617. New Alzheimer’s Drug


The FDA recently approved a new drug for Alzheimer’s. The drug was approved despite a panel of doctors voting 10-1 against its efficacy. This decision is troubling to Dr. Martin as it throws the FDA’s principles out the window.

There are currently no effective drugs for Alzheimer’s, and this new one has its effectiveness already in question. Dr. Martin shares why people’s brains are shrinking, and it’s because of metabolic syndrome. The problem comes down to food, and what you’re choosing to fuel your brain with.

Dr. Martin also recaps yesterday’s episode on xenoestrogens and the environment. He shares some stats on the number of plastic masks and gloves that have ended up in our oceans because of COVID-19. The number is surprising!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Let me finish up yesterday. Let me just finish up this story, and then we're going to go to another story. Yesterday, we talked about plastic, BPA, and the damaging effects. We talked about BPA, it's found everywhere, from the highest mountain, Mount Everest, to the deepest depths of the oceans, to the placenta. And the point we're trying to make is good luck trying to get away from it. Now, I'm not saying drink from a plastic bottle or whatever, but you're not going to get away with it completely. You just can't. You breathe it. It's in the air. They're microparticles. They're everywhere. We talked about that yesterday and we talked about what to do. You want to detox, take care of your liver.

Now, let me just say this, because this I wanted to add on. This came out, I saw this maybe about a week ago and I didn't bring it up yesterday. I should've. Let me read this. A 194 billion masks and gloves are used worldwide every month. I'm not talking about the masks that you make or the ones you can... You know the ones that if you go into a store, a lot of stores will provide them for you? Those light blue masks? They're plastic. That's how they make them. And gloves. You see gloves like you never seen before. I used to wear gloves in my office, because I was dealing with saliva and I was dealing with blood and dealing with urine. Of course, you wear gloves. They're convenient. But, all I'm saying is... And look, I'm not the only one saying it. I just went and got some statistics. In 2020, 1.6 billion of these masks, just the masks, 1.6 billion masks from COVID ended up in the oceans. 1.6 billion of them.

You know what the problem is with plastic? DuPont. I call it a DuPont disorder. It takes 450 years, now, I never counted, I'm just relying on scientists. They tell us it takes 450 years to decompose. If it's in the ocean, it's not decomposing very fast. It affects everything. I just wanted to bring that to you. In 2020, 1.6 billion of these masks ended up in the oceans. Holy moly. No wonder. It's something that we live with, but it doesn't make it right. But, you live on planet earth, that's what you've got to deal with. Then, we talked about estrogen, because these are xenoestrogens. Plastics and paints and all these kinds of, I mean, look, it's just part of our fabric now of our society. We live in this toxic soup, guys, and the world is getting their eyes on the wrong thing, because what they're looking at, generally, is the climate. They're looking at CO2.

I just got to say it, okay, because it's how my little mind thinks. When you breathe into a mask, and this is especially for children. It bugs me, because CO2 is for plants. Plants live off CO2. You breathe it out. You're part of the carbon footprint. It's part of breathing. You need oxygen to come in, but you need CO2 to go out. But when you got a mask on that, CO2 is coming back this way. And what concerns me about CO2, it is good for plants but it's not good for you to breathe that back in. And it happens. I'm sorry. Unintended consequences. It bothers me, especially kids. Why are they making kids wear these things? I saw in the playground there, kids wearing masks outside. I feel like lecturing the parents. You're so concerned about a virus, but you're not concerned about what they're breathing in. CO2 out, not in.

Anyway, now, let me get to story number two. I want to focus in on that. I just had to finish off a little bit of my rant from yesterday on xenoestrogens and the environment. Good luck. Yesterday, I think it was in the last few days, I saw it yesterday. What would I say? Is it a tragedy? It bugs me. You know what bugs me? In the last few days, the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, they are a panel of doctors and they approve medication, anything new coming down the patch. And remember now, just going to tell you, the FDA has never approved any vaccine that has come for COVID. They haven't approved it. The reason that they're doing it is through emergency measures. The FDA did not approve, because they don't have enough research.

