1045. Q&A with Dr. Martin


Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Niacin B3 to reduce triglycerides
  • Injectable weight loss medications
  • Homemade almond milk
  • Removal of basal cell carcinoma
  • Gallbladder & digestive enzymes
  • Glutathione for diabetics
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Turkey tail mushroom for cancer
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Recommendations for snoring


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to question and answer Saturday. I'm sure I'm surprising a few people. Okay, here we go. Melanie is asking, "does niacin," and it's got here, and that could be our mistake here, Melanie, "B2." It's actually B3. "Does it help reduce triglycerides?" Well, I've seen some studies that showed that niacin, vitamin B3 can help lower triglycerides. Listen, here's me on B vitamins. I love B vitamins by the way, okay? And I'm very specific about the one that 80 to 90% of the population are low in, and that is vitamin B12, okay? So I separate B12 from the rest of the vitamins. And when people take a B complex, I tell 'em all, look, because of my nutritional background, I'm much bigger on eating B vitamins. Okay? You want to get all your B vitamins, well eat steak, you get 'em all, okay? If you eat steak, you get all your B vitamins.

Now, if you decide to take a B complex or someone that wants to take some niacin, I'm not against it. Watch for flushing. That can be one of the side effects of it. But B vitamin, a lot of, I had in my blood boost formula, I had to complete B complex in there. And I usually give it anybody that I would put on blood boost. What I did it for is because they were deficient, they weren't able to eat properly or they had blood issues like very anemic or adrenal exhaustion. Their body was so depleted that I at times would substitute that. But again, just understand for the vast majority of people, if you eat steak, red meat two or three times a week, you are going to get all your B vitamins there. Now, a lot of people have to take B12 because B12 is a finicky vitamin. If you got any digestive issues, if you're on any medication, there's a good chance you're low and B12. So a separate thing. And one of my biomarkers, I mean I used to be zeroed in on B12 because without B12, you will not do well.

Maria, "what do you think of injectable weight loss medications such as Walt Gobi?" I don't like them, to be honest with you. I don't like them. Look, we all understand this, that weight loss can be a very, very frustrating thing for a lot of people. And here's me, okay? When you have trouble losing weight, it's not calories in and calories out, eat less, move more. Because that has been medicine, dieticians, you name it for 50, 60, 70 years at least, eat less, move more. We have a pandemic today, a real one. That's why like weight loss, it's much more a hormonal issue. I'm big on getting people healthy because you can starve yourself and lose weight. Although some women, they just look at food and gain weight. But I look at the underlying factors. I'm always looking at estrogen, a growth hormone, insulin, big time. It's a growth hormone. And I look at cortisol. Why? Because cortisol pours gasoline on the fire. And I look at that because that can slow your thyroid to a crawl. A lot of women, and my doctor says, my thyroid is working well. Oh, I'm losing hair, I'm gaining weight. I don't feel good. I'm losing my eyebrows. My skin is dry and blah, blah, blah. Well, those are all thyroid. But what is it coming from? So I like looking at the bigger picture.

And one of the reasons of the reset is because when you are eating nutrient dense foods, when you're changing fuels, when you are going from carbohydrates to protein and fat and you're your mitochondria, your little battery packs are producing much more atp, much more fuel, a much better fuel. Rocket fuel is really what it is. That's a huge step in weight loss because your body is starting to fire on all cylinders, your metabolism. And again, I look at all of it, A lot of people, especially women, men too, but women much more because they're much more complex. The fact that a woman has ovaries makes her complicated. Okay? This is complicated because there's so much going on hormonally and women get in storms. And one of the things the body does is it holds on to fat. You get a woman generally, and a man, they'll eat the same amount of calories, do the same things pretty well, and the husband loses weight. And the wife, she said, doc, I just lost one or two pounds. And it makes me mad. Well, first of all, you're a woman. Okay?

Now I know there's being woke and there's him, she they who blah, blah, blah, blah. You don't want me, I don't care cause I'm too old. And if they canceled me, too bad. Like there's a man and there's a woman. And women have different hormones. Women are complicated when it comes to horrormones, okay? And some women, they just fly, their hormones are perfectly balanced and they think of the traumatic effects of hormones that men don't go through. Okay, let me just do that. This is hormonology 1 0 1, okay? Think about it. Here's a young girl. She starts menses for the first time, okay? A woman. And for some women, okay, it's maybe not fun for a day or two, but a lot of women, if they have too much estrogen when they're young, man, their periods are all over the place. Everything is upside down. Their skin, they got acne, they got estrogen, they got PCOS, polycystic ovarian disorder, they got it all. Bad periods, heavy bleeding, blah, blah, blah.

