A recent article is saying that beef consumption is down 40% since 1980. Dr. Martin knew that consumption of meat was down, but didn’t realize it was this much.
The current narrative is that meat is bad for you, that it’ll cause cancer and you should not eat it. Despite consumption being down, why is it that heart disease is up, diabetes is up, cancer is up? None of them are down.
Join Dr. Martin for a history lesson on the decline of beef. He explains why he thinks it’s one of the worst things that has ever happened to our society.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Now, I want to do a little history. We're not going to go way back, but we're going to go back because I read an article that meat consumption, let me read it to you. Beef consumption is down 40% since 1980. Did you know that? Beef consumption is down 40%, okay? Now, in my opinion, it's one of the worst things that have ever happened to our society. We got duped and I said, okay, if this article I read is telling us that we're down 40%, I knew that meat consumption was down, but I didn't know it was down by 40%. But that's what this research has showed. The consumption of meat, especially beef, is down 40%. Okay?
Now, I've told you about the serial killers in the past, and if I was to give you an exam, okay, I would ask you to name these two serial killers, not with a C, but with an S that really got this whole anti meat. The first guy was Dr. Kelloggs, okay? And his associates and Dr. Kelloggs, we all know about Kelloggs was the inventor of cereal. And he actually believed this. Okay? So it wasn't like he was a dummy, he was a medical doctor, but he believed that testosterone needed to come down in men. And it's one of the reasons that he invented cereal. I'm not kidding you. And that was sort of a start. And then I talked to you about a Dr. Ansel Keys. So if you want to know who the biggest serial killers were, because I believe that what one of the greatest inhumane things is when people have been duped about their health. And so you had Dr. Kellogg's, and then you got a fellow by the name of Dr. Ansel Keys. He was a pathologist from the University of Minnesota. He wasn't a dummy either, but after Dwight Eisenhower, the president of the United States had a heart attack drop right in a sand trap on a golf course, had a massive heart attack. He survived. But somehow they interviewed this Dr. Keys and he said, "Well, I know what caused our president to have a heart attack." What? Yeah, he said it, it's cholesterol. And the world went, what? Cholesterol? I'm a pathologist and I see this waxy substance in blood vessels. And that's what caused our president to have a heart attack. He got so popular, by the way, he was featured in Time Magazine.
You know in those days. Okay? Just got to, if you're my age, you know what Time Magazine and Life Magazine. In those days, magazines were like every bit as popular as tv. And I mean the Time Magazine, if you were on the front of Time Magazine, I mean you were famous. Dr. Keys got on the front of Time Magazine in 1965 on his theory of cholesterol. And if you think Kellogg's changed, I mean they did in a way because a lot of people had bought the lies in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s. Cereal, cereal, cereal, cereal, right? And then on top of that, you get another guy who gets into the news big time and he tells you cholesterol is at the forefront of heart disease. Now, there was people challenging him, but he won the day. Okay? He won the day and the food industry. Okay? This is interesting because you got to sort of research it because nobody talks about this too much. I did my thesis in clinical nutrition, guys, so I did it on chronic fatigue, but part of my PhD training in nutrition was the history of nutrition, the history of foods. So I love history. I'm a history buff. I love reading. How did this happen? How are we since 1980, how can we be down 40% in the consumption of beef? Well, Kelloggs, Ancel Keys. Did you know that in the 1960s, true story, the sugar industry paid Harvard researchers, nutritional researchers. In those days, they paid to say that sugar wasn't a problem. Sugar's not a problem. Fat's a problem. Okay, sugar's not a problem. Eggs and meat are a problem. And in 1980, there was a huge paper that came out and it talked about the negative effects on your body when you eat eggs and meat brought to you by the food industry, they were paid researchers. And in those days, they didn't have to tell you where they were getting their money. They just came out with this bogus research and guys listen to me... The whole world went for it.
