1129. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Nattokinase
  • Limiting sun exposure
  • Food & skin cancer
  • Oil of oregano for yeast infection
  • Campbell de Morgan spots
  • CAC testing for calcium
  • Diaper diverticulosis
  • Red rice yeast
  • Circadian rhythm
  • Melatonin
  • Berberine


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and question and answer Thursday. Little bit of change in our production today, but welcome, we thank you for coming on. Okay, let's get to our questions here this morning. Question and answer Thursday. Penny wanted to know what Dr. Martin’s thought about nattokinase. Okay, well Nattokinase, it's MK seven, which is a vitamin K2 and nattokinase, you can get it as a supplement as what they call proteolytic enzymes. I like them. I like nattokinase. Helps to dissolve clots. Okay, so yeah, I like it Penny. And some people were taking it along with the vaccine and I like it. 

Okay, John, if you have too much sun here and there, does that contribute to skin cancer? And why does he emphasize not to get a little red? I do not emphasize that. John, you mistake me for someone else. I've done thousands of podcasts. I don't think I've ever used the word red when it comes to the sun. I know other doctors do, but not me. What do I say, John? Don't burn. Okay, don't burn. So your question is, does the sun contribute to skin cancer? So we already talked about a major study that came out. I think I talked about it this week as recently as this week about melanoma. There's really three types of skin cancer, John. Okay, there's basal cell carcinoma. Okay? There's squamous cell carcinoma and there is melanoma. Okay? So basal cell carcinoma, look, you get perhaps a cancer spot and that can happen when you're burning in the sun. Same with squamous cell, but they're not deadly cancers. You get them treated or they're not spreading. It's not like melanoma. Melanoma is a skin cancer that is can be very deadly because it spreads.

Now here's the facts on melanoma and even the cancer societies, you won't read this much because it won't get a lot of traction, but sun, okay, here was the study brand new. The sun helps to prevent melanoma. Wow. Well, it's something I've been saying for just about 50 years. Okay? And did you hear that the White House was talking even this week about blocking the sun? Are you kidding me? You can't make this stuff up folks. You can't. But when you see what happens when big pharma, ugh, it drives me crazy. The benefits sun, steak and stale, the benefits of sun, every aspect of your body from your brain to your toes, you are a human solar panel. And vitamin D from the sun prevents cancer. Doesn't cause cancer. Prevents cancer. Okay? Again, am I telling people to burn? No, I'm not. If people ask me, what do you think about sunscreen?

I don't like it. Not if it's chemical. I don't because think about it. Heat and chemicals put together on the skin are going to go into your tissue. Why do you think the F d A, even the d a has taken hundreds and hundreds of sunscreens off the market, why they're reported to be carcinogenic. The very thing that is supposed to protect you from cancer sunscreen causes cancer. Well, why didn't they ask me? Heat chemicals, disaster. You're heating up chemicals. I learned that in high school chemistry class in the lab, you don't put a bunsen burner to it, but on your skin, you know, can put drugs on your skin to go right into your blood. Now they have patches for medication. They used to give a pill, you dissolved it in your mouth for angina. Nitroglycerin, yeah. And now they give you a patch.

And even medication. Even medication, some medication for diabetes given on the skin right into the bloodstream. Well, don't you think chemicals are dangerous? You better believe they are. And even the FDA has said, so John, the question is, get in the sun. Every chance you get, you'll never get too much Vitamin D, by the way, from the sun. Impossible. Your body will top up at about 10,000 IUs after 20 minutes, anything you get extra, you'll get some benefits. It's, I'm not saying get out of the sun in 20 minutes, but in 20 minutes, if you leave your arms and legs exposed for 20 minutes, okay, you're going to get 10,000 IUs. So I ask another question. How can 10,000 I use a vitamin D be dangerous? How can it be dangerous if you get it in 20 minutes in the sun but your body stops it's vitamin D absorption, you still get other benefits from the sun?

Okay? Like melatonin, I think somebody asked the question a little later on. We'll talk about that as we get to it. Okay? So thanks John. Chelsea, I heard him say on a podcast recently that dark spots are what are thought to be sun spots are from what we eat. Is this correct? And how can we get rid of them? Look as you age, okay, I'm big time into anti-aging as much as you can. But as you age, you're going to get some age spots, okay? Just about invariably. But anything Chelsea you see on the skin, always start inside out. Okay? Now what I've mentioned in the past, okay, is one of the biggest effects of sugar. And the other one being those seed oils, okay? The middle aisles of your grocery store, fast foods, when you eat those things, they're made with a bad oil.

