Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. It's going to be a good program. We're going to talk about some of the headlines that came out. You would not believe some of the headlines in health that [00:00:30] came out last week. I mean, I almost fell over a couple of times. I'm not kidding you. And again, unless you really are looking, you won't even hear these things. But very, very appropriate headlines. I mean, some of them are just astounding and got very little ink. So, you know me, Dr. Martin is going to bring them to you. So headlines, headlines. There are so [00:01:00] many I'm not going to get through all of them, but I tell you, these headlines are incredible and listen to this. Listen to this one. [inaudible 00:01:09] and maybe you knew a little bit about this or maybe you didn't, but let me just say it.
Dr. Martin: Okay. This year's, okay, this year's flu shot. Okay, this year's flu shot, according to the Scientific American, missed the mark again. So what happened? They [00:01:30] picked the wrong virus again. See what happens? The World Health Organization and other organizations, they get together in the summer and they go, "Okay, what do you think is going to be the flu this year? What virus?" And they guess. I mean they're not stupid people, but they guess. And 99% of the time they guess wrong and guess what? Could they guess wrong last year? And they're saying this year's flu shot [00:02:00] is they missed the mark. So I'm not telling you not to get the flu shot. Don't say Dr. Martin said don't get the flu shot. I'm just telling you what the headline said. Okay? I'm just telling you what it said. Scientific American. This year's flu shot missed the mark again.
Dr. Martin: That was the headline. Did you hear about that? Did you see that somewhere? Did you see it on the mainstream media? Okay. I call it the bio media warfare. Okay. [00:02:30] I stole that from somebody. They said this is a bio media warfare. And it's the same thing guys with the coronavirus. Okay. Now let me just bring you another headline that came out last week that will just sort of put this thing into perspective. Okay. The coronavirus. Now, if you're not sure what I think about that, go back to, I think it was last week or the week before, I have a program on the coronavirus. And how [00:03:00] did ... not just talking about putting it into perspective, what are the risks of you getting the coronavirus and how dangerous is it and blah, blah, blah.
Dr. Martin: Now listen, I'm not saying dismiss it, I'm just saying there's what this one of my colleagues called it bio media. Okay. Bio media warfare. Because the media is a 24-hour cycle [00:03:30] and they never stop about the coronavirus, right? And it's in China, but more people die of the flu in Canada and North America. But the key isn't the flu shot, which you just heard the Scientific American saying they didn't get it right. Do your own flu shot. And that's what I talked about, vitamin D and the importance of vitamin [00:04:00] D and the flu. I mean, there's a lot of research on that. What vitamin D does? That's why you don't get the flu in the summer generally, true or false? It's true. When it's nice out, you generally don't get the flu, right? And the reasons that the Floridians get a flu is because they don't go in the sun, because they're scared of it. So don't shoot the messenger. I'm just giving [00:04:30] you headlines. Okay? Because some people get way uptight. Okay.
Dr. Martin: And here's another headline that came out last week. You didn't even hear this. Well, maybe you did, but very few heard it, because I looked for it. Now listen to this. Okay, so we already talked about the flu shot. We talked about the natural flu shot with vitamin D and probiotics and oil of oregano. Those are my big three, right? And there's a [00:05:00] study out there even on pine bark Navitol and the flu shot, and the flu I mean, how it helps to improve your immune system. Okay.
Dr. Martin: Now, listen to this. Listen to this, came out last week. Tamiflu. Now, do you know what that is? Tamiflu is a medication that was brought out by Hoffmann-La Roche, drug company. [00:05:30] Okay. And according to a whistleblower, listen to this. Okay. Just came out. According to a whistleblower, they said that they built or fraudulently got the US government and States in the US to give them $1.5 billion and 77 million in Canada. 1.5 billion [00:06:00] in the US of A and 77 million in Canada. The government was buying Tamiflu because of the outbreak. Remember the outbreak in 2014? Right? And they said, "Well, Tamiflu, you got to get Tamiflu." And the Canadian government I think bought 50 million doses at $77 million. They didn't even use it as far as I know, [00:06:30] because you know what? It didn't work. The pharmaceutical company fudged the studies that said it was effective. It wasn't true.
