1056. Fungal Woes – Part 1


The CDC in the United States is reporting that deadly fungal infections are growing at an alarming rate. The cause is iatrogenic, meaning it’s caused by medicine, and in this case they’re referring to the overuse of antibiotics.

Dr. Martin isn’t surprised at this news as he has often talked about yeast and candida. When you use an antibiotic, it wipes out both the good and bad bacteria in your gut. Dr. Martin will never tell a patient not to take an antibiotic, but just realize you need to follow up with a probiotic to restore the good guys in your microbiome.

Join Dr. Martin as he discusses the harm fungus in our bodies can cause in today’s episode!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day. I certainly am. Guys, thanks for coming out. Okay, let me read you a headline and then we're going to get into this a little wee bit this morning, okay? From the CDC, okay? The Center for Disease Control, I believe it's in Atlanta, Georgia, or at least it used to be. Deadly fungal infection is growing at an alarming rate. Okay? Deadly fungal infection growing at an alarming rate coming from the CDC. Rapidly spreading fungal infection. Okay? Now let me tell you mainly why that's happening, okay? Fungal infection. Now, if you been following me for any length of time, I've often, often, often talked about yeast, candida. That's a form of yeast. The one is the most common is candida albicans, and this kind of fungus yeast can be very deadly, very deadly, and will talk about this in this particular session.

And the reason it becomes so dangerous and spreads is that the way it works is that... Look, we're surrounded by bacteria, viruses, and to some extent fungus like it's a mold like creature, okay? So we all know what mold is, right? But the problem is, if this gets inside your body, it can overwhelm your immune system. And this article, it's really interesting that even the CDC is admitting it. It's spreading, and medicine has very little in their toolbox to fix this, okay? So mainstream medicine misses the boat because they don't generally look for fungi, they look for bacteria, they look for viruses, okay? Now the number one, cause, the reason that we're getting as the CDC says, a deadly fungal infection at alarming rate in North America is iatrogenic. Okay? What's that mean? Okay, I like to throw out the odd big word, but then I make it simple.

It's caused... iatrogenic is medicine caused, okay? It's caused, okay, by the overuse of antibiotics, okay? That's what's caused by. Even the CDC is saying that. We're overusing antibiotics. Antibiotic were meant for bacteria, never viruses. They don't do anything for viruses. But because bacteria and viruses could be very similar, doctors, just the way it is, they prescribe antibiotics. And the problem is, you guys have heard me say this. The problem is you get an invasion of another species. Okay? Now let me break this down a little bit more. Okay? When you take an antibiotic, and I never tell people not to take an antibiotic, I don't do that. If you have an infection, you need an antibiotic. If it's bacterial, you need an antibiotic. But understand the consequences. When you take an antibiotic within a couple of days, it's going to wipe out all your good bacteria.

Now inside your body, remember, it's invisible to you, but there's a war going on, okay? The Bible talks about a spiritual war in the heavenly places. Can't see it, but it's happening. Okay? Good verse evil. Okay, guys, inside your body, you have an invisible war going on. You've got good bacteria and you've got bad bacteria, okay? You don't see it, but it doesn't mean it isn't there. As a matter of fact, we know more, the more we research it, the more we realize how important that war is. Okay? So you have good guys, bad guys. Now, as long as your army, your good guys are more prevalent than your bad guys. It's called you win, you win. And the vast majority that you've got, this war goes on everywhere in your body, even on your skin. But the biggest aspect of it, or where it occurs mostly is in your gut, okay? When you step on a scale, you can take between three and four pounds off the weight. What? Yeah, because that's bacteria. Good, bad, and ugly. Okay? It's three or four pounds. It's unbelievable. It's microscopic. You can't see it. But nonetheless, it's there. There's a war.

The problem with antibiotics, within a couple of days, they wipe out your good guys. They wipe them out. So what happens? Okay, your infection went away. Goody goody gum drops. Okay, good. That's what antibiotics are meant for. They want to get rid of the infection, okay? But you have to understand what happens. You got no more good guys, okay? No more good guys. What happens? You get an invasion. It's like the Trojan horse guys. You get an invasion of the third army. Yeast, fungi, and everybody has a little bit of yeast in their gut, okay? You got a little bit of fungus in your body. It's not a big deal as long as it's being suppressed, as long as your microbiome is balanced. If it's not balanced, you're in doo doo. And the article is saying, you know really, medicine, they just never seem to get memos. Okay? Here's the memo. Would you stop over prescribing antibiotics? They never get that memo.

Doctors, you know, you got a bad... Hey, you get a sinus infection for example. Okay? Is it fun? No, it's not fun. Okay? You get a lung infection. Is it fun? No, it's not fun. You're sick and you are thinking antibiotics, your doctor's thinking antibiotics. But the vast majority of those, the vast majority are viral. And what does that mean? It means that if you build your immune system up, you will be able to succeed against the virus without antibiotics. Now listen guys, listen Linda, listen. Don't misquote me. All I'm saying, I know that the memo out to physicians, it even comes from their colleges. The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario, I remember this about five years ago, said, would you stop, doctors prescribing antibiotics for colds and sinus infections and ear infections in kids? They said, please stop. Those are viral. They're not bacterial. Don't use antibiotics.

