1125. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • High potassium from bananas & potatoes
  • B12 deficiency
  • Fatty pancreas
  • A1C not down on Reset
  • Oil of oregano on toothbrush
  • Sleep apnea
  • Prescription strength omega-3
  • Hormonal pellets


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Question and answer Friday. Always fun. And we got some good questions that we want to cover. First question this morning. High potassium is high potassium from eating too many bananas and potatoes. Well, look, no, it's not from eating bananas or potatoes, okay? Because those are sources of potassium. But when you have high potassium in your blood test, you got a kidney problem. But when you have a kidney problem, you got to go backwards and go, why do I have a kidney problem? And the vast majority of people that have kidney stress, not from eating bananas, okay, but from eating too many carbs, okay? And by the way, because potassium, we need a lot of potassium during the day, okay? We do. And most people don't get enough potassium.

But when you have high potassium levels in your blood, that's a different puppy. It's not from eating too much potassium. It's actually from eating too many carbs and sugars. There's nothing that stresses your kidneys more. Okay? You got that? Nothing that stresses kidneys more. If you don't believe me, I always say this. Here's my saying, if you don't believe me, ask a diabetic, okay? Almost invariably, people that have trouble with diabetes are going to have kidney problems. Why? Circulation sugar left in the bloodstream is extremely toxic to blood vessels and your kidneys, your eyeballs, your brain, blood supply and sugar is so toxic. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. It has the amazing capacity to control blood sugar. Your blood sugar control is tightly, tightly, tightly regulated. My story, eat 20 donuts. Don't do it. But let's say you did 20 donuts an hour later, maybe two, your insulin went crazy, by the way, but insulin's got a job to do. So insulin, after you consume 20 donuts, will rush to the scene of your blood vessels and say sugar from the donut. And there's lots of it and carbs that turn to sugar rapidly. There's lots of it. Come here.

You can't park in the bloodstream. Out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out. And we're going to now store you in muscles in the liver and in fat cells. What makes you fat? Not protein, not fat, carbs. So what happens? Okay, so your blood sugar is tightly regulated. Oh, Dr. Martin, I'm not a diabetic. My blood sugar isn't high. The last thing to happen is diabetes. The last thing that happens, it's not the first thing that happens. First thing that happens is you get insulin resistance. Your cells hate the site of insulin, but insulin's got a job to do. Job. If someone insists on being a carboholic, eventually they're going to destroy their kidneys and it can start with high levels of potassium. Got it? High levels of potassium. So all I'm saying is this, okay? When you get a blood test back and your levels of potassium are high, you got trouble with kidneys.

And 99% of the time it's because people are carboholics. And by the way, okay, I think I answered this the other day. I don't remember if it was on the live or I did it online. Potassium, the highest source of potassium is not a banana. People eat bananas. And I'm not saying you can never have a banana, but if you've got trouble with your blood sugars, if you have trouble with a1c, if you have trouble because you're a carboholic, maybe a banana a week. Look, I love bananas, but bananas love meat, okay? I always tell you about meat. I have to be very careful. I could live on peanut butter and bananas. I love bananas. And bananas ain't going to kill you, but okay, they're God's candies. Don't eat too many and certainly don't eat bananas because of potassium. You know how many people do that?

I tell 'em, ah, you know what? What's better than a banana? Do you know what's better than an avocado when it comes to potassium? Because people tell me this, I hear this all the time. Oh, avocados, what a perfect food. They're good, but Bacon's got more potassium than an avocado. I like bacon better. Okay? Okay, so remember that If you got high potassium levels, Liz, it is because you got kidney stress or someone you may be asking for a friend, right? And that's all right. You can ask for a friend. Okay, Roxanne, if someone has many symptoms of B12 deficiency, low iron, how often in a week should you eat steak to get better levels and relief of symptoms every day? Listen, Roxanne, very good question, but if someone supper, anemia, low levels of B12 steak, and when I say steak, I mean red meat. So I would have either ground beef steak. Pork is not high enough in B12, in my opinion. I love pork. Now, every day I would tell that person to have some form of red meat.

But at the end of the day too, look, there's other factors, Roxanne, and I just got to say it because I saw this every day in my office. People that didn't even absorb B12 properly, people that have any kind of digestive problems, they're going to be low in B12 just above for sure. And the blood test for B12, by the way, is highly inaccurate. Meaning that normal levels of B12 in blood work, it's a hundred years old. Because when you understand B12 and how it operates in the body, that is an essential vitamin. If anybody is on medication, I don't care what kind of med you're taking, and I'm not telling you to get off meds, I'm just telling you, almost guaranteed you are low in B12. And when I say low, I mean it's not optimized. And B12 is so essential from your brain to your toes, from your blood supply, okay?

