Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information, as awesome as the info may be it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. A lot of good questions came in. We'll look at that this morning and hopefully we can answer pretty well all the questions. Here's some of the questions [00:00:30] that were asked. I'll try and go through all of them. Some of them I'm going to answer individually, just get back to them, because I won't have time to do all of them. Somebody was asking about chia seeds and what do I think about them? Do they elevate estrogen? No. They don't elevate, specifically elevate estrogen, but they don't diminish estrogen like flaxseeds do. I always talk about flaxseeds, because [00:01:00] they have Lgnans, L-G-N-A-N-S, Lgnans. Lgnans decrease estrogen. That's why I like them. One thing about flaxseed, you do not have to grind them up, because that was sort of something that was on the internet, oh, they're no good unless you grind them up.
I don't know where that came from. Your stomach will grind them up. You don't have to grind them up, if you want to grind them up, grind them up. I don't care. I'm [00:01:30] just telling you, you don't need to do that. Your stomach is a grinder. Okay. It is a furnace and a grinder. It'll grind up those seeds. I got no problem with chia seeds. I don't, but they're not flaxseeds. So if you're going to choose a seed, and especially for lowering estrogen, that's a big problem in our society today. Two growth, hormones; insulin, food, crappy carbs, [00:02:00] sugars, and estrogen. The environment, every chemical in the world looks like estrogen to your body. Ladies, you got to lower your estrogen. "Doc, my estrogen's going down. I'm menopausal." Yeah, it's going down, but it's always in relationship to progesterone and we're dominant in estrogen.
People ask me about HRT therapy. Okay. Hormone Replacement Therapy. [00:02:30] Be very careful because they're giving you horses urine. It's horses urine, a pregnant mare, their urine. My old friend Dr. Fishman, used to say, if you start eating hay, then you can use HRT. Otherwise, don't touch it. Make sure you diminish that estrogen. So that's why I like flaxseeds, because of Lgnans. Now, be careful with seeds too, because [00:03:00] for those who have diverticulosis or diverticulitis, for some people that bothers them and they can get caught in those little pouches. Always be careful with that. On that, someone was asking about oxalates. One of the questions about it was autism and oxalates. Well, I really don't want to comment on that. If you can send me the specific, [00:03:30] it was Debra. Debra, if you send me a specific article that you read or whatever you saw, I never, oxalates I talked about the other days. So if you want to go back and listen to leaky gut, leaky kidneys, I talked about oxalates.
Oxalates come from the plant kingdom, including seeds, and for people that get kidney stones, and the problem with oxalates, if you live on that, the plants, [00:04:00] is that they bind up your minerals. You're not going to absorb even calcium and whatever you need for your bones. A lot of times oxalates just bind them up. That's why you can't live on it. Does Dr. Martin eat vegetables? Yeah. I don't live on them. I don't live on them. Maybe next week I'll talk about osteoporosis, because there was a study that came out on osteoporosis and they said it's an epidemic today. Why is that? Well, [00:04:30] one of them, obviously, if women get osteoporosis more than men, it's almost 90 to 10%. Why? Well, obviously one is hormones, but it's more than that. A lot of it is nutrition. I'll touch on that. Okay. So oxalates, go back and listen to, we spend a lot of time, but they come from the plant kingdom and oxalates are a byproduct of the plant kingdom that your body can't use.
[00:05:00] Unfortunately, for a fair amount of people, they have trouble getting rid of them in the kidneys because that's where the majority of the oxalates are sent out of your body. At the kidney level. They can stress the kidney. All good questions. Somebody was asking about creatine. To use that as a supplement or in a powder. I got no problem with that. Creatine. Do you know that bone broth has creatine? [00:05:30] Yeah. Has that amino acid, because bone broth has all the amino acids. That's why my favorite protein powder is bone broth. Collagen protein. It's got everything in it, all the amino acids, all the minerals. It's why it's my favorite. Lots of L-glutamine, which regenerates the gut and repairs the little wee lining of your gut. So yeah, if you want to take extra creatine, there's some [00:06:00] studies on building muscle and good for you. I got no problem with that. I don't have any problems with that. Tanning beds. What do I think of them? Well, be careful. Look.
