1071. The Science of Vitamin D and Breast Cancer


Dr. Martin looks at an interesting study coming out of the Journal of Cell Biology. They’re saying vitamin D holds the key in both prevention and treatment of aggressive breast cancer! 

In the United States alone, there are 40,000 deaths a year from aggressive breast cancer. The study is saying that having optimized levels of vitamin D will help prevent breast cancer. Dr. Martin says that’s good, but he likes to see higher numbers when it comes to vitamin D, especially if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer.

Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he shares what you can do to lower your risk of all cancers.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. I hope you're having a wonderful start to your day, and we're happy always, so happy to have you join us. It's a privilege for us and we like to thank you for making this program such a success. What I want to talk about is a very interesting study that I read yesterday coming out of the Journal of Cell Biology, and the study is on vitamin D. Hello? Yeah, vitamin D. Okay. And it says here, okay, let me read this to you. Let me read the headline of the study, the Journal of Cell Biology. Okay, here's what it says. "Vitamin D holds the key to aggressive breast cancer, both in prevention and treatment." Now, I want to read that to you again so that you almost want to get off the floor after you fall down. Okay? In the Journal of Cell Biology, major study says, "Vitamin D holds the key to aggressive breast cancer in both prevention and treatment." Guys, I don't know how many times we got to talk about vitamin D, but this is worth looking into and what this study says. Okay?

Now, in the study, they say as just as an abstract, the part of the study, it says 40,000 deaths a year in U S A alone in young women, 40,000 deaths a year due to aggressive breast cancer. Okay? A quarter, a million new cases a year. Now, I'm not just talking about breast cancer. What this study is looking at is aggressive breast cancer. Okay? Now, current treatment includes surgery, chemo, radiation, and immune therapy. And let me go into some detail here. Okay? Now there's a gene, okay? It's called BRCA, B R C A gene. If you have that, it makes one more susceptible to aggressive breast cancer.

You remember Angelina Jolie, you remember that story where she found out she had this gene, BRCA, one gene, and she decided to have her breasts removed. Oh, hey, this is 10 years ago, I think around there. And I was doing radio shows at that time, and I pleaded, as if she was going to listen to me, but I was pleading with her or other women that that's not prevention, okay? It's not prevention. Look, I mean, I have nothing but respect for women's choices. They do what they think is right, but in my opinion, she was getting bad advice because if you think that breast cancer, it's going to be limited. Even if you take your breast tissue off, I'm sorry. Even people with this so-called weakness, the BRCA gene. One, guys, that's not prevention because anything I've ever read about any aggressive cancer, when it comes to women, if you don't have your breast tissue, it'll find another place in women's anatomy, including ovarian, which is very aggressive, and uterine cancer, cervical cancer. These kind of things are hormonal driven, not by the gene.

And guys, I've said this to you a million times, and let me just say it, 1,000,001 times. We all have a weak link in our chains, all of us. I always tell you about me, diabetes, a weak link in my chain, and for some of you, it might be heart disease for others, cancer. Well, breast cancer's in my family, that makes you slightly more susceptible to it, okay? But the reality of this is that it's a small percent. Genetics are involved in about less than 5% of diseases, but it was always a big thing. And I always blame the pharmaceutical industry because their complete emphasis for so many years and even today, is still on genetics. And I like to talk about epigenetics. How can you override your weaknesses? To me, that's the key. How do I put my body in the best position possible to avoid these diseases? My friend, that's true prevention, and I've been preaching that since the cows came home. You look at the flowers or do you look at the soil? I'm a soil person, okay? I want to know what the soil is like. I want to know what your body is like and how to turn your body into a mean, lean fighting machine.

And to me, we shouldn't be talking generally in the world about that. But today, I can tell you something about this study. Vitamin D holds the key to aggressive breast cancer, both in prevention and treatment. I can tell you it'll be on the back pages of the mainstream media, meaning that good luck, there's a war on vitamin D. And the reason is they just don't like what they see. It doesn't fit the narrative. I always talk about narratives. You know, you have a narrative and don't go off script. And today, prevention is having a mastectomy. I don't know, guys, to me, I don't understand that. And even this study is saying it. Listen to what it says, and then we'll just unpack this even a little bit more. Okay? The B R C A gene makes one more susceptible to aggressive breast cancer, okay? According to the study. Research is showing on this, that vitamin D if optimized, here's what they said.

