An interesting study out of Boston Medical Center is showing how 50% of cancer patients were obese and 30% were already diabetics. The study shows how cancer cells and fat cells don’t like each other, or as Dr. Martin says, they’re ‘frenemies’.
Frenemies are people who are friends but they really can’t stand each other. In this study, it was shown how the cells communicate, and how fat cells took over fat cells helping them to spread like wildfire.
Join Dr. Martin to unpack this fascinating study that should be all over the news!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And how are you? Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. And we got an interesting study that I want to go over with you. This study came out last week and for me it blew my socks away. Okay. Now I don't say that often, but I found this study fascinating, and it came out of the Boston Medical Center. And Boston Medical Center made a few observations about cancer that is really interesting. First of all, they were saying that 50% of their cancer patients at Boston Medical Center were obese. The second thing they said, 30% of their cancer patients at Boston Medical College were already diabetics.
Now let me put a little asterisks in there because you know me, diabetes is the last thing that happen to people. Not the first, the last. Diabetes comes very late in the process of metabolic syndrome. Okay. So here they are. They said that 50% of their patients are obese cancer patients and 30% diabetic. Now what they had to say is fascinating because what their studies are showing is that cancer cells, okay, cancer cells and listen, Linda, every one of us, okay, see this face? In my body today, there are cancer cells. In your body today, there are cancer cells. 100%, for sure. There isn't anybody on this planet that doesn't have cancer cells. Okay. But that doesn't mean you're going to get a tumor or a growth or whatever. Your immune system is fully equipped to fight cancer every day.
And I always use the illustration. Where's my ballpoint pen? There it is. I always use the illustration for cancer to get to that size, just the tip of a ballpoint pen takes five years. But every day you have a battle going on, not only in your gut, okay, but we always talk about that. The fight that goes on, invisible war that goes on between your good bacteria and your bad bacteria. Okay. So let's leave that aside. There's another war that goes on between cancer cells and your immune system. It's a silent war. Most often, no symptoms at all. Your body knows what to do if your immune system is in top shape. Now let's get back to this study out of the Boston Medical College, where they have 50% of all their cancer patients were obese. And what they said was fascinating. They said cancer cells and fat cells are frenemies.
Well, they didn't say frenemies. I'm saying it. Do you know what a frenemie is? Well, yeah, we're friends all right. You really can't stand each other. Okay. So cancer cells and fat cells are frenemies. Apparently according to their study at the Boston Medical College, really interesting, they're communicating with each other, fat cells and cancer cells. And what Boston College determined, you didn't see this in the news, but it should have been big news. It's unreal. I almost fell over when I saw it, because what they're saying is when cancer cells meet fat cells, they're frenemies, but what those fat cells do is they take the cancer and help cancer cells to spread. So what they were saying is at the Boston Medical College is when someone was obese or diabetic, and we'll come back to that in a minute, their cells were taking cancer cells and helping them to spread like wildfire.
So this was incredible research. It gave me another reason to celebrate the reset because obviously if you're doing the reset, let's just talk cancer cells, you're not feeding them. And as we explain cancer cells, okay, there's a difference between a cancer cell and tumors. Okay. So let's go over that just for a second. Cancer cells need fuel, and you guys already know the answer to that. Cancer cells are kids and teenagers. They love sugar and they'll look for sugar. And of course, I always use the example of the pet scan that they give you a cup of glucose, radioactive glucose, or they shoot it right into your veins, glucose. And in a pet scan, you light up like a Christmas tree if you have cancer somewhere. Incredible technology. But what this study is saying, cancer cells on their own if you don't feed them, if you don't feed them, they got nowhere to go and your body will take care of it.
You have in your immune system, natural killer cells. Okay. Natural killer cells, NK, they're called. And if you have enough vitamin D in your body, they're like Kamikaze pilots or Navy seals. And they'll go after your cancer cells and they'll destroy them. But you can't feed them because you get a double wamo. If you feed a cancer cell, it grows. Okay. If you feed a cancer cell, it grows. But secondly, if you insist on eating sugar, it suppresses the activity of your natural killer cells, including your T cells, which are part of your lymphatic system. So you get a double wamo. But what they're showing in this study too, is really interesting. Is if you have fat cells around a cancer cell, now it's a double wamo, it's a bad news bear because those fat cells hitch their wagon to cancer cells and they spread.
