![THE DOCTOR IS IN Podcast](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0249/0975/files/Wednesday_-_The_Doctor_is_in_Podcast_f7302946-145d-4eab-9987-4f72b161f720_1024x1024.jpg?v=1606136466)
Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Shrinking of cysts
- Red rash from wearing mask
- Olive leaf extract
- Testing for high cortisol
- Himalayan salt & electrolytes
- Advanced glycated end products (AGE’s)
- Alpha-lipoic acid
- Bee products
- Liposomal glutathione
- Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another well, very surprising question and answer Saturday. So happy to have you guys come on with us. Okay, let's get to these questions. "A young friend had a brain tumor removed and now has cyst looking for any kind of recommendation that may help shrink the cyst." Well look, first of all, couple of things. The tumor, whether it was benign or whether it was metastatic. Cancer cells need sugar. Tumors look for fat. And the thing is, if you give it DHA, studies have shown 14 days, you'll never hear it on the mainstream. 14 days. DHA, it's like an explosion. It destroys the tumor.
Now, like I said, good luck with getting that in the mainstream media, but I have a protocol for any kind of cancer, okay? And so let me just give it to you an overall, here's what I do. Here's what I tell everyone. Cancer, here's what you do for sure whether you are doing chemo, radiation, surgery, that's over here guys. Okay? That's on over here. I'm a big guy on getting your body. I wrote a book years ago, are you Built for Cancer? And in that book, I had a protocol to get rid of cancer and to keep it at bay and to do everything you can to get your body on side to fight cancer. What did I give? Okay, what's my protocol? High vitamin D, high DHA. That specific omega-3, okay, high DHA. Keep your insulin down. Insulin is a growth hormone. Insulin makes things grow. Keep your insulin down. That's why I love the reset. Four, keep your estrogen down, men and women, doesn't matter. Keep estrogen down. And all these xenoestrogens, we live in a crazy estrogen world, okay?
So that's really important. That's what I do with my patients and I still do today. And probiotics. Why? Because probiotics will supercharge your immune system. Probiotics, even if you're taking chemo or whatever, they help to minimize the side effects of those treatments. Plus they make any medication you take even more effective with less side effects. Now there my friend, that is the Martin Clinic Protocol, okay? Now you can do other things if you want, but I like to keep it simple. I like to be consistent and that's what you do. Okay? So thanks for the question. Now you're asking the second question about pain and inflammation. Well, look, if you change the diet, you get off the sugars. Inflammatory diet is a high crappy carb diet that's very inflammatory to the body. Why? Because it keeps insulin and insulin drives inflammation. Okay? Thanks for the question. We appreciate it. And that was a group member. So we don't have a name here.
Grace, the daughter-in-law, "My good friend is a pharmacy technician," okay? "She's wearing a mask at work, has a red rash." I feel sorry for people having to wear a mask, even still now, okay? I don't want to get into the politics of it. You guys know what I think about wearing your own invisible mask. That's vitamin A. Eat steak. Okay? Eat steak. Now, if she has a rash, the best thing I find take out a probiotic, tell her to do this. Take out a probiotic, open up the capsule and put it with a little bit of, I like coconut oil, just a little bit of powder, coconut oil. Put it on the rash. Oil of oregano, either drops or spray or whatever. Put that as a little mixture and put that right on the rash. Amazing what happens. Okay, amazing. You got some Revera around. Make a little mixture with the Revera, which is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, good for your skin all around. Okay, thank you Grace!
Wayne, "Olive leaf extract, good to lower blood pressure?" and, "Is it clean others?" Well, look, you got to understand, Wayne, you've got to understand where I come from. Okay? I'm a formulator and Tony Jr. is a formulator. And over the years, you name it, I've tried it. You name it. My patients have tried it. And you have to understand, I was in practice for 46 years. So for what? To get results. So when someone came in with high blood pressure, someone came in with hardening of the arteries. Well, all of leaf extract is not something that I found on its own to be that effective. I'm not saying it's no good. I'm just telling you I'm a formulator, okay? And one thing I know with blood vessels, you better elevate nitric oxide. Nitric oxide opens blood vessels.
