1032. Exposing the Food Industry's Dirty Secrets: A Whistleblower's Tale


Dr. Martin recently listened to an interview of a consultant to Coca-Cola who became a whistleblower. He brought us into the meetings of the big conglomerate to expose how they manipulate data and how much money goes into lobbying the government. 

Coca-Cola does 11 times more research than the National Institute of Health. They pay for research on their products and they're expecting something in return. They will sponsor peer reviewed studies that show how sugar is not near as dangerous as people think.

When the man was asked why he became a whistleblower, his response was that he had children. His children would be consuming 100 times more sugar in their lifetime than a child a hundred years ago. 

Dr. Martin says it’s incredible how much power and influence these companies have. Join him in today’s episode as he shares some of the food industry’s dirty secrets.


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Looking forward to our little program together and the fun we're going to have. Okay, now, I think it was yesterday, I listened to an interview and it was a guy who was a consultant to Coca-Cola, okay? And he became a whistleblower. Incredible, okay? And he brought us into the meetings of a big, big company like Coca-Cola and how, I hate to use the word guys, corrupt, but how they manipulate data and how much money they spent on lobbying the government. Plus, here's what he said, they do 11 times more research than the N I H, the National Institute of Health. They pay for it, they pay for research. And I'm quoting him. "They expect results. They're expecting something in return, and they're going to get peer reviewed studies showing that sugar is not near as dangerous as people think."

And it's incredible. The interviewer asked him, why are you coming out with this? Why have you become a whistleblower? He said, I got children. Again, I'm quoting him. He said, "my children would be consuming 100 times more sugar in their lifetime than a child a hundred years ago." A hundred times more sugar. Guys, have I not been telling you that for the last several years? We don't live in the same world. Grandpa here had, uh, cookies and ice cream too, you know, but we didn't have the sugar that they have today. He didn't even mention that Coca-Cola was the first one to change the sugar in their Coke. They went from ordinary sugar, sucrose, glucose to fructose, high fructose corn syrup. He didn't even mention that. But these big food companies, they're so powerful.

Now, guys, you saw this chart. I think I posted it. I certainly had at least one or two podcasts on it when Tufts University came out with their food chart. Do you remember that? I'll post it again after on our private Facebook group, okay? Tufts University. And here's what they did. On the top of the food chart. The best thing you can do for yourself is eat Cheerios. The worst thing they have on that food chart, dead last was ground beef. And that's science. You know, I remind people, I watched it happen in my lifetime, Phillip Morris. Now, you know, unless you're an American. Canadians, we are a little bit different in terms of tobacco companies, okay? Phillip Morris, the biggest tobacco company in the United States, in the world, in 1970, they bought the Miller Brewing Company, okay? They got into beer because you know what was happening to tobacco? It was going like this. The tobacco sales, you know, finally were starting to come down. The people were getting the memo about tobacco, tobacco and cancer, tobacco and heart disease. They were getting the memo. And people, you know, a lot of people stopped smoking.

I've always said that it's one of the greatest preventions that medicine embraced, but they're usually wrong. They talk to you about cholesterol. Wrong. They talk to you about butter. Wrong. They talk to you about bacon. Wrong. They talk to you about cholesterol causing heart disease, and they talk to you about the sun and stay out of it. Wrong. They get it wrong. Well, one thing they got right was smoking. Stop smoking, okay? So Philip Morris, biggest tobacco company in the world, they started to diversify. Not stupid people. They said, let's take, and you know what? They were convicted on addiction to smoking. They knew tobacco. They, they fudged the studies and said, no, that tobacco isn't addictive.

And everybody and their dog knew it was. And finally they got caught. And you can actually watch a movie about it. How, Philip Morris and others got caught fudging their data. But here's Marlboro cigarettes, cuz that's what Philip Morris owned. They diversified, they went into the, beer industry, Miller, and then they went into the food industry in 1985. They bought General Foods. In 1988, they bought Kraft. Tobacco to beer, to General Foods and Kraft. They became the biggest food company in the world, tobacco to food. And that is why today, according to this whistleblower, Philip Morris, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, they're in the food industry. And here's what they do. They create charts. Well, Phillip Morris owns Cheerios cereal. They pay, okay? According to this whistleblower, they pay big money and they expect results. So what happens? Meat. Imagine at the top of the food pyramid, you have Cheerios, okay?