Red blood cells to making red blood cells to filling red blood cells and blood supply to your nerves. That's why if you got low levels of B12, you are damaging your nerves. Your whole nerve system relies on B12. Why do I talk about it all the time? Okay, so eating steak, why do Roxanne, do I double down on that all the time? Double down on it. The importance of eating red meat in this day and age, it's gone down 40% in the last 30 years. People don't eat enough red meat to their peril, okay? So it's really, really important to understand that. So look, if you are low, eat more red meat. Find out your numbers. Roxanne are, if this is a family member or whatever, get me their numbers. Because those people oftentimes, and it could be digestive, could be medications, they may be missing the intrinsic factor and they can't absorb B12 properly.

There's a lot of factors. B12 is a finicky vitamin on the best of days. And the reason is because its structure is so large, B12 has a large molecular structure. Okay? Now, doctors, they don't learn that anyway. The doctors in the 1950s, I mean, they used to give you B12 without even thinking about it. They'd give you a B12 shot because if you were tired, if they thought anything was wrong, they'd give you B12. They got away from that because it's a vitamin. You watch the war that's coming. The war on vitamin D is already, I mean, it's on big time, but so is the war on B12 you watch, it's a vitamin. The war's coming. They want you not to take that stuff. I can't get over it. Any who? Okay, Roxanne. So you get me their blood work and I'll tell you whether it's sometimes they need to supplement and you should be, or anybody should be eating red meat no matter what, sun, steak and steel.

Okay? Thanks for the question, Roxanne, Suzanne or Susan, what does it mean when you have a fatty pancreas? Okay, well, a fatty pancreas, it's like fatty liver to some extent, okay? You don't get fatty pancreas because you're eating fat. Okay? So take that out of your, in French we say co home, okay? Take it out of your cucumber up there, okay? Fat in the liver, gummed up, gallbladder and fatty pancreas is usually caused by bad eating. Okay? You just come back to it. And what is bad eating? Bad carbs, crappy carbs that we call them at the Martin Clinic. They're crappy carbs, okay? And usually crappy carbs are a combination of crappy fat and crappy sugar. Okay? Terrible stuff that can give you a fatty liver. Well established guys, they're never used to be fatty liver. Believe it or not. You get cirrhosis of the liver alcohol, but you wouldn't get fatty liver today.

Kids walk around with fatty liver, look at their bellies and they have fatty liver. They don't even know it. It is an epidemic of all epidemics today. It's because what starts in the liver? Your liver is not Las Vegas, okay? It's not Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Isn't that a saying? But your liver, what happens in the liver doesn't stay there. It affects your pancreas, it affects your blood vessels, it affects your triglycerides, it affects your H D L. Therefore it affects your heart. It affects your brain. What happens in the liver doesn't stay in the liver. Okay? You got it. Very important to understand that. So it's a great question. And look, okay. Now let me back up for a second because I want to answer, Susan, your question properly. If you have a fatty pancreas, okay, here's what you do.

If you have a gallbladder problem, here's what you do, okay? Don't eat a lot of fatty meats for a couple of months, okay? You can eat meat, but not so much fat on it. Why am I saying that? Almost like I'm not making any sense. Well, I want you to correct the problem. Okay? So digestive enzymes with every meal practice, not eating at night, you want to empty your liver, it helps a lot. The reset will empty your liver. But if you have a gummed up gallbladder or you don't have a gallbladder at all and you're getting trouble and you got fatty pancreas, you can reverse fatty pancreas. Don't eat any carbohydrates, don't have heavy fat for a bit, and practice not eating at night and intermittent fasting. It really makes a big difference. And take digestive enzymes at every meal. Okay? Thanks for the question, Susan.

Okay, Donna, good morning. Well, good morning to you, Donna. I did the reset in January and it's since been doing under 20 grams of carbs a day, which is good, Donna, good for you. How come my trial a1c did not go down? Well, look, A1C is a lagging indicator, okay? Now, just understand for you, you and carbs don't get along, you don't get along, you got a bad relationship. So even those 20 grams of carbs, which is not a lot of carbs, Donna, but if you want to get that A1C down even more, then I'm telling you, you got to lower the carbs even more. Okay? Your triglycerides went down, good for you. So good things have happened, okay? But it's just dawned the way you're built. Some people, they don't get along with hydrates. So I would tell you to lower it even more and look 20 grams of not a lot of carbohydrates, but Donna, look at your fingerprint, okay?

