Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another Live this morning and glad that you are able to make it and come on with us live when you can. We appreciate it. Guys, I want to ask you, how many of you are going to join us to get a poker chip? We are going to do the reset. Why are we going to do the reset? Well, January 1st is as good a time as any other time, right? So we can ring in the new year, can't believe it, 2020 five's coming. But if we want to do the reset, why not a whole group of us? And we'll go over that. Why it's so good for you, okay, why it's so good for you and why we do what we do. Why is the metabolic reset so important? And we always understand there's a lot of new people that come on on a daily basis and we hardly get to know some folks, but we'll go over again why the reset is so good.
Now, remember the book, Sun, Steak and Steel that you see behind me there is now available again, we had to do a reprint, which is always a good thing. They were sold out and then we had to do a new printing, but they're available. Okay? So we just got word. They're in stock, ready to go. Okay, now let's get back to some of these studies. And these are studies or health news. People ask me, I think I've been asked this question every week when we do our question and answer Friday, every week I get asked the questions about Dr. Martin. What do you think of Ozempic? I was in the mall and I saw a big billboard advertising, ask your doctor about. It's surprising to see that in Canada, in the United States, it's on tv. Ask your doctor if this drug is good for me.
Okay? It was because I was listening to an interview with a fellow that worked in the pharmaceutical industry and he said, you know why we do that? Ask your doctor if Ozempic or any other drug is good for you. When I see a commercial on TV for big pharma, I always laugh a little bit because I find it funny. Ask your doctor if Ozempic is good for me. Wait a minute, he's the doctor or she's the doctor. Why would you ask them? They ought to know what's good for you and what's not. But anyway, then this insider in the big pharma says, well, we don't do that to increase sales. What we really don't. I was surprised by that marketing. He said, nah, we don't do it for that reason. I mean some, but he says the drug is already a big seller. We do it to influence the media. What? Well, he said, look, we sponsor the media and we use those commercials to remind the newscasters and whatever.
Hey, we paid for this. Don't go against us. That came from an insider in the marketing of pharmaceuticals. He said, we already got our market share. We already have the doctors. He said, okay. That's what he said. We already got the doctors. We know that. What we're reminding the media is we pay for you. Don't go against us. And guys, look, I don't know what you think of Robert Kennedy Jr. But I'll tell you what, the big pharma is scared skinny of him. They're scared, skinny. The pushback is this guy's a quacked. This guy's crazy. This guy is, look, I don't know what you think of him, but what I like is they're finally going to really look at big pharma and how they operate. Okay? Don't give me propaganda. Give me the truth.
What are the benefits versus the side effects of every medication? And then people can make up their mind, for example, on Ozempic, okay? Because there's a new study that came out that said this, okay? Because it's the great designer drug, it comes out of. Hollywood has made it famous, and I mean, I think from Oprah to whatever, they all use it. And it's like candy. It's not like candy. I've said it right from the get-go. I said this about bypass surgery, stomach bypass. I said this on my radio show 20 years ago when that was very, very, very popular, getting surgery for weight loss. And I said, well, okay, I get it. I understand it. But if you don't change the mentality, if you don't change bad habits, it's going to be temporary. And people are going, yeah, they'll lose weight, whether with surgery or ozempic or wavy, they'll lose weight.
It works. But at what cost? Well, first of all, soon as you stop, the weight comes back. And I've been saying this on Ozempic, Gavi, that you're losing muscle primarily and not fat. Okay? And now a new one on men who take ozempic 10 times the rate of erectile dysfunction, ed 10 times. I think it's one third of all people that it's higher than that. I think it's 40 something percent. They start ozempic and they stop. Why? Too many side effects. They don't feel good, especially digestively. It slows down, guys, your peristalsis, it slows down the digestive tract. That's why they were using it for blood sugar.
You don't feel like eating. Okay, but that's temporary. And guys, one of the reasons, okay, and this is just one of them, one of the reasons I'm so big on the reset, one of the reasons, remember the reset, the metabolic reset that came out of the Martin clinic came at first was created at first for diabetes, for diabetic patients. I was seeing so many people that were diabetic already diagnosed, high blood sugar come to my office, some of them pre-diabetic, like very high A1C. And I said, okay, we're going to do something. And then I started using it with all my patients, almost with no exceptions, but it had to work and it worked for diabetics because diabetes type two, sugar diabetes is really the name they should have stuck with sugar. Diabetes is an allergy. What? It's an allergy. You and carbs don't get along.