That is why I am so big on vitamin D. Vitderma, the sun. Navitol, pine bark extract. Listen, pine bark extract. I actually wrote books on it because it was consistent. Elevates your glutathione, elevates nitric oxide is the most powerful antioxidant that and coffee known to man. There's nothing more powerful. So for me, if I have to take olive leaf extract and compare it to pine bark extract, no comparison. No comparison. That's me. So I'm not negative. Wayne, I like the question. I really do, but I'm a formulator and again, I used to tell people, look, I had to get results. I had to get results. I had people coming to see me from all over and I mean it all over the world. I had to get results and for me, it wasn't fluff. You got problems. I got to do everything I can to help you fix them, okay? That's where I come from.
"What test should a doctor give to test cortisol?" Well, the best test for cortisol is urine test, in my opinion. Now they do different tests, but remember my overarching principle when it comes to testing too, I do, I like testing. Yep, I did a lot of it. Cortisol was one of the biomarkers I used to test in my office. But remember what I've always said, this goes for cortisol. This goes for TSH and thyroid. It goes for T3 and thyroid, it goes for everything. Symptoms, blood work or urine or saliva or whatever. And you put 'em together because what's happened in medicine, just generally what's happened in medicine, they got hijacked. They got hijacked by the pharmaceutical companies one and then hijacked by the labs doctors who only rely on lab work. I'm not dismissing lab work. I love lab work. You understand? So if someone says Dr. Martin doesn't like lab work. That's not true at all.
As a matter of fact, in my new book, Sun, Steak & Steel, okay, I have a whole chapter in there on the blood work that I like because it tells me a lot of things, but I still want symptoms, especially with cortisol, especially with the thyroid gland. Okay, ladies, you get your estrogen done and you know, oh, my estrogen down and that, and I want to see the symptoms too, because that's very important that you get a complete picture. Got it? Okay. Thanks for the question, Carol.
Mary, "When we add Himalayan salt to daily water, or is that enough for her daily intake of electrolytes?" Well, listen, that's a good, very, very good question, Mary, because for most people, Himalayan salt, when you add that, what are you doing? You're adding electrolytes. Okay, 84 trace minerals because that's what electrolytes are, okay? But for some you might need extra electrolytes. Now don't go drink that garbage like Gatorade and Powerade and anything like that with the artificial everything. I don't like that stuff. I really don't. But I do like electrolytes and some people need more salt than others. If you're getting cramping, if you're dehydrated, look, see me, I dehydrate very quickly. For me, I dehydrate very quickly. I like working out, but I got to be careful because I dehydrate and some people do too. And if I don't take care of it, I get cramps.
Look, I really haven't had a headache touch wood, did you hear my head there? I haven't had a headache in years. That's because I drink a lot of water and salt. You guys know me, I talk about water and salt, okay? Because when you look at your cells, okay, you see the cell in your body, okay? In your mind, just picture what I'm saying. Inside the cell and outside the cell, and you've got two bodies of water and they have to be in balance. You have salty water and less salty water in the cell. And there's got to be a balance there. And a lot of people, they dehydrate very quickly, and when I say they dehydrate quickly, they're losing salt. A lot of times, even with a crappy diet, when you eat sugar, that really has an effect on the kidneys and that can really dehydrate a person, okay? You find out for yourself if you need more salt, add more salt, or you can pick up a good electrolyte to add to your water, okay? Once a day or whatever, add more electrolyte if you need it. Okay? Thank you very much. Appreciate the question, Mary.