Second traumatic event for a woman is when she has a baby. And again, sometimes it's smooth sailing. Like men, they couldn't take that kind of pain. Women are unreal. But anyway, they have a baby. And a lot of women go through this. They gain 50 pounds and they can't get it off. And I said, well, you got estrogen dominance once you had the baby, all your progesterone was left in that placenta, and you need progesterone to be leveled with estrogen, otherwise it's going to slow your thyroid down. And a lot of women get postpartum depression, they gain weight. They got saddle bikes on their legs and their hips. Say, doc, I never had that. I know you're a woman, and I'm very sympathetic.

And then here we go. We get menopause coming. And a lot of women, this is a traumatic event, hormonally and men, andropause. Hey, God, wait again, come on. But women, they're coming in for a landing. That's what I used to tell my patients. I said, you're in an airplane and you're hitting turbulence as you come into your menopausal. It can be very traumatic. You see, if you are a physician and you don't understand that my word, what are you worth? I remember women crying in my office when I said, well, your hormones are so out of whack and they're crying and I mean it. And I go, they, you know what? Why didn't any doctor ever tell me that? Anyway, horrormones. Okay, Maria, you've asked the question and I went off on a tangent. I wouldn't touch those injectable or weight loss medication for all the tea in China. I wouldn't touch them. If you're asking my opinion. There's a lot of side effects to that kind of stuff. Don't do it.

Carolyn. "I know you say avoid grocery store almond milk and the other milk too." Cows milk. If it's in a grocery store, don't buy. And I don't like almond milk. And she said, "would you say the same for homemade almond milk?" I sure would. Listen, Carolyn, I love you, okay? But I don't love almond milk. Why do we have to drink milk? The only milk I want you to drink is if you have a cow in the backyard. What does Dr. Martin want you to drink? Water, coffee. Water, coffee. Okay, eh, kids. And don't get almond milk. I don't care if you're homemade it or whatever. Don't do it. There's too many oxalates. That's glass. You ever seen an oxalate? Oxalate will cut your fingers and people drink almond milk. Get about 200 times more oxalates than you should ever have in a day. Don't drink almond milk. I don't care if you make it at home. You can have some if you want to eat some, okay, but don't make it into a juice.

Now, I let you have a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie that's made with cream, okay? That's what comes out of a cow, okay? And does sugar in all types of candies have the same effect of eating cancer as the sugar formed from eating carbs? Is one more dangerous? Well, look, I mean, automatically, if you're eating a candy, that sugar is right into your bloodstream in a nanosecond. Now you need a lot of insulin. If you're eating carbs, look, they turn to sugar rapidly, which is worse? Well, look, you could have a fruit, for example, and the response of insulin is much slower. But I would tell people with cancer, no carbs and no sugar, no crappy carbs. Okay? You want to have some vegetables, okay? I'd very, very limit fruit. But yeah, if you have a piece of bread that's going to be sugar rapidly, so you might as well have a candy bar. It's the same thing to your body. Okay? Good question though, Ann. I appreciate it.

Kathy, "What is your opinion on whether basal cell carcinoma needs to be removed?" Well, look, I can't tell you that because every case is different. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, squamous being a little bit worse, but basal, you know what? I heard this on the news last night that Jill Biden, so Joe Biden, the president, I think he had some basal cell carcinoma removed, if I'm not mistaken. But one thing for sure is wife did Jill Biden, she had basal cell carcinoma removed. I think that's a decision that you make with your physician. But basal cell carcinoma ain't going to kill you. That's a guarantee. I mean, melanoma, that'll kill you. Okay? And by the way, melanoma, 90% are people that don't get in the sun. Melanoma don't come from the sun. That comes from Johnson and Johnson, the makers of sunscreen and other companies that make sunscreen. Hey, they're going to get melanoma. They're in the sun. No, I'm sorry. If you don't get in the sun, your chances of melanoma go right through the roof comparatively. Okay? And sunscreen, I don't like that stuff. I don't like chemicals. You put heat with chemicals in a lab and you can blow up a lab. You put heat the sun on sunscreen not good. Okay, not good. I don't like that stuff. Okay. Hello? Okay, thanks for the question, Kathy.