That's what diabetes is. You never ever, ever, ever, ever get diabetes from eating eggs, ever meat never. And dairy like cheese and butter. You'll never, ever, ever become a diabetic from that. In the 1950s, you know what percentage of the population had diabetes in North America? Less than 1%. It was around, but it was less than 1%. And today, between diabetes and pre, guys, remember this, okay? Remember this teaching because it's very important. Diabetes, by the way, is never the first thing that happens. It's the last thing that happens. Diabetes is the last thing. When someone gets diagnosed with high blood, sugar, diabetes, when it gets to that point where insulin is really not working anymore, guys, it's the last thing to happen, not the first. So when I say pre-diabetic, I used to tell my patients, look, I'm sort of got to go along with the narrative that you're a pre-diabetic only because your blood sugar isn't as high as those officially given the title of diabetes, but you're on the Titanic.
You already hit the iceberg. It's not like, let's turn the ship around. You already hit the iceberg. You need to get into the lifeboats. And I use those illustrations and analogies to make them understand that they and carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, bagels, muffins, grocery store, milk, juice. You got an allergy to that? What? Yeah, you don't get along anymore and the reset was made for you. What? Okay, why? Well, it's going to be okay, and I say this probably every day. You must get tired of it. We're going to change fuels. You are no longer going to fuel your body with carbohydrates. You are going to fuel your body with protein. The king of the castle and fat, protein and fat. Protein and fat, not carbs and fat. That's a donut. You know what a donut is? Carbs and fat. You don't want that bad fat too, by the way. You want God's fat and now you're going to get it. You're going to get it in eggs. Dr. Martin, you wouldn't, of course, people, what did they know? I'm reading Harvard. Okay, this is this morning. Okay, I got a migraine this morning. What? I got a migraine. I read something out of Harvard. Okay, let me see. Just give you some quotes here. Here's what you do for Harvard.
They don't want you to eliminate fat, so that's different because they really wanted you at one time on a low fat, very low fat, but they said, we sort modified. Now, here's where we're at. We want you to have good fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, vegetable oils. I got a migraine. They wanted you to have canola oil. They wanted you to have soy oil. They wanted you to have grape seed oil, okay? Sunflower oil, corn oil. No guys, that's made for your car, not for you. When you go get an oil change and they ask you, do you want fully synthetic? Okay, I don't know anything about my car. Okay? Well, my truck, I don't know anything about it. I know how to drive it, but I got a grandson who's a mechanic. He was smart. He was going to be a lawyer. Then he went to be a mechanic. He's making more money. He's so smart, and I asked him, grandson, what kind of oil should I put in my truck? Okay, well, he said, grandpa, fully synthetic. Okay, fully synthetic oil. Yep. I said, okay, well, I can go to the grocery store to get that oil. He said, yeah, yeah, you could can put fully synthetic oil in your truck, but not your body.
Harvard's lying to you. Well, they're not lying. They're wrong though. They're not lying because they think they're right. It's unbelievable. You see? And then, okay, they'll tell you, look, here's bad fats, okay? When you cut back on foods like red meat and butter, okay, now you're doing a good thing. Okay? Food's containing large amounts of sans. See, in a dietician's mind, let me tell you how they think you have in a dietician's mind. I know I got trained like that. Okay? I've been trained like that. I had to untrain myself. Here's a dietician. Saturated. Ooh, saturated fat can't be good for you because it's saturated. They want you to have unsaturated fat. Polyunsaturated fat, because saturated fat gives you heart disease. It gives you cholesterol. I got trained like that, guys. I did. I never bought it by the way. I had to lie to get out of school and get a degree. I knew. I mean, are you kidding me? Eggs are good for you. Well, they got saturated fat, red meat. It's got saturated fat. That'll make you fat and that will give you cholesterol. I hope so, guys.