But, listen to this. Listen to this. It'll bug you, or at least it should. The FDA approved a new drug very, very recently for Alzheimer's. It's called Aduhelm, A-D-U-H-E-L-M. They approved it. But when you read what happened, it's something that should never happen. Ten out of 11 of the panelists on the FDA said no to this drug. You know what? Well, I read about it, because it don't work. The 11th member of the panel said they had doubts. Ten out of 11 voted against it. The 11th wasn't sure, and yet the FDA approved this new drug, in spite of their panel. And usually, if you don't get past the panel, you're out. And pharmaceutical companies, when they develop a new drug, they put not millions of dollars, billions of dollars into research. Billions of dollars into research. It cost them a lot of moolas to get an approval from the FDA.

Aduhelm is coming to a theater near you, because it's got FDA approval when their panel said no, all of them, and the 11th one said maybe. Ten said no, out of 11. It doesn't pass the smell test. It doesn't work. But, listen to why this happened. I'm going to tell you why. Because, when it comes to Alzheimer's, there is not a drug, not a drug that even remotely works. There's a lot of pressure put on the FDA to get a drug that even remotely works, I guess, for Alzheimer's. This one doesn't, but it doesn't matter. They still approved it. It went against everything that the FDA usually does. But when it comes to Alzheimer's, they said, well, we got no drugs. All of the medications that they use, and they still use them, they don't work. 

So, when this one came along with billions of dollars of research and development, when it got to the FDA, the panel said no, the FDA higher echelon said too bad, so sad. We're doing it anyways. That's how hard up they are to find something for Alzheimer's. And guys, I'm going to tell you right now, you know the statistics on Alzheimer's because I've mentioned it so many times here? In the United Kingdom alone, it's the number one cause of death. Number one. In North America, it's number three. It's insane. But, here's the overarching principle, and this is why the FDA is looking for love in all the wrong places and so are the pharmaceutical companies. Because when they see Alzheimer's, the brain is shrinking and they're trying to find a drug to stop that. They're looking for love in all the wrong places.

What makes the brain shrink? What is it? It's metabolic syndrome. It is what you and I talk about, well, just about every day. It's why it's so common today. We have... for the brain... Let me just say this about the brain. If you look at the brain, to be honest, it's fat. You know my saying. Someone calls you fat head, take it as a compliment for heaven's sakes. Your brain is made up of fat. And so, when the brain is shrinking, especially the memory center, again, quick, quick notes. I'm always sort of testing you to see if you're thinking with me. When I talk about the brain, you got two major centers. You know this. Again, I want to teach you this in case somebody's new, well, there's a lot of new people every day. There's two centers in the brain. One is your hormonal center, your endocrine center of your brain. It's your hypothalamus. And the memory center of your brain, this one's even easier to remember, is your hippocampus.

Now, in Alzheimer's, the total brain shrinks. That's how you die from it, by the way. How do you die? Well, your central nervous system originates here and your headquarters is there, your organs don't work without some connection to headquarters, so the brain deteriorates, but especially, the memory center of the brain deteriorates. Alzheimer's. You find someone that have Alzheimer's, they don't even recognize you. Has anybody ever seen that? I have. They don't even know who you are anymore. It's a terrible disease. And you can go on my bookshelf behind me there and see some of my medical books, that in the 1970s, and look for Alzheimer's... I mean, it's not that there was none, but it was nothing. We didn't even talk about it. People died of old age with their brain intact.

Today, people die even at a young age with Alzheimer's, and at the Martin Clinic, we sort of talked about don't outlive your brain. What good is it? People say, "I want to live till I'm 120." Well, good luck with that. It may be your goal... "My uncle lived till he was 104 and he drank and he smoked." I had somebody the other day, even online here, telling me afterwards, "Well, my aunt lived... She went... And she didn't eat good," and whatever, but that's by the grace of God. Do you understand me? And you might think you have great genetics. "My mom, she was 96, my dad was 95." Well, good for them. But, that's the grace of God, guys.