Renee, "Can Dr. Martin talk about AGE's and food?" Okay, well, AGE's, capital A, capital G, E, apostrophe S, small S. We call it advanced glycated end products. Advanced glycated end products. Leave it to medicine to give you a big word that nobody understands. Okay? What's my job? To make it easy for you to understand, okay? There's really two types of oxygenation, okay? Oxygen you can't live without. True or false, of course you can't live without oxygen, okay? But that same oxygen is going to make sure you rust out, okay? And that's free radical damage we call it. Now, things can make that worse. You can rust out a lot faster if you smoke, if you drink too much, if you eat bad food, too many chemicals or whatever, that can really create a lot of what we call free radicals. And you rust out. Listen guys, I don't look like I used to when I was 20 years old, right? And neither do you. Okay? I looked at a picture the other day of Jane Fonda, okay? Yeah. And I mean for her age, she looks fantastic. True or false? Yes, but she doesn't look like she was 20. Okay? All I'm saying is we're all going to rust out. You just don't want to rust out quick.
Now, on the other side of that, okay, so you have free radical damage and then you have advanced glycation end products. That is where your muscles, tendons, skin loses its elasticity. How does that happen? Not with steak. You know these, oh, cook, you cook steak. Well, what the heck? You can't eat raw meat. Of course you're going to cook your steak. Don't barbecue it. That's nonsense. Okay? I never bought that. That is a lie. It is so stupid, I just can't get over it. Okay? Now, I'm not saying you got to burn it to a crisp, but all this stuff about that just so bad for you, it gives you cancer that's brought to you by the vegan society, okay? And all I'm telling you is when you eat sugar and you live on sugar and crappy carbs, you're going to glycate. That's why when people get on the reset, it's amazing what happens to their skin. It's amazing what happens to their joints. It's amazing what happens to their tendons. And they notice it. Why? Because they change their diet and their glycated end products have gone down. Okay? They've gone down. So that's, Renee is the answer. It's not me. Meat never gives you a glycated end product ever. It just doesn't. It's sugar, my friend. It's sugar, okay? I get too excited.
Let's see, Nicole, "If your blood work is over the max range for B12, should you continue?" You don't have to. Look, let me just say something again. You know me and my overarching principles, B12 is a water soluble vitamin. Everybody and their dog needs B12 and 80% of the population is low in B12. If it's not, it's higher. And I read a new study the other day that I agree with because I'd never seen it before, but I agree with the statement. It says if you got thyroid problems, it's sluggish, you're low in B12. Oh, so what happens when you're high in B12? Oh, other than your doctor screaming, you're high in B12. Oh, you're going to end up in the emergency room, you're going to die. You got high B12? No, I like 800 to 1200 on B12. That's sort of my sweet spot range for B12. If you're under it ain't no good If you're over it, wait, just eat steak and you don't have to take a B12 supplement. Okay? That's my principle for that. Got it? Okay?
Okay, Martha, "On your site, vaginal atrophy." Well, I I've never heard of it. Yes I have, of course. Listen, Martha, very calm. What's happening? It's a hormonal imbalance. So when the vagina starts to atrophy, you're looking at a hormonal imbalance and people think it's estrogen. And I tell 'em, eh, no, it's estrogen and progesterone. They have to be equal. And yes, estrogen comes down. A lot of menopausal or postmenopausal women find the vagina and the vagina wall to atrophy. The key is not to give it estrogen. The key is to balance it out with progesterone. I love progesterone. Okay? I do. I find that that is really, really important to get balance back. To get balance back. As a matter of fact, I often put them on hormonal formula to get that estrogen. The thing, oh doc, you're blocking the estrogen. I'm only blocking the extra estrogen and allowing with the menopausal formula to pump up your progesterone. Thanks for the question.
Beverly, "Can Dr. Martin explain the difference between Alpha-lipoic acid," which I like, which is in the insulin balanced formula. We're revamping that formula by the way, we're revamping it. Great formula just going to be better. Alpha-lipoic acid, listen, I've been working with lipoic acid, Alpha-lipoic acid, for 30 years or more. Okay, I like it. I, I'll tell you why I like it. Okay? Alpha-lipoic acid, I like it because I had a friend of mine, a colleague of mine, Dr. Richard Passwater, okay? When I had a radio show, I had him on my radio show. I traveled to France with him to do a conference one time on pine bark extract. He had written a book and I had written a book and we became friends, okay? Very, very smart guy.