So when I read an article like, is it down 40%? Yep, beef consumption is down 40%. Now that's down 40%. But heart disease is up, diabetes is up, cancer is up, not down. Up. 93% of the population are metabolically unwell. Okay? We use that word metabolically, but what does that mean, right? You guys know it, but it's always good to review it. What does it mean that 93% of the population have some form of metabolic syndrome? Well, here it is, 93%. It used to be 88 in 2015, 2016, it was 88%. Now they took out their eraser and they've corrected it, and it's up to 93%. You know what it is? High blood pressure. One of these things are a couple of these things. And you have metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL. People don't even look at that. People don't even look at that. "Dr. Martin, my cholesterol is up." Good for you. Why do you want to have low cholesterol? Why? I talked to you yesterday about L D L cholesterol. Why do you want to have a low L D L cholesterol? Why? "Well everybody tells me my cholesterol." I know. But what are your triglycerides? What is your HDL? That ratio is so important. High blood pressure, high triglycerides, low hdl, belly fat. Okay? Those are signs of metabolic syndrome. You rarely ever hear that, but 93%, and listen to this, it's really important when you have metabolic syndrome, it's a food problem. You have elevated high circulating insulin. Or another word for it is insulin resistance. That's what it means. Insulin is a food hormone not caused by beef, not caused by bacon and eggs. It's not. Nobody ever, ever got metabolic syndrome if they lived on bacon and eggs, beef, cheese... No better. You see, because metabolic syndrome is a food problem.
Now, let me give you a little bit of history too. This is interesting. I was thinking about this yesterday when I was in school, okay? Okay, so you go back to the days of Noah. When I was in school, do you know what we called diabetes? Do you know what we called diabetes? Sugar diabetes? We used to call it sugar diabetes. I have sugar diabetes. Now remember, in my home, I live with a diabetic. My father, one of the most disciplined men you've ever met was my dad, but he became a sugar diabetic. And it wasn't an interest that even before I went into university and all this and that and to go get my degrees, my dad, I watched my father and like my dad. I was in high school my dad didn't eat cereal anymore. What? Dad? What are you doing? We said, son, I can't have sugar. I have sugar diabetes. Hello? That's what they used to call it. But I want to talk to you guys. Just use your thinking for a bit. The subtle change, even in the terminology, sugar diabetes, they didn't like that anymore. The sugar industry didn't like that. What are you calling sugar, diabetes? Don't change the name to what they call it. What is it today? Type II diabetes. Type two diabetes. That's what they changed the name to.
Guys, you have to understand, I watched them do it. I watched them do it. Even in school when I took my PhD on nutrition, you know what it was? Listen, we learned all about the vitamins and the minerals and food and this and that, but even in those days, they were trying to get you. Ah, moderation. Sugar's not bad for you. It's moderation. Even in clinical nutrition, I was taught that, but remember, I had an advantage. I watched my dad. He said, son, I can't have sugar anymore. What? I can't because I have sugar diabetes. Because that's what it used to be called. Okay, dad. Okay? And my dad had a huge influence on me. Do I like cookies and ice cream? Yep. Do I eat them? No. <laugh>. Like if I have a little bit of ice cream once a year that's a treat. And even then, my dad was my hero. I grew up watching him starting to exercise and jogging when the nobody jogged. You know, you jogged away from the police if they were chasing you. <laugh>, like in the 1960, you have to understand, people didn't go for a run, but my dad did. And I watched that. I watched him eat steak, every stinkin' night. <laugh>, My mother would make us a meal. I'm not kidding you. And then make my dad another meal. My mom was the food police.
I looked like my father. And I'm like my dad. Okay? I married the best cook in the world. <laugh> like Rosie. I mean it guys. And if she makes it, I want to eat it, man. I got to be very, very careful and disciplined because I've got bad genetics. But Tony Jr's always said this. You know, can genetics sort of load the gun, but don't pull the trigger? And so all I'm saying is, guys, you can see the paradigm shift occurring. Dr. Kelloggs, Dr. Keys, Harvard, and today we have a literal war on beef. Hey, did you see the article? I mean, you got to understand. I started laughing out loud when I read that eggs increase your risk of blood clots. I mean, literally, guys, I laughed out loud. I said, they're not serious, are they? And yeah, they were serious. But it's that drip, drip, drip, drip of indoctrination. And remember, okay, guys, you're my audience. I don't know what our average age is here. Okay? You're my audience and we got a big audience when it comes to our podcast. And these Facebooks, I mean, we're into the millions, guys, okay? I'm very thankful for that. I thank you guys for that. You're in right here, the heart.