Dr. Martin: And a whistleblower came out last week and said it was all a fraud, a $1.5 billion in the USA and 77 million by the Canadian government to buy Tamiflu. And it was not effective [00:07:00] and they knew it. Guys, doesn't that drive you crazy? Is there nobody checking these things? It's incredible. It's just like, look, I know the pharmaceutical industry does some good things, but they do some bad things. Can I tell you another one? Like this happened. I was so upset, so angry. I wasn't doing videos in those days because you would've heard about it from me. I was [00:07:30] so angry about it. I talked about it on my radio show years ago, but the makers of Vioxx, which was like, you might even hear the word today, Celebrex. Celebrex is a sister of Vioxx. What are they? They're nonsteroidal ... it was an arthritic medication. It was an arthritic medication, Vioxx. It's off the market today. They want to bring it back, by the way. Listen to what it did.
Dr. Martin: [00:08:00] 50,000 people died from having a heart attack after taking Vioxx and nobody, listen, nobody went to jail over it. Not one representative, not the CEO, not anybody in the research department where they knew it. It causes heart attacks. [00:08:30] They brought it to the market anyways. They duped the FDA. They duped Health Canada and Tamiflu did the same thing. They duped them with false studies. Isn't that incredible? But nevermind the $1.5 billion, you don't think there's any money in drugs? 1.5 in the US of A. The government's bought it. I don't know what they did with it. [00:09:00] I think they just stored it. It wouldn't be any good anymore. Well, it was no good anyways. But the worst thing is Vioxx actually killed people. Did you even know that? That's what this colleague of mine said. That's called bio media warfare. I like that. Bio media warfare. Why? Because the same drug companies buy advertising in the media.
Dr. Martin: [00:09:30] They're the biggest ones. The food industry and the pharmaceutical industry are the two biggest consumers of media time in the United States and Canada, media. And plus they go after the doctors, right? They spend a fortune in medical schools and in medical training and even dietician training. They sponsor [00:10:00] all this stuff. Guys, think about how ... this is why I love you guys, because you're listening. Look, you at least ... you guys understand that not everything that is said in the media is true. You're thinking, I am not even telling you not to take meds, I'm not saying that. You guys know me enough to know that, I'm not telling you. You want to get the flu shot, get the flu shot. [00:10:30] You're not going to hear Dr. Martin tell you not to get it. I won't do it. I won't do it. That's an individual decision.
Dr. Martin: You have to make that decision. I'm only giving you info. This is what I do to protect my immune system. This is what I do. And the Tamiflu, I'm sure they're going to try and make a comeback because of the coronavirus. Now, what you're hearing about the coronavirus is they're racing. They're racing [00:11:00] to make a vaccine for it. Folks, that is bio media warfare. You're going to hear the word. We're racing to find a vaccine for the virus. Don't go on a ship, the cruise ship, they're quarantining everybody, they're quarantining everybody. Look, I get it in China. But what are they up to in China? Guys, you're never going to get the truth out of China. They're pathological liars. [00:11:30] So what's really happening over there? Is it control? Control the population, right?
Dr. Martin: Is it due partially to the uprising in Hong Kong? And now the China government, they're doing everything they can to take care of the coronavirus. And now you never hear anything more about Hong Kong. Right? Look, I'm not a conspiracy guy, I don't know. I'm only giving you some ideas [00:12:00] of why, did they manufactured this disorder? I don't know. I don't know. How dangerous is it? Well, I just want to look at the facts. I look at it, look, I know people die, but people die of the flu. The only way you can die of a flu is you have to have a compromised immune system or a preexisting condition that makes you so susceptible to this, to any flu, to [00:12:30] any bug, any virus. And I've talked to you about in the past is how sepsis, how that happens and why we see so much of it and cellulitis and why we see so much of it. The overuse of antibiotics and things like that.
