Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Difference between prebiotics and probiotics
- Cod liver oil and DHA
- Mineral oil on the skin
- Safely putting on weight
- Weight lifting
- Healing of thyroid
- Hair analysis for minerals
- How much B6 is toxic
- Allergy shots
- Taking too much iodine
- Calcium scoring
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning everyone. Hope you're having a great start to your day. I don't know if I'm going to be able to see those questions this morning. Ooh, makes me upset. And let me just see here. Sorry guys. I got to try and find my questions so that I can read them. I remember a few of them. One of them was okay, and I'll get the names if I can ever get these things up in front of me. And one of the questions was prebiotics and probiotics. Okay, what's the difference between the two? Well, what's classified as a prebiotic are things that feed your good bacteria. It's like fertilizing your good bacteria.
Now let me just see this, okay? Because if you Google prebiotic, you're going to get inland and you're going to get fiber and insoluble fibers. And I particularly like F os. We add that into our probiotic. But here's the key, okay? Here's the key to feeding your good bacteria. The key is when you don't eat junk, when you eat eggs, meat, cheese, you are feeding your good bacteria, okay? When you drink water, you're feeding your good bacteria. What you're doing with real nutrients is you're feeding your good bacteria. Your gut is made up of bacteria. There's three to five pounds of it, like trillions of bacteria in your gut. And like I said, when people don't realize the war that goes on in there, two competing army and the army you feed is the one that wins, okay? The army you feed is the one that wins your good bacteria feed off of nutrients. They help to absorb them, they help to break them down and don't feed the bad. The bad guys are two armies, really.
One of them is bad bacteria and yeast fungus. And when you eat crappy foods, sugars, they're so-called healthy oils, you're feeding the bad armies. I hope I've answered your question on prebiotic and probiotic. I think there's a lot of nonsense out there on prebiotics. You know, need fiber, fiber, fiber because they feed your good bacteria. You know what? I'm not convinced, okay? I'm not convinced. Okay, so let me see, what was another question? And guys, I'm sorry, I'd have to turn my phone off to get to the questions. Okay? That's the only place I have them this morning. Now, I don't know, my email is down when it'll come in. It'll come in after my program is done here. Okay?
Okay, somebody asked this question too. I'm looking at last week's questions because I have them here. And somebody asked me a question about cod liver oil and D H A. Now I answered it last week, but somebody asked the question again about cod liver oil. Well, cod liver oil is fantastic, okay? Cod liver oil is fantastic. Why is it? Because it has vitamin D and it has vitamin A. Okay? And it has a little bit of D H A some E p a, but it's a great oil, okay? It's a great oil, I like it. Now you're not going to get enough vitamin D from just taking cod liver oil. You'll get enough vitamin A therapeutically. I did this for certain patients where they were extremely low in vitamin A and I got them to take straight vitamin A. I rarely had to do it because I could put them on cod liver oil and that was sufficient. All I'm saying is, is that cod liver is good, but your brain is made up of what?
Your brain is made up of D H A. D H A, that fat, that omega-3, okay? Like when I write an email about omega 3s I said, there's a lot of different cars, right? There's Hondas, there's Kias, Mercedes-Benz, blah, blah, blah. Lots of different cars. They're all cars, but they're different. And D H A is different. And guys, when you compare any other oil, including E P A. I like E P A, but D H A is a long chain fatty acid. And the more they study it, the more they look at oil, which lubricates, it's so good for you. The best, and I say by far is high DHA. Guys, you have to admit one thing. I'm consistent about that. Does that mean the other oils are not good? Does that mean fish oils are not good? They're good, but the higher you can put your DHA, they're showing this by the way, for your heart, for your brain, for your gut.
We talked about cancer and D H A and how D H A sneaks into a tumor and boom destroys it from within. I mean, that is an unbelievable study. But the key is that most, okay, omega 3s don't have enough d h a, okay? It's the way it is, okay? And the way we make our D h A is we call it like a pharmaceutical grade. It's a very difficult process to get it done, to filter it to the extent that it's left with almost exclusive D h A. It's tricky, but it's fantastic. Okay? So that's another question that was asked. Let me see if I can remind myself of questions that, let's see. Name anyone coming in here. I'd love to be able to get to it. Okay, let me see if I can look and see if anything's come in. Checking for mail. Guys, you have no idea how frustrated I am about that.
