A study Dr. Martin looked at is saying how an ongoing stressful situation can cause a healthy person to develop insulin resistance in as little as 4 days!
We all need cortisol. It’s part of our fight or flight mechanism and it’s our friend until it becomes our enemy. The problem is when cortisol doesn’t shut off. This leads to insulin resistance, and left unchecked, it can become a perfect storm for a cancer diagnosis.
Join Dr. Martin as he teaches on cortisol and insulin resistance and how to break the cycle.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, now this morning I want to talk about insulin resistance. Now, there was a couple of questions. I don't know if I'm going to get to them Friday, so I thought I'd answer these before I do insulin resistance, okay? Asking about our Cortisol Formula, whether it decreases REM sleep. No, it actually increases REM sleep. Okay? Now, one of the things I was going to talk to you about is cortisol. So what's cortisol? That's cortisol. Okay? The fight or flight, you're uptight, blood pressure goes up, blood sugar goes up, you're getting ready to flee or fight. Okay? So we all understand that that's a very good protective mechanism. It's your friend. Cortisol is your friend, but there's a double edged sword to it when it becomes your enemy.
So cortisol, you need it secreted from your adrenal glands, okay? We all know that. Now, cortisol left unattended, long-term stress, almost invariably, okay? Let, let me just make a sort of a blanket statement here. Almost invariably, when someone gets cancer, it didn't just come out of the blue, okay? It didn't just come out of the blue. And even if it's a rapid cancer, it took a long time to develop. One of the contributing factors is cortisol. So what do I always say about cortisol? It pours gasoline on the fire, okay? Because it's meant to be short term, it's meant not to go on. Now, there was a new study that came out. Let me just quote it for you. Cortisol, okay? This is just on the stress hormone cortisol. And here's what this study says. You can take a perfectly healthy person, perfectly healthy, and they get in a stressful situation.
And here's what happens. They can actually develop, a perfectly healthy person. This study was done and they're in cortisol, like their cortisol is excreted for four days, okay? Four days. And the way they measured it, okay? Not only they measure cortisol, but four nights of not sleeping. So think about it, your cortisol's high, you don't sleep because you're, you're in the fight or flight. Some people actually can describe it as a little bit of a shake inside their body, just that you know. But what this study said in four days of cortisol, you can develop insulin resistance even if you're eating good. Now, usually when your cortisol is up, because it elevates your blood sugar, right? Getting you ready for the fight or flight, elevates your blood sugar, what goes up must come down. Because what insulin does goes out and says, blood sugar, come here. We're going to bring you down.
But if you go four days in a row. The lowest hanging fruit, okay, let me just say this. The lowest hanging fruit of high cortisol is sleep. First thing that it affects is your sleep, usually. If you're really stressed, you're not sleeping well, you should. I know there's exceptions to everything. And when you don't sleep well, your cortisol goes up. It's a medical crisis because what it is is that insulin is a wonderful hormone until it's not your friend. Secondly, cortisol is a wonderful hormone until it's not your friend, and I wrote a book years ago, Two Hormones that Want You Dead. I wrote that book 2011, I remember because it was the hundredth year anniversary of the Martin Clinic, okay? We had a big party. The Martin Clinic was a hundred years old.
My grandfather, I don't know what he was thinking in 1911 with his brother formed the Martin Clinic. Oh boy, you should hear the stories of those guys pioneers in natural medicine. Unbelievable. They had more potions and more ointments than things, incredible formulations. The guys were geniuses. I never knew my grandfather because he died in 1952 of the same year I was born. I was six months old when my grandfather died. I wish I would've met him, but I heard, and I mean this over the years, I don't think I'm exaggerating thousands of stories from even my patients where their parents or grandparents or whatever were taken care of by my grandfather. 1911.
So in 2011, a hundred year anniversary, I wrote a book, Serial Killers: Two Hormones that Want You Dead. Became a best seller. And I talked about the connection between insulin and cortisol. Insulin, of course, I talk about every day because that's food. But you study out that you can take a healthy person who eats well, put them in a stressful situation, and within four days they can develop the start of insulin resistance. They go together. And what I know in 2023 compared to what I knew when I wrote that book in 2011, it's incredible. Incredible.
