You’ve probably heard Dr. Martin discuss the numerous benefits of eating cheese curds, and it seems PubMed is now catching on. They’ve published a study showing how all cause mortality goes up when cheese consumption decreases.
Dr. Martin says he’s only reporting the news. He’s not making this up. Join him in today’s episode to hear more about this study!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. How are you? And once again, welcome to another live this morning. We appreciate you guys more than you can even imagine. Okay, now have you guys got your copy? Sun, Steak and Steel? Thank you guys for making the book. What a tremendous success out of the gate climbing the charts to be number one health book in Canada for sure. And we're thankful for that. That's you guys. Okay. Now let me talk a little bit, because there's a study just came out, PubMed. Okay? Just published in Pub Med, talking about cheese. Have you ever heard of that stuff? Eggs, meat, and cheese. What is my saying? Don't ditch dairy, switch it. Okay? Don't ditch it because the world would have you ditch dairy. Okay?
The gurus, every day, every day, every day. The gurus, and I get it like this, okay? From even in our private Facebook group, "Dr. Martin, I'm confused. I'm confused." Well, no wonder you're confused. You've been told that cheese is no good for you, but I've been telling you that cheese is a superstar of foods, okay? And there's a lot of reasons for it. But before I give you the reasons for it, here's another one. Cheese is acidic. Dr. Martin. Ah, no, it's not. Dairy guys is essential for your body, okay? Dairy, dairy fat, tremendous for you. It's only when the world plays around with dairy and they deliver it to your grocery store like milk. 1%, 2% skimmed. They think they're smarter than God. So what do they do? They take the fat out of dairy. The best thing about dairy is fat. That's why butter's so good for you. That's why cream is so good for you. That's why cheese is so good for you, okay?
But listen to the results of this study, okay? Cheese consumption decreases, okay? I'm just quoting all cause mortality. When a study tells you that it's saying, well get more of it because the more cheese you eat, the less chance you have from dying from chronic diseases. Hey, this is PubMed. I wonder how many people are going to get the memo about cheese. Ah, you know what? You got to limit it. They got the food pyramid upside down, right? Cheese would be at the top with red meat. Not many, don't eat a lot of that, if any at all. It's not good for you. No, it's just the opposite. Where cheese belongs is with eggs and meat. And I triple down on that. And this overarching study says this, cheese consumption is directly associated with a decrease in all cause mortality, including stroke, including heart disease, including breast and prostate cancer.
Ladies and gentlemen, breast and prostate cancer. What have we said here at the Martin Clinic for eons of time? They're directly related. They're kissing cousins. Breast cancer in women. And I know, I know there's some men that can get breast cancer, but generally, let's talk in generalities. Women get breast cancer and men get prostate cancer. They're the same cancers. They're identical twins except one is male prostate and the other one is female breast cancer. Guys, I've been saying that, you know, I'm going to say 50 years, the same thing that drives breast cancer in women. Here's the formula in case you've forgotten. Elevated insulin, elevated estrogen, that womanly hormone elevated cortisol, almost invariably stress pours gasoline on insulin resistance and estrogen and breast cancer. All cancer, but specifically breast cancer and prostate cancer are driven by insulin and estrogen. Yes, men with prostate cancer have too much womanly hormone.
And this is why I tell anyone that will listen about breast cancer and prostate cancer. Lower what you can control. You can't control everything in life, but you can control insulin. It's a growth hormone. Two hormones that want you dead, insulin and cortisol. So does estrogen. Look, extra estrogen okay? And I know a lady's menopausal, your doctor is saying your estrogen is going down. Well, it's more complicated than that. Estrogen might be going down, but when you measure it compared to progesterone, it's not going down comparatively to that. And therefore you can have, even in menopause, even in pre menopause, even in post menopause, you can have estrogen dominance. And men, you can't get prostate cancer, in my opinion, without having elevated levels of estrogen. It makes things grow, grow, grow. Estrogen is a growth hormone.
So here's what they're saying. When you eat cheese, you're lowering your risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. And I'm telling you all cancers, but let's stick to this study. Okay? So here's what they're saying. All cause mortality goes down in cheese consumption. Guys, you can take that to the bank. I mean, when I see this, it makes me, I don't want to use the word angry, but when I tell you I get a migraine when I see stupidity, well, this is not because stupid, but it's just confirming what I've been saying for so long and I hear the opposite. You see, you got to understand. I hear the opposite all times. Well, you got to eliminate that dairy. It's part of the process to eliminate cows.