But anyway, let's see. There was other questions asked. And Linda's asking, can I put mineral oil on my skin daily without what? I didn't see the last part. Yeah, you can put mineral oil on your skin. Make sure it's not petroleum based. Okay? You know what I like for skin? I like Revera. Now, I like olive oil, coconut oil, tremendous oils for skin. Okay, tremendous. And someone just saying they're, yeah, like cod liver oil. I used to get that as a kid. They used to give it up. And I remember my mom giving me cod liver oil. She would say, shut up. And I, you're taking it. See in those days, in the 1950s, you know why they give out cod liver oil for rickets? They knew they had vitamin D in cod liver oil, but they didn't realize how good it was for you, even for your immune system because of vitamin A. They didn't do it for that. They gave it because of rickets, bowing of the legs. They wanted to get rid of it, okay? And it pretty well did if you took cod liver.
Okay, I'm getting some questions. Come in here. Hold on. One of the questions was, "Hey, I want to put on weight, Dr. Martin." Okay, now 95% of the population are trying to lose weight, but there are a few that are trying to put on weight. Guys, can I get you to change your focus? Those of you, okay, who are thin? Okay, let me use this example. Have you ever seen a Greyhound? Not a bus, the dog? You ever seen a Greyhound? I have right up close. Okay? A friend of ours brought us to dog races in Florida and then afterwards we were allowed to go down to the pens where they kept these dogs. And I mean when you watch 'em, I mean they are so fast. But you know what shocked me when you got up close to that greyhound is how thin they were. Okay? They were thin, but you could see every muscle, okay? I mean, they were lean, mean fighting machines. Okay?
So here's what I tell to people. The small percentage of people that are trying to put on weight, I said change your focus. Would you get rid of the scale? Okay, change your focus. Put on muscle. Your body has no ability to make fat cells, okay? It just the way you're built, you have no ability to make fat cells. You have a little ability. And by the way, you can be skinny and very unhealthy because you have fat that you can't see and it's around your organs. That is visceral fat. That is dangerous fat. Now back, get strong, okay? Just get strong. You're tiny, you're skinny, and you want to put on weight. Don't do that. Don't eat food for the sake of putting on weight.
Now, you know me. What are the best foods? Eggs, meat and cheese, whether you are heavy or whether you are skinny. Why? Because it's a perfect blend of protein and fat. Perfect blend. They're meant to be eaten together. Protein and fat, no carbs. Okay? So don't just go eating carbs to gain weight. You are going to put on visceral fat, not good for you. It's amazing how many times though in my practice, and by the way, yesterday, May the 11th, okay, 1974, I graduated 49 years ago yesterday. I sort of forgot to mention it yesterday. I've been around a long time. So when I saw skinny people and they were complaining, "Doc, I'm too skinny I want to put on weight," I said, don't put on weight, put on muscle. Get strong. You're never going to be fat. It's the way you're built. And you don't want to be. If you want to be healthy, put on muscle. The best metabolic thing that you can do for yourself, I mean besides eliminating carbohydrates, is building muscle. Building muscle. I don't care what age you are, build muscle, get strong, sun, steak and steel.
And here's another question that somebody asked. "Doc, do I have to do weightlifting? Do I have to have barbells or dumbbells or whatever you call them?" Okay, no, you can use a pushup. I got a little bar. I should show you these little bars to do pushups, you know? Fantastic. Yeah, if you have barbells or you have bands or get strong. Metabolically, unbelievable what that does for you. And the best muscle to get strong, by the way, is your leg muscles, okay? They're your biggest muscles. Build bins. Okay, thanks for those questions.
Now I got some questions here. Okay, hold on. Let's see. Okay, "can a person's thyroid," this is from Carrie. "Can a person's thyroid heal completely so that they have very little or no prescription medication needed?" Yes, I've seen it happen. Okay, thanks Carrie for the question. I've seen it happen. Look, some people need medication but their thyroid's not working. But at the end of the day, I always remind people the thyroid rarely, and I mean this, rarely works on its own. It's got a lot of attachments to it. So I rarely ever saw a patient that couldn't improve their thyroid by working on their food, working on getting estrogen down and balanced with progesterone, getting their cortisol balanced or down, getting their insulin down, all those hormones. Fixing leaky gut because T4 to t3, 20% of it is converted in your gut. So a lot of times Carrie for thyroid. It's all of the above. Okay?