Anyways, they're not getting the memo. So what do we have? We have, and this is according to the CDC, we have a rapidly spreading fungal infections going around, and they're highly contagious and it's not good. Okay? Now I got to show you something. I did this, I can't even remember, it's got to be about a month ago. Okay? When we say leaky gut, okay, leaky gut and malabsorption and all this and that. Okay, let me give you a demonstration, okay? A demonstration. Now I'm really zeroing in here on the small intestine, okay? So as soon as your food gets past your stomach, it's ready for absorption in your small intestine. Okay? Now I found an old carpet and I cut out a piece of it for those listening on a podcast, I'm showing a 1970 or whatever shag carpet. Now, do you remember those? Okay, they're not in style anymore, okay? Okay. You see the shag carpet, and actually this is what your small intestine looks like, okay? It's got all these shags, which are really, we call them villi. And in there, when your food comes in and it's micro-sized in the stomach, you're small intestine. This is where the absorption takes place, okay?

Here's the problem. When you take an antibiotic, you are wiping out and you don't see in the villi, there's billions if not trillions of bacteria in there. And again, the war, okay? The invisible war occurs inside here, mostly in the small. It can happen in the large intestine too, but mostly in the small. Okay? See the shag carpet, okay? And when antibiotics are taken, you're destroying the bacteria in the small intestine. The good guys, you get an invasion. It's called leaky gut because what happens even in past this villi, see the villi? Okay? Now past that, you have a little single cell barrier between your gut, okay? The villi and your blood, and it's tightly knit like that. Okay? See my fingers together, tightly knit, and the only thing that comes through is nutrients. But what happens if you have leaky gut? You took an antibiotic. Maybe you've been on steroids for inflammation, or you've been on a lot of non-steroid anti-inflammatories like Tylenol and Advil, and people live on that kind of stuff. And even artificial sweeteners, you know what they do? They destroy the tight knitting underneath the villi. It's a barrier. It gets destroyed.

So what happens? Now you have crap coming into your bloodstream. Doesn't belong there. Folks, that's what leaky gut is. And then you get viruses that can come in, bacteria, bad ones. And the worst though is not that the worst is fungal. Yeast comes into your bloodstream. Patients have told me that their doctors said, you tell that Dr. Martin, that if you ever got yeast in your blood, you would die. So, they don't believe it. They should read the CDC memos. Yeah, it might kill you. You see, they're so used to their training of it's either a bacteria or it's a virus. So ill-equipped for yeast because for years and years and years and years in medical school, they don't talk about it. They don't talk about that mycotoxin fungal infection, yeast. Dr. Martin made that up. No, I didn't. I used to tell patients, you got leaky gut and you got a major yeast infection in your body and antibiotics are not going to help it. You need to get rid of that fungus and first of all, build your immune system.

Okay, what fungus does, okay? What does fungus do? Well, let's look at mold for a second, okay? Because they're cousins. They're first cousins, okay? So you get a mold aflo toxin, okay? You ever seen mold, a mold can be very deadly and you ever seen a mold infested bathroom or whatever? And man, that like black mold especially is extremely dangerous. And guess who it hits? It hits people who have a suppressed immune system. You know how many thousands of times I treated people and I used to ask questions. When I did their blood, I would see a yeast infection. One of the first questions, antibiotics, yep, or have you been exposed to mold? And I had patients go, come to think of, I got mold in my basement and my son, who's been very unwell, or my daughter who's very, they sleep in the basement and yeah, I think there's mold down there. I said, hello. That's the problem. If your immune system and big part of your immune system is this tightly knit guy's gut, now you can breathe in mold. But another way they come in is through fungi and they come in with the invasion of that third army, the Trojan horse, okay, and it can be deadly.

Listen, this is me. I think I'm right. It's an opinion. I told you the story in the past, but a lot of you new folks haven't heard this story. One of the foremost authorities on fungus is a Dr. Kaufmann. He had a syndicated radio show and TV show back in the nineties. I wrote a book on chronic fatigue syndrome. He invited me on his program. So I did a little media tour, okay? A media tour, and one of my stops was in Atlanta, I believe. Anyway, I'm on the TV with Dr. Kaufmann, he's one of these foremost guys on fungus. And I'm telling him about chronic fatigue. And I said a lot of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, one of the things that we found when I did my thesis for my PhD was fungal yeast. And he said, that's fascinating. I didn't, he said, I didn't know that it occurred in chronic fatigue. But he said, let me tell you something, it is very prevalent in most cancers.

Well, I hadn't heard that so much, but even in 1993, let me read you something that came out of the National Academy of Science in 1993, okay? Fungus or yeast is one of the most carcinogenic substances known to science. 1993. This is what Dr. Kaufmann was talking about. There was an Italian oncologist, Simoninsi, he's talked about it. He said, every time I look at cancer, he was a pathologist, pathologist-oncologist. He said, every time I looked at cancer cell, there was fungus in it. Medicine never got the memo. If they did, they ignored it. Even food could be contaminated with mold, right? Especially peanuts, soybeans. What else? I wrote something else. Grains. Okay? Now again, you're going to be exposed to mold, you're going to be exposed to fungal. You really can't get away from it. So the idea for me is not so much what's out there because it's always out there. I'm very big on you, you, me building your immune system, so that you can fight. Your body knows how to get rid of yeast, but you got to help it. Okay?