And he was telling me about research that he did on Alpha-lipoic acid,. Okay? He said, doc, I really like it when you combine pine bark extract with Alpha-lipoic acid, for neuralgia like diabetic neuralgia, neuropathy where they get numbness in their feet and sometimes in their hands. He said if you combine and that was coming from him. If you combine pine bark, which I knew all about and Alpha-lipoic acid, he said tremendous about the natural Alpha-lipoic acid your body makes by the way, okay? Your body makes coQ10, your body makes it, your body makes glutathione because I got questions about that this morning. Your body makes it. Now, do I like it in supplement form? Sometimes, especially with diabetic neuropathy. I like it. That's why I put it in the insulin balance. But if you eat a steak Alpha-lipoic acid is in a steak. Why do you think I love steak so much? Red meat has Alpha-lipoic acid and not much else does in nature. Why do you think when someone tells me you don't need meat? I said, what? Come on. Doesn't make any sense.
Okay, "Is cellulite something we can treat with diet and or supplements?" Well, I've seen cellulite get better. Men, do we care about cellulite? No, I'm not talking about cellulitis now I'm talking about cellulite and there's all sorts of stuff on TV and all sorts of stuff on the internet and all magic to get rid of cellulite. Surgery to get rid of cellulite. Am I big on that? Not really. Okay. Not really. Ladies, you're beautiful. You're beautiful. Cellulite, meh. Look, I like inside out, okay? Me, I would tell people you see something on the outside of your skin, you see cellulite. Well start inside. I'm really big on high protein. I am very big on eggs, meat and cheese diet. I'm big on antioxidants and there's no magic guys. There's no magic, okay? When it comes to cellulite, there's no magic. I like getting in shape. You know me in vitamin E working out, get strong. Is it going to be 100%? Rarely. Okay, that was Denise.
Donna. "I've done the spit test with progesterone. It's off the charts." Good! <laugh> Donna, you want your progesterone to be off the charts. I have never, and I mean it because I used to test this all the time in my office. You want high progesterone. Ladies think that the best thing since sliced bread is estrogen because it makes you a woman. And that's true to some extent, but progesterone is the key to balance. It's very important when your cortisol is high, it robs progesterone. So today in this stress, crazy age we live in, women walk around and I'm telling you, 90 something percent of women walk around and they don't have enough progesterone. So I'm just saying Donna, if your progesterone is through the roof, that's not your problem. Now, usually what I found was the opposite. Progesterone was low and estrogen was up here because again, we live in an estrogen crazy world. Every chemical, you can't even pronounce it, your body thinks that's estrogen. Everywhere, you can't get away from it. You can do the best you can, but unless you're leaving the planet, you're not getting away from it. So that elevates estrogen and it's all about balance. Okay? So thanks for the question Donna.
Louise, "I'd like to know what Dr. Martin thinks about bee products such as pollen, royal jelly and propolis." I like them. Do they cure everything from warts on your nose to things on your toes? Nah. Yeah, they're good. It's nature. I like them. But you got to understand there's a lot of fluff out there. Okay? So just when they tell you that it cures everything, run! Unless someone's telling you to drink coffee. <laugh>
Okay, Trudy, "Can I eat dulse on the reset?" Dulse? What is that? I haven't heard that word in a century it seems. Dulse. Can you eat it? Is it eggs, meat and cheese? No. Well then don't wait till after the reset. Okay? Honestly, I mean it. And I'm glad you brought it up Trudy. Cause I haven't heard the word dulse in so long. I don't even remember the last time. Okay?