Dr. Martin: Guys, I am here to give you information so that you can make some decisions, okay? You got it? So I'm just giving you headlines, guys. [00:13:00] I'm giving you headlines [inaudible 00:13:02]. Now, I'll give you another headline, okay? In 12 days, this is another headline, let me read it to you. In 12 days, this really struck me, okay, this struck me. I want to read the exact headline. It only takes ... here it is. Listen to this one, guys, listen to this one. Sugar alters brain chemistry in just 12 days. [00:13:30] Sugar, like cocaine, alters your brain chemistry in just 12 days. It alters. Here's the headline. Okay, that was the headline, but here's underneath the story. Okay? Here's underneath the story. It alters, so sugar and guys, the worst sugar is high fructose corn syrup.
Dr. Martin: Sugar alters brain chemistry in 12 days. Alters the reward processing circuitry in your brain [00:14:00] in 12 days. It changes. I remember seeing a study years ago and it was this physician saying, when they did study on mice, they gave mice sugar and they would do an MRI on the brain of the mouse and they could see that sugar would take a path into the brain, especially in the frontal lobe of the brain. And if they never had, [00:14:30] if a mouse never had sugar before, it created a path to the dopamine centers of the brain, the feel good centers of the brain. By the way, you got more dopamine and serotonin in your gut than in your brain. So, it has the same effect in the gut, because what sugar does of course is it feeds candida, it feeds yeast. It changes your microbiome, it changes your ecosystem and that it can affect your [00:15:00] chemistry inside the gut and affects the brain, but this is specifically on the brain.
Dr. Martin: It changes, it alters the brain activity within 12 days. Within 12 days. It's worse than cocaine. You become an addict. The food industry knows that. They add sugar to everything. You can't even have ketchup without adding that much sugar in a bottle. That much sugar in ketchup. [00:15:30] That much of the ketchup in a bottle of ketchup is sugar, pure sugar. It hooks you, guys, and now they know why it hooks you because it takes like a path and then every time you have it, it goes back to that same path. And what this one lady physician was saying, this is years ago when I saw this on a study of a mouse, it actually does the same thing as cocaine. So once you take cocaine once, it creates a path in your feel good centers [00:16:00] of the brain, you go, "Wow." It says, then your brain says, "Hey, give me that again, man. I like that."
Dr. Martin: And then you do it again and again, and it creates in the [inaudible 00:16:12] of your brain a complete path, and now you need very little to go straight down that path to your brain and it affects your dopamine. Guys, isn't that incredible? And the food industry knows that. They're the [00:16:30] tobacco people that knew it and hid it, that this stuff is addictive. Let me give you another headline. It'll go directly with this. Okay. The number one fruit in North America. I want to note to you what the number one fruit intake is in North America. Okay. Canada and the USA. What is the number one fruit choice? You know what the number one fruit choices in North America? [00:17:00] I went and got it just for this headline. It's orange juice. It's not a fruit. It's not the oranges.
Dr. Martin: It's orange juice. Number one choice of North Americans. It ain't blueberries. It ain't grapes. It's orange juice. And guys, listen to me. This is Tropicana. Just a little wee one. Never, this is the number one choice. [00:17:30] Orange juice. Guys. God never meant you to drink juice. He meant you to eat fruit. Don't drink juice, because let me read it to you. I'm just going to read to you the nutrition facts. Okay? Now listen, sugars, this is a little one. Okay. Little Tropicana. This would be, it is how many ... it's [00:18:00] 236 milliliters. Okay. I had 500 milliliters of water this morning already. This is half a glass of ... No, it'd be probably one glass, because I think to 16 ounces for my American friends or 500 milliliters for my Canadian friends is a bottle of water. A small bottle of water. This is 236, half. [00:18:30] A little bit more than the half.