Okay, here we go. Anna, "what do you think of Evening Primrose oil for hot flashes?" Not much. Can I be honest with you? Not much. I tried it 40 years ago, long time ago. Evening Primrose oil, like a lot of things sort of come and go and I'm not against it. I'm just telling you that it got a lot of hype. Okay? 30 something years ago. Oh, you got hot flashes. Evening primrose oil problem was clinically, I never found it to be that effective. Okay, it's a good question.
Now Ruth is asking, "what do you think of hair analysis for minerals?" Okay, what do I think of hair analysis for mineral? I like it. I used hair analysis years ago and then we developed our own biomarkers especially. Yeah, it's one way to do biomarkers. A lot of companies though that did hair analysis weren't like, to me there was too many false positives, but I'm not against it for sure, for minerals, for heavy metals and things like that.
Dale, "can taking large amounts of vitamin D such as 10,000 IUs a day, increase your calcium level?" Look, if you go in the sun Dale for 20 minutes, okay, you get 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, especially if you have shorts on and your arms are exposed. Cause those are the big solar panels in your body, your legs and your arms. How can that be toxic? Now, a lot of people, it's not going to increase your calcium level if you take vitamin D and vitamin k2, you see, that's why I combined the two. Okay? Now remember when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you're getting some vitamin D in there in food, okay? You're not getting a lot, but you're getting some. But the big thing is you're getting vitamin k2. That's where K2 is found in the animal product. And it's actually K2 takes calcium. So don't take a calcium supplement. It takes calcium and puts it in your bones where it belongs. Okay? So remember that.
Sally, "if you find out you have a health issue recently, like low kidney function or a cyst for example, but you have done the Reset in the past year, does that mean issues have been there before because of years of poor lifestyle or just happens to show up during testing?" Yeah you probably never had it tested. And whenever I see a cyst, for example, I mean it doesn't mean that it's cancer, but remember, cysts need hormones, they need insulin and they need estrogen, one or the other both to grow. So cut that back. That's why kidney function, okay, if there's stress in the kidney, it's usually insulin get your insulin down. So the reset is the best thing you could ever do for your kidneys. It really is.
Okay, let me just see here. I'm going to go right to the top and see if I missed any more. Sorry guys. For the slow function, let me just see if I can get another question. "How does the reset," Margaret, "affect the liver?" Okay, well remember your liver is, what do I like to call it? The Costco parking lot. What does Tony Jr like to call it a filled up minivan. You're going on holidays and you don't have another square inch to put anything else in the minivan. I like the Costco parking lot because whenever I go by Costco, unless it's in the middle of the night, the parking lot is always full at Costco.
And that reminds me, seeing, of my twisted thinking, that reminds me of your liver. And today even children, their liver is filled up. Why? It's filled up with fat. Why does that happen? Because they are carboholics. And the worst sugar for your liver is high fructose corn syrup. We have an epidemic today and when you get off of that stuff on the reset, you're not having any sugar, you empty your liver and it can happen as quickly as in by the sixth day. And if you practice intermittent fasting, that helps too. But there's nothing that will empty your liver better than the reset. Okay?
Deb wants to know about her blue veins on the back of her hands. What could be done about it? Well, you really can't see mine too much. And again, you see older people and you usually can see their veins on their back of their hands, right? Look at older people. You know what happens here. It's usually because they lose muscle. And if you look at their grip strength, and this is a real indicator, there was a study that came out about a week ago just on grip strength and all cause mortality. You know what that's been telling people get strong. So Deb, I don't know, you maybe your hands, you're losing muscle and now you're seeing your veins there big time. But it could be just the way you're built too, Deb. Okay? I wouldn't be too worried about it.
Don, "if you have high potassium, would Himalayan salt cause it?" Absolutely not. Okay? Absolutely not, Don, because Himalayan salt's good for you. When you have low levels of potassium or even high levels of potassium, you got a kidney problem, it's not food, you got kidney problems, you got stress in your kidneys. Okay? So it's not that Don, okay?
Margie wants to know. "Can you tell me why the probiotic sinal is different from," I really don't know. I'd have to look it up. It's the first time I've ever heard of it. Okay, let me look it up and I'll try and answer your question, Margie.