You're unique. There's 8 billion people. I was used to saying 7 billion, but there's eight last month we hit 8 billion people on the plant. And I don't care where you go, you don't have the same fingerprint as anybody else of the 8 billion, okay? You just don't. And you got to figure out your unique profile, okay? Like me, I don't compare myself to someone else. I know me. I've been on the planet for a long time and I know my weaknesses. And you know what I found out about me? I don't get along with carbs very well. Do I like carbs? You bet your boots. I do. But I don't get along with them and they don't get along with me. I got a bad relationship with carbohydrates personally. And for you, Donna, just be strict. It's worth it. Don't cheat much. It's worth it. It's who you are, Donna.

And that is such a good question. But believe you me, you did the right thing. You're saving your bacon if you know what I mean by that. Okay? Good for you. And I just want to pump your tires up, Donna, don't get discouraged. Just understand who you are. That's all. Okay, Laura. I recently started adding oil of oregano to my toothbrush. Smart. And notice my toothbrush head is starting to stain. Well, Chris, so what? Okay, will your teeth get stained over time? Now I'm going to tell you something about oil of oregano. They'll make your teeth even whiter, okay? I love oil of oregano. I'll tell you why. I love oil of oregano again and again and again and again, okay? Because oil of oregano is a natural antibiotic. It's a natural antifungal. It's a natural antivirus. It's a natural anti parasite. And when I say that, let me tell you this.

Do you know that oil of oregano knows the difference between good and bad bacteria, nature's antibiotic? Now, I'm not against antibiotics, you know that. Okay? If you've got a raging infection, don't rely on oil of oregano. You can take oil of oregano with an antibiotic. But I invented orally brushing the teeth in your gums with oil of oregano. I invented it, I think cause I was the first guy to talk about it. I remember I had a radio show for 20 years. Everybody used to laugh at me and say, there's Dr. Oil of oregano. Okay? Cause there's nothing like it, guys. It doesn't wipe out your bad guys. So when anybody tells you oil of oregano, wipes out, don't take it. Cause every day because it wipes out all your bacteria. No, it don't. It leaves the good guys behind. That's how effective it is.

And that's why as far as a natural antibiotic, there's nothing better on the planet. I'm sorry. There's nothing like it. Okay, guy, you can dilute it if you want. Laura, that's up to you. But you don't have to, okay? You don't have to. Don't worry about it. It's not going to stain your teeth. It's good for your teeth, it's good for your gumma. When I say brush your teeth, I mean brush your teeth in gums, okay? Because it won't wipe out. You need good bacteria even in your mouth. Laura, thanks for the question, Deborah. My granddaughter has sleep apnea. Imagine. Can I tell you something? Sleep apnea. Okay, Deborah, I never learned in school about sleep apnea. I learned about sleep problems, of course, even in the days of Noah when I went to school, but there was no sleep apnea. Today it's an epidemic.

Why is that? Think about it, Deb. Think about it. Okay? Your granddaughter is a carboholic and she's got fatty tongue, okay? You know, heard of fatty liver, you heard of fatty pancreas? Okay, well, she's got a fatty tongue, okay? It's insulin, it's insulin resistance. And insulin is a growth hormone. It makes things grow, including your tongue. And I guess if you talk a lot like me, I should have a fatty tongue. But sleep apnea is a new phenomenon and I know it's a lack of oxygen. But why a guy? Why did that happen? Why is it today? Why didn't I learn about that in school in the seventies? Because it didn't exist. Maybe a few people had it, but since we changed, mankind is very smart. We do a lot of good things, a lot of advancements, okay? It's incredible. But a lot of times, man, they're very destructive.

And when they lie to you, when they lie to you and tell you how important carbohydrates are, they're lying. I don't even know if they mean it, but it doesn't matter. You got kids cereal, by the way. Cereal was a lie. It was to get rid of bacon and eggs in the morning. So what do these kids do? Fruit loops. You want to be a loop. Eat Fruit Loops. Cheerios, they got a heart on the box because they're going to give you a heart attack. And frosted flakes are not great. That is a lie. But young people, they don't know that. They're told, well, Dr. Martin, I need fiber. No, you don't. No, you don't. You need water, not fiber. Anyway, that was a rant about your granddaughter. Let me see, you might have had a question there. And they put her on narcolepsy. MITs, she has a C Pap machine for four years.