And my clinical experience is those are the people that burn in the sun generally. Look, if you're fair, look, everybody's different there, but in general, when people eat properly and they lower their glycation, how do you lower glycation? Quit eating crappy carbs and sugars. You lower your inflammation on your skin even by getting rid of those crappy carbs and fast foods that are made with the bad oil. When people do that, they find their skin is better. And you also have to look at leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky skin. So any kind of rash, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, whatever. Dry scaly skin generally, generally is an issue of your gut. So to get some brown spots, aging spots. I looked at my hands the other day and I looking at 'em now, I got a few spots there. I guess I'm aging. I'm not trying to go quick though.

And what you can control what you put in your mouth every day and don't burn guys in the sun. I've never recommended that. I recommend covering up. I recommend wearing a hat, a wide brim hat if you're worried about your ears at all or whatever and cover up, cover kids up, okay? They get wet. So what? Don't let 'em burn. And I'm not big on putting, if I go to the beach and I see people using sunscreen, I want to scream at sunscreen. You're putting chemicals, adding heat. You have no idea how carcinogenic those things are. Any who? Okay, Chelsea, thanks for the question. 

Tony. Every Tony I know in the world I like, okay, Tony spelt but an eye. So that could be a girl, could be a guy. I don't know. Can oil of oregano help with yeast infection? Absolutely it does. Oil oregano is antibacterial nature's gift. God's gift to us is oil of oregano. Okay? It's a gift. It's a powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-parasitic for all of those things. It's a powerful antioxidant too. I saw someone on our, I think it was on our private Facebook where they talking about they brushed their teeth and they almost passed out with oil of oregano. Hey, suck it up. Butter top oil of oregano, but it don't kill your bad guys. So yes, it is very good. Highly recommended for yeast. Okay? Oil of oregano, I tell you is the greatest natural antibiotic that you can get. Now if you have a raging infection, okay, not yeast fungal, but if you have a raging bacterial infection and you need an antibiotic, I would take oil of oregano with it, plus probiotics. Okay? And do you know that there's two bacterial strains that we put in our probiotics, okay?

They're in the immune boosting formula. And the reason we put that, I don't know how long we're going to get away with that on our label is for proprietary reasons. Okay? Look, companies are trying to copy us all the time. And those are my formulas. They're Tony Junior and I formulas, we're trying to protect it. Anyway, there's two of them in there. L RRI and lre Nosis, they do a lot of things, but one of the things they really go after is yeast fungus. So you got a yeast infection, probiotics, oil of oregano, absolutely. And don't eat sugar because sugar feeds yeast. Okay, thanks for the question. Okay, we're going to get from Lori. Another thing about the skin, Campbell de Morgan spots, those are like cherry angiomas. Okay? Again, what I say to you, Lori, is this always go inside of. So if you have cherry angiomas on your skin, here's what I found over the years. Always, always leaky gut associated with it. You need to fix the leaky gut, leaky gut, leaky skin.

And that really helps. Okay? It really helps get some sun on your skin because the sun and the vitamin D don't burn. But it's very, very good for healing the skin and what I found with Sherry angio ez. Okay, Campbell, the Morgan spots, there's usually a fungus there. There's usually yeast. So I work on the inside to the outside. Okay, thank you Lori for the question. Patricia, calcium, what is the c a C test? Well that's a calcium measurement in your blood vessels. C a C. They look for hardening of the arteries. Okay, so we talked about this the other day. You got to have a little bit of calcium in your blood, okay? It's not the end of the world, but you don't want a lot of calcium in your blood. Calcium don't belong in your bloodstream. It's not meant to stay there for a long period of time.

That's how you get calcified blood vessels. And that's why I don't like calcium supplements. Do I like calcium? Of course I do. I want you to eat your calcium. When you eat eggs, meat and cheese, you get all the calcium you need plus vitamin K2 to bring the calcium, take it out of your blood vessels and put it in your bones. What do you think? Even someone that was asking about, it's one of the things that helps you to do taking calcium out of your blood vessels. So what a C A C test is, it's a calcium detector and finding out how much heartening of the arteries you have and you can do it on the carotid artery, okay? That goes up to your brain. But they can do it. I like that test. I think it's a great test. And if you have hardening of the arteries, you change your diet, you get off carbs, you get off sugar as much as possible, do the reset for 30 days.