But understand the indoctrination, my friend. They're not really after you or me. Okay? They're not. And you can talk to people. I'm sure if you went door to door, you'd have people telling you, yeah, I limit my eggs. I certainly don't have a lot of bacon. I love bacon, but I can't eat it. My doctor said, right? But what they're really after is your kids. And for me, my grandchildren, and even my great-grandchildren, okay, I got four of those. The indoctrination is 24 and seven. Meat is bad. It gives you cholesterol. It's not good for you. It's bad for the environment. It's bad for the climate, and it's bad for you. And in school, they go after the kids. Don't eat meat. It's bad for the environment. It's bad for the climate, and it's bad for you. 24 hour loop cycle of news, especially to kids. And then you have a complete paradigm shift. People, they drink the koolaid. They in their mind said, well, how can these scientists be wrong? "How can these scientists be wrong? And how come Dr. Martin, who's the quack be right?" Guys, I know what I'm up against. Okay?
Like I said, even in my days of the 1970s in school, all my postgraduate work in the eighties and nineties, today, I'm in a small minority of people. I don't minimize that. I know what I am up against. And that's why I always tell you guys, I'm not confident in any major changes. I'm not confident in that. So my goal has been with these podcasts, my goal is to give you the other side. My goal is to tell you the truth. My goal is to let you decide what's true and what's not. It's hard because you're going to go against the grain. You're going to be told that meat is terrible. Red meat gives you cancer. It's terrible. It's no good for you. It's bad, bad, bad. Every day, 24 and seven on news cycles, that kind of stuff goes. And then you go to school, kids go to school and they're not taught a lot of nutrition, but they get inundated. And the climate, the climate, the climate. Guys, I'm not too worried about the climate. <laugh> Like for me, first of all, it's not my area of expertise, but I don't buy it. I don't buy it. Heck, we live in Northern Ontario.
It's minus 40. Minus 40. You know what that means? My American friends, that's 40 below, whether you're Celsius or Fahrenheit, we didn't get the memo about the climate changing. You know what I mean? Look, I don't want to get into that because people get mad at me, but I just say I I'm not buying it. It's not the cows doing that. It's not the cows. Anywho. Beef consumption down 40%. Diabetes used to be called sugar diabetes. Wow. They actually changed the name. And guess what? Today diabetes is up from the 1970s. Listen to this. Diabetes is up 300% and yet meat consumption is down 40%. They changed our minds. They changed fat from good fat. Don't eat butter, eat margarine. They changed the sugar. They changed the name of diabetes to type two diabetes, adult onset diabetes. They gave it two names, adult onset and type two diabetes. They got rid of. Imagine being able to be so powerful that in my textbooks it was sugar diabetes, and now it's type two or adult onset diabetes. And they're hiding. Unless you're on this program, they're hiding a huge discovery in 2005. A huge discovery that there was such a thing as type three diabetes, and that was diabetes of your brain. Type three found in 2005, they found that sugar in the brain is not good for your memory.
Boy has that ever been hidden. And all the research on Alzheimer's on dementia has been brought to you by the pharmaceutical industry. They're not talking about sugar. They were talking about amyloid plaque. They were looking at medication to fix that, and it was a colossal failure. So far, all medications for type three diabetes have been a colossal failure. Why is that? Cause they're looking for love in all the wrong places. But you and I know differently, and you cut out that sugar. I remember my dad <laugh>, that little chem strip, okay? I watched that chem strip been around a long time, and he would check for sugar in the urine. Sugar in the urine not good. Not good. We should get back to that. We should get back to that.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed our little lesson today on history. Lies, lies and more lies, man, I'm going to be here today to tell you the other side of it, okay? I'm here to tell you, I'm on your side, guys. I mean it, I want you to be healthy and I want you to eat right. And I want to unpack and undo the nonsense we're taught in our society today. And it's been going on for a long time, guys. It really has. Now it's ramped up. They want us to eat crickets. The only meat you're going to eat, <laugh> and the meatless craze. Oh, you want to see Dr. Martin get a migraine? Talk to me about the meatless food. I get a migraine when I hear about that stuff.
Okay, guys, have I told you lately that I love you? Have I not since yesterday? Okay. I'm going to tell you again. I do. Guys, thank you so much. Okay? We appreciate the audience here, and tell your friends and invite your friends. And you know, I always tell you, you guys know more about nutrition than... and I mean it, the truth. The best audience in the world is my audience. I'll put you up against any audience of lay people anywhere. The best, the best is mine. Cause when I test you, you're smarter than, you're smarter than the average bear. Okay? Now, tomorrow afternoon session. Okay? Friday is what question and answer Friday, send in your questions. Okay? Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!