1407. Vitamin D & Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know – Part 2

After yesterday’s episode on vitamin D and breast cancer, Dr. Martin noticed several questions about the difference between estrogen and xenoestrogens and wanted to address them.

Join Dr. Martin as he further discusses vitamin D and breast cancer and addresses why xenoestrogens play a significant role in a diagnosis.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. How are you? Welcome once again to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. We appreciate you guys more than you know. Okay, let's go back to yesterday. Okay, and the reason I want to do it, I want to answer a few questions that folks had. Okay? Renee asked this question. It was an excellent question. I'm glad you asked it. And then a couple of others yesterday, afterwards, as I was scrolling, looking at the scroll after the podcast, a few people had this question, well, here's the question. I really like it. Guys, what do we encourage in this program? Ask questions. I love it. You're thinking, okay, I always give you guys credit because there's no audience like you.

If I ask you a question, you know the answer. You're asking me a question, and I like that because sometimes I'm not thinking about it during the program, and you're reminding me, and this was a good question. It goes, Dr. Martin, why if. We talked about estrogen levels in women, and this could be men too, but in women, obviously when perimenopausal are fully menopausal, estrogen levels go down. Is that true? Yes, they do. Well, why is it that if there's so many xenoestrogens around, why would you say estrogens are going down and yet we're surrounded by all these xenoestrogens? What a beautiful question. And the thing is, you have to understand this about xenoestrogens, okay? So in cosmetics, in plastics, in perfume, in deodorant, in hairspray and air freshener, not all of them, but most of them. Nail polish, ladies, do you ever use that? Well, most of them are full of xenoestrogens. Perfume and things like that. They're in our homes, they're in everything. Plastic is in everything. One and a half credit cards a week on average gets into our system and they mimic estrogen. They're called xenoestrogens. They look like estrogen to your body.

Now, the very good question was, if we have so much xenoestrogens inside of us, why wouldn't that elevate our estrogen blood levels? Because guys, it's not estrogen. It's not estrogen. They're xenoestrogens. They mimic estrogen. So if you take an estrogen blood test and you're in perimenopause or whatever, you're going to get sort of a false reading. You are going to see that your estrogen levels are coming down, ladies, yeah, but xenoestrogens are still there and they mimic estrogen. You can't measure it in terms of your estrogen levels in your blood. Now, I showed you something yesterday, and unfortunately this is not prevalent to get this test done. You can actually see the effect of xenoestrogens on your body, and I used to do this scan I showed you yesterday. Now, these scans, they're part of thermography, but they're a very specific test of thermography. Looking at xenoestrogens. I'm doing this guys to show you.

Now, if you're on a podcast, you have to visualize this, okay? I'm showing a woman here that I tested. This is years ago in my clinic, and you can see the leper spots on the body. Okay? That's estrogen and xenoestrogens. It'll show up on your skin. You can't test it in your blood, but that's why I'm so big on blocking extra estrogen, okay? I am huge on blocking extra estrogen. Yesterday we were talking about breast cancer. Major, major problem in our society. We're not winning the war on breast cancer, ladies, and I'm not saying it's the only reason, but it's one of the reasons is we got estrogen. Ladies and gentlemen, you have estrogen or xenoestrogens coming out your ears, your body thinks it's estrogen. Now, estrogen is a beautiful thing. It makes a woman a woman. It's a woman's hormone, beautiful. It's beautiful when it's in control.

If you would've told me back in the 1970s when I graduated that we would have trouble with something called xenoestrogens, what are you talking about? Chemicals have taken over. Pesticides and herbicides, and they're in the food. They're in our homes, they're in our kitchen, they're in our sprays, they're in everything. You can't run away from plastic guys, okay? It's one of the things, you just can't run away from it. Where are you going to go? I've told you the story where a lady came into my office, true story. She said, I'm leaving on a jet plane and I don't know when I'm coming back again. No, that's a song. She didn't say that. You know what she said? She said, I'm moving to Costa Rica. I'm leaving. I'm never coming back. And she looked at me for approval like she said, Dr. Martin, I'm leaving. I said, where are you going? Costa Rica. Okay, why? Because it's pristine there. There's no chemicals there. There's no plastic there. I said, you want to bet? It's everywhere. It's in our oceans. It's in our food supply, it's in our water supply. It's on Mount Everest. It's in the placenta of babies. Everywhere. You can't escape. You can't, okay?

And I'm not a negative guy, guys. You know me. I'm a very positive guy, but I was negative on going to Costa Rica. I said, well, it sucks to be the rest of us. I said, no, but really, you're going to Costa Rica. Hallelujah. Nah, come on. You think there's no plastic in Costa Rica in the oceans there. It's everywhere. Anyway, she wasn't happy with my response. I said, well, if your address ends with planet Earth, you're in trouble. It's the way it is. You ain't changing it. Okay? The world and the elites, they're worried about the climate. I'm more worried about the environment, and you better take measures yourself, okay? And that's what we're going to talk about today because it's one of the biggest factors in breast cancer, ladies. And men, it's one of the biggest factors in prostate cancer. One out of four men after the age of 50 will get prostate cancer. Worse today than, and this is one of the big reasons.

