822. Sticky Blood Vessels


A new study is saying that 90% of the population is walking around with sticky blood vessels. What does this mean? Dr. Martin teaches on insulin resistance, or high circulating insulin like we call it at the Martin Clinic.

In every chronic disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autoimmune… the elephant in the room is food. The food we eat causes our pancreas to secrete insulin, and when we’re eating crappy carbs and sugars, this insulin never shuts off. When this happens we become insulin resistant and in most cases, you’re already a diabetic.

Learn how sticky blood vessels occur and why they’re dangerous to your health!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, how are you? Hope you're having a great start to your day. You know what I want to talk to you about is insulin resistance. Now insulin resistance, or at the Martin Clinic what we like to call it is high circulating insulin. Now a new study came out on insulin resistance or high circulating insulin that is very, very important with every chronic disease. So because at the end of the day The Metabolic Reset is all about fixing insulin resistance or high circulating insulin. Why is that significant? Because guys it's the elephant in the room. In every chronic disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes 100% for sure, autoimmune, the elephant in the room behind all of that is food.

Now I really get upset. I didn't say I rarely get upset. I said, I really get upset. Like this morning on the private Facebook group, there's someone there. We love you guys and thank you for putting that up there because it's good for you to think. I want you to think. Don't be surprised and don't be confused. Don't be surprised and don't be confused. Medical doctors, dieticians, they don't even think about insulin. The only time they think about insulin is if you're a diabetic and then they got to put you on insulin, but they don't think about insulin resistance and high circulating insulin because medically they have been taught this.

It's really important you understand this guys. Medically they have been taught this. You're not a diabetic until your blood sugar passes a certain mark and they don't worry about diabetes unless your A1C and unless your fasting blood glucose has hit a certain level. If it hasn't hit a certain level, they're not trained to think about it. But in nutrition where I come from, insulin is almost everything.

There's three seeds of a disease, name the disease apart from infection. Let's keep infection out of it. You get an infection. There could be some connotations to insulin, but I don't want to get into the weeds. If you have an infection, okay. But any chronic disease that I mentioned earlier, there's three root causes of all disease. One, insulin, and guys listen to me. Insulin is good. Two, leaky gut. From your brain to your toes, your microbiome, leaky gut, when you get stuff in your bloodstream that becomes systemic, that didn't belong there in the first place, that should have gone into the toilet, that's leaky gut. And it has big time connotations for autoimmune, even insulin resistance and any chronic disease, because it can affect your heart. It can be a big factor in cancer because of candida and fungus.

And then the third one is oxidation. It's aging. We're rusting out. Free radical damage. Those are the three seeds of disease. Now I want to talk to you this morning about a new study that came out on insulin resistance. And I would love to scream it from the rooftops because it talks about insulin resistance and heart disease. Fascinating, fascinating. And it gives us some more detail on how insulin resistance and heart disease are connected and what happens.

Now a little physiology and it's almost always repetition. I'm going to put a little new twist in there this morning, because I just want to go in a little bit deeper on insulin resistance, but you guys know this, but it bears repeating. Diabetes, like official I'm a diabetic, diabetes is the last thing that happens. Not the first thing that happens, it's the last thing that happens. So don't wait till you're a diabetic. That's the problem in medicine. That's the problem with dieticians. "Oh, just eat everything in moderation. Follow Canada's Food Guide and you'll be fine." No, you follow Canada's Food Guide and you're going to be in nothing but trouble. I'm sorry. And American's Pyramid The Food Guide is all upside down. Believe you me when I tell you that.

So don't be confused. Don't be confused. If we were eating properly, we’d be in much better shape. 88% of the population have what we call some form of metabolic syndrome. What's that mean? What's that mean? What's that mean? It means that 88% of the population have insulin resistance. Their cells don't like insulin. It's the pesky neighbor that always comes knocking at your door. "No, no, no, there they are again." What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone. What does it do? It's released from your beta cells and your pancreas. What is its primary function? To get it rid of sugar and store it.

You know that, right? You can't have sugar in your bloodstream. It can't stay there. It can't park there. It's in illegal parking. It must be parked in the Costco parking lot, your liver and your muscles. That's what insulin does. So every time you eat, you need insulin. The problem with our diets in North America, they're getting all around the world now, the problem with our diets is it's carb loaded. We're eating on average 200 pounds of sugar a year. Your pancreas was never made for that. You are so fearfully and wonderfully made. Everything in your body will fight diabetes. It'll fight it because listen, diabetes never, never, never ends well. By the time somebody becomes a diabetic, they have had insulin resistance for a long time, but because they've never been taught that, and it's not taught in medical schools and it's not taught even to, in all due respect, to dieticians, they don't understand the physiology of insulin.

You can't have sugar left unattended in your bloodstream. You can't. Your body says you can't do that. Insulin takes it, signals out, out, out, "You can't stay because sugar destroys your blood vessels rapidly." So if I emptied out your five liters, we've talked about that, you can have 20 donuts. Don't ever do it, but you could. And within an hour or so or less, your blood sugar's going to come back into a very tight range. Now don't do it because now you've secreted a mountain load of insulin to get all the sugar out of your bloodstream.