Start lubricating your blood vessels. Why do I love D H A? Why do I love bacon? Cause it's got oleic acid. Bacon has the same oil as olive oil. I like olive oil too, by the way. Okay? I do. I just like bacon better. Same oil that lubricates your blood vessels. It makes your blood vessels slippery. So stuff doesn't get gummed up there. Like calcium. You want to lubricate when you go for an oil change with your car, you don't even probably think about it, but they do an oil and the lube change the oil. You need it in your brain and your blood vessels. Thank you for those questions. Okay, let's get to the next one. That was Patricia. Thanks Patricia. Nicole's asking about diaper diverticulosis. Okay, so diverticulosis is found on the descending transverse colon on generally those pouches. They're pouches. And the problem with diverticulosis is that they can become diverticulitis.

They get infected. You know what? They get infected with poop because there's little pouches there. But let me tell you how you get those little pouches, okay? You get those little pouches when you insist on being a rabbit and you're not. People who get diverticulosis pouches, they build pouches are people that live on fiber. What have I always said? Have I been consistent? Fiber is overrated. You don't live on it. Fiber, you need cereal, you need fiber, you need how many grams of fiber a day because you got to go to the bathroom. You're not a rabbit, you're not a cow either. A cow has four stomachs. They eat grass so you don't have to got it. They have enzymes that you don't have. Human beings don't have cellulose, okay? We don't have that. I'm not saying you can't have any vegetables. I'm saying you can't live on vegetables because some people, fruits and vegetables, that's all I need.

But those are the people that get diverticulosis. They get pouches. And you know what I do? When I used to get patients with diverticulosis, I said, okay, here's what you're going to do. 30 day reset, no fiber whatsoever. And even with flax seeded, I was careful with them and I love flaxseed guys. Okay? I'm Dr. Flaxseed because of lingens and lowering dangerous estrogen. Okay? But if you want to heal that intestine, steak heals it, water heals it. Probiotic, heal it. Okay? Bone broth heals it. Why? Because of L-glutamine. It regenerates the gut. That intestine, you can regenerate it. Absolutely you can. Okay? But I'm not saying you can't have any fiber. What I'm saying is fiber's overrated, you don't need it. People think they need it. That came from Dr. Kellogg's. Okay, I'm sorry. Renetta. What does Dr. Martin think of red rice yeast? Not much Renetta. Look. Yeah, I hope you understand. I have a sense of humor. Why is red rice, you don't eat it that much about it, but you used to. It was a big kid on the block, eh, 30 years ago.

Red rice yeast. You know why they that? It was good because it lowered cholesterol. And what did I say? What have I always said? Why do you want to lower cholesterol? I want you to elevate your cholesterol. So Renata, I'm sure it has other benefits, but if it lowers your cholesterol, why do you want to do that? And then they'll say, well, it lowers your bad cholesterol. What is bad cholesterol? There's no bad cholesterol. What is bad is high triglycerides. LDLs not bad cholesterol. Total cholesterol is not bad cholesterol. HDLs got to be high cholesterol. And so when someone asks me, doc, well can I take this product that lowers my cholesterol? I go, why do you want to do that? Give me your reasons. Well, my doctor said, well, I know, but your doctor got duped over 50 years ago. They said cholesterol was bad and cholesterol causes heart disease.

No it doesn't. Blaming cholesterol is like blaming police. Cholesterol's always going to be running through your arteries. Yeah, they're FedEx trucks, they're U US Postal Service. They're ups, they are Amazon trucks. They're delivering things like your hormones. You need cholesterol. They're looking for love in all the wrong places. Cardiologists got that wrong, but it's not the first thing they got wrong. They got butter wrong. They got salt wrong. I'm sorry. I love them, but they're wrong. Okay, thanks for the Lisa. What does Dr. Martin think of IC Fulic? Well that is from the soil. I've seen it used to detox the body. Can I be honest with you, Lisa? Nah, I haven't found it to be that effective. Look, you want to eat a little bit of soil, eat a little bit of soil. I like probiotics. Much, much better to detox. And if you get rid of yeast, if you get rid of yeast, you are going to get rid of the transporters of heavy metals and garbage.

And I like glutathione much better than fulvic acid and glutathione you up your levels of glutathione. Okay? Velcro when you have an empty liver. So if you empty your liver, your body makes even more glutathione. How do you empty your liver? Stop eating sugar and especially fructose, high fructose corn syrup that goes right to your liver and gums, your liver up. Okay, Lisa, thanks for the question. Dorothy. Circadian rhythm is out of balance. Is it better take cortisol control in the evenings throughout the day? Look, every individual okay is a little bit different. And this is why will you not admit something to me? All my listeners just would you not agree? One thing you got to enjoy about the Martin Clinic is you can ask us questions and we strive to be really good at answering your questions. Okay, so here's a question. Dorothy, what about cortisol formula?