If it's optimized to 50 to 70 ng ml, that's in the United States measurement. In the United States, they measure vitamin D differently than they do in Canada. Okay? It's just different numbers, but it, I'll give you the equation, okay? So in the United States, this study said if you can optimize your vitamin D, not normal, okay? Vitamin D, normal. The low end is for mice, not for you, okay? It's like B12. I've always said to people, I know the B12 test is a hundred years old, and if you have normal B12, that's for mice, you want off to optimize it. That's when your body functions better. It's the same thing with vitamin D. There's a lot of research on vitamin D, okay? There's a lot of research on vitamin D. Wait till my new book comes out, Sun, Steak and Steel, I talked to you about the newest research on vitamin D. But it says here, okay, this study in the Journal of Cell Biology says this, if you can optimize your vitamin D levels between 50 and 70 N G M L in the United States, okay? That's how they measure.

In Canada, just to get the numbers. If someone between 50 and 70, you multiply by two and a half times, so 50 to 70, 150 to 170 mmol-l. That's how they measure it in Canada, okay? So it's two and a half times the number in the United States. So when you look at your vitamin D, if you are an American, look for numbers between 50 and 70. In Canada, look for numbers between 150 and 170. Okay? Got that? According to that study, it's optimized. Now, can I give you my personal opinion? I like it a little bit higher than that. Okay? I like it a little bit higher than that. In the United States, over 60 for sure. Cancer, closer to a hundred. That's my personal clinical experience.

You know, there's research. Okay? There's research, and then there's clinical research, okay? There's research, and then there's clinical research. Because I'm not a researcher in a university setting. Oh, by the way, one of our participants in the reset, Jay, she got her master's degree and defended her thesis yesterday. Okay, isn't that great? And you guys participated in those ones that she took in the survey and did her master's degree, and I listened to it yesterday. Fantastic. Okay. I was on her committee, but that's a university setting. Okay? Is it good? For sure. The Journal of Cell Biology. Good, wonderful. Dr. Martin's clinic, hundreds of thousands of patients. Is that worth something? I think it is. And for me, when it came to dealing with cancer, their research is saying between hundred and 150 to 170 in Canada. And I like it a little bit higher than that.

But for the sake of this study, this is what they said. If you have optimized vitamin D, here's what it does. Okay? So this is what they said. If you have optimized vitamin D, going to give you some technical terms a little bit. It's a blueprint to cellular replication and elimination of mutations. You know what mutations are, okay? Where cells are renegade. Cancer cells, my friend, are renegades. Cancer cells, they march to the beat of a different drummer. They're not like your ordinary cells. They're mutants. They're seditious, they go against the body and they're looking for fuel. Remember that. Cancer cells have a much different antenna to ordinary cells. Your good cells, they have an antenna to vitamin D going, I need vitamin D.

I was looking yesterday at an electric car. It was well over a hundred thousand dollars. I think it was a BMW. And I guess they want everybody to drive an electric car. Who the heck can afford that? But anyway, but it runs on batteries, but your body runs on batteries, your body runs on batteries, your cells have receptors. And of course, inside your cells you have mitochondria. The battery packs, you better charge them. But cancer cells are different because they look for sugar. And if you don't believe that, well then just go get a PET scan for cancer imaging and you need to take sugar. Otherwise the scan doesn't even work. Because if you have cancer in your body and you're going to get a PET scan, they give you a drink of glucose or they IV glucose into your body and you'll light up wherever there is cancer, you'll light up like a Christmas tree.

Because cells, they're mutants, they're not normal cells. But this study is saying, when your vitamin D levels are optimized, it's saying it eliminates these mutations. Guys, that ought to be big news. True or false? Yeah, it should be big news. Did you guys hear about this study? It's not going to make major headlines. Vitamin D, why D? Most doctors will go, well, you got to be careful with vitamin D. Terribly important today. You don't want to take too much vitamin D, you're going to die on the spot. I mean, that's what they think. It's craziness. It's craziness. It says here, elimination of mutations. Holy moly, that ought to be the biggest discovery since sliced bread. Where are we at today? In our world? This stuff will be buried. Okay? I mean, what's the takeaway my friend? Get your vitamin D levels up.