So isn't that something? Again, let's come back to cancer. Perfect storm. Perfect storm, because you and I fight cancer every day. You and I fight cancer every day. The problem with a cancer cell is it's got 7 to 10 times more docking stations, okay? Think of a cell, and there's docking stations, there's docking for vitamin D, good thing. And there's docking stations for insulin. That's a good thing too. You want insulin to be present. That's not the problem. It's when it's high circulating insulin when the cells develop insulin resistance. So in cancer, I must say this to patients and X patients and even people now that communicate, "Doc, what do I do?" Or what should I tell my sister to do? Or what should I tell my nephew to do? What is your protocol again, doc? Well, I said, look, it's very simple. I'm not going to give you 50 things. Numero uno, change food. Why? Because cancer cells have seven to 10 times more docking stations for insulin than an ordinary cell, okay?
Why? Because cancer cells, guys are looking for fuel. And we talked about it yesterday. Cancer cells 200 times more conducive. They want glucose. They want sugar, and they want something rapid to feed them. They're ravenous cells. Okay? Was it Dr. Otto Warberg? What did he say? In the 1920s, cancer cells need fuel and they're going after glucose. And he wrote books on ravenous cells. They're starving to death, but they only like sugar. Okay? So now you have insulin cells looking for glucose. And on the other side of the equation you've got cortisol, a stress hormone, and cortisol even makes insulin resistance worse within four days of stress. Okay? Now I'm giving you all the bad news. Here's another thing that will cause insulin resistance. One, food, sugar, carbohydrates. How much insulin do you need if you're eating a steak? How much insulin do you need if you're eating an egg? How much insulin do you need if you're eating cheese? Zero just about, okay?
So again, I saw it on our private Facebook group this morning. Someone saying they're confused. Because if you look at the mainstream media, if you look at most dieticians, if you look at most nutritional, not all, most, they're all going to tell you red meat bad. Okay, red meat bad. Red meat is acidic. No, it's not. Red meat is cancer producing. No. Cancer hates steak. And I double down on that, guys. It hates it. There's no fuel for cancer in steak. None. Zero. Nada. Okay, so food number one. Crappy carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, juice, milk, store bought, muffins, bagels. People that have dessert for breakfast go to a coffee shop. They have dessert for breakfast. Kids having KitKat cereal. Man, I, I'm still uptight about that. They actually don't care. They don't even couch it anymore. They don't even hide it anymore. They used to hide it by saying, Honey Nut Cheerios, honey, nut, whole wheat, must be good. Okay? You can fool people with that. Never fooled me.
But then you get KitKat cereal. What I, I what? I'm sorry. What parent? I could understand if you took out a bowl of KitKat cereal for dessert. Okay, we're having dessert tonight and it's going to be Kit Kat cereal, okay? Okay. But I'm flabbergasted. What parent would actually open a box of Kit Kat cereal and give it to the kid before going to school. I guess it happens. I guess it happens. But guys, I'm speechless. Well, you know me. I'm never fully speechless, but it just takes my breath away when I think of that. I can't get over the food companies. They're just evil. I mean it. They're evil.
Okay, so now insulin, cortisol. Cortisol pours gasoline on the fire of a cancer cell. Insulin is a growth hormone. Inflammation, okay? You can measure inflammation. When I'm talking about inflammation, I'm not necessarily talking about pain. You're getting a fever without a disease. You're getting inflammation without a disease. You don't, don't have a virus. You don't have a bacteria. You are getting an internal fever and that pours gasoline again on insulin. You should see the new studies out. So you got insulin, you got cortisol, you got inflammation, then you got estrogen. For men and women, you got estrogen. Estrogen makes a woman a woman. Think about it, okay? And estrogen makes men, women too, because things start growing like their prostate.