Are you following me? This is really important. I want to show you a new study, but I got to show you how your body works like this. So the more carbs you eat, crappy carbs, the more insulin you need. The more insulin you need, the more your cells go, "You know what? I'm so sick and tired of you. I don't want you around me anymore." That's what your cells do, but insulin's got a job to do and it don't care whether you find it pesky or not. So your cells resist insulin, but insulin doesn't care because it says, "Hey, I cannot allow sugar to stay in your bloodstream so I'm coming around this. As long as you insist on eating the way you're eating, I am going to drive you crazy. I'm going to come and I'm going to come." But your cells resist, resist, resist.

That is an actual condition. It's called insulin resistance or high circulating insulin, not sugar. Understand it has to do with sugar, but it's not your blood sugar I'm talking about. It's insulin resistance and listen to what I'm saying, 90% of the population. So when you look at people, including children, 90% have insulin resistance. They're not diabetic, but they really are. But for all intents and purposes, they're not "diabetics", but they've had high circulating insulin for a long time. Someone becomes a diabetic. I mean, it's what? 50% of the population now. You know how I use the word the twin towers of diabesity, "Friend, come with me to the mall." I always tell people that. Let's go to the mall.

Go to your local mall and watch people. Use your eyeballs that God gave you and observe. What will you see? If you lived in my day in the 1970s, I was born in 1952. Now use your mouth and you'll figure out how old I am. But if you came to the mall with me in the 1970s and then you came in 2022, there'd be a big difference. We have diabesity. True or false? Yes, we do. Medicine they haven't caught up to what I'm talking about today. You go to your doctor. "Well, you're not a diabetic. Eat in moderation." Why don't you go to your plumber for nutritional advice? You might as well.

I hate to be negative. It's almost like they don't know what insulin is. And they don't know what insulin resistance is. And they don't realize what that does inside the body. And it's because they're not reading, they're not studying nutrition. What I know today about insulin resistance, folks, let me tell you something. I never ever, ever, ever stop learning. I don't. I read and I read and I read. Guys, I read everything I can get my hands on to keep updated. Science folks is always evolving. "Oh, the science is settled." I hate that. They hide behind that. I can't stand that. Science isn't settled, but two plus two mathematical science is settled. It's four and it'll never change.

In nutrition, I have put thousands and thousands of hours. I probably spent 4,000 hours getting my PhD in nutrition. Every day I still study more. I'm fascinated. But listen, I don't want to get off topic because I want to bring you the study like I promised. So diabetes, put it over there just for a minute in your mind. What happens before you're officially or someone is officially diagnosed with diabetes is they develop insulin resistance. So I think you got that. And what does insulin resistance do? And I don't want to get too complicated, but insulin resistance starts a process in the body. So 90%, look around 90% of the population. You can be skinny by the way too and have insulin resistance.

That's why when people tell me about the reset, the reset was created, please understand it, for your metabolic health. That's why we call it the metabolic reset. It's to get 90% of the population if they would listen to correct the problem of insulin resistance, because the whole idea is to fix insulin resistance and it takes 30 days to fix it. And everybody has their theories, I know that. Everybody has their theories and Dr. Martin and I are only just one of the many. Yeah, you're right. You're right. I'm one of the many. But guys listen to me. I was a real doctor with real patients, hundreds of thousands over the years. And I developed a reset for people that were already diabetic.

I knew they had insulin resistance a long time before that, but I said, "I'm going to put you on a program. We're going to put your diabetes into remission." And then I started that program, eggs, meat, and cheese. "That's not for everyone, is it doc?" Well, 90% and it's a hundred percent if you just want to feel better and you feel good already, but it's to fix insulin resistance, to get rid of the cells going, "You know what insulin? I can't handle you. Get away. You bug me." And insulin's not going to go away. It won't until you become a diabetic and then insulin can't even knock on the door anymore. And then you got big time trouble.

So are we on the same page now? Let me tell you what happens when insulin comes knocking at your door because you insist on eating carbs all the time. Bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, muffins, bagels, milk in the grocery store, juice, you insist on it. "Ah, I'm not a diabetic doctor. I can have my orange juice in the morning and my oats. I got to have my oatmeal because I'm not going to go to the bathroom without my oatmeal." Well, okay, if you insist, but you're going to secrete a lot of insulin to eat oatmeal, a lot. And you might not think about it because you're not feeling anything necessarily, but you are eating the wrong food. I'm sorry. But people tell you, "Well you need carbs to survive." No you don't.

I'm not saying you'll never eat carbs because if you're going to eat any fruits and vegetables, you're going to eat carbs. But when you have insulin resistance, something happens at the cellular level. This is why this study would be so fascinating. It says that your mitochondria, you see I wanted to show you a picture of the cell but I couldn't find it. Anyway I don't want to draw it for you because you know my drawings. I flunked art. I majored in recess at school.