So now you probably are thinking, I know what Dr. Martin's going to say. We did a seminar the other day in Fort Lauderdale and the lady said to me, don't feed the bears. Where did you hear that? Numero uno yeast needs to be fed. Fungi. Even if it's inside your body, even if you have leaky gut, it needs to be fed. Don't feed the yeast, don't feed the bears. That's a Martin Clinic expression. Don't feed the bears. So if you don't feed it, it's like cancer friend and fungi, yeast makes up a lot of cancer. Don't feed it. Sugar. Cancer cells look for sugar. Glucose, yep. They're ravenous. They're looking for sugar. They're junkies. Quit feeding the bears. Numero one. Two, what do you do? Fix leaky gut. Fix it. Fix this. Fix the tight knit, okay, single cell layer of cells that leave everything out of your bloodstream other than which belongs. Fix that. Okay? Fix it. Repair. Don't feed the bears. Probiotics. Broad spectrum. I can't emphasize this enough. They stop the leaky gut, they stop it. They rebuild that barrier. You need bacteria that's on your side. That's really important.

Can I give you another one? I can. Thank you. Vitamin D, vitderma, the sun. You know what kills mold? Where do you get mold? Where there's no sun. Basements, moisture. Your bathroom, water, water's wonderful, right? But if you ever have a leaky basement, right? A crack in your foundation or whatever, or water damage, what do you get? Mold? You know what I said? This is years ago, gee, I felt sorry for people in New Orleans. Remember that when the dam, or not the barrier, I mean that they had a New Orleans, huge flood. I mean, it just wiped out a lot of the city and the houses were inundated with water up to the roof. You know what I was thinking in my head, if that didn't kill you right there. And then I said, wait, you give this about five, 10 years. You watch on the amount of cancers, there will be lots of allergies, there'll be lots of asthma that wherever there's mucus guys, mold loves mucus, fungi loves mucus. Okay? So it's really important. Don't feed the bears. Probiotics, repair the dam. Number three, vitamin D, the sun. There's nothing like the sun to get rid of yeast, even on the inside of your body, the sun.

You know, whenever you see something on the skin. Okay? You know what I always say? Leaky gut, leaky skin, right? Most people when they have a rash and they go Doc, what is that? What is it? I say just about invariably it's fungal. It's a fungal infection. It's yeast, my friend, an eczema. Psoriasis is fungal. It's yeast, it's leaky gut. And yeast gets into the bloodstream and can show up in the skin. People, chronic, mucus, postnasal drip, lung barking all the time, mostly yeast. You have to get your body fighting that. And most people, I remember, I use a thousands of patients and doctors, they never look for yeast because they don't believe it can get into your bloodstream. Even this day, I bet you they won't get this memo by the CDC, they won't get the memo. They're so used to, if you have an infection, it's got to be bacterial or maybe viral, but they don't think fungus. Fungus kills.

And the other thing fungus does. Yeast, what does it do? It's like a snake. Okay? It's like a snake. You ever seen go on YouTube or wear watch a snake? They often, they kill their prey by wrapping around the animal. They wrap themselves and they boa constrictor. What do they do? They suffocate them. They just get tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter. And my friend, that's what yeast does. It wraps around your cells. It can destroy the DNA inside of a cell and mutate it, and it's rapidly spreading. And I've been talking about this for so long. Hello? Fungus, yeast. I read a study on yeast, and let me just give you this on type one diabetes, okay? This study came out on type one. Type one is autoimmune, okay? And kids, it's terrible, type one is a beta cells are damaged. They said, this study said, beta cells in your pancreas are damaged by yeast fungus. That according to this research is the cause of type one diabetes. Well, I've always said it's autoimmune and the body turns on itself. Why does it turn on itself? Why do we see so much type one diabetes today? Why do we see these autoimmune diseases today? Well, you have to stay tuned because we'll do that tomorrow.

Okay? You have to stay tuned because we're going to do that tomorrow. Part two. Now announcements. Okay? You get our email this morning? We got some new products coming. Okay? We got a couple of new products coming. We're very pleased about that. Okay? Secondly, we are having a webinar starring Dr. Martin Jr. Okay? When we do webinars, you get to see the brains of the operation. Dr. Martin Jr. Okay? Very, very smart. Unlike his dad, he's more like his mom, okay? He really is. But we're going to do that tomorrow, and it's always fun. We have a good time. And plus, we'd like to answer questions too. So people come on and look, I talked to him last night and he said that we're almost fulled up already, okay? So we always appreciate you guys and how you respond to us. We more than love it, okay? Now, okay, Friday's question and answer Friday, okay? So send your questions in if you can't get to the webinar, listen. We understand, okay? We love you guys and we'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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