So you have, usually in cancer, you have a perfect storm of these things. I'm a history guy. I'm a history buff. I like world history. I like nutritional history. I love that. I love studying things like that. But I'm also a history taker with you. And when you were in my office, I was a history buff. I want to know your history, man. You know? You know how many patients I came into my office already had cancer. Doc, can you help me? I got cancer. I wish I'd have seen you before. Okay, let's do everything we can. And then I would measure all these things. The cortisol was through the roof, their insulin through the roof, inflammation through the roof, estrogen through the roof. Almost invariably. But when I took their history, you could see there was some type of traumatic event. Sometimes five years previous to the cancer. Family dynamics or financial emotional. And it was a real stress ball period. And cortisol was, you can imagine was being secreted big time. What was that doing? It was pouring gasoline on the fire of growth. Might not have caused it on its own, but.
So guys, this is really, really important, okay? And the protocol, that's why for me, the protocol of cancer, nevermind what you're doing medically, okay? What you're doing, the chemo, radiation, surgery, immunotherapy, that's over here, got no problem with that. You decide that. I'm not deciding that. Okay? What I'm saying is, here's what you ought to do. Here's what your family ought to do. They ought to make sure they get their vitamin D levels high. Optimize it. And the only way to really know is to measure it in the blood work. Optimize your vitamin D because again, your immune system, okay? I talked to you about docking stations on a cancer cell, they got seven to 10 times more docking stations for insulin. But on the good side, your T-cells and your macrophages, your white blood cells that are your Navy seals, they got docking stations too, for vitamin D. The sun, they're looking for sun or vitamin D. And so you want your immune system to be firing on all cylinders. Well, then you need vitamin D.
I know this'll never happen, okay? It'll never happen. I should never say never because I guess it's possible. I can't see it ever in my lifetime where the cancer centers we're going for therapy today. Okay? You know what we're doing when the sun is out, we're all going in the sun. The reason I say it ain't going to happen. Cause the sun is the boogeyman for 99% of physicians and especially oncologists. The sun. Ah, the sun, it'll kill ya. No. It'll stimulate your immune system. I'd love to see that happen. Vitamin D two, get your insulin down. Start with food. Lay off the carbs. No sugars, none. Nada. Zero. Okay? You can have a few berries if you want. That's it. You got cancer, okay?
Three, get estrogen down. You're getting insulin down, you're getting your vitamin D levels up. You want to get that stress down, get cortisol down. Really important because it's pouring gasoline on that fire. You want to get that down and you want to get your estrogen down. Yes, men, yes, you prostate and breast cancer are identical twins, except one's a female and one's a male. I mean it. Prostate needs estrogen to grow and insulin so does breast cancer. So does bowel cancer. So does any cancer. Estrogen makes things grow. Block it, get it down. Get it down.
I'm big on probiotics. Why? Leaky gut, leaky everything. You're toxic. You got garbage, you got yeast flowing through your bloodstream. You got to block up the leakiness in leaky gut. See? See, my protocol, my friend is that. And then of course, and I've showed you this and you can Google it if you want. Look at what high D H A does to a tumor within 14 days. You know what guys? That came out about a year and a half ago, two years ago maybe. Have you heard about it since? Has it become one of the even partial treatments for cancer? No. Buried, buried. It bothers me, guys. Why would they bury something like that? Why wouldn't that be in the mainstream? Look, if nothing else gets your D H A up your high D H A. Buried. So that's a protocol.
Empty your liver. Why? Because your liver is your great detox organ, but it needs to be emptied. You don't want it full of fat and it gets full of fat when you're on high fructose corn syrup. You want your kidneys working properly, you want a detox. Get your insulin down. Anyway, I was going to answer a few more questions. We'll do it on Friday. Okay guys, we appreciate you. Thanks for putting up with me. You guys are great. We thank you. Share this. Share this. Guys. Tell people about The Doctor Is In podcast. Tell 'em. You're the ones that make it successful. So don't be shy. Share it. Okay? We appreciate it. Okay, we love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!