If you have extremely low vitamin D levels and you can't get to Florida, then a couple of sessions of the tanning beds, I'm not against, to elevate your vitamin D. Better that you supplement in my opinion. [00:06:30] Some people, they're extremely low and I'm not against them. Be very careful with tanning beds, like in terms of their skin cancer rate. It's not like the sun. I'd rather you do it naturally, but I'm not against it. Be under supervision when you're doing it and don't do a lot of it. Don't do it just for tanning. Don't do that. Louise, omega oil. She was asking about a specific brand. Well, Louise, I'm not going to [00:07:00] comment on any specific brand. I really won't. Here's what you look for, you want a good omega three, well, first of all, eat it. You get it in fish and you get it in steak. Lots of omega three in there. There's omega three in the plants, but they're short chain. So don't get omega six oil or don't get omega nine oil or whatever, you don't need that. Even the hemp seed oil and all that.
You can get it, but that's not the best in terms of omega three, because [00:07:30] what you're looking for are long chain. The longer the chain, The more bioavailable that oil is. Every day I take a high DHA oil. That's what you look for. The higher the DHA, the better it is. So just read DHA and EPA. EPA is important too, but DHA, because that's the one that fixes the brain. So you can get a cheap [00:08:00] omega three, if you want, it's not going to hurt you. If you want therapeutic, if you want to therapeutically help your brain. Therapeutically get your inflammation down, then you need high DHA oil. That's the one that puts the fire out in your body. Sounds kind of funny, you're putting oil in to put the fire out, but you really do put the fire out of inflammation with high DHA. You're not going to get me to change my mind. [00:08:30] I've had too many years of experience with it. The higher the DHA, the better it is for brain, for your heart.
I talked to you, I think, a little while back in one of the podcasts I talked to you about how omega three works. Especially the DHA, it reduces the stickiness of your platelets. It reduces the stickiness of your blood. It reduces the inflammation. That's a big, big factor. [00:09:00] It lubricates all your joints. It lubricates the brain. Remember, your brain is made up of DHA. Those are good questions. I appreciate them very much. Let's talk about some conditions that people ask me about. One was H. pylori. Now, this is a, look, almost everybody that is listening today has H. pylori. What is it? It's a bacteria in your stomach. So [00:09:30] what, I tell people. H. pylori doesn't bother 95% of the people. If they don't test for it, you'd never know you have it. Leave it alone. Now, if you're getting symptoms, H. pylori out of control can cause an ulcer. If you're getting bad stomach problems and they say H. pylori, well, you can kill it with a broad spectrum probiotic. Did you know that, [00:10:00] and oil of oregano.
That's why I love digestive enzymes. We put oil of oregano in the digestive enzyme, or you can take oil of oregano. That kills H. pylori and so does a broad spectrum probiotic. What is broad spectrum? Many, many different, everything's in Latin in medicine, do you ever notice that? Why? To keep you, keep the masses from asking questions. They don't want people asking questions. [00:10:30] H. pylori, what's that mean to people? I mean, what is it? It's a bacteria. Like I said, I'm not big on taking an antibiotic for that. I know they recommend that, but I'd rather you do it naturally. I'm not saying if it's driving you insane, and I don't want you to get an ulcer and whatever. If you do have to take an antibiotic, then make sure you take, double up your dose of probiotics [00:11:00] for a couple of weeks. You got to replace all that bacteria. The thing is with antibiotic, there's so much friendly fire. They will kill all your good guys too.
That's the problem. That's why I like probiotics and oil of oregano. Do you know oil of oregano don't kill your good guys? It's nature's antibiotic. I love it. I love it. There's no oil like oil of oregano, in my opinion, essential oil like that. It's the best. Other ones are good. It's the best. [00:11:30] Just my clinical experience. Colon cancer. The good question. Now we talked about this. Why is it so prevalent today? What are the factors in colon cancer? Well, the big thing in colon cancer is candida. It's yeast. It's fungus. The problem with candida is in medicine, they never even look for it. I think somebody was asking me online if, what can I show to [00:12:00] a doctor that I have candida in the brain or parasites in the brain? I said, well, good luck. I remember Dr. Oz, or whatever, had a show on parasites, now this is about 10 years ago. He got so much blow back from the medical profession. They don't like parasites. A parasite can't get into your brain. Yes they can.
A lot of people have parasites because they don't put gloves, you know when they tell you to put a mask on for [00:12:30] COVID? Don't be so scared of COVID, be scared of parasites if you got a cat in your house. Yes, they lick their butts and their cat litter, put gloves on. Make sure. A lot of people, I've showed them parasites. One lady came in and said, "Doc, if I have a parasite, I don't want to know about it." I said, "Well, you better turn your head. I'm looking at one right now." See the little thing crawling across the screen. Now look, a lot of parents say, don't even hurt [00:13:00] you. Your body knows what to do with them, but some of them do. Candida. Okay. So that's one of the big things that starts colon cancer. Having a crappy carbohydrate diet. Sugar, it feeds yeast. It destroys, we talked about high fructose corn syrup.
