Our #1 Doctor Formulated Probiotic Is Now Available To Help You Win The War Of Good Gut Health
"After trying many different probiotics, this product is by far superior! Won’t ever stop taking!" Christie M~ Probiotic Complex
✓ Each capsule contains 50 billion probiotics
✓ Contains 11 specifically chosen strains for maximum results
✓ No need to refrigerate
100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee
✓ Each capsule contains 50 billion probiotics
✓ Contains 11 specifically chosen strains for maximum results
✓ No need to refrigerate
Most people wouldn’t know it, but right now there’s a microscopic battle of good and evil going on inside your gut.
While you go about your daily life, large armies of gut bacteria are fighting the battle for your health.
On one side of the battle field are “good” bacteria.
Their job is to exist to defend your most vital organs and processes inside your body.
When the good bacteria win, you experience a robust immune system, a reliable digestive system, a fast metabolism that helps you burn fat, and balanced levels of inflammation…
But when the scales tip in favour of the bad bacteria, that’s when the problems start.
Leaky gut syndrome…
Chronic pain and inflammation…
Painful digestion issues…
Trouble sleeping, poor circulation, and even illnesses like the common cold and flu are all signs that your body is losing the war.
So how do you tip the scales in your favour and equip your body with a secret weapon designed to win this battle for good?
Probiotics are that help with the most important functions inside the body. They help gut microbiota keep their balance, integrity, and diversity.
But not just any probiotic will do...
You’ve Got To Have The Right Type Of Soldiers (Bacteria)
The size of your army of good bacteria is just one part.
And as we know throughout history, it’s not always the biggest army that wins…
It’s the army that is best prepared, with the best technology, the best weapons and the most dedicated soldiers.
Probiotics work the same way.
Just like an army has different divisions for attacking, defending, and seeking out the enemy…
Probiotics come with different strains that all have different jobs.
Some strains are designed to fight digestive issues…
While other strains were built to protect your immune system..
And millions more are there to help with inflammation levels, weight loss, and the toxic waste that build up inside of you each day.
That’s the problem with most probiotics. They assume all probiotics are the same and they just throw any probiotics they can find into their formula.
When we looked at the big, brand name probiotics on the market we realized they all shared something in common…
They didn’t go far enough!
While some of them had a few important probiotics in their formulas…
The vast majority were missing crucial probiotic strains for your health.
The truth is that most companies are out to make a quick buck.
And since probiotics are so popular right now, it’s not surprising they’re trying to cash in on the probiotic craze.
You can hardly turn on the TV these days without seeing commercials for probiotic-fortified yogurts or probiotic supplements.
Perhaps you've even tried one of these highly advertised "solutions" only to be left wondering why everyone you see on your screen looks so happy and active, while your digestive problems aren't getting any better.
Well there’s a reason why most fail.
Most companies don’t take the time to understand what most people need in a probiotic.
But I can’t blame them, most of them are not doctors so they could never understand what is truly needed in a probiotic supplement.
We work with thousands of patients inside and outside of our clinic every day so we see what works first hand.
And that’s why I’d like to share with you...
Secret #1: The Right Strains
Researchers don't just grab the nearest probiotic supplement off the supermarket shelf and hope they work. And neither should you!
When researchers use probiotics they use ones that are effective for specific health issues.
There are literally thousands of strains of probiotics and they all have a roll to play.
Take a strain like Lactobacillus for example. This strain is most active in the small intestine, while others are active in the large intestine and support colon health.
Combining both supports your entire intestinal tract.
So you can see how putting the right ones together gives you a complete network of protection.
Some specifically target inflammation and can help with pain and discomfort in your joints.
Others are strictly to promote digestive health and can aid in reducing problems like leaky gut syndrome.
And many more focus on things like sleep, gut health, skin health and a wide variety of health issues.
Which brings me to…
Secret #2: The Right Amount
Remember - there’s a battle going on inside of your gut, and having the highest number of soldiers (good bacteria) in the fight is going to help you stay healthy.