But I think these nutritionists and dieticians and gurus, I call them gurus because I got a lot of guru friends. They're supposed to be smart, and they tell you not to eat cheese. You know how many people go see doctors and they tell them doctors of any kind and they tell 'em, oh, we better cut back on that cheese. And I always used to say, why? Well, their premise was wrong right out of the gate. Well, Dr. Martin, it's got cholesterol. I know. Isn't that good? See guys, a piece of cheese. Let's break this down for a minute. Why is it so good for heart disease? This is what the study is saying. How does it protect you from a stroke? Let's talk about that for a minute. How does a piece of cheese.
Now I hope you guys are thinking along with me, okay, why would cheese be so good for heart disease and stroke? Nevermind cancer. We'll talk about cancer in a minute. Why? Okay, somebody give me an answer. There's a couple of answers, but I want the mean one. Why would cheese be so good to prevent someone from getting a stroke? Oh, Ginette. Yes. Yes. Lily, yeah, my audience. Oh, Barbara, you guys are so stinking smart. Marilyn, Sue. Oh, Cecilia. Rita and who else? Oh, oh, you got you guys. Listen. Listen to me. Georgie, you got it right Judy, you got it right. My audience, Cheryl, I want to put a star beside your name. Millika. Oh, my audience. My audience, my audience. Vitamin k2. Debbie, you got it right, Linda, you got it right, Nelly, you got it right. You guys are thinking never ever, ever, ever, ever stop eating cheese. Okay?
Now look, some people can't eat cheese. They don't digest it. Don't blame cheese, by the way. Okay? It's you. It's not cheese, it's you and that's all right, right? You got leaky gut, you got a form of autoimmune in your gut, okay? And you know, got an allergy to cheese, okay? I feel sorry for you, okay? But don't blame cheese. It's not cheese, okay? And a lot of people are lactose intolerant. The nice thing about cheese is there're very little lactose in it. So it's not the lactose, it's you. Okay? And I love you anyways. I do. But it's that vitamin K2 that's so good for you, right? Cheese curds are the number one source of vitamin K2 in the universe. Why is cheese so good? Because when you look at the makeup of it, it is the perfect combination of protein and fat, protein and fat, no carbs. Okay? Look guys, if you get a gram of carbs and cheese, don't shoot it out, okay?
But it's a perfect food. You see when God puts a food together, okay? Why is it so good? Well, it's got protein, the king of the castle and fat. Very good dairy fat, okay? It's saturated. What? It's saturated fat. Saturated means it's satisfied, it's complete, it won't oxidize. That's why cheese is so good for you. Plus all the vitamins you can think of. Vitamin A, lots of B vitamins, vitamin D. But that special one, the Rodney Dangerfield of vitamins, vitamin k2, and k2. Remember its primary goal is to take calcium, which is in cheese. Don't take a calcium supplement, eat your cheese. Cause it's got lots of calcium in it, combined with k2, not K one, k2. And K2 takes calcium in the cheese and brings it to where it belongs instead of staying in your bloodstream. So the study says, and they didn't even mention this in the study, but I'm giving you the actual physiology of why it works.
Why is cheese so good for you? Why is it so good for your bones? Why is it so good for everything? Why is it so good for your blood vessels? Yeah. You see, because when you have a cholesterol hoax. When you have cholesterol is bad mentality, which the world has by the way, and I'm not even optimistic it's ever going to change that. It'll always be bad. It doesn't matter how many studies you show. Most people they bought it hook, line, and sinker. They bought it and we got a limit cheese. Dr. Martin Limited. You know how many millions of times I heard that over the years? Isn't it limited? Well, first of all, when it comes to saity, meaning your full feeling, right? It's one of the best foods because it's got that perfect combination of protein and saturated fat, and it's taking calcium and putting it where that calcium belongs.
