The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently conducted a survey that has revealed that most women don't really understand the cause of breast cancer. Women mistakenly think that genetics is the biggest factor in breast cancer.
Dr. Martin has often said that genetics load the gun, but they don't pull the trigger. A family member having cancer doesn’t automatically mean you’ll get cancer as well. You may be more susceptible, but you can override your genetics.
Join Dr. Martin as he shares some recent surprises in breast cancer research in today’s episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon everyone, and we're always happy to come on and, uh, do a session and, okay, now this study, I dunno if it was more of a study or a survey, came out of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association found women don't understand breast cancer. Okay? They don't understand really the cause of breast cancer. And I, I don't even know if the Journal of American Medical Association does, but here's what they said, and we'll unpack this a little bit, bit this afternoon. It says that women don't understand, they think mistakenly that genetics is the biggest factor in breast cancer. So when they did their survey, they found that women weren't too concerned if they didn't have anybody in the family that had previously had breast cancer. And JAMA said, of course they're wrong. And of course, I've been saying that forever. Genetics might load the gun, but they don't pull the trigger.
And I'm not dismissing genetics, but I've always said this, and this is for 40 years, even more. I've been saying genetics is 5%, 95% is lifestyle. And the study, okay, the study says one of the things that women don't understand, okay, is the significance of dense breast tissue, dense press tissue. And I guess for jama, it surprised them that women didn't even think of that as being a factor. It is a factor, and I think it's a big factor. I'll tell you why, because they didn't go into this in jama. But I go into it a lot when I talk about estrogen dominance, because estrogen dominance is huge, huge factor today in our society. And I've said this probably alone when I say it, that estrogen combined with insulin are two hormones that want to give you breast cancer.
Okay, let's start with estrogen. What is estrogen? Makes you a woman and makes a man a woman too. I know. I'm not supposed to say that anymore. I don't care. <laugh> women are women and men are men. But a lot of men have trouble with estrogen today. We'll get into that in a minute. Estrogen dominance. It is a major, major factor in breast cancer. It's a major factor of course, in PMS, it's a major factor in menstrual health. It's a major factor in ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, any female cancer. And I believe it's a major factor even in men prostate cancer, because men are supposed to have high testosterone and low estrogen. Women are supposed to have balanced estrogen with progesterone. Pro baby hormone, okay? Progesterone has to be equal, has to be balanced. And there's very few women today, and I mean this because I used to test it in my office all the time. Those very few women that did not have some sign of estrogen dominance.
Estrogen dominance is a major factor. What are some of the symptoms? Well, weight gain, estrogen is a growth hormone. Why do you think in fibrocystic breasts it's a growth hormone, estrogen weight gain. You know, whenever women and men compete, I know I'm farthest thing from woke, I know God, but you know, when women and men, they, they shouldn't compete in sports or whatever in the same, come on. Isn't our world getting crazy? But anyway, when women and men compete in your home, in a weight loss contest, I tell you, women and men can eat the same, exactly the same food, exactly the same calories, exactly whatever. And, uh, men will lose weight. And women, hmm, always, always much more for a woman. Why? A woman is complicated. A woman has horrors a lot of times, not always, but a lot of times they have hormones that are out of balance.
One of them is estrogen, dumb dominant. Estrogen is a growth hormone. And estrogen loves fat, and it loves to make fat grow. And then when you have fat, it gives off estrogen. I mean, you can hardly win. So weight gain, p m s menstrual, fibrocystic breasts, which we talked about. Uterine fibroids, fatigue, loss of libido, depression and anxiety in men, high estrogen, low testosterone. There's only one way for a man to get high estrogen. And that's, if his testosterone is low, testosterone will knock estrogen out of the body of a male. Okay? Now, why are we seeing so much estrogen today? Why do we see it? Because of different factors. Xenoestrogens, every chemical that’s known to man looks like estrogen to your body. If you can't pronounce it, you can't spell it. Your body thinks it's estrogen. So why, here we are in 2023 and one out of six, one out of seven women in North America are going to get breast cancer. And it has very, very little to do with whether you have breast cancer in your family, ladies, it really doesn't matter.
It's lifestyle and estrogen dominant. And then you combine estrogen with insulin. You got a bad combination. And then I always talk about that unholy trinity when it comes to breast cancer, estrogen. Oh, doc, my oncologist didn't say that my cells, you know, they did a biopsy and they didn't say that my cancer cells were estrogen receptive. Of course they are. Some are just more receptive than others. Estrogen makes things grow. Insulin makes things grow. Estrogen, xenoestrogens, the environment. Plastics, air fresheners. Look at all the air cleaners and look at the fragrance and all these things. Underarm, deodorant and all, they're all xenoestrogens crazy. And then you combine food, insulin, and you know, in insulin resistance now things are growing and then it's always the perfect storm, in my opinion. I did enough history taking over the years with breast cancer that there was almost invariably the third factor.
And that was cortisol, stress, stress pores, gasoline on growth. It pours gasoline on it. And you know, I told you this probably hundreds of times over the years that you don't get breast cancer in a vacuum. I remember when was it? Angeline Jolly, you know, had her dress removed because she had that gene. I said, would someone call her? I said this on my radio show. I'm not kidding. I said, would someone call her and give her my number so I can talk her out of that surgery? You can prevent it. There's prevention. Yeah, like I know genetics, and you have this gene and you have, you know, that may make you more susceptible, but that doesn't pull the trigger on it. You're gonna have your breast removed.