Candice, "if you don't have a gallbladder, do we need to take digestive enzymes on EMC?" Well, I would never Candice, if you don't have a gallbladder, your body has plan B. Okay? So you can live without a gallbladder. It's not ideal. If you don't have a gallbladder, I would be on digestive enzymes all the time. Listen, I take digestive enzymes every day. Every day I do. Well, I'm 71. As we get older, we don't make as much lipase, amylase, protease. We just don't. So I take a digestive enzyme, I've got a good digestive tract. Okay? But I take enzymes. But if you don't have a gallbladder, you want extra lipase and more lipase, but you need amylase. You need protease. So I would tell you, you should always be taking a digestive enzyme. Okay? Now, like I said, you can live without a gallbladder. Your gallbladder's a little pouch for bile, but your gallbladder don't make bile. Your gallbladder holds on to bile. Your liver is what makes bile. So you got plan B. Good question.

Lynn. "I was wondering if you recommend glutathione for someone who is a diabetic?" Well, look, what do I think of glutathione? Glutathione is a substance that your body makes. I always call it Velcro. Okay? And your body makes a glutathione to detoxify yourself. Now, what's really important with glutathione is that there's a mass production of it in your liver. And when your liver, the Costco parking lot is full of fat because you're eating too many carbs. Now your glutathione levels are going down. And by the way, the best way to restore glutathione, empty the liver, the reset, and eat eggs, meat and cheese. Highest sources of glutathione. Okay? Now you want to take a glutathione supplement. Look, the jury's out, okay? If you can get glutathione in an IV, I like that. If a cancer patient was asking my opinion and they could get a glutathione IV, I would tell 'em to get a glutathione IV. I like glutathione, but to take it orally, no, they're coming out with a lipid form of glutathione and I just need to see a little bit more research on it. But it's transported by a lipid. Good. It's got some promise, but glutathione on it. It's not well absorbed. And eat steak, eat eggs, meat and cheese. And that's how... empty the liver, EMC, okay, thank you for the question, Lynn.

Henna, "is eye imaging safe?" Are the drops used at eye clinics for checking the eye safe? Well, I wouldn't want to do it every day. Eye imaging. Yeah, look, how else are they going to look? I mean, obviously the old fashioned way. I used to love looking at eyeballs by the way. I did, I used to looking at 'em because I like to look at the blood supply and what was happening back there. But the imaging, yeah, I'd say generally it's quite safe. You're not getting it done all the time unless you've got a real big problem. But that modern medicine has done some wonderful things. An ophthalmologist. I mean that they can go in and look at your eyes with imaging and not, I like that, to be honest with you. Okay?

Rita, "what does Dr. Martin think about splenda?" Not much. You've got to listen to our podcast that we did a whole thing on sugar alcohols like erythritol. I did two podcasts on this week on that. So if you listen to that, I'm not big on anything like an artificial sweetener, like limit that, limit that. And we talked about erythritol, which is your body makes erythritol, but okay, I wouldn't live on it. I wouldn't live on it, okay, so that's what I think about it.

Elenis, I hope I said that right. "I recently heard about a urologist saying the bladder can't tell how about much water. we drink. Too much water, stretches the bladder and loses elasticity, causing leaking." Well, I disagree with that. 1000000%. Now look, here's the sweet spot of water. Two liters a day. That's what your body needs. Some need more, but very few need less. Two liters of water a day. Water, my friend. Okay? Unlike I know you can eat watermelon and there's water in watermelon, nah, it doesn't do the same thing. No, I'm not saying watermelon's no good for you. I'm telling you, you need to drink two liters or 64 ounces of water a day. It's the sweet spot. This is after 50 years of looking at people's viscosity of their blood. I'm telling you, you need two liters of water a day. It will not stretch your bladder.