You know what people used to accuse me of? "Doc, you don't like calcium." I love calcium. I think calcium is super important. Eat it though. Eat calcium. Because when you eat calcium in the right foods, not salad, okay? Spinach has some calcium, but that calcium ain't going to get unless you have spinach and cheese. It's not going to get to your bones because it doesn't have vitamin k2. Vitamin K2 is a transporter of calcium to your bones and teeth. So it's very, very, very, very good for you. Here's what they said too. Okay? It decreases all cause mortality decreases your risk of stroke and heart disease. Oh boy, that's going to give some dieticians a heart attack just reading that. Breast and prostate cancer decreased. Type two diabetes. Yeah. Yeah. Hello? Why? Because it lowers insulin response. Cheese, wonderful food. When you eat it, you know what your insulin is doing? You know what your pancreas is doing? When you eat cheese, it's on a rest. It's on a siesta, it's on a break. Cause you don't need a lot of insulin to break cheese down. It's not going to elevate your blood sugars.
You know how I always talk about types of fuel, right? It's really important to understand that, guys, it's so important. I know you guys do. I mean, guys, when I give you tests, I don't even know why I test you anymore. You've graduated. You're so stinking smart. My audience. Oh, you're getting honorary PhDs. You're so smart. Because you think, how can cheese be bad if it's got the perfect combination of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals like calcium and vitamin k2 to put it where it belongs. Guys, when they talk about bone building medication, I want to scream, guys, I want to scream. If a doctor only knew if they only understood nutrition, and they would tell you, well, you know what? You got to start eating more cheese and more butter too. And coming back to the breakdown of food, because I'm always off on rabbit trails. I'm just telling you, you don't need a lot of insulin. And the reason is because it takes your body longer time. It's putting a log on the fire. It's putting 99% octane into your mitochondria, your battery packs in all your cells. Cheese does that.
And my friend, can I just say it again and again? It ain't acidic, it ain't, your body has a buffering system. I scream when I hear acidic, okay? And like I said, I'm going to say if it ain't 99, maybe I'm exaggerating with 99%, 95% of every physician, every dietician, and every guru that I know that's got PhDs like I do in nutrition, you know what they'll tell you? Don't eat a lot of cheese or don't eat any of all. Most of them would tell you. I mean, it's so stupid. They would have you eating granola ahead of cheese. If you put granola and cheese, these people would tell you, well, granola's better. Or they take broccoli and they go, well, broccoli is a hundred times better than cheese. Well, when broccoli is good, when you pour cheese on top of it, pour cheese on your broccoli, then I agree broccoli's good then. Type two, diabetes down with cheese. Yeah, like I said, it's the way it burns. It burns slowly. It's a log on the fire. It's the jet fuel at the airport. The 99% octane, they got to put in those jets for their engines to run properly. It's crazy, isn't it? How this sort of turns the world upside down? Well, for me it does. Most people, I'm sorry, are just not going to get this memo. But you get it. You guys understand it. And this is just reinforcing, okay? Nature's perfect foods, eggs, meat, cheese. Okay?
Now remember in the book Sun, Steak & Steel, I talk about cheese in the book is includes the 30 day metabolic reset. You know how I did it? And some of you got my book already. So you've read this, you haven't got there yet, but here's how I wrote it. Let me just read to you the first paragraph of the reset. The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. My first paragraph and what I did with the reset in this book by popular demand, okay, because people were asking, I want the reset written. Now you can get it on our website, you can get it in the private Facebook group, but I wrote it all over again.
But you know how I did it this time, question and answer. It was like a question and answer Friday. And I figured, why not write a chapter like this? What is the Reset? How did the Martin Clinic come up with this eating plan? Why 30 days? Why is this for everyone? What do you mean by changing fuel? Speed kills is the reset primarily for weight loss. I answer the question. How will it work if I'm hungry all the time? Why only eggs, meat and cheese? Okay, those are questions. I got lots of them. We get asked these questions all the time, every day. There's not a better eating program out there. I'm sorry, there's not. It's just the best. 30 days. Change your life, get you off the Titanic. Tell this to your friends, get 'em a book. Tell 'em to read it. I think I can convince them. I think I can. Okay? And I know it's hard because they've been taught something entirely different. Cheese consumption, PubMed decreases all cause mortality, decreases stroke, heart disease, breast and prostate cancers, type two diabetes, bone fractures and dementia according to the study.
Okay, have you had fun? Okay, have you had fun? I have. Okay, so Friday is question and answer Friday. Okay? So get your questions in. As you can tell, I love questions. And don't be shy. You can question me. If someone you know out there wants to ask me a question, ask the question for them. And they might say, Dr. Martin, I'm so confused. I get that every day, guys, every day, every day, every day. I get that. I'm confused. Well, I want to help with that. I want to help with the confusion by telling you the truth about food. It's the truth. Okay? Okay, so guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!