Okay, when is the best time to take it? Those are good questions. If your circadian rhythm is out of whack, when's the best time? Well, I would say probably twice a day at the start of your day, two capsules. And to help you sleep. Look guys, this is just me. It's my opinion, but I have never because somebody's asking this. Okay, I'm going to answer Sherry's question at the same time. I know you prefer melatonin from the sun, but when is it not possible in taking the low dose melatonin tablet before bed Helpful at all? Can you take it every day? Okay, Sherry, I'm going to answer the question about melatonin because I'm going to put it in with cortisol. If you can find and look, again, this is my opinion, there's no better sleep aid than the sun. Okay? Why you get melatonin? Okay, you take it in, your body makes it, it's actually made more in your mitochondria than it is in your third eye.

It's an energy thing. Melatonin is important, but I don't like melatonin as a supplement. Why? Because it has a shelf life, not the individual bottle has a shelf life. Here's what I found some people, you know what Doc? Melatonin helps me and then it doesn't. Melatonin helped me, but it doesn't help me anymore. That is generally, remember I was in practice for 50 years, just about 46, you think I didn't hear about melatonin probably every day, but I just found for me, nah, not as a supplement. Get melatonin. Two weeks, the sun. Okay, and then dark, dark, dark. No light room. When you sleep you make melatonin, your body makes it. Okay? And so the question is asked cortisol formula. Okay, why is it so good to help you sleep while I put seven or eight? Can't remember now. I'd have to look at the label again.

I like combining things. I'm a combination guy. When you put this together, because somebody was asking me about melatonin, for example. Nah, it's got a shelf light, but I thought in that formula what I found worked over the years and put them in combination. Okay, perfect combination. And thousands and thousands of people agree with that. They go, yeah, melatonin. And I like magnesium too, by the way, for sleeping. I do. Okay. And they don't have shelf lives guys. Okay? No. People find they take a couple of capsules before they go to bed and a lot of people take two doses a day. Lots of people take two doses a day, helps with their circadian rhythm, helps them get back to that, especially if they have anxiety. And it's good to start the day with taking cortisol. Okay? And then the melatonin, like sleep AP me again.

I'm not that big on it. Thanks for the question, Sherry. Thanks for the question. Lisa. I talked about IC and fulvic acid. Dorothy, thank you for the question about the cortisol for, okay, Theresa's asking about berberine. Look, berberine is the new kid on the block right now. It's getting lots of ink. Look, I don't mind it. I don't. I just found in practice, so I've known about berberine for a lot of years. Okay? I just found a standalone, eh? I'm not that big on it to be honest with you. Okay? I like other things better than berberine. Okay, so they're using berberine now for weight loss and they're talking about how it acts just like Metformin. Do you know what acts just like Metformin coffee. I'd rather have a coffee than Berberine. No, listen, a coffee has a thousand phytonutrients. It's actually proven if you have a coffee with your meal, you are going to lower your insulin response.

I've been saying that for 40 years. Okay, good question. Oh, about berberine raising H D L V. I know what raises H D L better than berberine high. D h a omega-3 raises your H D L and eat bacon and steak. Hey Diane, what causes polymyalgia rheumatica? Well, a virus usually polymyalgia. Rheumatica is a perfect storm. It's usually your immune system is in the toilet. Lots of stress. The immune system is in the toilet usually. Here's what I found over the years. Extremely low levels of vitamin D people that don't get in the sun and then it's a perfect storm. Viral takes effect. Polymyalgia rheumatica. As guys listen, every joint in your body becomes inflamed. It's like rheumatoid arthritis, it's poly. Poly means everywhere and it ain't no fun. And I had patients come in with polymyalgia and they couldn't even, literally could not tie up their shirt, they couldn't do the buttons on their shirt and it was so sore and so inflamed.

And I had a protocol for that and how to get rid of it. And one of 'em was oil of oregano, probiotics, therapeutic doses of vitamin D. Okay, high D h a oil. I'd put them all on it and I get good results. I put 'em on the reset. Okay. Okay. I think I got every question. I think I did. I think I did. Let me look one more time. Yep, I did. Okay guys, thanks for joining us today for question Answer. Thursday, Friday, I'm off. Okay, I'm off this week. Okay, so don't look for me in the morning. I won't be on. Okay, I'm traveling. Okay guys, we do love you so much. Remember, if you haven't got a copy of our new book, sun Steak and Steel, why do you not have that book? Okay. No, you guys have been great because you've made it number one. Number one new book coming out is Sun, steak and Steel. You guys are fantastic. We appreciate it. Okay, love ya. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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