One of the greatest lies we’ve ever been fed about food is everything in moderation. Ask any dietician or nutritionist and they will tell you that everything in moderation is okay.
Dr. Martin has always disagreed with the statement. We don't need moderation in nutrition, we instead need elimination in nutrition. You would never tell an alcoholic that a little drink is okay, or a drug addict that a little hit is fine. The same goes for food. So many of us are carboholics and we need to eliminate certain foods from our diets.
Join Dr. Martin as he shares an article that explains what happens to your body when you drink just one can of soda. It’s not easy to change, but it’s simple. Dr. Martin explains in today’s episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live. Back in the saddle after a couple of days off. Now, the food industry made this famous and the world went for it in terms of eating... and that is the statement, everything in moderation. True or false? It's absolutely true. And if you talk to any dietician, nutritionist pretty well, they'll tell you everything in moderation. And a statement that I would make and something I say a lot. We don't need moderation in nutrition. We need elimination in nutrition. So I sort of coined that phrase and there's a good reason for it. So everything in moderation, even on our Facebook group, private group, I've seen that several times. Well, you know what? Everything in moderation. Well, look, I do a lot of talks in and around, and I talk about addiction a lot. Okay? Addicts. Personally, I was in the prison ministry for about 35 years, and most of the people that I met that are incarcerated are addicts. It's drugs or alcohol or sex. There's a reason they're in there. I mean, they committed a crime, but most of them are addicts.
So you can't say to them, well, moderation. You can't say to an alcoholic just drink in moderation. You can't say to someone that's hooked on drugs. Well, just moderation. You see, today we're carboholics, okay? Our society has created a whole thing we call metabolic syndrome. And at the end of the day, what is it? It's being a carboholic. We live on them and we're up to 200 pounds of sugar a year on average. On average, okay? Doesn't mean you are doing it. Doesn't mean I'm doing it. But if I could get a patient in my office and I showed them that they had metabolic syndrome, triglycerides were up, their HDL was down, their A1C was up. I used to tell 'em, well, now it's no longer moderation in your diet, it's elimination in your diet, and you've got to come to grips with the fact you're a carboholic. That's never an easy conversation, but it's a serious conversation because we're talking about your health. We're talking about people that are on the Titanic. If you're on the Titanic, who cares about the weather? Worry about the iceberg. Okay?
Anyway, here's an article. It's just to show you, okay? Just to show you what's happening, how soda destroys the body in a day, and people, they drink soda. Now, it's not only the sugar. Sugar, of course, the average soda has eight to 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. Let's say it's 16 ounces. You got about two to three ounces in there. That is sugar. It's unreal. Your body goes into panic when you give it that much sugar. And it's unbelievable because you're so wonderfully made that your body is smarter than we are. Your body knows that sugar is toxic. Your body knows that you don't need sugar.
Your body knows that. How do I know that? Because your body has insulin and insulin's main job is to take sugar out of your bloodstream. It just can't stay there. And the food industry have duped the world into moderation. You need sugar. You know how many times I hear that in a week? Well, you need glucose. You might need it because at the end of the day, your body will turn steak into fuel, but you don't need sugar. You just don't. And now, again, I'm not saying that we have to leave the planet. All I'm telling you is how your body works. Our bodies are smarter than we are because the food industry, you go up and down those grocery store aisles, and what do you have? Everything in there just about? I can hardly think of a thing in those middle aisles of the grocery that you should be eating. Now you can drink coffee at the grocery store. All I'm saying is it's craziness.
So anyway, this article I was reading on soda, and this is the soda. It's not diet soda, although I don't recommend that at all. I used to tell people in practice, and they still do it today, look, it's probably better by an inch. Not much, drinking a diet soda compared to a real soda. None of them are good. And this is why I always talk about you can form a habit in three weeks. Get off soda, get off soda. They're no good for you. The ones with sugar. Well, because of metabolic syndrome, I just have to lean that the sugary ones are worse. But pick your poison. That's what I mean. Okay? Pick your poison, okay? Metabolic syndrome. It raises your blood sugar and your insulin response immediately. Immediately. And it lasts for several hours. That's the problem. If you eat a steak, you have an egg, you have cheese, you know what your insulin response is. Not much.
