315. Glycation And Aging

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Hope you are doing all right. I hope everybody is safe and feeling good. I'm going to talk about two things this morning, [00:00:30] maybe only one. We'll see how far we get. It's a continuation theme. Why do old people, why are they more susceptible to COVID-19? This is part two, really. We'll go a little bit deeper than just viruses. Why are older people more susceptible to cancer? We'll talk about that today.

Dr.Martin: Okay, let's talk a little bit about why old [00:01:00] people are more susceptible to this virus. Why is their immune system not ... doesn't function as well as a younger person? Okay. We talked yesterday, mostly about the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and as you get older ... We talked about the gut, how important the gut is to your immune system. About [00:01:30] 80% of everything that happens in your body, happens in your gut, including your immune system. We talked about that yesterday, that as a person gets older, they're not absorbing because of low acidity in the stomach and not enough pancreatic enzymes like lipase, amylase, protease, and that affects their ability to absorb, especially fat-soluble [00:02:00] vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D and vitamin K. These are fat-soluble vitamins. These are very important for your immune system. As we get older, we don't secrete enough of those enzymes.

Dr.Martin: We usually don't have enough stomach acidity. If you don't, one of the things that even affects your immune system is a vitamin called B12. That's a water soluble vitamin, but I always separate B12 from all other vitamins because B12, [00:02:30] like I was saying yesterday, is a finicky vitamin. It is, at the best of times, it is very difficult to absorb. B12, by the way, is only found in red meat and oysters and that... It's in red meat guys. It's not like, you're not eating steak and seniors so often for several reasons they're not ... maybe their budget and maybe the fact that they can't [00:03:00] chew properly or whatever, they're not getting near enough B12. You guys know me. I've talked about this for many years. If I could get into every senior's home, and I don't know why, and I just say this because it bothers me that when we are talking about the world we live in today with COVID-19 and they're talking, and I'm not, like I said, I'm not against anything they're saying.

Dr.Martin:      Social distancing, wash your [00:03:30] hands, don't touch your face. I've got a beard. I'm always touching. I can't help myself. Wear a mask. You know? I think that's coming by the way. I think that's coming. I don't know. I'm not a prophet nor the son of one, but I just, I'm going to make a little prediction that when sporting events or where there's going to be a crowds of people, I don't know [00:04:00] this for a fact. I'm just saying what I think might happen is they will not allow you into these places without a mask on. You will have to wear a mask. I don't know if that's a fact. I just, I'm making a prediction about that. Okay, so yesterday we talked about all that in the seniors, and now I want to talk to you about another way you age.

Dr.Martin: Okay, there's three ways [00:04:30] in physiology how you age. One of them is, and this affects you big time is your absorption of vitamins and minerals and food. You don't absorb like you used to. That affects your immune system big time. Okay? Number one. Number two is a process of aging [00:05:00] called glycation. Glycation. What is that? Okay. Glycation, it's a process that happens inside the body that literally hardens your blood vessels, the receptor on yourselves. It's like a coating. It hardens the inside of the body. [00:05:30] It's a process and glycation ages the body. We call it AGE'S. Advanced glycation end products. I've talked to you about this in the past. I don't want to go into the weeds too much and get too detailed on what exactly happens inside the body, [00:06:00] but it's an aging.

Dr.Martin: It's okay. There's two ways that ... one is oxidation. Oxidation is your cells, your body rusts out. Oxidation. I was showing you last week a picture of me in the 1990s compared to 20, about 25 years later. I showed you a picture of me that was on a book I wrote. I could show you a picture of me when I graduated in 1974, compared to today. We call that oxidation. We rust out. I [00:06:30] remember my grandson, my youngest one, we were playing hockey in [00:07:00] the basement and mini-sticks and he said, "Grandpa, who's that?" He was looking at my picture in 1974 when I graduated. I said, "That's grandpa." He was maybe four then. He's nine today. He said, "That's not you grandpa." There was actually no resemblance to my picture in 1974 and my picture today like [00:07:30] no, although I had a long mustache when I graduated.

Dr.Martin: That's called oxidation. That is something you can see and everybody is going to rust out. They're going to oxidize. We call that free radical damage. You guys know that. It's the third part of our ... on the road to disease, [00:08:00] as we reverse engineer everything, we'd come back to three things that start all diseases, all of them. Autoimmune, cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, Alzheimer's, all of those diseases. If you reverse engineer, come back, the way I think is this way. I go backwards all the time. If [00:08:30] you have this, what caused it? I'm interested in that. That's why I ask so many questions all the time. I'm intrigued. You've got to, because if you, you have a story. I never would see a patient in my office unless they filled out a questionnaire. Why is that?