And you know what? Isn't it sad? Isn't it sad that when you get blood work done, you almost have to bring your doctor to the dentist to have their teeth drilled without anesthetic in order for them to do vitamin D testing? I tell you, my friend, it's craziness. It ought to be the first test that they want to do. Let's check your vitamin D, you know, because 80, 90% of the population is low in vitamin D. Forget, optimize. They got enough vitamin D in their body. Mice would barely survive. But nobody's telling them about the importance of getting vitamin D. The only thing doctors are trained on in school, okay, I'm just talking about 99.9% of doctors. Here's their training on vitamin D. Oh yeah, you need vitamin D for your bones, okay? And the odd one might tell you to take a little bit of liver oil or whatever. We eliminated rickets. So do you really need vitamin D? They don't even check it. Who cares?

Friend, if you have to pay to get vitamin D done in Canada, you'll probably have to pay get it done once or twice a year. I know it's no fun because you have to pay. But I'm telling you, when you read the studies and you look at this study alone, ought to get everybody and their dog getting vitamin D levels checked. Hello? And I blame a lot of the stuff too on just, again, the narrative. The narrative. People just spraying the living life out of themselves with sunscreen, even if it's outdoors, you're coughing to death. They use so much sunscreen. Yeah, but I don't want to get sunburn. Why don't you want to get a sunburn? Neither do I don't want a sunburn either. When you spray, you're not getting any vitamin D. Yeah, but Doc, what about skin cancer? I know, I know. Don't burn in the sun. And number two, melanoma, which is an aggressive skin cancer, it has nothing to do with the sun. Well, let me rephrase that. Yes, it does. When you don't get sun, you got melanoma. That's a fact, folks. Again, it's not the narrative, but it doesn't matter. It's still the fact people that get melanoma, people that get melanoma are people that don't get in the sun. It's 90%.

If you don't get in the sun, you better take vitamin D. What can I tell you? Like people. Ah, doc, you know don't need vitamin D. Yes, you do. Okay? And yeah, if you can get it from the sun, even better. I agree with that. But live in Northern Ontario, live in Canada. When are you going to see the sun in the winter from your window when it's out there. You don't get vitamin D from your window. I'm sorry. Oh, it's a sunny day doc. Well, yeah, that's good for you. I agree. But unless you're butt naked, no, your arms and your leg, okay, now sun is good for you. Okay? And research showing vitamin D off July in aggressive breast cancer for both prevention and treatment. Prevention and treatment. Isn't that something that you get both prevention and treatment according to the study, if you have optimized vitamin D?

And how do you know what your vitamin D levels are? I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you somewhere other way. You got to find out by getting blood work done. I wish it was easier than that. I know there's some labs in the usa, I don't know, but in Canada where you can actually just do a little fingerprint or whatever and send your blood in and get your vitamin D levels done. Physicians, I love them dearly, but oh my word, I could shake them. I could shake them. Read, read, read the Journal of Cell Biology. It ought to shake your boots, okay? 40,000 deaths. This is the United States alone of aggressive breast cancer in young women. Listen, every death is a tragedy, isn't it? It is. Okay. It's a tragedy. And I got an honorary degree in obituaryology, okay? Because I look at obituaries, I'm fascinated by them, first of all, when I get up, I make sure that I'm not in there, but I, I'm interested.

I'm always been a people person. I always remember patience and I look for to see if I know anybody, but I'm also looking as to where they want money donated. And boy oh boy, they're asking for money sent to the cancer society. And then you pretty well know they died of cancer. And when you see young people dying of cancer, it's a tragedy. It's a tragedy. And I'm not saying vitamin D is everything okay? But it's certainly important and everybody and their dogs should know about it. It bothers me that that's being hidden from the general population. People should know that. If you went door to door in your hometown and did a survey and you asked them about vitamin D, I mean 99% of the people would have no idea that vitamin D is a prevention and treatment according to research of cancer. I can barely say it without being canceled.