I got trained like that even in the seventies, and the whole world went stupid. They substituted margarine, synthetic oil meant for your car. They substituted polyunsaturated fat for saturated fat instead of butter. Butter. Look at it. It's fat. It's saturated. Yeah. You know what I always said about saturated fat? It's satisfied fact. It is satisfied. It's got all the vitamins, all the minerals. It's got those fat soluble vitamins that you can't live without. Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K2, fat, saturated. Harvard in 2024, they still think they're right. 2024 coming to the end. They still believe it. It's unbelievable. And then they'll tell you that you can have some olive oil, which I agree with. By the way. I like olive oil. They'll tell you not to have coconut oil because that's saturated. Okay? But olive oil, I like olive oil. It's good for you. The real stuff. Make sure you're getting the real thing. But olive oil, guys, okay? Olive oil has oleic acid in it, okay? It's the key ingredient. It's a fatty acid, okay? It's fat, but it's good for you. Guess where you find oleic acid? What else? Bacon. Bacon. Olive oil. Which one do I like better? Bacon, olive oil. Let me think. Bacon.
You get to eat it on the reset. You know how many tens of thousands of people have said to me, thank you, Dr. Martin. I was told not to eat bacon because it's saturated fat. I said, you like olive oil? Yeah. Oh yeah. I hear it's heart healthy. Yeah, it is. But Bacon's got oleic acid just like olive oil has, and it's got a lot better stuff than olive oil has in it. Dough, bacon, people on the reset. Okay, we'll get feedback in January again. I am tired. I am tired of eating bacon. You are? I am 72 years old. Okay. Born in 1952.
Okay. I've been eating bacon for, I don't know if I ate it before I was two years old. I probably did. I've been eating bacon all my life and I'm not tired of it. Why would you be tired of eating bacon? You can have bacon and eggs. I know we're talking about ozempic, but I got off on a tangent this morning. You can have bacon and eggs every day if you want. I told you the story right about a patient. This guy was a comedian like you would not believe, okay? He wasn't paid, but he could have been. He was funny. He said, Dr. Martin, I can't have bacon and eggs without toast. Are you kidding me? What am I going to dip my eggs? I got to have my toast to dip. Get that yolk in on my toast. I said, pretend he was a diabetic.
I said, no more toast, but you can have bacon and eggs. He thought I was going to stop him from eating bacon and eggs. I said, no, you can have as many eggs as you want and as much bacon as you want. What? Yeah, just no toast. What am I going to dip with? I said, pretend. And he called me about a week later. The guy was hilarious, by the way, and the girls, my staff kept coming to me and I was busy. I never took phone calls during the day, except if my wife called me. If my wife called, take the phone. If you know what's good for you, anyw, who this guy kept calling. He wants to talk to me. Tell Dr. Martin I need to talk to him. And the girl finally. I said, okay, okay, okay. And I got on the phone. He said, Dr. Martin, I'm pretending I knew exactly what he was saying. And months later, he comes back in for a reassessment. He said, man, I pretend every day. I don't even miss those toasts anymore. I just pretend. I said, how do you feel, man? Unbelievable. His sugars were back down to normal. He was off medications. All his meds never felt better. His blood pressure came back down. And with his doctor, he was able to get off even his blood pressure medication, doing the reset, eating foods that he loved, and replacing that fat with good fat saturated. Did he need Ozempic? Nope. He needed to change fuels. That's the point I was trying to make with that whole diatribe, Ozempic, 10 times the rate of ED in men, but a lot of sleep. I don't know.
To me, we need to get to the root problem. We need to fix the problem, change fuels, and even for hormones, and we'll go over this, even what it does for your ladies hormones, unbelievable how it helps your thyroid. How can a diet help my thyroid? Well, if you empty that liver, when you get rid of all that fat that's in that liver, remember your T four is converted to T three mostly in your liver. It's amazing what happens when you turn to the right fuel in your body. Guys, the metabolic reset is in the book, Sun, Steak and Steel. I go over every question that you would have about the metabolic reset. Why? When, where I answer all the questions, okay? And especially the why. Okay, I want to breathe. Okay, guys, tomorrow, question and answer Friday. Questions coming in not too late. Send them to, okay? Okay, guys, we love you dearly and sincerely, and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!