1130. The Silent Epidemic: Unraveling the Rise of Chronic Illness


There’s been a huge increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and sleep apnea. Dr. Martin asks why these are becoming more prevalent in today’s world?


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay guys, did you see what I posted this morning? I posted earlier this morning on the private Facebook group just about the increases in all these disorders from diabetes, autoimmune, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea. What in the heck happened to our world, our society? Here we are in 2023. Why are things worse? Not better. Why is that? You would think we would've eradicated disease and some infections like polio or whatever, we pretty well eradicated. But if you look at chronic disease like Tony Jr. Up and says inflammation, dad, without infection, they've all gone up from mental health depression. And I talked to you even last week about metabolic syndrome involved in depression and leaky gut and the hot mess in the brain. Remember we did that last week and we talked about the brain being on fire and the brain having no energy.

It's like you're in the ocean, you're surrounded by water, but you can't drink it. That's what happens to your brain on sugar. It's surrounded by energy, but it can't use it properly because it's not the right energy. It's not the right food. Okay, we talked about that, but here we are today in 2023. Let me just do this, okay? Because if you guys, and you know me well, if you've followed me for years and many of you have, and we sure appreciate that, you know that I'm a waga, okay? So if fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, sleep apnea, you name it, autoimmune. I read an article yesterday on the increase in Parkinson's. It's like out of this world increase in Parkinson's, what do I call? I call it an autoimmune disorder because it's the body turning on itself and we see ms. We see a huge increase in these kind of disorders. Why guy? Why did that happen? Okay? Because how can you treat it properly without thinking about why? And you know what guys? That's the difference between traditional medicine. And if you Google these things, okay, Google diabetes, just Google type two diabetes. Can I tell you, they won't even talk about food. They don't answer the why medicine. It's almost traditional medicine. Why is there so much diabetes that's gone up? 300%.

Why is cancer? We've had a war on cancer since President Nixon in the 1970s. I remember the day he declared it. I do. Being in the healthcare field in the 1970s at Nixon was the president of the United States. He said, we're declaring war on cancer. Well, it sounded good, and they did the one right thing. They declared war on the tobacco companies. Did that help? Yep, it did for a bit. And then the new tobacco took over. What took over. And then cancer rates today are through the roof. And treatment is never based on prevention. So when you emphasize treatment of a disease, and I'm not against treatment of a disease, I'm not, but if you don't answer the why, you are going to be looking for love in all the wrong places. I e example, heart disease. They tried to answer the why they did. Okay, like I said, in cancer, why are we getting cancer? Smoking?

It certainly was a factor. And now we have new smoking sugar and these seed oils processed crappy curves, okay? But today, okay, heart disease, they had a Y. Okay? Hey, you don't want to be wrong on the Y. So the Y in traditional medicine was cholesterol. What causes heart disease? Cholesterol. And I bring you back. I call him a serial killer. And I don't mean serial, like breakfast serial, I mean with an S, a mass killer. In my book, sun Steak and Steel, I give you history of serial killers. What did I mean by that? Is people that influenced medicine and brought them in the wrong direction. One of them was Ansel Keys. Ancel Keys. I consider him. He's dead gone. But he was a serial killer because he told the world was even put on the front cover. You remember when magazines were big when I was a kid?

And even after the magazines were used, right? Like Time Magazine and Life Magazine, and you know, name the magazine, they used to be big. Remember people used to read magazines. Now you get everything pretty well. Online magazines have gone by the way of Blockbuster, and some of them are still alive because of social media and they use that platform. But who wants to pay for that when you can get most information for free? Any who on the front cover of Time Magazine was a fellow by the name of en. So Keys. And even before 1965, he was day in, day out. And let me give you something so you can relate to what I'm saying. Put your hand up if you know who Dr. Fauci is, put your hand up. You know who Dr. Fauci is. He became famous, right? During the pandemic, he was the go-to doctor, right?