Dr.Martin: I want to know their history. I want to know their story. If want to know the story of cancer, you go backwards. You [00:09:00] didn't wake up one day with cancer, and the day before, you didn't have it. Your body doesn't work like that. You didn't have heart disease. Well, I didn't have heart disease last week and oh, that happened. I didn't have it last week and I have it today. Your body doesn't work like that. On the road to disease, you have insulin. We talk about [00:09:30] that all the time. Elevated insulin, elevated insulin or high circulating insulin or insulin resistance is one of the root causes. Somebody asked me yesterday, what comes first? Inflammation or insulin? Insulin comes first. Inflammation is not Houdini. You don't create a silent inflammation as Tony Jr. calls it, inflammation without [00:10:00] a fever.

Dr.Martin: Because, if you go back to a hundred years, most people died of an infection. The biggest killers in society a hundred years ago was infection, not disease, heart disease. Not that people didn't get heart disease, but they rarely got it. Not that people didn't die of cancer, but they rarely died of cancer. Not that people didn't [inaudible 00:10:27] my grandfather died of diabetes, but they rarely [00:10:30] died of it. That was rare. It was almost unheard of. People died of infection. Inflammation was there, but it was caused by a virus. What are we talking about today? Like, it's almost like we've gone back a hundred years, because why is that? Because, today we're talking about a virus killing people. Anyway, and so we're heading backwards [00:11:00] in a way, but I'm going to tie this together in a second.

Dr.Martin: Let me tie it up to show you that this COVID-19 really is a modern thing, unlike the Spanish flu or whatever. I'll talk to you about that in a second. Inflammation, not a Houdini. We get it from insulin. Insulin is a food hormone. You'll only secrete insulin [00:11:30] when you eat. Guess why we like intermittent fasting at the Martin Clinic? Because you're not eating and we eat too frequently and it's what we're eating and again, ad nauseum. Dr. Martin talks about this all the time. I know. I'm a food guy. My specialty is clinical nutrition. I'm a food guy. A lot of people think I'm a naturopath. I'm not. [00:12:00] That's not my degree. I got a PhD in clinical nutrition. I'm a food guy and so we're going to talk. I talk a lot about food, don't I? Good, bad and ugly.

Dr.Martin: Insulin, one of the root causes of everything we die from today to leaky gut. Now, have you ever heard that term? Will you hear for me? The gut, the gut, the gut, the gut. We [00:12:30] talked about that yesterday. The gut, how you break down food and what happens inside your gut. There's a forest in there. It's an ecosystem of bacteria. Good, bad needs to be balanced. Everybody's microbiome is different. It's got its own DNA, these little bacteria. 60 trillion bacteria in your body. 60 trillion. It's incredible. [00:13:00] We talk about that. Number three. Number three is oxidation, free radical damage, aging. It's normal, guys. We're all going to age. We're going to rust out. I don't care how much Botox you use, we're going to rust out, some of us faster than others, and oxidation creates inflammation [00:13:30] at the cellular level. It rusts the cells out, but part of oxidation, or at least part of that aging of the body.

Dr.Martin: One of them is oxidation. It rusts out. Best example I can give you, cut an apple in half. Watch it right before your eyeballs. It'll oxidize. It's an illustration I've used for years and years and years, because if you just cut an apple in half and right in front of your [00:14:00] eyeballs, within a few minutes, it'll turn brown. What is that? It's oxidation. Put a little lemon juice on one side of the apple. It lasts longer than the one that's not covered in, what is lemon juice? An anti-oxidant. Got it? It's not that complicated, but another thing that happens in aging is glycation. Tony likes to call it, [00:14:30] Tony Jr. Likes to call it caramelization. It takes away, it ages the bones and yourselves, and it's a glycation thing that happens inside the body that's less visible, by the way. Oxidation's much more visible.

Dr.Martin: Glycation is internal. You don't see it, but it's there. It has a major effect on the body because of hardening. How do [00:15:00] you get glycation by the way? What causes oxidize? Oxidation is caused by naturally aging, chemicals, smoking, a bad diet, but glycation on the inside is caused by? What causes glycation? Sugar. Nowm I tell you, if you ask a thousand doctors, and I [00:15:30] mean it, 1000. 999 wouldn't know the answer to that, and I mean it. What causes glycation inside your body? Sugar and even worse, even worse, even worse is fructose. Now, before you come after me, are you saying Dr. Martin, fructose in fruit causes glycation? [00:16:00] Not really. A little bit, but not really. That's why I call fruit God's candies. What causes glycation? More than anything else, is high fructose corn syrup. It was made in a laboratory.

Dr.Martin: It's highly industrialized. You could run your car on this stuff. It was never meant for you to consume as a human [00:16:30] being. It is the sugar of choice in the food industry and it causes glycation. Vegetable oils. Well, vegetable oils will cause oxidation, not necessarily glycation. Although probably a little bit so whoever said that, good for you and you're thinking. I love you guys. [00:17:00] You're thinking. You're following what I'm saying. You're thinking and you already know more about food. You guys, you guys know more about food than 99%, I'm telling you even, I hate to say it, I hate to say it, dieticians. I can't get over it. They put out a statement yesterday. You know me. My blood pressure went up yesterday, but I was just thinking about the statement [00:17:30] that they put out.