As a matter of fact, when it comes to urinary tract health, the best thing you can do for yourself is drink water. Rosalinda knows this. What do I call your kidneys? The Niagara Falls of your body. And people get huge problems with their urinary tract, their kidneys, including their bladder cause they don't drink enough water. So I would say to that physician, you're wrong. Water doesn't stretch your bladder, it cleans. Water flushes out toxins. Every cell in your body needs H two O. What's the best water? Spring water. Okay, spring water and only water is water. Coffee. I know I make coffee every day. You need water to make coffee. Coffee's great for you on its own, but you can't count that water you make for coffee because doctors don't figure this out. Well, you're already drinking enough water, you're drinking coffee, you're drinking tea and watermelon and this and that. It's not the same. You need to put two liters or 64 ounces of water into your system every day, seven days a week. Okay, thanks for the questioning, Elenis.

Stephanie, "I'm losing hair on my arms and legs." Well, that's a good thing, isn't it? "Could this be due to taking hormonal support?" Well, Stephanie, look, hormonal support blocks extra estrogen, okay? And that's a big problem in our society today, from cancer to PCOS to bad periods, to even in women in menopause. Believe it or not, they can be estrogen dominant because it all has to depend on whether they're balanced out or not. And women, I talked about it earlier, but estrogen, if it's dominant, slows the thyroid down. And that's why you get hair lost for a lot of women. And usually it's not on your arms and your legs. You grow hair on your chin and you got less hair on your head, and hair is a woman's glory. It's never normal for a woman to lose hair. Okay? Maybe at 85, no, but really it isn't.

Okay, Rachel, "what do you do for plantar fasciitis?" Well, listen, no fun. I would do Rosie's trick with the high levels of inflammation formula. I call it my wife's trick because she's really good at it. 14. I had a patient do it, our former patient do it. 14 inflammation formulas a day for three days. See what happens. Okay, now they can give you a cortisone shot. There's a lot of things medicine does and eh, it's never fun. But I was big on lowering that inflammation. Plantar fasciitis usually comes from flattened metatarsal arch and a lot of people at that. And one of the things that happens in fasciitis is insulin. It's a big factor. Lower that insulin do the eggs, meat, and cheese diet.

Lindy, "what are Dr. Martin's thoughts on mammograms?" Well, look, I don't go there too much. I'll tell you why. Okay? For me, when I had my license and I was with patients, mammograms were over on this side of the chart for me. I was big on for me and my patients. Look, let's do everything we can to keep cancer away from your body in all parts, but especially breast cancer. Okay? Now, I wasn't against mammograms to that extent because that was over in the medical department and I was more in the prevention department. You know what I'm saying? Listen, even for liability, I would couldn't tell people, look, don't ever get a mammogram. They're the worst thing since slice bread. I wouldn't do that. Okay? I didn't do that to people. I gave people information. Women could make that decision on their own. Okay? So I wouldn't really go there. I'm saying, here's what I'm good at, here's what I do, and here's what they do. You make your decision about they for me, here's me, here's what I do and what I recommend. Okay? So I may be getting around your question a little bit, Lindy, but that's the way it is.

Karina, "turkey tail mushroom for aiding cancer." Never heard of it. Now, I know all about mushrooms, but I can't say that I've heard of turkey tail mushrooms doing anything for cancer. And listen, anyone that tells you they got the cure for cancer run, okay, because somebody's asking me about B17. Who asked about B17? Hold on. Oh, Sandra, B17. Okay? I don't know if you guys remember this or not, but that was a big story that came out. What are we talking 30 years ago on Laetrile. And everybody asked me about, they come into the office, Dr. Martin. Dr. Martin, what about B17? B17? Well, like I said, if you can get it, I got no problem with it. When someone tells you one thing gets rid of cancer, I used to tell 'em, eh, I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it. Now, if I was dying of cancer and someone said to me, well, you ought to try B17.

Ah, hey, what did I tell you the other day? And I mean, this was an expression I used in my office all the time. I said to my patients, okay, cancer. If I thought that hanging you upside down in the building that we were in, I'd go on the roof and I'd hold your feet and I'd hang you upside down if I thought it would do you any good, I would help you out as much as possible. But guys, I'd given you my protocol on cancer. When they say B17, I say vitamin D. When they say turkey tail mushroom, I say vitamin D. And I say, no sugar. That's science, guys. That's real science. Because if you don't have an immune system and you're feeding your cancer, I don't care how much mushroom tail you're taking, I don't care how much Laetrile you're taking. So you got to understand where I come from. Am I against it? Nope. Nope. I'm not against it. But I'm telling you what the priorities are in my opinion, okay? In my opinion, I've written books on this, okay? And protocols, diet. Start in the kitchen. Okay? If you want to try it, you got somebody good. Fourth stage cancer. Listen, I'm not against trying anything, but I am consistent. Okay, Sandra, thanks for your question.