But how much is enough?
You might see some probiotics that say 1.5 billion CFU (number of probiotics) and that does sound like a lot right?
Well you should know that 1.5 billion CFU is like a raindrop in the ocean.
Most research studies are done with AT LEAST 25 billion CFU’s
And in my 3 decades of experience treating patients with digestive and inflammation issues…
Many people, especially older adults, benefit most from an “extra strength” daily dose of 50 billion CFUs
Sounds like a lot right?
But when you consider that bacteria outnumbers your human cells 10 to 1, it starts to make sense why you need so many.
Secret #3: The Right Quality
Scientists use the highest-quality probiotics they can and you should too.
Using poor-quality strains doesn't make sense to a researcher because they’re looking for results.
But it makes a lot of sense to many probiotic companies because they’re looking for profits.
That means that most probiotics on the market are actually of low quality probiotics.
And when you have low quality probiotics in your system, it’s like sending in reserve troops to Vietnam with only a week of training.
You might think that higher quality means higher costs…
But I’m about to show you right now that’s not the case!
Digestive health is far and away the biggest problem we see every single day inside of our clinic.
And with everything we know about probiotics, we went looking for the best one that we could recommend to our patients.
We wanted something that we could confidently give to our patients that worked…
But didn’t cost them an arm and a leg.
After months of buying, testing, and monitoring we found that there was NOTHING on the market that could do the job.
That’s when we decided to create our own!
I’m proud to introduce our…
-Anne H.
- David M.
The #1 probiotic food in the supermarket is yogurt.
You’ve likely seen the commercials praising yogurt as the new “probiotic wonderkid” that can do everything from help you lose weight to feel younger.
The good news is that probiotics CAN do this for you…
The bad news is that Yogurt CAN NOT.
Yogurt and other foods have a shockingly low CFU count which means they’re really low on the important probiotics.
How low?
To match what’s inside our Probiotic Complex you would need to eat 16,000 4oz yogurts.
And that’s just to match 1 capsule!
This is why getting probiotics from food alone is never a good idea.
Truth of the matter is they just can’t deliver the load of probiotics that your body needs.
Plus, as you already know, you need different strains of probiotics for different health problems…
Which means you’d need large amounts of different foods for each problem you’re facing.
No one has the time or money for that!
Our small town clinic opened its doors in 1911.
Since then we’ve provided a groundbreaking natural solution to our patients on the front lines of health.
If something doesn’t work, we don’t continue to use it. Period.
And that matters a lot to us.
But here’s why that should matter to you...
We treat REAL people every day in our clinic and they look to us for solutions.
They don’t want “maybe’s” or another lecture. They want results.
When other supplement manufacturers sell you something that doesn’t work, they can refund your money (maybe) and go about their business.
But when we give a customer something that doesn't work, we have to look them in the eye at the next appointment.
We put our reputations as practitioners on the line every day and we do the same for each and every one of our products!
Our goal was to develop a research-quality probiotic at an amazing price. We made sure to check off “YES” on every requirement for probiotic effectiveness - just like clinical researchers do.
The result is Probiotic Complex and here’s what you get in each bottle:
✅11 high-quality probiotic strains. You get a scientifically formulated balance of clinically tested probiotics including all 11 strains that we've named above
✅The top strains for immune health which have been clinically shown to help combat colds and other seasonal illnesses that become more dangerous as we grow older.
✅A full 50 billion CFU serving size in each capsule. This is an “extra-strength” dose that works best for individuals over 40. Most formulas carry less than half this amount.
✅Not 1 but TWO immune support probiotics to optimize your immune system. Every capsule includes our proprietary immune support combination of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Reuteri that support robust immunity.
✅A 30 day return policy. If for any reason you feel this isn’t for you, we’ll refund every penny.
Let’s talk about the other big P: Price
You’re probably thinking with all the extra work we put into this product that it’s going to cost a pretty penny.