Jeannette, "What does Dr. Martin think of liposomal glutathione?" Well, I love glutathione. Your body makes glutathione, especially when you eat steak. Did you know that? And especially when your liver is clean, it's not the Costco parking lot full of fat. Okay? When you empty out your liver, you're going to make more of glutathione. Now there seems to be good research on liposomal glutathione, okay? But the jury's still out. I got to see more. Okay? Do I like glutathione as a supplement? I never did because I always felt it wasn't absorbable. So you know companies, they meet these claims. Oh, glutathione and I used to go, your body ain't going to absorb that. You're better off eating a steak than spending money on a supplement of glutathione. Now liposomal means they put it with a fat molecule, a lipid molecule, and now it can get past that digestive track. Maybe. Okay, thanks for the question.
Gail. "Can I explain triglycerides and how it affects the liver and how A1C impacts our body?" Well Gail, listen, that's me every day just a about. What do I like in blood work? I want to see your triglycerides. Okay, three fat balls. Now your body makes triglycerides, but if they get too high, and the only way triglycerides get high is if you're a, my name is Tony and I'm a carboholic. That's how you get triglycerides high. But I need to see two numbers. I need to see your triglycerides and HDL. Don't send me your triglycerides on their own and don't send me all your cholesterol levels. I don't care. And you can't make me care. "Dr. Martin, my total cholesterol." I don't care. "Dr. Martin, my LDL." I don't care. Here's what I care about. Your triglycerides. When your liver is full of fat, not from fat, but from sugar and crappy carbs. The Costco parking lot gets full and it sends more triglycerides into the bloodstream and the triglycerides that are in your bloodstream can't come back to the liver to be metabolized. Now they've become dangerous. It's not cholesterol, it's triglycerides. As a matter of fact, you need cholesterol, you need cholesterol. It's on your side. You need high cholesterol. Medicine says you need low cholesterol. I'm sorry, they're wrong.
Blaming cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming the police because they're at the crime scene. Of course they're traveling through your blood vessels. What do you think cholesterol does? Don't blame the police for crime. Don't blame the firemen for fires. They're there to help. They're there to try and take your triglycerides out of your bloodstream. Those three fat balls. Tri glycerides. Okay, Gail? I could give you a lot more, but if you listen to my podcast, I just about every day start, I talk about that stuff. And A1C tells me... Triglycerides usually tell me what's happening in your liver and then into your blood vessels. And A1C tells me whether you have insulin resistance or not. And if it's anything 5.3 and up then and there's new research showing even lower than that, you got insulin resistance and you and carbs don't get along.
Someone sent me their blood work and he said, Hey, I did the reset of my A1C went up by one point or whatever you did the reset maybe should be doing it again. And plus you and carbs don't get along. That's what I tell people. Look, you and carbs don't get along. So when you come off the reset, the best thing you ever did was go on the reset. But now you've found out and you know and carbs don't get along. You got a bad relationship, okay? So be very careful. How long doc? The rest of your life. Do you have to be on the reset the rest of your life? No, but you and carbs don't get along. I mean that's just the way it is. You've got insulin resistance and it usually can be fixed in 30 days, but that sometimes your body's more stubborn than somebody else's. What can I tell you?
Okay, couple more. Let's get going. Celine, "Can you talk about BO, body odour? Why does it become prominent during times of stress for many women?" Well, look, I mean there's some things that go on there. Hormonal changes can certainly affect that and some people are more susceptible to others. I love probiotics. I always start on the inside out. But you know what? If that's what's going on, you got to take care of it. And if you do everything and you still got BO, well take care of it. What can I tell you? Okay, but like I said, I'm an inside out guy. Inside out guy.
Okay, Susan, "My blood sugar is 5.73 after eating eggs, meat and cheese, I feel okay, what should it be?" Who cares? I don't care about your blood sugar. I care about A1C. I'm not big on blood sugar. Well, if after you eat your blood sugar's going to go up. So what doesn't go up that much, especially when you're eating the right thing. Have a bowl of oatmeal and see what your blood sugar goes up to. But you've got insulin to bring it back down. But the idea is if you have insulin resistance, you haven't fixed it yet. So I'm not big on blood sugar. I really don't like monitoring it all the time. Some people, they go crazy with that. They drive me crazy with that. You'll drive yourself crazy with blood sugar. Okay? I'm not saying never take it, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Okay?