Trudy, "cherry angiomas, what about them on the skin?" Okay, what's my take? Well, look, there's usually some form of deficiency. Usually there's a possible leaky gut. I'm big on probiotics. Anything on the skin? Probiotics. Probiotic. Leaky gut. Leaky skin. And cherry angiomas. Well, it could be micro circulation. It could be a deficiency to some extent. And vitamin A, even not eating enough steak. I mean, there's a lot of things. Talking about cherry. Cherry or Cherie with a C. "Since skin is the largest organ, could there be any bad effects of tattoos?" Well, maybe you put stuff on your skin, possibly.

Bobby, "have you heard of camelina oil?" You know what? No. What is it? I've been around the block. I could Google it. But to be honest with you, I can't say that I've heard it. There's two things today. I never heard of turkey tail mushroom, and I haven't heard of camelina oil. Someone give the answer there. Okay? And somebody's asking me about rosacea right in front of me there. And rosacea is leaky gut.

Giselle, "I'm wondering if Dr. Martin knows a test for the C I R S, capital, how to fix it." Chronic inflammatory response system. Well, look, I mean, the best test is a C R P C-reactive protein. That's the best test for inflammation. Even ferritin, high ferritin oftentimes is inflammation. Okay, inflammation. But I look at C R P, C-reactive protein.

Anomymous, whoever you are, "is licorice root? Would it help the liver?" On its own, no. I like licorice root more for the digestive tract more than the liver. But the liver is the reset, man. Empty that liver. That's the best thing.

Okay, Liz, "why would I start acid reflux after the reset?" You're weird. Liz, I'm just teasing. Okay? You have to understand I'm a teaser. Okay? Still love you, Liz. Okay? I'm just teasing. Okay, look, most people fix their acid reflux after the reset. So your body is probably making an adjustment. Take some digestive enzymes till you get that fixed.

Nez had a head lumpectomy. You mean scalp or you had your head taken off because that's a lump. Okay, I'm just teasing. Had a head lumpectomy four weeks ago. Now, serious hot flashers wondered why and how. Well, look, I mean, you know, it's traumatic to some extent that don't take much to set hormones off. They're called horrormones, horrormones for a reason. Okay Nez? So fix it up. Fix it up. Lock the extra estrogen, whatever you need to do.

Evelyn, "is it possible to get melatonin through my window on a bright sunny day?" Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Now, you're not going to get vitamin D through the window. You won't, but you will get melatonin because you, when your eyeballs look at the beautiful sun, you get some melatonin. Dark at night, pitch black room bright in the day. Not lights, but sun. Yes. Very good question, Evelyn.

Elizabeth, "what does Dr. Martin recommend for snoring?" Well, look, lose weight on the tongue. Okay, now, sleep apnea is fatty tongue. That's insulin. What makes a tongue fat? Insulin. But even a lot of people with snoring, when they get rid of their carbs, when they do the reset, a lot of times that gets a lot better. It's amazing. It's amazing what happens. Okay, get rid of that fatty tongue.

Kathy, keratosis, well we talked about... like anything on the skin. Anything on the skin, start with the gut. Okay, Kathy, start with the gut. It's amazing. Now, your skin. I love vitamin A. I really do. You don't necessarily have to take it as a supplement, but eat more eggs, meat and cheese. Because vitamin A, by the way, is only found in the animal kingdom. It's not in the plant kingdom. Okay, now Beta carotene, the precursor to it is found in plants, but vitamin A is found in eggs, meat and cheese.

Rods in the spine, constant pain. Do the inflammation trick? Pam, no fun. Are the rods causing? Well, look, you've got foreign objects in your spine. It's the scar tissue around those things that create that inflammation. And so no fun. Okay? But try the trick because a lot of people have gotten a lot of relief from using the inflammation. And doctors say, I have peripheral vascular disease. Left leg hurts a lot, especially in the foot. Any help? Well look. Anything with peripheral artery, I'm big on Navitol. I'm big on elevating nitric oxide, B12, nitric oxide, big time. Try the tube, Navitol with B12. Okay, thanks for the question, Rachel. Okay guys, we got 'em all I think. I hope I didn't miss any. Love you guys talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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