Why did this happen? Okay, I gave you the reason she can fix it. I'm telling you, do the reset. Read the testimonies of people. How would it help their sleep and sleep apnea? Big time. Okay? Now, I'm not telling you to get rid of the machine, I'm not telling you that, but you ought to change your diet. Okay, Pamela? Oh, I think I answered your question. Should I reduce my fat intake with pancreatitis temporarily, yes. But pancreatitis comes from carbs and fat. Not fat and protein, but temporarily you want to reduce fat, okay? Just temporarily. And digestive enzymes, absolutely pan. Okay, Sandy, what is the difference between prescription omega three called a N 34? Well, a N 34 is just a capsule. The capsule, it's made from a fish oil. The capsule itself is made from the fish oil. Oil. But you can get a prescription omega-3, by the way.

Okay? You can get a prescription omega-3. Why don't they call that medication, which is a high E p, A to lower triglycerides, okay? So little teaching omega three, your body needs omega three. There's omega three throughout your body, okay? You need it to eat omega three. Now, what have I always told you? In the animal kingdom, there's D H a, which is a long, long, long chain fatty acid. It's the best. There's nothing better than D H a because it's so bioavailable because your body just laps it up. It's so good for you. There's epa that's a little bit of a shorter chain, still very good for you. Okay? Now read your labels because you can go to Costco, you can go anywhere and buy omega three, okay? And it's good. There's nothing wrong with it. The problem is therapeutically, you got to understand, for me, I'm into therapeutics.

And this is one of the problems that down the road I'm really concerned about in Canada. I'm just going to say it. And we've been, we posted it on our private Facebook group and that they're trying to stop therapeutic doses in Canada. And that's why they have a war on vitamin D. They have a war coming on B12. They're going to have a war on all of it. I'm telling you, it's coming, okay? And you are going to find out, and it bothers me because I'm trying to get ahead of it so that we can stop this. But they're going to try and stop you from being able to get a supplement that gives you that therapeutic dose of D H A, why they want it controlled. It's terrible. And it's going to hurt the average folk because if they wait for a physician to give you a prescription, they're going to tell you, first of all, most physicians, you don't need that.

You don't need more than a thousand I use of vitamin D. You don't need B12 more than a thousand micrograms or whatever of B12. You don't need dha, you, ah, you can take just a small dose of it. Ah, therapeutic guys, you got to understand, I was in practice for 50 years. Therapeutic doses are essential. Okay? And it's so good for you. And you know what I mean? If you've got trouble, listen, I want to preserve my brain. I do all the research. I study, study, study. And I know what D H A does for the brain. I know what D H A does for the heart. I know what D H A does for your blood vessels. I know what D H A does for your gut. I saw it in my practice for years and years and years and years. I know what it does for your eyeballs.

I've proven it. Proven it to doctors, especially in combination with Navita for the eyes guys. But they want to take that away. It's coming to a theater near you in Canada. It bothers me, but the war is on my friend. The war is on. And they'll tell you it's all about protection, but it's all about protecting big pharma. I hate to say it, but that's who's behind it. Okay? Breathe, breathe, breathe. Okay, thanks Sandy. Who else? I got a few here. I might have missed a couple. Oh, Tony spelled with an I, not with a Y. Hi Tony. What do I think of hormonal pellets? Well, I've heard about 'em. I don't think I ever saw a case in my practice of people that was taking, that's bioidentical with they implanted right into your skin. First of all, I haven't seen enough research. And second of all, I didn't have any personal experience with it.

So I listen, bioidenticals, I like them, but you got to be careful. I am a guy. Here's me with bioidenticals. The only thing I liked was estrogen. I'd never liked testosterone unless it was given to a man. Never liked testosterone with women. And I had reasons for that. And I never liked estrogen at any time. Women have way too much. And so do men. Way too much estrogen today. Way too much. I just don't like estrogen therapy at all. And if you are going to put that inside in a pillow, I'd have big time trouble with that. I'd be very careful Toni. 

Frank, comment on InfoPath technology. That's the water technique. You know what, Frank, I don't know. I don't know much about it. I can Google it and look at some of the articles on it, but I have no experience with it. It, it's suspended in water. And I don't know, I don't want to comment too much, Frank, because I don't know a lot about it to be honest with you. And I'd rather not comment on stuff that I'm not familiar with and I wasn't familiar with it in my practice. So you know what? I'm not an expert in that area, so I would tell you to talk to someone else about it. Okay? I think I got everything else. Guys. Have I told you lately that I love you? I did okay, but not often enough. Right? Never, never get tired of telling you how much I love my audience. You guys are fantastic. We love you dearly. Did you get your son steak and steel? You get your copy. Thanks for making this such an enormous success. You know what? Still available. Okay. If you haven't got your copy, and you know what makes a great gift. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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