Because again, let me unpack the study a little bit more for you. In Boston Medical College and they're always trying to figure out why. Okay. Which I really like, when you ask the question why. Too often in medicine, they don't ask that question why. They just want to treat the symptom or you get cancer. Okay, you got cancer. Here we go. Radiation, surgery, chemo therapy. They attack the cancer. Okay. That's what they do. But nobody talks about prevention of cancer. And at the Boston Medical College, they're asking why, why, what? Number one, 70 to 80% of their patient who have cancer are African American. Okay. They're African American. Do you know that 80% of the population of African Americans are obese. At the Boston Medical College they know that. So they go, what is it that young people, especially young African Americans are getting all these cancers and they're spreading like wildfire. Colon cancer, I've talked to you about this, colorectal cancer, breast cancer. Are we winning the war on breast cancer? Uh-uh (negative).
I can tell you why. I can tell you why. They didn't even mention this in the article. Cancer cells, fat cells, they hitch their wagon to each other and they're transported. But I'm going to tell you why, because cancer cells, what makes them take off in the presence of fat cells? What do fat cells secrete? They absorb it and they secrete it. Let me see if you're thinking with me. It's sort of a trick question. What is a fat cell and a cancer cell? Okay. Why do fat cells transport? Triglyceride, yes. To some extent, John, you're right. Triglycerides, but it's not exactly what I was looking for. Marie, yes, toxins, for sure. Yes. Yes. Yes. Fat cells hold onto toxins. What is the other thing that fat cells hold onto? Roxanne. Insulin. Yes. Yes. Yes. You're all right. You got it. But I'm looking for something else too. Okay. You got it, insulin, toxins.
Look, if I was giving you a test and you gave me those answers, Daphne says insulin. Yes. And Marilyn, you got it. The answer I was looking for, Marilyn got it. And so did Janet. And so did Ashley. And so did Lori. You know what they said? Estrogen. You see fat cells. This is one of the reasons guys. I want you to do the reset. You can be skinny on the outside and have fat cells around your heart, fat cells around your pancreas, fat cells, visceral fat, dangerous fat around your liver. And you're skinny as two rings. But those fat cells, yes, they take in toxins. Yes. They take in insulin. Okay. Yes, yes, yes. And triglycerides. Yes. You're all right. But what are the things they do? They do two things. A fat cell secretes estrogen and a fat cell receives estrogen. What is estrogen? What is estrogen? Estrogen is a growth hormone. That's why ladies get breast cancer. It's a perfect storm. Perfect storm.
Now, ladies, you already have some form of breast cancer. You have cancer cells and they're probably in your breast as we're speaking. Men, you probably have prostate cancer cells as we speak. Okay. But your body knows what to do with that stuff. So what do you do? Don't feed it. Don't give it sugar. And you don't want no fat cells around it because fat cells release estrogen and they receive estrogen. What is estrogen? It's a growth hormone.
Now ladies, you want some estrogen. You're a woman. No problem. Men, you want testosterone, not estrogen. You get a little bit of estrogen and ladies, you get a little bit of testosterone, but it's not even worth talking about. People ask me every once in a while, even women ask me, doc, what's my testosterone levels? Who cares? I don't care. Don't care. Why? Because that's not your dominating hormone. You don't care about testosterone. As long as your estrogen and progesterone are balanced, you don't have to worry about your testosterone. Okay. Yeah. You don't want testosterone. You want a little bit. It's like a man with estrogen. The problem is with men today, they got more estrogen than their wives. And what they're determining is estrogen, fat cells, insulin resistant, fat cells are dangerous because they're frenemies with cancer cells, frenemies. They sit there and talk to each other, but they pretend they like each other.
They don't because fats cells will grab the cancer cells and say, let's go for a little tour and they will leave your breast tissue. They'll leave the prostate and they'll go to the bones, and they'll visit the lungs, and they'll visit the liver, and they'll visit the brain. You want to know how cancer spreads, because we always thought, and I thought this for a long time by the way, I really thought this for a long time. Cancer spreads by the lymphatic system. Eh. I was never big on that. Okay. And look, I'm just a little wee guy, a little individual. And I used to tell people, nah, you want cancer cells in your lymphatics. God gave you a sewage system. You want to get rid of it. Your lymphatics will get rid of cancer. Oh, they spread doc, my lymphatic.
I disagree with that. Okay. I'm not going to win a Nobel Prize because a lot of physicians don't like to hear that, that cancer doesn't spread through the lymphatic system. It spreads through blood. But now we have a better idea of why, because cancer cells, they hitch their wagon to fat cells. Okay. They hitch their wagon to fat cells. Don't feed cancer cells, one. And then we know another thing about lipids. Okay. Let's do this illustration for a minute. Okay. The five year thing. I always shock people like that.
I remember doing an American morning show years ago. Oh man, that was a long time ago. Probably 15 years ago at least. I brought a pen and it was after I wrote a book. That's why I got interviewed. I wrote a book, Secrets Your Doctor Won't Share With You. And the host had me on. You get five minutes. Okay. So you got to go pretty quick. And I had a ballpoint pen in my shirt. Okay. I took it out and I went like this, you see this? I told the cameraman when I bring out my pen during the thing, come right up close and see it. They did that. Okay. I'll try and see if I can find that video and actually get you to watch it. Now I didn't look like this. That was 15 years ago. Okay. If you don't believe in free radical damage, look at this video 15 years ago. Okay.