Whatever Dr. Fauci said pretty well meant. And the media loved him. Okay, well, let me bring you back to the 1960s. And the media darling was Dr. Ansel Keys. He was the spokesperson for heart disease. When you wanted to get anybody interviewed about heart disease, you went to not a cardiologist, but a pathologist. And his name was Dr. Ansel Keys. What did he do? Well, when President Eisenhower had a heart attack, he said, I know why. I know why President Eisenhower is eating too much butter, too much meat, too many eggs, too much cheese. And President Eisenhower had a heart attack on the golf course. And he dropped in the sand trap. True story because he had cholesterol and that's why he had a heart attack. And Dr. Keys, from that day, he was interviewed all the major networks, ccb, S A B C N, bbc.

In those days, they didn't have CNN or Fox News or any of those things, but they had those three main ones and the magazines and the newspapers. He had a media presence. And you know what he said? Cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. And you and I, my friend, you and I, again, here we are in 2023 and 99.9% of the population and the media and medicine believe that today still is true. They got the why wrong. They got the why wrong. It was wrong from the beginning. First of all, president Eisenhower was smoking four packs of camel cigarettes a day that didn't come out in the media. And even in the 1960s when Ansel Keys became a superstar on media of the day, cholesterol trumped cigarettes. Not that they didn't say cigarettes can be a factor in heart disease. You know what they said? Cigarettes too. It increases your cholesterol. See, cholesterol had to be the bad guy. Cholesterol had to be the bad guy. From that day in 1955 and then, then forth, the media made Dr. Keys a superstar, and he went to his grave as a superstar and he never reneged. Even though he was challenged, even though his theory really, they shot a lot of holes in it, it became like Swiss cheese. But it didn't matter because the narrative was set. And medicine, you and I know this medicine developed medication.

Statin drugs to lower cholesterol became the number one all time superstar of medications based on a faulty premise. I bring you back a little bit because where did Dr. Keys, a pathologist researcher get his theory? Autopsy. He saw cholesterol in plaque. I was just a kid when he saw that. But if he would've asked me, even in as early as the 1970s, I had said, well, in biochemistry, cholesterol, of course, it's in the bloodstream. Of course it's found at the site of plaque. Of course it is, but it's not a bad guy. It's like you find police at a crime scene. Okay? There's police at a crime scene. Of course there's police at a crime scene. They're not the bad guy. Why would the fire department be at a fire? Why are firemen at the fire? Are they the bad guys at the fire? No, they're there to help out.

But you see, if you miss that guys, you try and try, I try to get people to change their mind. What can you do? What can you do? Again, that comes back to my modus operandi. Why do I operate the way I operate? Is because I am after you to get you to think, to give you information. I like to bring people behind the scenes and show them why we have so much disease. Why things aren't better when it comes to treating chronic disease. No, not better. It's worse than ever. Statistics are showing us. We're getting hammered. If this was a game, a sports game, we're getting hammered by the opposition team, and that is chronic disease. We're losing the battle. And listen, I am after individuals like you. I want to change your mind. You know what? I'm big into self care. Healthcare me, not today's healthcare. Not for the last 50 years. Healthcare. I'm not into that because it's disease care. It's not healthcare. I'm into self care. Take care of yourself. Look guys, it's not the be all and end all. I understand that. I'm not saying there's no place for medicine. I'm not saying that you get hit by a bus. Don't call me. You can call me. I'll pray for you, okay? I promise.

But I'm into self care. Take care of yourself. Make the right choices. I want to bring you behind the scenes to see why we're in the place that we're in in 2023. I really go into detail about that in the book, okay? I go into detail about it because it's a story that needs to be told. What has changed in the last 30 years? A D H D up 819%. Alzheimer's up 300% autism up 2000% bipolar, 10000%. Chronic fatigue syndrome, 11000%. Holy crap. Diabetes, 300% depression, 300% just about fibromyalgia. 7000% hypothyroidism. Why do I talk about horror mos all the time? Why hypothyroidism is up 700% in the last 30 years. Guys, none of this surprises me. Remember, I was in practice. I watched it happen. I watched it happen. Everything going like this. Up, up, up, up, up, up. And some infectious disease like polio went down, okay?