One of the big reasons we talked about it, not only yesterday, but we were always talking about it. We mentioned, because the headline really was, if you have low levels of vitamin D, you are at much more risk of developing breast cancer. Men, prostate cancer and vitamin D, and what does the world tell us to do? Get out of the sun. Do you know that dermatologists in the 1980s, I'm telling you, they hired a huge marketing firm to scare us about skin cancer, and the rest is history. The rest is history. People are walking around like Casper the ghost. They're so scared of the sun. I was talking to some folks from India yesterday and they live in Canada now. We were just having a nice little chat, and I said to them, you need more sun than I do. And they looked at me like I had two heads. What? Well, you have dark skin and because of that, you need more sun than I do. I need the sun, but you need it more than me because you have a protective layer and you need to take in more sunlight than me. They were what, I never heard that. We were told to stay out of the sun because it causes cancer. You see? Marketing, marketing 101, the dermatologist could give us a lecture on marketing, how to win friends and influence people. They did it. They scared the living life out of my parents and that generation. The sun, put on sunscreen. There's a xenoestrogen, sunscreen.

Okay, so yesterday the question, did I answer it yet? Why can we not measure this extra estrogen in our bodies, if Dr. Martin, what you say is true about xenoestrogens? Well, the answer is because it's not really estrogen. It mimics estrogen. It's a growth hormone. Ain't good. Look, estrogen's on your side until it's not, because if you have too much xenoestrogens, you're in trouble. You're in trouble, and men, it'll kill your T like big time. Testosterone rates are going down so fast. It's unbelievable. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime where men, I ain't men anymore as far as their hormones, it's incredible. It's a disaster for health, by the way, because testosterone, okay. So a man is exposed to all those xenoestrogens, okay? And his testosterone levels go down. Oh, okay. What does that mean? Testosterone in a man is essential, cause men think, oh, testosterone strength? Yeah, it's part of it, but it's way more than that because even a man that has low levels of testosterone, their risk of having a heart attack, it goes through the roof. It's over 50%. Diabetes goes up when testosterone goes down in a man. We already talked about prostate cancer.

Estrogen is a growth hormone, and when they measure men today after the age of 50, I'm not kidding you guys, men on average have more estrogen than women have after the age of 50. It's a serious issue in men. Even for a man's brain, you need testosterone. Heart, testosterone in a man, not in a woman. In women, you need balance. It's not just estrogen. You need estrogen, ladies, you do, but it has to be balanced with progesterone. Okay? That's all the bad news. Now let's talk about what we should do. How does one protect themselves from breast cancer and prostate cancer? How do you do that? Let's get real here this morning and give some solutions. What do you do, doc? We live in a crazy world. Yep. Go to Costa Rica. That's not the answer. Okay, I'm moving to Costa Rica. Nope, that's not on my top five. If you go there, you might be a little less stressed, okay? Maybe, but come on, let's be real here.

Numero uno, elevate your vitamin D levels, okay? And I'll give you numbers. You don't want to be under 60 ng/mL in the United States. And in Canada, 150 to 200 and up. NMOL dash L, okay? I'll give you numbers. Get my book, Sun, Steak and Steel. I give numbers for all the blood tests. There's a whole section in here, Sun, Steak, and Steel, okay? In chapter 10, I talk about thyroid testing, HDL, triglycerides, uric acid. Okay? Why you want all those tests, liver enzymes. You get those basic metabolic tests done and you'll have the answer to where you're at in terms of your health. Vitamin D, important to know where your vitamin D levels are, if you can get that done. I saw the scrolls yesterday on people getting their vitamin D levels done and it was like pulling teeth for most people. You have to bring your physician to the dentist and have their teeth pulled without anesthetic in order to get them to order a vitamin D test because they don't read, they don't study. They still see vitamin D as an ancient, oh, that's that quack Dr. Martin talking about vitamin D. Man, if the truth be told, vitamin D is the most important vitamin. Sun and then you have another vitamin, vitamin S, steak, and then you have a vitamin E, the real vitamin E, exercise, steel.

Okay, so what do we do? Vitamin D. I know people, they supplement all year round, okay? They get in the sun, but they still supplement. And again, I used to like to measure, but even without measurement. Guys, if you go in the sun for 20 minutes, okay, no sunscreen, 20 minutes, you get 10,000 IUs. How can 10,000 IUs be dangerous? It's crazy. The math on vitamin D is crazy. They missed the boat. They scared everyone. You got too much vitamin. I actually saw something again yesterday. Too much vitamin D, you're going to have a heart attack. It'll calcify your blood vessels. It's just the opposite of that. Do you know that vitamin D is one of the greatest anti-inflammatories that you can take? 