Okay, what else should you do? So at the top of the food chain, the pyramid for cancer prevention and treatment, okay, let's put them two together. What do we do? And this is just stuff that I talk about every day. Number one, get your vitamin D levels up, and they're not necessarily in this order. All of what I'm going to say is important. Okay? Let's turn to food. What do you do? Eliminate sugar. Negative. Eliminate sugar. Positive. What do I eat doc, to prevent cancer? What do I eat, doc, if I have cancer? Eggs, cancer heats eggs. Meat, cancer hates red meat especially. Hates it. Cancer can't survive. Those mutation, those renegades, those teenage looking for sugar cells. When you eat steak, those cancer cells go, why are you starving me? And they don't eat steak and they don't eat eggs either. And they don't eat cheese, they just don't. They survive and thrive on glucose.

So you have to be negative in terms of food, no sugar. Zero, nada, if you are preventing cancer, okay, preventing, then limit your fruit. But you can have fruit limit. Berries. I like berries, okay? I like berries. So if you are preventing cancer, you can have berries. How's that? God's candies don't live on them. You're not meant to live on plants or from the plant kingdom. You're just not, okay, but I'm not saying you can't have any. Now what if you got the diagnosis of cancer. Now you got to be extra careful. And I'm not saying that cancer cells like berries, they don't, okay, but you don't want to give them any fructose or any sugar. To me, you just got to be if you got cancer already. Okay? So there's the prevention and treatment, okay?

Here's another thing. And by food, what you're doing is your eliminating a growth hormone called insulin. Cancer needs fuel. You want to lower that insulin, okay? You want to lower that insulin because insulin is a storage hormone. It's a growth hormone. Things grow. Okay? Things grow. So you don't want that, you want to get it, down. Okay? So that's food, guys. So vitamin D, food, negative. Get rid of sugar. Positive, eggs, meat and cheese. Okay?

And breast cancer, almost every cancer. So let's just say it, get estrogen down. Number three, another hormone. Get estrogen down. Very important. Estrogen is a growth hormone. It makes a woman, a woman, and makes a man a woman too. That's what estrogen does. So men, listen, when I talk about breast cancer, right beside it for men is prostate cancer. Why? They're the same type of cancers. They're driven by hormones, okay? They're driven by hormones, estrogen and insulin. They're driven by it. So you want to get your estrogen down. I don't have those photographs with me, but I've shown you guys in the past, estrogen coming off the body by blocking it. Okay? Why do you think I love DIM? Okay? Why do you think I love it? Because it blocks estrogen. Why do you think I love flax seeds? Because it blocks estrogen, extra estrogen.

You're never going to block all your estrogen, okay? You won't. You can't. You can't. We live in a world that everything looks like estrogen to your body. They're called xenoestrogens, from chemicals to plastics, to fertilizers, to pesticides, to whatever. Good luck my friend on this planet. They're everywhere. You got to block estrogen, get it down because it's a growth hormone. It makes things grow. Okay? We talked about even fat cells yesterday. Okay? They give off estrogen. So try and get that down. You do that by food, block your estrogen, DIM it out. Flax seeds. I like flax seeds because of lingens.

Fourthly, okay, fourthly, lower cortisol. What's cortisol? That's cortisol. Okay, if I scare you, okay, that's all right. If it only lasts for a few seconds, hey, cortisol can save your life. You need it. Problem is if cortisol don't get turned off, it adds gasoline to growth. I'll tell you folks, I've written so many books in my lifetime and I don't think I can even remember a book that I don't talk about stress and the cortisol hormone, it's another hormone, and it'll save your life if someone's chasing you. But it can be deadly if you don't turn it off because it pours gasoline on the fire. Makes things grow, grow, grow like wildfire. Get that cortisol down. Okay? Those are four things. Now we can talk about more and we will, but I just thought I had to bring you that study today, okay?

Okay. So people were asking me, what about DIM? Well, look at our Hormonal Formula. I'm rejigging it. Okay? I'm making it even better. And I was having trouble getting the DIM that I wanted, so I rejigged it and coming to a theater near you soon will be read. Okay? If a lot of people ask me about that. Guys, have I told you lately that I love you? Okay, now I'm going to try and check in to see what's going on with Facebook. A lot of you didn't get notifications this morning. We'll try and fix that to get our technical difficulties out of the way. Now I can't fix it because I don't know anything about, but I'm going to see if we can't get this right. Okay? I love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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