Now inside every cell in your body, you have a mitochondria. What is a mitochondria? It's a battery pack. It produces energy ATP when you eat. But if you develop insulin resistance, your mitochondria releases what they call ROS. It's an oxidative thing and what that does it signals insulin to get lost. It increases insulin resistance even inside the cellular level. And so when you eat bad, even your mitochondria starts screaming. Now you don't feel that, maybe a little bit of lack of energy, but you're not getting a lot of symptoms about what's happening.

Insulin creates a problem in your blood vessels. It's the first place it happens, in the cell and then secondly in your blood vessel. You know what happens to your blood vessels when you're insulin resistant? According to this new study says this, "90% of the population is walking around right now with sticky blood vessels." Sticky. See what happens? Insulin resistance starts a process within your blood vessels to make them sticky. They have a Velcro on them. Think of your blood vessels going up to your brain, think of your blood vessels going to your heart.

This is revolutionary guys. This is how you start. Listen, listen, Linda, listen, this is how atherosclerosis starts because insulin resistance creates a domino effect at the cells and then in your blood vessels to make them sticky. You don't want sticky blood vessels. You know when they talk about cholesterol inside your blood vessels, ooh, where do you expect? Of course cholesterol's inside your blood vessels. It's the FedEx trucks. It's Amazon, it's Canada Post it's the U.S. Postal Service, you name it, in your blood vessels. Of course. So when someone has a heart attack, they blame cholesterol. It's like blaming the police because they're at the crime scene. Of course cholesterol is there, but they got it upside down because the only time your blood vessels become sticky is when you're eating bad food. And your blood vessels instead of being nice and slippery, you want slippery blood vessels.

I always tell people, "Take enough oil like omega-3 to be you slide out of rooms." You're eating so much butter and oil because butter turns to oil, doesn't it? I said, "That makes your blood vessels slippery, not sticky. That's what you want." So insulin resistance, one of the first things that happens is your blood vessels become sticky. And because we are looking for love in all the wrong places like cholesterol, "Oh doc, my LDL cholesterol is high. My doctor wants to put me on statin drugs." I know and I'm not blaming you. If the doctor knew about insulin resistance, they would say, "We're going to change your diet. You're eating too many carbohydrates. You're a carboholic," like Dr. Martin says, "My name is Tony and I'm a carboholic." At least admit it.

Now I'm not talking about you. I'm talking to you, but I don't mean you because you guys know better. You're in the 1%, believe me when I tell you that. Any physician or any dietician that would restrict the amount of eggs you eat in a week doesn't know what they're talking about, because eggs make your blood vessels slippery and they don't make you fat either and they don't give you cholesterol. Well, yes they do. They give you a good cholesterol because all cholesterol is good. You can't live without cholesterol. If the whole premise is to hammer down your cholesterol, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. And every day, every day, every day, seven days a week I get push back on that.

I don't care if I'm in a minority, it's not a popularity contest. We've been lied to. We've been duped. We've been duped and I don't want you to be duped. This is so significant. What damage happens to your blood vessels? When you eat wrong and your insulin is going up and your cells are resisting insulin, it damages your blood vessels. It makes them sticky. And you don't want sticky, you want slippery blood vessels. But guys, I'm going to hammer this home until you get rid of me. I'm going to hammer this home. I'm going to hammer this home. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. And the truth will set you free.

It gives you information and it's not that I want you to argue with people, because you know what? Sometimes I can get myself uninvited. Sometimes these seminars and they want me to speak and then they listen to one of my podcasts and they said, "Well doc, now you're going against the green doc." I'm sorry. I got to tell you the truth. And if you insist on eating carbohydrates and you want to have those crappy carbs of the list that I talked to you earlier, then you're in trouble. And my job in my opinion is to shout out like John the Baptist crying in the wilderness. I don't care if I'm alone doing it, I'll do it. And I'll push back because the studies are confirming exactly what I've been saying for a long time. And I hope you had fun today.

I had a ball. Now guys, tomorrow is a question and answer Thursday because Friday's Good Friday and we're off on Good Friday, but I am going to be on Easter Monday. So I'm just telling our folks here, giving you a little heads up. So Friday off, tomorrow question and answer Thursday, send in your questions not too late. I love answering your questions. I really do. And question me. I got no problem with that. I want you to think. Use the brain that God gave you.

Now the private Facebook group, which is a wonderful group, I love it. We love it. We love you. Hopefully you love us. It's a pretty great group, isn't it? Lots of fun. We love having you on there and thank you for coming on there and thank you for joining. If you don't get our emails, then please sign up. Make sure we have your email address so we can send you more detail on studies. That's what we do our emails.

And if you can't watch this or your friends or whatever, you can share this by the way on Facebook, but the other thing to do is to get them to listen and download The Doctor Is In podcasts. Very popular podcasts and all of these Facebooks are made into podcasts. And if you have a smartphone, you can listen to them. I love podcasts by the way, I do. Now we'll talk to you later and we love you dearly. Thanks for watching. We appreciate it very much.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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