Guys be honest for a second. Go in the sun, the sun's out. Feel better? From your brain to your toes. You are a human solar panel, okay? I'm not telling you to buy an electric vehicle, but I'm telling you, you are an electric vehicle. Your body runs by the sun, and if you can't get the sun, well, you better be eating blubber to get vitamin D. Okay? That's what the Inuit did. I don't know what they do today, but they used to. Prove it. They had high levels of vitamin D and they never saw the sun, but they ate vitamin D. And one thing about vitamin D, you have to eat it every day. It's in fat because it's a fat soluble vitamin. And vitamin D, by the way, is only found in the animal kingdom when you want to eat it. Eggs, meat, and cheese. Why do you think I talk about that all the time?

Okay, now, what else do we do? Okay, it's really important. DIM out your estrogen. Ladies and gentlemen, DIM it out. Flax seeds are the only seed on the planet with high levels of lignans and lignans block estrogen, extra estrogen. They're not going to take away the estrogen that you need. It takes away those xenoestrogens that you don't need. That's why I like flax seeds, okay? I'm not big on seeds, nuts and seeds. I'm not big on them. You're not a squirrel, okay? I'm not big on them, but I like flax seeds and guys, you know me. I've been saying this for eons of years, okay? Our menopausal formula has DIM in it.

DIM, it blocks those xenoestrogens. Vitamin D, essential. Block those xenoestrogens as much as you can, okay? As much as you can block those xenoestrogens. Lower your insulin because insulin is a growth hormone. Just like estrogen is. It's a growth hormone and you want to lower your estrogen levels. Very important in cancer because cancer needs to, what? Cancer cells need to what? Grow, and they love sugar. They love crappy carbohydrates that turn to sugar rapidly. Lower them, you can't go wrong by lowering your sugar intake, especially high fructose corn syrup, which is in everything. Lower that, lower your insulin, lower your estrogen, up your levels of vitamin D, lower your cortisol because cortisol is pouring gasoline on the fire. Stress. We live in a stressful world today, big time.

I was interviewed on another podcast the other day and I said one of the biggest changes in my practice, this is years ago, 20 years ago, I said with the levels of cortisol. See, I used to measure cortisol. I said it was like almost every patient had high levels of cortisol and that wasn't always the case. Why? Look, your body doesn't know whether you're being chased by a tiger or you're surrounded by xenoestrogens. That stresses your body, it elevates your cortisol. What does cortisol do? It elevates your blood sugar. It elevates your blood pressure. It elevates inflammation. Whenever I did a case history on a cancer patient, breast cancer patients case history. Here's me, tell me what traumatic event you've had in your life in the last five years or so. What? Doc what are you asking me? What traumatic, divorce, separation, loss of a loved one, care for an aged parent, a child in trouble, family dynamics. I said, tell me what traumatic event you've been through in the last five years because cancer takes five years to grow to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen. I said, tell me what happened in your life, and boy, did I ever get the stories. Yeah, you know, wasn't easy. Yeah, it was a perfect storm. Cancer needs a perfect storm, stress and low levels of vitamin D and xenoestrogens coming out the wazoo.

You know when you're stressed, comfort foods and you become a carboholic, and then the world out there tells you, well, don't eat so much meat and don't eat eggs and cholesterol and they're on a cholesterol insanity. It's cholesterol derangement syndrome. We live in an insane world. That's all they want to do. Lower your cholesterol. Yeah, if you want to die young, lower your cholesterol. You'll die young, but you'll lower your cholesterol. Even for cancer, don't get me started. Stay away from those oxalates. We talked about that. Everything's got to be green, like green juice, and I'm eating greens. Okay, you ain't a rabbit and you're certainly not a cow, and you live on salad and you got oxalates, and whenever they analyze breast tissue, that's cancerous, there's a lot of oxalates present. Again, buying the lies that the animal Kingdom is not the food to eat. Drives me crazy.

Okay, keep your liver clean for cancer. Keep your liver clean. How do you keep your liver clean? Lay off the carbs. Sugars will gum up your liver quickly because sugar turns to glycogen stored as fat in your Liver. Empty the liver. That's why I love the reset. In six days, you can empty your liver maybe even quicker than that. It happens so fast when you lay off the stinking carbohydrates. Take probiotics. Probiotics are one of the best defenses against xenoestrogens. Did you know that? Yeah. There's certain strains and I used to prove it again with these before and after scans. Probiotics are very helpful. Broad spectrum probiotics, you need that. Everybody needs it. Your dog needs it. People ask me that all the time. Can I give a probiotic to my dog? Yeah. Okay. I am not a veterinarian. No, but everybody needs probiotics today. We live in a world we live in, a chemical, crazed infused world. It's the way we live.

Oh, I better start breathing here and my blood pressure went up. Okay, guys. Hey, you know what tomorrow is? Question and answer Friday, send you questions in. I love when you ask questions, guys. I want to answer questions I really, really do. Okay? Guys, we love you so dearly. Hey guys, on Facebook. We're up to 84,000 followers on Facebook. That's you guys. Thank you. Tell your friends, tell your family, get 'em to listen to The Doctor Is In Podcast, over 4 million downloads and counting. Thank you guys. Leave us a review. We appreciate it. Give us a thumbs up, guys. We love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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