So what I did is I took out the ballpoint pen and I said, see that, that's how long it takes cancer to grow to this size. People think cancer is rapidly growing. No, it's not. It doesn't. Takes a long time. It's silent. That's why it always bothers me guys. You know what bothers me? Is when we talk about early detection. Look, am I against early detection? No, but that's not prevention. That's detection. And by the time you detect a cancer, it's been there for a long time. Like ladies in your breast tissue, you feel a little lump. Oh, geez. That wasn't there last weekend. What is that? And you go get a biopsy and the doctor says, well, you got a tumor there. Okay. Well, that been there a long time. You just didn't feel it see. So prevention is stopping the cancer from growing.
Now we know this. Okay. Cancer cells need fuel. One, when they are cells, they love sugar. We know that. They love sugar. Two, when they become a tumor, they switch fuels. They switch. They like lipids, fat. And this is why I always speak about good fat, bad fats, good fats, bad fat. I'm convinced I'm 100% right about this. When you go to McDonald's or when you go to whatever fast foods, because I saw an advertisement yesterday. We cook our French fries in canola oil, Canadian oil. You can run your car on it. Canola. So what they were saying is it's a low fat oil, but it's not saturated fat. So it's good for you. Ooh.
When your cancer cells listen, when cancer cells have developed into a tumor, they switch fuels. They want bad oil, bad oil. And that's why we see so much cancer today. It's not only sugar. Its bad fats because once it's a tumor, it now wants to feed on fat. But it don't feed on good fats. It feeds on bad fats. And I've shown you this study. Groundbreaking. It should be in the headlines all around them, every day. Take DHA oil, why? Because it makes cancer. It destroys it. Tumors are looking for lipids. But if you give them the right lipid, they get sucked in. Oh, I like that. Come here, come here. And then it destroys cancer. It makes it explode not to spread, but to destroy it. Guys, think about this study. How fascinating it is that we understand the spread of cancer much more than we used to.
And what you can do is empty your body of those dangerous fat cells. Like I said, it's the visceral fat, it's those fat cells that hitch their wagon to cancer cell. And this is what shocked the Boston Medical college, because they said, why are we seeing so many bad cancers, especially in the African American population, in young. Go back a 100 years guys. Cancer was almost unheard of. It wasn't that there was none. It just, there wasn't much. And today it's unreal. It bothers me because here we are. We don't talk about this stuff enough. I mean you and I do, but the world out there they're ignorant. This study came out, I was doing somersaults. Well for a 70 year old, okay, it's not really a somersault. Okay. No, but seriously guys, I was just flabbergasted. I said, holy moly. Man, no wonder it spreads through the blood. It hitches its wagon to these fat cells and gets transported from the brain to the liver, to the pancreas and the bowel.
So this study was saying to the African Americans, boy, lifestyle is really important. They didn't say it, but I'm saying it. Getting rid of the carbohydrates and the sugars, get rid of it. Get it down to almost nothing. It's insulin resistant guys. Metabolic syndrome. And now we know how they're transported. Wow. This is earth shattering, groundbreaking. What will come out of it? I'm not optimistic, but you can see there are places. And I say this to people like, just look around, look at how big people are today. I wrote a book called, Are You Built For Cancer? And even then we didn't know all that we know today when I wrote that book, Are You Built For Cancer? Well, now they're showing hmm, fat cells. They're frenemies with cancer cells. They pretend they like you, but they don't. They're going to bring you on a tour to spread. Wow. Isn't that interesting to you? Isn't that interesting to you? To me, it is.
I just have to bring that to you today because I flight and wow. See what turns my crank? Okay. So guys, I hope you guys are having a great day and thank you so much for all the support. We mean that. We are overwhelmed. Tony Jr and I talk about this all the time, just about our community, that we have, the followers of every week, 50,000 or more followers a week on our lives. Because when you share it guys, when you share this podcast through the live Facebook, people watch it. It's amazing. We're just always shocked to some extent to the audience that we have and we appreciate that.
Now we wrote an email this morning. Did you get it? It was really good. I thought it was good. If you're not on our email list, you want to get on our email list. Okay. Just because we do some studies. I don't always talk about these studies. Okay. It's always the news behind the news. Okay. So we love you guys and we mean it. I don't take you guys lightly. I really appreciate you very, very much. Okay. So Friday question and answer, I answered a question already this morning, burning mouth syndrome. I mean I can go into detail on that, but that's often what that is. Okay. A low B12. Okay guys, we love you. We’ll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!