Ah, Sherry, "What can a person do besides low carb exercise and drink water to get blood pressure down?" Well, I like Navitol. I like Navitol because it opens up your blood vessels with nitric oxid. I like vitamin D for blood pressure. I like the sun for blood pressure. Vitderma. That's what I like. You want to make your blood vessels less sticky, which can elevate your blood pressure. Oil take so much oil, good oil, okay, fish oil, I don't mind olive oil. Olive oil, coconut oil. Lubricate, lubricate, lubricate. Okay. And remember eggs, meat and cheese lubricate you. They do. They up your oils, they up your DHA. Dairy has A on it, I like that. And they lubricate your blood vessel.
Okay Jean, "I had an infection in my big toe and it cleared up now, but I have fungus. Okay, fungus inside out." Okay, probiotics open up a probiotic. Just like I was saying in the rash. You can get a Q tip to get underneath that nail and put a little bit of powder or probiotic on it with a little mixture of maybe olive oil or coconut oil or Revera and a little bit of probiotic and a little bit of oil of oregano. And then put it under the nail. But take that stuff internally too, inside out. Okay, big time for fungus. You got to get rid of them.
Cindy. Okay? POT syndrome. Okay? Postural tachycardia syndrome, okay? It's no fun. Often happens after a virus. A trauma infection. I mentioned viral can be bacterial after a pregnancy. Stand up quickly. Dizziness, fatigue, exercise induced. It's no fun. But again, here's what I've done over the years with POTS. I am big on leaving POTS over here and getting your body in the best of shape. The first thing you do is start with food. Do I find it help? Very helpful. Get all your inflammation markers now, B12, vitamin D, get those biomarkers up. It's amazing what happens. Eat well, okay? And it can be very effective in the treatment of POTS. Okay, and hormonal too. Hormonal too. Okay, Cindy?
Colette. Baker cyst behind the knee, inflammation formula. You want to try Rosie's trick. I gave that to the other day. If you got a real painful, something very painful. 14 <laugh>. This is Rosie's trick. Okay? 14 inflammation formula for three days a day, 14 a day for 3d. Hammer that inflammation down. Thousands have tried Rosie's trick and they found it worked. So try it with a Baker's cyst, okay? Because that can be very painful in behind the knee.
Val, "would one teaspoon of coffee daily? Too much monk fruit?" No. If you got to have your little bit of monk fruit, if you got to have a little bit of stevia, you know what? I'm not going to bark at you. Okay? I don't know why you don't like your coffee black without anything in it, but, everyone's different. Okay? Yeah, I allow that. Okay? I want you to succeed. I don't want you to fail. I don't want no artificial. I don't want artificial stuff.
Gestational diabetes, how to prevent it. Well, listen, it's food and pregnancy of course. All bets are off in pregnancy, right? You know, I'm big, big, big on keeping insulin down. And if you only knew how good that was for a baby, when mommy is carrying eggs, eggs and more eggs, meat. Meat and more meat. Cheese. Cheese and cheese. Baby will love you. And one of the things, okay, that I put people on the insulin formula too during pregnancy to help them.
And Sandra, last question, "wondering why when I go to bed, I hear my heartbeat?" You got a big heart. No. Sometimes that can be a sign of anemia. Sometimes that can be sign of low ferritin and low B12. So have that checked, okay? It might be low in iron and you sometimes hear that. Boop boop boop boop boop. I found that to be very common in anemia. Borderline anemia. Okay guys, thanks for coming on a Saturday morning. We appreciate it, big time. Okay, we do. Got a great week coming, so stay tuned. Okay? And we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!