Why do we see so much colon cancer today? High fructose corn syrup. You know me, it always takes a, like I said, it's like Monopoly, that sugar does not pass [00:13:30] go, meaning it doesn't, it goes past your intestine to go directly into the liver, except that, on the way to the liver there's something they learned. If I ever stop learning, stop listening to me. I have to keep learning. What did they find out about high fructose corn syrup? It's well worth going to listen to that podcast again. On high fructose corn syrup, something that we learned that it destroys the line, [00:14:00] it causes leaky gut. Plus it feeds yeast. So if you're asking what causes, why do we see so much colon cancer in young people today? Food. Another one, antibiotics. They can save your life, but they're a double-edged sword. They destroy all your bacteria, your microbiome in the gut. It creates leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky gut. Can affect your gut. Not everybody [00:14:30] has digestive symptoms necessarily, but if you've taken an antibiotic, you better replace the bacteria on colon, because there's so much colon cancer today.
It isn't the lack of fiber. No. Too much fiber. I get the commercials, the cereals, full of sugar, but are they ever good because they got lots of fiber. Oh, jeepers. Who cares? Get rid of the sugar. High [00:15:00] bilirubin. Well, if you got high, look, there's a syndrome called Gilbert Syndrome, and that's, it can be genetic, but I used to test bilirubin, I was very interested in bilirubin in the urine because it always told me the person started fatty liver. It's one of the things that we see, bilirubin, it's the start a fatty liver. It's a liver issue. Some say it's gallbladder. Yeah, but gallbladder's attached to the liver. [00:15:30] Bilirubin. Liver. Clean your liver out. Do the reset. Another question on the reset was about the brain. Does it regenerate the brain? Yep. It helps. It helps, because you're replacing fat, the fat you're eating, the saturated fat, the omega three fatty acids from eating eggs, meat, and cheese help the brain to regenerate. Plus, you got no sugars. So what does that do? That helps with insulin resistance, [00:16:00] and insulin resistance in the blood brain barrier.
I've talked about that. You regenerate the blood brain barrier. The reset helps that big time, especially with the addition of probiotics. Probiotics help to, not only for your gut, but for your brain. Yes. Yes. Yes. The reset is so good for the brain. Look, try not to wait till you get dementia or Alzheimer's. When people come to me [00:16:30] and they, I already got, they bring their loved one or whatever, and they've got dementia already. I wish I would have seen this person because the diet has a huge, look, why do they call Alzheimer's type three diabetes? It's sugar. That's why diabetics are so much more susceptible to dementia and Alzheimer's. Even if you're not a diabetic, if you're a pre-diabetic, if you're a carbaholic, you're in do-do, you're [00:17:00] in trouble. You've got to fix that. It's going to affect your brain. Oh, Doc, I get away with it. Maybe right now you are, but you have no idea what's starting in that brain. It doesn't happen overnight. Question was asked about gestational diabetes.
There you go, during pregnancy. It now makes you much more susceptible to diabetes down the road. Gestational diabetes is one of the factors in autism. We've talked about that. [00:17:30] Autism, where I told you it's leaky gut. I've never seen an exception to it. There are certain thing's mommy has gone through, on average. I mean, there's always exceptions to what happens to mommy and what happens to baby. The evidence is pretty clear. I look at the origin of it, the perfect storm in a baby for autism, leaky gut, 100%. Mommy has leaky gut, goes [00:18:00] through the placenta, the microbiome of the baby has changed. So the idea, even in pregnancy, it's so important to have a good diet before, during and after. Someone was asking online yesterday about, can I stay on the reset? Absolutely. I've had people on there four or five years. If you're a diabetic, you should be doing the reset almost 24 and seven, 365 a year because you have an allergy to carbs. [00:18:30] How many people have an allergy to carbs? Oh, Doc, I got acid reflux. You have an allergy to carbs. You and carbs don't get along.