But we have a narrative. And boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. It's hard to get at. And again at the Martin Clinic, here's us. Okay? Here's us. Tony Jr's smart like his mother, okay? Not like his father, like his mother, okay? Very smart, okay? And him and I have jam sessions all the time. We discuss all this and we talk about it. And Tony Junior is more of a wide guy than I am. That genius comes out. Ah, look at this. And at the Martin Clinic, we talked about three major factors in all chronic disease. And you guys hear about this all the time. All the time, okay? Numero uno, high circulating insulin, high circulating insulin or insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome. 93% of the population, 93 in North America. My word, that's not something to be proud of, and you rarely hear it. Okay?

The second one, guys, these are game changers. If we would only emphasize them. One is food. It's high circulate. Look, you can get insulin resistance, okay? Maybe talk to you about a new study that came out. But on the weekend that I read from South India, a study done there, peer reviewed, excellent. I think I'll do it tomorrow. There's too much to unpack in, okay? But here's what we say. One food. Why so much? Chronic disease, cholesterol, it's not too many aches. It's not cause you're eating meat. Steak. Don't eat steak. Don't eat red meat that limits your red meat or don't have any at all. And it's bad for you and it gives you cholesterol. Well, if you believe in cholesterol as being at the root of disease, you know you're going to change your thinking on food. And it's wrong. Colossal failure, colossal heart disease is worse than ever. Oh, cut back on the butter. You better eat margarine. Colossal failure. It's not that insulin resistance, it's food. We're carboholics. We bought the lie that animal protein in fat is fat. Eat grains like grains. You know you need grains? No, you don't. And kids today, they don't have a stinking chance. They're brought up on noodles and cereals and grains. What kind of toast you want whole wheat? Yeah, that's a better choice. No, it's not.

How about fried bread? No, it's going to be sugar in five seconds. Dr. Martin porridge, oatmeal. It's got a heart on the box. Yeah, I know. Continue to eat it. You're going to have a heart attack, guaranteed. That's why I would put a heart on that box with a big X through it. Don't do that. You've been duped. They think that poop is more important than your heart. What am I saying? Well, if you don't go number two, you are going to die. And people think, well, if I don't get my grains, if I don't get my fiber, if I don't get that, I'm going to die young. So poop is more important than the heart. Are you kidding me?

I know I sound crazy. One high circulating insulin. Two, leaky gut. What we know about the microbiome today, I've been speaking about the bacteria for 50 years, good, bad, and ugly leaky gut. I used to have doctors today. There's enough research that if they read it all, they get it a little bit. But you know, have to understand leaky God as if you can have any garbage in your blood. You can't have any yeast in your blood, you'll die. Tell Dr. Martin, he's a quack. Tell him I said so. Leaky gut. What is that? But it's a huge factor in autoimmune. Huge. It's a huge factor in autism. It's a huge factor in a D H D. It's a huge factor in mental health. It's a huge factor in cancer. You combine those two insulin resistance and leaky gut, and you have a perfect storm.

Guys, my job is to bring that to you on a daily basis. That's my job. I'll tell you, number one book, it would be on the New York if we had it in store. That's how fast it's sell. So guys, some people are listening, and if you want to be a little evangelist for help, make the book available. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. And these things that come out and I read about 'em and I oh, oh, oh, oh. And I go, yeah, we're looking for love in all the wrong places. Okay guys, we got a great week, including that South India study. You're going to be interested in it, I guarantee. Very, very fascinating. Excellent. Okay. What is Friday? Question and answer Friday. Okay, so we're back to our regular routine guys. If you have any questions, get them in for Friday. If you have blood work, I don't mind looking at it. I don't mean that. I don't mind looking at it. You can send it in. Get my two pennies on it, okay? My opinion on it, things that we look for in blood work, okay? Okay, guys, thank you very much. We love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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