Okay, Brian, "I have a question about how much B6 is toxic. How long would it take to cause trouble?" Well, look, can I tell you, Brian, you know, many years I've been in practice, 46 and 49 years graduated, I kept going to school, so I never really got out of school, okay, continuous education. But let me tell you this, Brian, I'd never seen a case in all my years of I know why you're here. You're toxic and be safe. Look, I'm not saying you can't happen. B6 is a water soluble vitamin. Okay? And if you listen to me at all, Brian, I am huge on eating B vitamins except for b12. So when you ask me about B one, b2, b3, b6, okay? Do I like them? Yeah, I like them. Okay, I do. But I want you to eat them. When you eat eggs, meat, and cheese. I know, I know you get tired of hearing it, but when you eat those foods, you're getting all your B vitamins, including b12.
Now, a lot of times when I had people, because I used to test this all the time, they were low in b12, which is a general statement, 80% or more of the population, they don't eat enough red meat or they can digest it properly. But you know what? Brian can tell you the amount of B6 you would need to become toxic from it. I don't know. I've never seen it. I guess if you Googled it, you might find out, I don't know. I've never seen it. That's why don't worry about it too much. It's like vitamin D. Oh, Dr. Martin, how much is it going to take for it to be toxic? There's a war on vitamin D and they scare the living lights out of you over vitamin D and they don't see it. Toxicity.
Okay, Margaret, "what do Dr. Martin think on allergy shots?" Look, again, if you have allergies, you have leaky gut. I'm big on working on that. Okay, allergy shots. I'm not saying, look I, I'm not going to tell people not to do certain things. All I tell 'em is here's what I do and here's what I recommend. Where is the allergies coming from? Okay, you got leaky gut, you got allergies, you got leaky gut and you're hypersensitive to certain things. You better fix it at the source of the problem. That's the way I look at, okay?
Corey, "do you have any experience with wild yam?" Yeah. Yeah, look, when you get a bioidentical hormone, okay, you get estrogen, which I don't like. I never like giving estrogen ever. Okay, progesterone? Yes. Okay. I like progesterone and it's an extract of wild yam, but it's different if you just get a wild yam cream and they tell you there's progesterone in it. It's not a bioidentical that's different. That's real progesterone and I like that. And now you know pretty well need a prescription for it.
Okay, now Bridgita, can I discuss homocysteine testing? Yeah, well listen, if you have low levels of b12, you're likely to have high homocysteine. Okay? It's an inflammation marker. It can be very significant for heart. But I like C R P better than homocysteine, although I don't mind homocysteine. Okay? I like C R P, C reactive protein, but one of the ways to get your homocysteine down is to take b12. I love b12. Okay?
Deborah, "does taking too much iodine in one daily vitamin pose any risk for one's health?" Yeah, I guess so. You can take too much iodine. And again, not that I never gave iodine out and it's part of our thyroid supplement because I never like to give iodine without selenium. I just found they're synergistic. They work together. By the way, where do you get iodine and selenium together? Eggs, meat and cheese. But if you're taking a supplement, yeah, you could take too much iodine. But 99% of the time, Deborah, it's the opposite. It's people low on iodine. It's not in the soil anymore. It used to be in flour. But now they changed that 80 years ago or a hundred years ago to making flour with bromide, which actually lowers your iodine. This is one of the problems when you're a carboholic and you love bread and you love wheat and you love, a lot of people love their noodles and pasta and whatever. Women, I always used to tell my women patients, look, you're consuming a lot of bromide and bromide will lower your iodine content. So when you're a carboholic, that can really affect your thyroid gland. Big time, time to eat more eggs, meat and cheese. Okay?
And Teresa's asking about calcium scoring. Well, calcium score test, okay, is measuring the amount of calcium in your blood vessel. What do I tell you all the time? Calcium is beautiful, eat it. Eggs, meat and cheese has a lot of calcium, but God combined calcium with K2 in nature. So when you're eating the right foods, you're getting calcium and k2. See, K 1 is in the plant kingdom. Is it good for you? Yeah, but K2 is in the animal kingdom. This is why I tell vegetarians and vegans, I love you, but you're wrong. I love you, but you're wrong. Okay? Because God gave you calcium to get to your bones and your teeth with k2. Okay?
Now the calcium scores, I like it cause it's showing really the calcium in your blood vessel. That's different. That's not where calcium belongs. Okay? So I don't understand this. We know about crappy carbs now and all along, we were eating them before. How is that possible? If hardening of the arteries has started even before we know it? I don't get that. How is it possible? When you eat crappy carbs, okay, your blood vessels start to calcify for a couple of reasons. One of them is because of inflammation and that damages the blood vessels. Sugar damages the blood vessels and the body repairs it. And you can get scar tissue. Part of that is calcium, it calcifies. Okay? So I don't quite understand the question, but anyway.