Most people, you ain't getting there. I just going to tell you that ahead of time, but I want you to be healthy as for as long as you can. And you can’t control everything. We talked yesterday about the environment. You can't control everything in the environment. You can't. But, you can protect yourself as much as you can from the environment. You're going to live in it. But, guys, listen to me. When the FDA does what they did, they threw away all of their principles. They threw away all of their roadblocks to a new drug and they approved a new drug that they had no business approving. They know it doesn't work, but it just seems they've got to be able to give physicians something to hand their patients. Why don't you give them a sugar pill, placebo? What's the difference? Did they ever think for a minute maybe, just maybe there's another way?

And guys, if you've never seen our teaching, Age-Proof your Brain. It's available. Go to martinclinic.com and get that teaching. A webinar that Tony Jr. and I did together on age-proofing the brain, and maybe I'll get the girls to post it on the private Facebook group, just to post it up there. Age-proofing the brain. And again, we took the latest research on what to do to protect your grey matter up here and, especially, the hippocampus, your brain. I'm going to tell you one thing, and this is a fact. There's nothing that will destroy your brain more than sugar. Remember, when Alzheimer's, when they first started talking about it, they don't call it that so much today, but this is what they named it. Type 3 Diabetes. And why is that? Because, they knew, for example, that diabetics were much more likely to get Alzheimer's. Why is that? Sugar in the bloodstream.

Your brain is headquarters. It will take 25% of all your food. It's like taxes. They want energy from your food. They demand it. Your brain says, come here. What did you just eat? I get 25% of that. But, the 25% you give your brain is very important, guys. And of course, we emphasize that so much at the Martin Clinic. What can you control? What is the best fuel for your brain? I've used that illustration and I'll say it quickly. You're either burning logs on the fire or you're burning paper and twigs. You know what I mean by that. You got a wood stove... We don't think about it in the heat of the summer. But if you got a cabin or whatever, you got a wood stove or you got a fireplace... "Oh, I think I'm just going to heat our house here with paper. I'm going to go get newspapers." Not a good idea.

"All right, I'm going to have oatmeal for my breakfast. It's good for me." Your brain says, okay, I don't care what you eat. Just give me fuel, man. Oh, you give me paper and twigs. Okay. Now, give it to me again because I just burned it. And it's not good fuel for your brain. Not only because it's paper and twigs, it's because what happens when sugar... And remember, oatmeal will be sugar in five seconds. "Oh, it's steel cut." I don't care if it's steel cut. It's sugar. Your blood sugar, they've proven this, will go up to 20 in five nanoseconds. Blood sugar. What goes up must come down, because what's happening is now you're secreting an enormous amount of insulin to regulate your blood sugar. Remember, insulin's job is to never allow sugar in your bloodstream to stay there. It must depart. And insulin goes across your blood brain barrier and it says, “hey, come here. You can stay in your blood vessels, even in your brain. Come here.” Until it can't do it anymore.

But then, your pancreas says, I don't care. I'm the traffic cop. I'm going to secrete more and more and more insulin because I got a job to do. I'm sorry. Problem with that is your blood brain barrier says, you know what, insulin? I'm sick and tired of you. You're always around. You're a pesky neighbor that's always coming to my house. I'm tired of you. And guess what? Now, insulin can't cross the blood brain barrier. And I'm telling you, guys, that is the number one reason we have Alzheimer's. It's called high-circulating insulin or insulin resistance. And that's the number one reason.

And then, you have, I call it a trifecta for your brain, damaging your brain. Sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup. The antichrist of sugars. Two, processed food, fast foods, garbage foods, in the middle aisles of your grocery stores, from crackers to cookies, to pretzels, to this, to potato chips, and this and that. What is that? You're at McDonald’s. You're at Tim Hortons, for us Canadians. You're in Dunkin Donuts in the United States. You're at all the fast foods. What do they make those processed foods with? Canola, soy oil, vegetable oils. They are extremely inflammatory. That affects your brain. That's a trifecta. When I say trifecta, what do I mean by that? Sugar, seed oils, and here's the other trifecta. Here's the third part of that trinity, unholy, when it comes to your brain. A lack of vitamin D. Yeah, even your brain has a solar panel looking for the sun.