But since we’re a small family clinic that sells direct to you the consumer…
We’re able to slash prices and pass those savings on to you.
Just take a look at other probiotics at the same level as Probiotic Complex…
Now, at first glance there’s nothing wrong with these products, but they simply can’t compete with everything that goes in to Probiotic Complex.
And here’s the best part…
Probiotic Formula is yours today for just $49.99 per bottle.
That means it’s just $0.55 per capsule.
Plus, you can be confident that it has the right strains and is 100% doctor formulated by us.
This probiotic guards the health of your entire digestive tract. It helps keep bacteria and fungi such as salmonella, E. Coli, Staph. Aureus and Candida Albicans in check.
Acidophilus also maintains healthy CHOLESTEROL and promotes heart health. This good bacteria crowds out the bad guys and grows the population of the good guys.
Billions of this type of probiotic are needed for good health. We don’t want to brag, but each capsule contains 24 BILLION L. ACIDOPHILUS per capsule!
When you take an antibiotic, it kills everything (except one type of probiotic which you will read about in a minute).
Since antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, this probiotic becomes essential since it quickly replaces the beneficial bacteria that was lost.
It is fast acting. Bifobacterium Bifidum also helps protect against diarrhea and is beneficial for the liver.
This probiotic has been proven to consume unfriendly bacteria and viruses! It also produces lactic acid which fights H. Pylori and helps rid inflammation.
L. Salivarius helps clean the bowel, relieve FLU SYMPTOMS, remove PLAQUE from teeth and has been clinically proven to help COLITIS!
This probiotic helps regulate the acid content of your digestive system. it maintains a normal digestive tract and boosts your immune system. B. Longum is essential for breaking down CARBOHYDRATES.
This probiotic has been successfully used in the treatment of IBS. It has also been shown to help decrease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. It can heal colitis.
Also, this probiotic also helps preserve key nutrients such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, A, K, and short chain fatty acids. And, by the way, it helps maintain a healthy blood pressure.
This lactic acid producing probiotic helps prevent the growth of bacteria. It helps you digest fat and is essential for anyone who is LACTOSE INTOLERANT.
Not only is this probiotic essential for the decrease of fat storage, it helps decrease intestinal inflammation.
L. Paracasei helps treat diarrhea, allergies and has been used for the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Lactis acts as a delivery driver for the proteins necessary for health.
It helps to treat IBS and produces interleukin-10, which is helpful for Crohn’s disease.
This probiotic helps destroy bad bacteria by producing hydrogen peroxide, a natural antibacterial agent.
This probiotic is an anti-inflammatory for the digestive system. It helps oral ulcers, has anti-cancer activities and decreases DNA damage.
Lactobacillus Brevis is absolutely essential for female health. It disrupts the growth of yeast production that causes vaginal infection.
The exclusive combination is two immune boosting probiotics in one. It helps with food allergies, boosts the immune system and it populates and thrives in the acidic environment of the digestive tract.
Over 200 hundred studies have been done on this ingredient alone!
It prevents diarrhea, relieves constipation, prevents lactose intolerance, eases yeast and urinary symptoms and may help Auto-Immune diseases.
Either you love our Probiotic Complex and it works for you or you get your money back.
Plus, I’ll personally email you to offer you an apology for having wasted your time just like I would with any of the patients in our clinic.
We can’t promise to be perfect, no one can. But when something's not right, we work to make it right.
That’s why you’ll have a full 30 days to try Probiotic Complex and see if it’s for you.
"After trying many different probiotics, this product is by far superior! Won’t ever stop taking!" Christie M~ Probiotic Complex
✓ Each capsule contains 50 billion probiotics
✓ Contains 11 specifically chosen strains for maximum results
✓ No need to refrigerate
100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee
✓ Each capsule contains 50 billion probiotics
✓ Contains 11 specifically chosen strains for maximum results
✓ No need to refrigerate