And it's, it's craziness in my opinion. I said, someone give her my number and I'll talk to her. I'll try and talk her out of it. There's a protocol to prevent, you know, watch your food, keep your carbs down, lower your sugars, because then you keep insulin down. That's one. It's a grill hormone. Knock it down, estrogen, block it, block any extra estrogen. Lose weight if you can, but block any extra estrogen. I talk about that all the time and dimming it out blocking estrogen. I've shown you this in the past before and after estrogen scans. Do you know that you can do a scan for estrogen? I used to do it in my office and it looked like leper spots. Women were shocked. I didn't know I had that. I didn't know I was so dominant in estrogen. I said, yeah, look at it. It's all over your skin, man. And that makes things grow, and you need to lower it and block it. And I can show you before and after and blocking that estrogen and getting it down. And men need to get it down too for prostate cancer.
Now let me get to the second part of the study here, because they talked about fibrocystic breast as being one huge part of the cancer fibrocystic that's dense breast tissue. Okay? And again, estrogen is what doesn't. Now, here's another one that they consider that contributes to fibrocystic breast tissue. Now you guys are smart, and I don't know if I've ever even mentioned this on the show, but if someone were to get this answer, okay, well, I, I'll be shocked first of all, because I, I don't think I've ever, if I have, I wrote an article on this in a nutritional journal, eh, I don't quite a while ago.
Okay, what, besides estrogen, what can cause fibrocystic breast tissue? Now, I don't think you're going to get it, but if you do, oh, okay. Can someone give it a guess? Cortisol. Okay. Yeah. Well, we already talked about that. High cortisol. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Cortisol pours gasoline, Francis sugar. I'm not really looking for that. Anybody wanna give it a guess? It's something you're, Bonnie, you are so so close. You are really, I'm going to give you points. Bonnie said calcium. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep. Bonnie, I'm shocked that you knew that aluminum darling. All good answers. You guys are smart. I'm telling you <laugh>. And when I say that, I mean it. But calcium. Calcium. Now how do you get calcium in your breast? Guys? Ladies, how do you get calcium in there? Okay, somebody, Donna, you maybe you tell 'em, how do you get calcium in breast tissue? Waiting. Okay, waiting plants. Yep. Annette, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Not calcium supplements. It won't go to the breast tissue. Okay. Low vitamin D low. Yeah. Yeah. You guys are so stinking smart. Not enough. Vitamin K too. I love it. I love it. I love it. You guys are so smart.
But here's one that maybe you haven't thought of. Calcium caused by oxalate plant, kale salad, almonds, almond flour, oxalate. You guys are too smart. I can't even fool you anymore. Okay? Now am I telling you not to have any plants now? I'm just telling you these are studies done and published in the Journal of American Medical Association. JAMA, isn't that interested about oxalates? Because what do you think when you think oxalates? You think kidneys, kidney stones, right? 75% are oxalates. The other 25% are uric acid in the kidneys. Uric acid stones are oxalate stones. But they get ladies in your breast tissue. They get in your breast tissue and they can be dangerous. They cause fibrocystic thickening density in the breast tissue that makes you more susceptible to breast cancer. Who knew? Who knew. Interesting, huh? Yeah. Yeah.
Now I didn't even finish yet, but now I got good news. Okay? I'm reading this study, okay, from the Journal of American Medical Association. It's actually an article. It's a, it's a, it's an article and a survey that they did. Now, right after that, I flag a study on coffee. You know what coffee gets rid of ox. So ladies, if you're going to eat your salad, you better be drinking coffee. Coffee decreases oxalates. That's why coffee, one of the reasons it's so good in kidney function. Don't let anybody tell you not to drink coffee. And that's why it's so good in preventing breast cancer coffee. The real vitamin C guys, the real one. Isn't that interesting? And they came back to back <laugh>. I saw the JAMA one, I read it, made some notes and then right underneath it was a study on coffee and oxalates. And I said, whoopi! Another study confirming coffee as the real vitamin C. It's got a thousand phytonutrients. Yep. Why would you not drink coffee? It's so preventative.
Okay, so this week we got a great week. We got some great studies. I wanna pontificate on a few more this week. Friday is question and answer Friday. And I just wanna make one little comment about, you saw an email that we put out, we're just doing some maintenance on our website. Don't ask me. I don't know anything about anything. Maintenance inventory and secondly, we're reformulating. Tony Jr. And I have been working on this part of reformulating some of our products just to make them better so that we don't run out so much because sometimes just getting a specific ingredient hasn't been easy and we wanna make it easier. And we sort of rejigged a few things in a few of our formulas.
So bear with us guys just as we get this down and we're hoping to be up in another day or so and everything will be fine. And then we'll have a nice big sale again. Okay guys, we love you dearly. Thanks for supporting us. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask our staff, okay? Because we got the best staff in the world, right? I think you guys would agree with that. Our staff care for people. They really do. And we're thankful for them. And so if you got any questions at all, don't hesitate. Okay? If you want me to look at your blood work, happy to do it. I mean it like, don't send me 50 pages. Well, you can, well, I'm not gonna look at 50 pages. I'm gonna look at what I wanna look at. <laugh> I got about eight things that I look for, okay? So, uh, but I'm happy to read your blood work, okay? Love you guys and talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!