And they have a heart on the box. Cheerios has a heart on the box. You see what Philip Morris does is they pay the American Heart Association, they give them money to sponsor to say, this is heart healthy. Why isn't heart healthy? Because it's got fiber. Cheerios is good for your heart. No. The reason they put a heart on the box is because if you eat it, you will get a heart attack. Okay? I've been saying that for 30 years. Heart healthy, right? You, you go into the grocery store today, take margarine, and they got heart healthy, bought and paid for. And listen, they're so smart. They are, they're so rich. They are that they influence all, all media, social media and scientists to put Cheerios on the top of the food chart and ground beef on the bottom of the food chart. My word. How could that ever happen?

How could that even be true? Like, if you just go in the first days of nutrition studies, you go meat. Well, one thing you have to admit, meats got a lot of protein. It's got a lot of vitamins, it's got a lot of minerals. It's got a lot of uh, amino acids. It's got a lot of b12, it's got a lot of, and yet they put it at the bottom of the list. How can that be? So all I'm telling you, it's money. Big money. And so I hear this at least once a week, if not several times a week. I hear this from my audience, especially the new people that come onto our group. You know what I hear? Here's what I hear. Dr. Martin or to the group, maybe not even talking to me. I'm so confused. My doctor tells me not to eat butter, but to have margarine, don't have red meat, have plants and, uh, cereal.

The cereal. You know, my generation and especially, okay, my generation and my parents' generation, man oh man, did they ever get duped. Cereal better than bacon and eggs. Cheerios. Imagine putting Cheerios ahead of an egg. I mean, day one in nutrition, day one, you'll learn eggs. Almost really a perfect food. Very low carbohydrate, high in protein, high in healthy fat. But you see, they vilified fat. They vilified fat. The food industry, starting with Proctor & Gamble, which was a soap company, they got into seed oils and they had to figure out what they could do with the cottonseed. And they made Crisco. Heart healthy Crisco. Yikes. And margarine, they make it look like butter. Okay?

It always amazes me, you know, I'm gonna have a vegetarian burger. They want a burger, but they don't want the meat. What do you want? Crickets? You want butter, but you don't... It can't be good for me. I, I like it, but I better use margarine. That looks like butter. That was meant for your car and not your body. Your body doesn't even know what margarine is. Do you know that? You don't process it. There's nothing in there that your body can take for nutrition. Imagine butter that's got vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K2, calcium with vitamin K2 so that your body can use it, put it where it belongs in the bones. Lutein, butter. And then, nah, you know what? But it, it, and, and it's got cholesterol. And cholesterol is gonna kill you except that your brain's made up of cholesterol.

Every cell in your body is cholesterol, your hormones. They need cholesterol to transport them. They're the FedEx trucks and Canada Post and US Postal Service going through your blood vessel. Blaming cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming police cuz they're at the crime scene. I've been saying that for 50 years. Blaming cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming the firemen cuz they're at a fire. Of course they're there, they're on your side, they're the good guy. There's no such thing as bad cholesterol. There just isn't. They made it up. Imagine the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry in cahoots. They got together and formed an unholy alliance that made cholesterol, the boogeyman and the cereal company. Woohoo, no cholesterol in cereal. Of course not. No cholesterol. And they got people to change their breakfast over it. And it, it, you know, we went from, you know, bacon and eggs, sausages and eggs and this kind of thing to cereal. "Doctor Martin, If I don't have my oatmeal, I ain't gonna be able to go to the bathroom and besides it's got a heart on the box. Quaker Oats must be good for my heart." Brought to you by the cereal companies used to be tobacco. You think they're stupid? They're not stupid. They even pay for research. Like, yeah, I shake my head guys, I shake my head. And then big pharma comes in and says, okay, how are we going to do this?

