile. Bile is held there, so keep your liver clean and how do you keep your liver clean so it'll make enough bile. Lay off the sugars because sugar gums up the liver. Sugar has to be stored. The Costco parking lot, keep it clean.
Okay, Rosalinda, what can it mean if you're a gammaglobulin is abnormally low? Well, generally look, gammaglobulin is when they test that if it's high, usually you have an autoimmune. That's what they're looking for. If it's low, you usually got kidney or liver problems. Rosalinda, okay? If it's low, you have to eliminate that because that's what doctors would look for.
Kristen, can you explain the difference between the top number of blood pressure? Mine is 140 over 80 and my doctor's concerned, look, I'm a big guy on blood pressure. I want it to be normal and you don't want to have high blood pressure, but one 40 over 80 is not high blood pressure, in my opinion. Look, it's not that I don't look at the top number. Somebody asked me that the other day again, and they're good questions. Dr. Martin, why do you always talk about the bottom number? Well, it's the one in my opinion that is the most important, the resting blood pressure number, if it's under 90, okay? It's not high blood pressure in my opinion. Look, blood pressure medication is given out like candy now, and I get it. Like doctors, they're very worried about blood pressure and they should be. I'm worried about it too, but they start putting people on blood pressure medication way, way, way too early.
First of all, there's a lot of side effects to blood pressure medication and there's other ways of treating blood pressure medication. Like I said, when you do the reset, you know how many people have found that when they get off the sugars? Why? Because I told you this, there's nothing that will affect your kidneys more than sugar does not Salt sugar, it gets you off salt. Look, I don't like table salt, sodium chloride, I don't like that stuff on its own. I like sodium, I like chloride, but I like it in a real salt with other minerals in it, with other trace minerals in it. Okay, so the top number, I'm not, look as you get older, okay? Someone that in my office that was over 65 for example, and that top number was one 50 or one 60 or whatever. I didn't like that. But at the end of the day, the bottom number is the most important. I want you to have normal blood pressure. But anyways, that's the difference. Look, I'm not telling you not to listen to your doctor. The doctor will monitor it and you monitor your blood pressure.
Okay, Tammy, I'm weaning off SSRIs and taking cortisol control. Okay? Do you have any advice to help with the transition while you're doing wean SSRIs? I talked about 'em the other day. They're meant to be temporary now. People have been taking them for years and years and years and years. If you've been taking them for years and you've got to wean, you've got to go slow and monitor yourself and cortisol is really good for you. Monitor your cortisol and cortisol control is really good for you. And watch your sugars, watch your diet and exercise. One of the best things you can do is go for a walk. Helps a lot. Okay, Tammy, if you have any specific questions you make sure you get of our staff.
Linda, do you get vitamin D from sun laps? To some extent, yes. Okay, even tanning. Both be careful, but people with extremely low vitamin D, yes, sun lamps work not as good as taking a vitamin D supplement. Of course, people are scared of that sun. It's terrible what that lie did to people. And my generation, my parents' generation lathering up with sunscreen and this and that and the other thing. I just don't like it. Guys. You know me. I've been consistent. Sun, steak and steel.
Okay, Liz, how can someone reduce the risk of getting gestational diabetes? And if they have it, how can they eliminate it or mitigate symptoms? Well, look, diabetes gestational, watch your foods. The best thing you can do for you mom and baby is eggs, meat, and cheese. If you're a carboholic and you get pregnant, you got a much increased chance of gestational diabetes. We see it a lot more today, especially with obesity and pregnancy. It makes you much more susceptible. And then some people, they have some weakness for diabetes, any link in the family, well then you have to be even more careful. But at the end of the day, move, try and stay in best shape you can mom and watch your sugars. Watch your carbohydrates, eggs, meat, jeeps.
Okay, Sandy, last question. What would be the benefits of magnesium 3 0 8 compared to magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate? Well, look, the mean issue I have is trying to get ahold of this. Tinnitus. Well, I like magnesium of all kinds. Okay? The one that you absorb the best is citrate. Okay? Now, some people, and we got asked this a lot, Dr. Martin, how come you got two forms of magnesium? Well, because some people, when they take citrate, it bothers their gut. Okay? So if you have constipation, magnesium citrate would be the best. But if that bothers you, I like magnesium bisglycinate. It's very good. You mentioned 3 0 8. Well, 3 0 8 is got a patent on it. It was developed at MIT. It's very expensive. I like it. I like the research crosses the blood-brain barrier, but so does magnesium. Bisglycinate and soda is magnesium citrate. Okay? But I love magnesium, guys. You know that the three and eight, it's very expensive in my opinion. The mag glycinate is every bit as good in my opinion.
Okay guys, thanks for those questions. Have I told you lately that I love you? I bet you I haven't since yesterday. Okay guys, thanks for all those great questions. Sometimes I pontificate, I get going, I get excited. I can't help it. Okay, we love you. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!