I travelled with my three youngest grandsons, and it's so good because they're so smart. Well, we were talking about grandpa, why do you say that drinking sugar is worse? Well, I said, look, you were never meant to drink fruit. You were meant to eat fruit. Okay? There's where moderation is good because we live in a different world. So even like fruits, you can eat them. Okay? Berries. You want to have an orange? I'm not going to scream blue murder. Not at all. Don't live on it. That's what I tell people. Those are God's candies. But the difference is when you drink sugar metabolically, it is a disaster. Your blood sugar spikes crazy. I've often talked to you about, you know, go into all these cop, you wonder how coffee shops survived even with kids. Why would a kid go into a coffee shop? Why would even a young person, they're drinking coffee. I said, good, they're getting my memo. Nah, they're not getting my memo. They're drinking no sugary drinks. They're the worst thing metabolically. Because what that fructose does is head right to your liver, right to your liver, and it creates a cascade of problems immediately. High blood sugar, high insulin response, inflammation. Fatty liver doesn't take long to make a fatty liver.
If you don't think we live in a different world, you come back with me into the 1950s, I'm going to tell you in the 1960s, I'm going to tell you, and even into the seventies, there was no such thing as non-alcoholic fatty liver. It just didn't occur. Were people drinking soda, yeah, but they weren't living on it. And the worst thing that happened, the soda companies, what did they do in 1980? What changed the goalposts as far as fatty liver? What changed? They changed sugars. They changed to high fructose corn syrup. That's what's in your soda. And it's terrible. It creates a cascade of problems, especially in the liver. And when your liver is the recipient of that hyper fructose corn syrup, almost invariably triglycerides go up. So what happens then? Well, if your triglycerides are going up, you know, think it's nothing but drinking a soda, but you know what? Your triglycerides are going up. Now. A person, even a young person, is putting themselves at risk of developing heart disease. Liver, heart, liver, brain. Triglycerides.
I mean, we all have triglycerides, but when they get elevated and they will get elevated in a real hurry with soda drinking, with those sugary fructose drinks, apple juice and orange juice and all that stuff, that's the worst stuff. Drinking sugar, triglycerides go up even in a day. Brain damage, vascular. We all know what it does to teeth. I've said this a lot of times, if you don't think sugar is toxic, a lot of people don't understand that. I said, ask a dentist. That's how you get cavities. A dentist makes a living fixing those things, but a dentist knows sugar will destroy the enamel on your teeth. Everybody knows that, I think. Don't you learn that in what? Grade one? No, they tell you, well brush your teeth. Yeah, I know. Brush your teeth, I guess. So it's a good idea, okay? But at the end of the day, any dentist, anybody knows that sugar destroys your enamel.
Well, I'll tell you what else it destroys. It destroys your gut, it destroys your stomach, it destroys your liver, it destroys your bones, it destroys your brains. It destroys your kidneys. Again, last night somebody asked the question, and guys, I got no problem. You want to send me your blood work? Send me your blood work. I mean it. I'll give you my pontification on it. Don't send me 10 pages because I don't look at it. I'm sorry. I'm looking for my biomarker, about eight of them, and that's what I want to see. Okay? But someone on there again, Doc, my husband's got kidney problems, isn't it protein? Nah, it's not protein. You know, it sounds simple, doesn't it? You got protein in your urine or you got any stress on your kidney and your numbers are changing and kidney blood work, and they blame steak. Oh, you're eating too much steak, man, your protein has gone up. Your kidney function's not working properly. Hello? Have you not got the memo? Even urologist? Have you not got the memo? Does it have to slap you in the face?
Ask a diabetic Who's on dialysis? Diabetics, why? Sugar left unattended in the bloodstream will destroy circulation blood vessels. It will damage them. This is why even when you think of heart disease, not only are you getting bad, elevated triglycerides, okay? Fat balls going through your bloodstream. That's what triglycerides are. Fat balls, three of them, okay? It's an unholy trinity, let me tell you that. Okay? Those fat balls and doctors, they don't even look at triglycerides. They're so enamored with cholesterol, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. They don't even triglycerides. Lester elevated out of whack. But even then, ooh, so kidneys is not steak. It's another S, sugar because sugar left unattended destroys blood vessels rapidly, guys, rapidly. It starts with those little capillaries. Those little hairlike. I mean, that's the size of take out a strand of hair. I won't do it to me. I don't have enough of them. Every one of my hairs that you see on this head is precious to me. Okay? So I'm not using one of mine, okay? But take out a little hair and look at it and go, oh, that's the size of a capillary. Very small, isn't it? I mean, think about it.
Red blood cells, here's what happens, okay? They have to line up one by one. They can't go in twosies, okay? Or threesies, they can't get through the capillaries. They have to line up one at a time to go through a capillary. Sugar in that capillary left there will destroy the capillaries rapidly. And my friend, that's why you have so much kidney problems. It's blood supply. And when you think of sugar, okay, remember 2005 diabetes of the brain, Alzheimer's. That's what they called it. Type three diabetes. While they scrubbed that as fast as they could, they took that research and buried it. Type three diabetes. I told the physician this weekend, here's what I said to a physician, okay? And all due respect, I said, you're old enough. What did they call diabetes? You graduated around same time as me. What did they call diabetes back then? He couldn't remember. I said, you're eating too much sugar. I said, they called it sugar diabetes.