And I'm not saying that all researchers are bad people, not saying that, but they get influenced and then they get into medical school. If you were to take 10 doctors, and, you know, to prove my point, if you were to take 10 doctors just off the street and put a list of foods in front of them and say, okay, what do you recommend? I'm telling you they do the same thing as Tufts University. Yeah. Cereal, fruits and vegetables. Where would you put meat doc? Eh, you better limit it and you better limit your egg consumption because after all, we wanna keep you with low cholesterol, which by the way, has not even made a dent in heart disease. Not even a dent. Well, as a matter of fact, heart disease is a lot worse because they didn't realize that heart disease, by and large, is a metabolic thing and it has everything to do with insulin.

And this whistleblower was screaming blue murder. He said, I got kids. I sat in meetings where they spent millions and millions and millions of dollars influencing the narrative that sugar does not cause obesity. Imagine Coca-Cola meetings. Let's make sure that we get research that shows sugar does not cause obesity. My friend, I just want to scream, scream. Sugar doesn't cause obesity? We're up to 200 pounds a year. Go to the mall and have a look at the size of people. And you tell me that sugar... Remember 1970 Philip Morris, they diversified and they started to put their ugly tentacles of tobacco addiction to work in the food industry. And today, the biggest food company in the world, that's who they are. Isn't that something guys? Isn't that incredible? Like, when you think about it.

I'm gonna read you a quote. The majority of people believe the most frequently washed body part in 2022 was the hands, but in fact it was the brain. Brainwashing. And you and I, we know better. You and I, we don't follow that. We don't let someone wash our brains. Brainwashing because guys, it is so powerful. It's so powerful. It's the world in which we live. They buy their way into science, they buy their way in. That bothers me, that bothers me. And you know, it's just the way it is. So you and I, you know, we've come up against a conglomerate and that's why, like I said, am I out to change your mind? I don't wanna wash your mind <laugh>. I don't wanna do brainwashing. I want you guys, uh, like I tell you every day, just about how smart you are. And it's because you're thinking, I, you don't have to take my word for it. And guys, I I told you this, I'm not that optimistic.

I really am not. I'm an optimistic guy, okay? I am, but I'm not optimistic that I'm going to change me a little. We, me <laugh> and a few others are gonna change people's minds. Uh, not in general. How can I go up against Philip Morris, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola? How can I go up against that? Who am I? Well, I know, but if they don't tell the truth, I'm gonna call them on it. Does that mean I'm gonna change? You know, 90% of the population's mind, you know me, I always talk about animal products that have cholesterol. Cholesterol by the way, is only found in the animal kingdom. There's no cholesterol in food in the plant kingdom. And if you make cholesterol the boogeyman, think about it. What happens? I know we gotta get rid of cows. I mean, young people today in school, I mean, it's indoctrination. Meat is bad. Eggs are bad. Cheese, nah, you shouldn't have much of that. Eat our cereals. Eat our pop tarts. What a crazy thing, eh? Yeah.

Anyways, like I said, guys, I'm not going to, uh, hold back. I won't hold back. Why am I so passionate? Because, uh, young people, I got grandchildren and great-grandchildren and I, I'm very concerned about them. I'm very concerned about their health, very concerned about them. So here I am. I'm gonna preach it, man. You know, here we are today, 93% of the population have some form of metabolic syndrome, which is a food syndrome. It's food, my friend. It's food. It's food choices. 50% of adults are either diabetic or pre and effectively if you take their A1C and it's over 5.4, guess what? They really are diabetics already. They're just not gonna get the diagnosis because they wait for blood sugar, which is a lagging indicator. Diabetes starts years before it starts in the liver. Okay? We love you guys. I say that often, but I mean it. Friday's question and answer Friday. You have any questions? Send them out. Send them to us. Okay? Love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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