When you figure that out, it'll change your life. In this day and age, most people have that allergy. What are they saying? 88%. I read that every day, 88% of North Americans have one form or another of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome [00:19:00] is insulin resistance. It's the scourge of our society today. Blood clots. Some people are more susceptible than others. The medication you would take are all blood thinners; aspirin even, rat poison. There's a rat poison that they give you to stop your platelets from clotting. Look, I'm not telling you not to do it. You don't want to have a stroke and you don't want that blood clot, if [00:19:30] you had problems with that. I find for people that are susceptible to them or have had blood clots in your legs or whatever, then wear the compression socks and one of the best exercises I find is the rebounder. Not only to elevate your nitric oxide, which opens up your blood vessels, but it does really, really help. I like that. If you can do it, the rebounder, so good for you. For your, diminish [00:20:00] the risk.
I love [Navital 00:20:02]. Good. Navital elevates your nitric oxide. That's why we love that product. It's one of the things that it does. Someone was asking about high ferritin, high iron. Again, it's like an epidemic Today. Why is that? The liver. Liver, liver, liver, liver, liver. It's the liver. It's fatty liver. You have high ferritin, fatty liver. Oh, but my doc didn't tell me that. Yeah. I know. They want to take [00:20:30] blood out of your body or whatever. I'm not saying don't even do that, but why is it happening? It's liver. Your liver is gummed up. The Costco parking lot. The suitcase, it's gummed up. Why does it get gummed up? Sugar. Crappy carbs. That's how your liver gets gummed up. That's how you get fatty liver. Someone was asking about how do you get a virus if I'm not around people? Well, that's a problem. It's [00:21:00] a problem because listen, you guys, I got my both hands up. Now, remember, I always have to tell on here, because you're watching it live, but for later it's going to be a podcast.
Just understand why I do this. I have my both hands up. I want to explain this. One, you have a virus. On the other side, you have your immune system. Like I said, doctors, not all of them, but most of them, virus is everything. [00:21:30] A bacteria is everything. Fix the virus. Fix the virus. Fix the virus. I'm much bigger on your immune, because I'm in a room right now. I have a microscope. You see that microscope behind me? You see that? If you're live, you can see it. See that microscope. Well, if I took a swab anywhere in here, there's not billions, there's probably trillions [00:22:00] of viruses in here, and bacteria. What planet do you think you're going to go on and live to get away from viruses or bacteria? You're not. Your body has, your body itself has trillions, not billions, trillions of bacteria. Some good, some bad. Your around viruses all the time. I don't go see people. Yeah. I don't recommend that. When [00:22:30] kids, you don't want to isolate, especially children, the classroom is a good place for kids.
You know why? They're exposed to all different, if a kid gets a bug, like mommy, I understand it, grandma. We don't like to see kids sick, but sick is actually good. Oh, Dr. Martin, I never get a cold. Oh, well, good for you. We're around stuff all [00:23:00] the time. You can't get away from it. Wash your hands. Yeah. I agree. Don't touch your face. Good luck with that. Social distance. You see, for me, there's one school and then there's another school. The one school, the virus, the bacteria, the infection is everything. The other school is, let's get our immune systems in good shape. [00:23:30] You know what school I'm in. I aiming directly at you. My soap box is for you. I'm preaching to the choir and to those you can influence yourself. Get your immune system in good shape. We talked about vitamin D. The studies. How important it is to have good vitamin D levels. Vitamin A, which you find in vitamin S, steak. You get zinc in steak.
[00:24:00] You get vitamin C in coffee. Somebody did ask about ascorbic acid, how much ascorbic acid to give to her children? Well, they're not missing ascorbic acid. Where the child misses is vitamin D. I mean, if you want to give a kid vitamin C, I've got no problem with it, but the real vitamin C's coffee. It's got a lot more polyphenols. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. No. I mean, you can give a kid, look, one thing about vitamin C if you're going to give it to a child, [00:24:30] the only side effect of vitamin C is when you take too much, you'll get diarrhea. The body will tell you. I like vitamin C as a therapy with IV treatment. Massive doses for cancer. I like that.
I got no problem with that, but just taking vitamin C, I'd rather you drink it and have some of God's candies for the kids. Fruit. They got a lot of vitamins in there. Got a lot of vitamin C in vegetables too. Yeah. Really, really, really good questions this [00:25:00] morning. So I hope I hit all of them pretty well. I did. There's a few, like I said, I'll just get back to them individually, just because for a lack of time. Sometimes there's a very specific or very rare condition and we just, on this program, we're not necessarily going to cover it. Fall is, I know it's not officially here, but in Northern Ontario fall is here. [00:25:30] We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.