Deborah, "what do I think of B1 for anxiety and nerve pain?" Not so much. Well, no, not so much. Here's my combination for neuropathy. I have given over the years b12, which is much better for neuropathy than B one in my opinion. And Navitol. Okay? And I like alpha lipoic acid as being better for neuropathy. And I had it in my insulin formula, which we are rejigging right now.
Okay, Gloria. Oh, you're the one Gloria asking about two DHA day and taking cod liver oil. Would that be too much? No, you're not going to get too much oil. You're not going to get too much omega-3. You want to lubricate, do a lube job. That's what omega-3 is so good for it lubricates your blood vessels. So good for you.
Louise. "Does growth hormone contained in dairy such as cheese and 30% cream feed cancer cells?" No. No. Now look, we live in a crazy world, Louise, in a lot of ways we do. And good luck. Good luck. If you're not going to be affected in some extent by antibiotic use in cattle, in dairy, in pesticides and herbicides, sprayed on plants, plastics, and you name it. Okay? So I'm a guy that looks at the big picture, okay? If you're on the Titanic, don't worry about the deck chairs right now. We'll get to that. Let's get away from the iceberg. Turn the ship around.
Now do I like organic? Yes I do. But again, those are deck chairs, okay? Eat the right foods. Cheese is good for you. Eggs are good for you, meat is good for you, plants are good for you. They are, I'm not saying don't eat 'em except for 30 days and there's a reason for that, okay? But growth hormone, go to the grocery store unless you have a farm, unless you're right next door to a farmer or whatever. Even then, if you think the soil hasn't been contaminated, even in fully organic, you know what I'm saying? So get the big picture, Louise. And yeah, if you can get organic cheese and all this and that, yeah, it's better. It is. But I can change people's health by just eating eggs, meat and cheese. I've done it for years and years and years and years. I never talked to them about organic to start. Okay? I never did. I'm not against it, that's for sure.
Okay, two Louise's in a row. Have you heard of a product called S A N E vita? It's a brain food that is supposed to get rid of phlegm and coughing. Louise. No, I haven't. I have no experience with it, so I'd rather not comment on it on that particular product as I got no experience with it. So I'm just being honest with you. Now, what I like with phlegm and coughing, well again, getting to, it's usually usually yeast overgrow and it can be a postnasal drip or low stomach acidity. And when I say low, I don't mean low pH of the stomach. They just don't make enough acid. So you can get a silent acid reflux. I've talked about that. It's silent. You're not getting any burning, you don't feel it, but you're getting a lot of phlegm and you're coughing and you're, we call it a silent acid reflux. Very, very common. And you know why you get that? Mainly because you don't eat enough red meat. Your stomach was made for red meat. You don't use it. Your pH goes out of whack. Okay? So Louise, thanks for the question.
Karina, I think I did answer your question about weights and bone mass, lifting, pushups, leg raises... They're all good. They're all good. Resistant exercise. What's the key? Getting strong.
Stella, "how can I prevent choline amygdala?" I don't know how you pronounce it. Choline. You know where you get choline? Eggs. Eggs number one, meat's got it too. So does cheese. But the number one source of choline for your brain is eggs. Acetylcholine. Okay. Isn't that wonderful, Stella?
Brenda, if a person has a hernia in the stomach, would that play a role in having high blood pressure? Not really, no. Okay, high blood pressure. Dehydration, kidneys, insulin resistance. That's why so many people, when they get on the reset, their blood pressure goes down. A lot of times it's dehydration can be low magnesium. Okay, that's what I do.
Lori Lynn, she's been on the reset and started to get acid reflux. That's because your acid in your stomach is starting to come up, which is actually a good thing. Temporarily you might get a little reflux because your body's not used to it. Lori Lynn, you know, maybe take a little bit of apple cider vinegar or a little bit of balsamic vinegar. Try that. Maybe some digestive enzymes, but you're doing the right thing. Okay?
And Carrie, I answered, I answered Kim's, I think we got it. Okay guys, sorry for the technical difficulties. Can you give me some feedback whether you got your notices today compared to others? Okay, and again, I'm sorry, couldn't go look at your name cause I was looking for email. Oh, okay guys. Hey, I'm a senior. I have technical issues that are big time problems for me. I'm sorry. Okay guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!