Why did they change that name? Think about it. Why did they change the name from sugar diabetes to type two adult onset diabetes? Who did that? Who did that? I'm waiting for an answer. Why didn't they do it? Why number one and who? He looked at me like I had two heads, but he said, yeah, they used to call it sugar diabetes. I said, you know what? People don't even know that because the food industry, they're into moderation. You can't call it sugar diabetes if you want to have moderation for a diabetic. True or false? Think about it for a minute. My father, you have to understand, had diabetes in 1968. I didn't even know what diabetes was. I was in high school. My father said to me, son, listen. And I became a Linda. I'll never forget it, son. I'm a diabetic. I'm a sugar diabetic. Can't have sugar. What? In 1968? Yeah, that's what my dad told me. Can't have sugar son. Why? I'm a sugar diabetic. Holy moly. That shocked the living life out of me. My dad never had another soda. My dad never had another ounce of sugar that I've ever seen him use. He said, son, I'm a sugar diabetic.
And my dad used to tell his patients, see this strip in your urine? See that dark green that's there? I did it too. You're a diabetic. What? That's sugar in your urine. It's spilling over. That means you're really a di... Well, my doctor said, I got it, that's my blood sugar is with it's high, but it's it's still normal. I said, nah, your body is a diabetic. Why? Because your body's smarter than you are. Oh, I used to enjoy telling patients that. You got to understand. It was fun coming into my office. Well, maybe not so much fun for the patient, but I made sure I had fun every day. I love being in practice. I did. I love people, one, I'm a people guy. Two, I love to get the message out. And so I used to get the message out, talked about the Titanic, talked about the tat. You have an allergy. And I used to tell him, actually, see this green, dark green on this chem strip of your urine? You are spilling sugar. Your body's smarter than you are, but you're in big doo doo. And you might not think it, but I'm going to try and get your attention today. You and sugar don't get along. You like it. It hates you, and you're an addict.
I met somebody last week that told me. You told me that 25 years ago, okay? And I got the memo, Dr. Martin, I got the memo. I said, good for you. Good for you. You know guys. It's just not that complicated. I know we like to make things complicated, but there's some things that are not complicated. If it's sugar diabetes, because let's go back to that name, type two adult onset diabetes, brought to you by the food industry in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry. I hate to be negative, but they don't want to cure your diabetes. They want to manage it. There's a lot of money in management. Lot of money in management, right? And moderation.
Hey, let's do a podcast on that. I like that. M's moderation and management. Ooh, it's simple. Not easy, okay? It's not easy. We're surrounded. You're surrounded by food. We live in a culture of food, food, fast foods, and you know what I mean? We never as a family, okay, well, we were 11 in our home. So think of the 1950s. In the early, we didn't go to a restaurant. What? There were no real fast foods. Fast was making yourself some toast at the house. You know what I mean? It's not my kids. Look at me. It's my grandchildren that look at me like, grandpa, when were you born again? Noah was on the earth. They can hardly believe it, my friend. It's not moderation, it's elimination.
Now, finish with this one. Form new habits today, agree with me. Okay, let's come into agreement. Those are a listening new listeners or whatever. Don't let anybody tell you differently. Sugar is so destructive and your body is smarter than you are. It really is. Change habits. Stop. Especially drinking any kind of sugar. Just stop it. Again, I didn't say it was easy. It's simple, but it's not easy. I understand that no good habit is easy to form. It isn't, but you can do it. Millions have thousands of my patients did it. They did it. I remember, you know how many times on second visit, our third visit follow ups in my office that I gave patients high five. I said, put your hand up. I'm giving you a high five. You can do it, man. You can change. Your body is waiting on you to switch fuels. Learn how to drink water and make it satisfying and learn how to drink coffee. There's your two drinks, and if you insist, I'll give you tea, but don't put any stinking sugar in it.
Dr. Martin, what about honey? Stop that. You don't need it. I don't like it. Well, you know what? There's a lot of things you don't like in life. I don't like it. I don't like water. Suck it up, buttercup. You can do it. Toughen up, desire. I did this with the young people in North Carolina. Desire, determination, and discipline. Man, that affects every area of your life. Okay, guys, we got a great week coming up. We really do send in your questions for question and answer Friday, okay? And anything else I want to talk to you about, you're not a member of the private Facebook group. Why wouldn't you join that group? It's so good. We have so much fun there. And every once in a while, I either post in there or I go in there and answer a question right there. Okay? It's not that I'm not on it, okay? But I love the back and forth and all the ideas and whatever. What a community, so great. Okay, guys, we love you. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!