Dr. Martin: You know how much sugar? Look, okay, how much sugar? 22 grams. 22 grams of sugar. That is six, seven teaspoons of sugar in this. 7 teaspoons of sugar in that. Plus, okay, 26 grams of carbs, 22 grams of pure sugar, [00:19:00] 26 grams of carbohydrates, which are going to be sugars in five seconds. Guys, why don't you give your kids a Pepsi? What's the difference? There's no difference. It's the number one choice. Orange juice is the number one choice. Do you know how many seniors have orange juice every morning and I try and talk them out of it? Isn't it incredible? Guys, you know what that does to you? See, you were never meant to drink juice. You [00:19:30] can have an orange because God surrounded your orange with fiber. Okay? And there's some fiber in this, but not enough. In nature, you eat a fruit, you have an apple, you have grapes or you have a banana.
Dr. Martin: There's fiber in there. You have it. Don't make it into a juice. That's why on Dr. Martin's Perfect Smoothie, you only get to use a few berries in there, like blueberries. Okay? [00:20:00] Or strawberries or raspberries. But you don't put banana, you don't put everything into the thing. Don't do that. It's too sweet. Don't make a juice out of that. That's why I love cream and not milk. So the number one choice, orange juice. And how many kids are weaned on apple juice or orange juice or whatever. Guys, you get a baby or whatever, as soon as they come [00:20:30] off the breast, give them water. They don't need juice. It ain't good for them. Not even a bit it. There isn't a mother in the world that you know what? Two years old, "Here, son. Here, little sweetie. Here's some Pepsi, have a Coke." But yet they give them orange juice or apple juice and we wonder why we have so much trouble with diabetes and insulin, [00:21:00] insulin, insulin today in this day and age, it's crazy, guys.
Dr. Martin: It's absolutely crazy what happens. So you see the headlines? You see the headlines? In 12 days you can become an addict with sugar. Why? One of the reasons I got the reset going is because if you have cravings for sugar, you're an addict. "My name is Tony [00:21:30] and I'm a sugar addict. My name is Tony and I'm a carboholic." The reset fixes that, it repairs the brain. It covers up the root in your brain that you ... the path in your brain. That sugar was going up in four weeks, guys, that's one of the reasons I created the reset, is because it can repair your brain. It [00:22:00] takes away the path of addiction, which leads right to your levels of your dopamine in your brain guys. Dopamine is, look, you have a good meal, you secrete dopamine, right?
Dr. Martin: I mean, dopamine is your feel good hormone. This sugar artificially plays with that. And it hooks you. And guys, I know, I get, you wouldn't believe the criticism [00:22:30] I get. You wouldn't believe it. Even some of my colleagues think I'm ... I lost it. Because doc, all you talk about is sugar all the time. You talk about sugar all the time. I know, I know. Like I tell my grandchildren, honest to God, grandpa used to have ice cream and cookies too when I was a kid, but we didn't consume the [00:23:00] 200 pounds of sugar a year. That's what happens. A dump truck could come to your house full of sugar and empty the back part of the dump truck into your house. And that's how much sugar we're consuming as North Americans. You see the problem with that? It is absolutely craziness. Craziness.
Dr. Martin: [00:23:30] So guys, that's where I mean, man. And man, it's already half an hour into this podcast and I didn't even hit half the headlines. I guess I'm going to have to do some more. You wouldn't believe the headlines that came out last week. You wouldn't believe it. It's just astounding to me. And you don't hear about this. Did you hear that you could change your brain chemistry in just 12 days? [00:24:00] I know they're talking about the opioid crisis in Canada, in the United States. And indeed it is. It is. But what's worse? What's worse is the crisis of sugar in our diet. It's killing us. It's making us addicts.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, [00:24:30] Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.