We talked about this. You guys should know this by heart. The sun not only gives you vitamin D, but the sun, the rays of the sun give you N-O, and it don't spell 'no'. N-O spells nitric oxide. It helps to keep your blood vessels open. And in the brain, part of the shrinking in what they call small vessel disease in dementia and Alzheimer's, your little blood vessels, they shrink, shrink, shrink because you don't have enough nitric oxide. Because, you don't have enough vitamin D. I scream it every day. Did you get your boost? VitDerma? I said to Tony Jr., "We have got to trademark that name. VitDerma. Everybody loves it." V-I-T D-E-R-M-A, VitDerma. I love it. He said, "You want to go to jail, dad?" I'm just calling it a booster shot. Did you get your booster?

When the sun is out, get in the sun. You get 10,000 IU, and think of all the good... We know what it does for the immune system. But guys, it's a trifecta. When you have low levels of vitamin D, you have low levels of NO, nitric oxide, and your blood vessels in your brain around your heart and blah, blah, blah, they shrink, shrink, shrink. And we hear nothing, nothing, from medicine when it comes to what I'm talking about. They don't want to talk about food. And guys, let's do this tomorrow. We're going to spend some more time... what to do with the brain. We have to. I have to tell you more.

One of the things... Like I said, your brain is headquarters. Every time you eat, think about what you're doing. This is what I teach. I'm trying to get people to automatically filter, and they say no. Look, I'm not saying never reward yourself. I'm not saying that. But if you do the Reset, I talk about it in the book what the Reset does for your brain because you're giving it the best fuel. Do the Reset, then live a lifestyle. But the lifestyle, first of all, is you are educated. You know what food does. We live in a day and age people live to eat. Even since this virus, people live to eat more than ever. SkipTheDishes. I should have bought shares. I didn't even know what SkipTheDishes was. Is that your dishwasher? SkipTheDishes? It's a whole industry.

I'm too old for this, guys. You, young people, you know all about SkipTheDishes. But I'm going to tell you, generally, just going to say it. Generally, what's in those sacks. When the guy comes up with SkipTheDishes, the guy or the girl or whatever it is delivering it, it's usually not the best fuel for your body. I'm just going to say it. What a world we live in. But, for you, my little disciples out there, you know better. And that doesn't mean you're never going to get SkipTheDishes. I don't mean that. I don't want you to leave the planet. I want you to live on the planet, but I want you to make the right decisions and give yourself a reward. It's your birthday?

One of my granddaughters, it's her birthday today. You know what? If she has a piece of cake, who cares? Come on. But, you understand it. Can't live like that. I can't be like the rest of the population consuming about 200 pounds of sugar a year and never mind, what is it, 56 gallons of vegetable oil. And I hate using the word "vegetable", because it's the farthest thing from it. Seed oils, crappy omega-6s, terrible stuff for your brain.

Take a deep breath. If I had a smartwatch, it'd be telling me to breathe. I'm glad I don't have one of those. You guys, thank you so much for putting up with me. I mean it, I get it, some of you folks are going like I get so supercharged. I know, but I can help, I got the can't help its. I can't help it when I see an FDA decision like that. Oh, I get, can I call it righteous anger? The Bible says don't let the sun go down when you're still angry. Okay, I have to put it out of my head so I can sleep.

Okay, I love you, guys. Tomorrow, we'll continue, I think, unless I find something. Look, I got some other great studies coming out, so maybe we'll do... I don't know. I make up my mind pretty well in the morning. Friday is Question and Answer. The Reset, guys, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, it's what you can do to change your brain in 30 days. Your body is unreal, guys. What it's able to do. You recharge that brain, regenerate that brain, start today, and get your friends and neighbors or whatever, get them to join the Martin Clinic private Facebook group. Get them to join that group because we're going to pump your tires up if you're doing the Reset. All the people that are on there, I can't get over it how good they are to each other. We like each other. We get along good. Okay, guys. Love you, guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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