Dr.Martin: They said food has no influence on your immune system. What? You can't build your immune system with food. What are you kidding me? If you go into or thorough Third World country, Oxfam or whatever, what do they bring with them? I know they bring vaccines. What else? Food, vitamins? That's [00:18:00] what they bring. Isn't it interesting? We live in a society today that if you talk to the vast majority in the medical field, they don't even know what vitamins are. It's almost, like they don't get taught this stuff anymore in school. Unbelievable. But, they don't. Are you kidding me? If you look at physiology, you study physiology, how your body works. [00:18:30] Physiology, you learn about oxidation. You learn about glycation and glycation, AGE'S is one of the ways we age. But, here's what I want to share with you.

Dr.Martin: Here's what I want to share with you, because it's why, one of the reasons why old people or older people are much more susceptible to disease of any kind [00:19:00] and especially viruses and bacteria. We're dealing with an invisible enemy. A virus, you can't see that. You can't see a virus. This one is contagious and it really affects older people, big time. Like I was saying to you, we're quaranteening the wrong people. If you're healthy, this virus [00:19:30] generally will not affect you. It won't. I'm not saying you wouldn't get a fever or you wouldn't feel good or whatever. Your body's defense mechanism is going to go into play, but if you have a good immune system and part of a good immune system, big part, more than washing your hands, more than putting a mask, on more than social distancing is your eating. It's your eating. [00:20:00] It's food.

Dr.Martin: When they tell you not to go outside, I don't think ... Do they mean that? Look, I'm getting mixed messages because there's people that are saying, we're going outside too much. Is that official from the government or is that your snoopy neighbors? Get outside. It's the best place to be. Not inside. [00:20:30] Outside. I talked to you last week about open air therapy. Get in the sun. Get some vitamin D. There's nothing better for. They should be taking ... Yesterday afternoon was beautiful, wasn't it? Well, where I was. Get in the sun. There's not a better vitamin in the world than vitamin D. Get outside. Get some fresh air. When they say stay home, did they mean [00:21:00] stay home? Somebody said on my, on questions yesterday, it wasn't a question. She made a comment. Well, if you have a big backyard, stay in your backyard.

Dr.Martin: Yeah. Well what if you live in an apartment? I don't think they'll ever tell you not to go outside. I don't think. I don't know. You guys tell me. I don't know. We live in Ontario and Ford, our Premier is really adamant. [00:21:30] Close everything down. The city in Sudbury, in which I live, they close d,the walking paths. I don't get that. To me it's the opposite of what they should do. They should have, maybe they should have some bylaw officers on walking paths and making sure that we keep six feet apart. Are they going to come up with, "You can't sleep with your spouse?" I don't know. It seems stupid to me. I'm sorry. [00:22:00] I get the six feet apart, but get outside.

Dr.Martin: I don't think it's coming to that. I'll tell you why I don't think it, because this is a dog's world we live in. I just look up my street. Most of the people are out walking. They're out walking their dogs and dogs have more rights than human beings, in my opinion. I don't think they're going to stop people from taking their dog for a walk and they should go for a walk. Anyways, [00:22:30] I know I get crazy guys, but sometimes I just don't understand what they're saying. Right? I don't know. Guys. Now, let me finish with this. Glycation, it's one of the ways we age. Things lose their pliability, including your skin, glycation end products. The biggest factor in that is high fructose [00:23:00] corn syrup, so avoid like the plague. Now, let me just give you one little thing and we'll close with this, this morning, okay.

Dr.Martin: Now, one of the things that glycation does, especially in older people, is it diminishes your ability of your natural killer cells, NK. NK are your natural killer cells. Your body has natural [00:23:30] killer cells that go after cancer cells, go after viruses, go after bacteria, go after fungus and when you are consuming high fructose corn syrup. Now remember you eat cereal, you're having high fructose corn syrup. You're eating yogurt, they're adding high [00:24:00] fructose corn syrup. You're having a bagel, you're having a muffin, if it's store-bought or made a Tim Horton's, you got high fructose corn syrup in there. Eight teaspoons in a carrot muffin of high fructose corn syrup at Tim Hortons or Dunkin Donuts. You have a doughnut, high fructose corn syrup. That's what they use. Why? [00:24:30] Because it's cheap and it causes glycation and glycation causes your natural killer cells to be destroyed.

Dr.Martin: It kills off your good natural killer cells that go after your cancer, go after viruses so you can see as a person ages, one of the factors is there ... it's a big, I think it's the whole factor really is the thing [00:25:00] that they can control is nutrition and it's destructive, guys. See where I come from? That's where I come from, guys. I always want to reverse engineer and go backwards. You guys have been great. Share this with your friends. Do you have any questions? Send me questions and I'm happy to answer them. If you're not part of our Martin Clinic Facebook group, get in that group. Because we give out recipes [00:25:30] and there's such good stuff going on every day, in that group. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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