There’s a common belief that Alzheimer’s is a disease of age. The older you get, the more likely you are to get the disease. Dr. Martin says this isn’t true, and there’s now proof to back it up.
A study out of Finland has clearly shown how insulin has a much higher statistical value than your age. What that means is that insulin is more likely to cause Alzheimer’s than your age. Dr. Martin says this is earth shattering news!
Join Dr. Martin as he teaches about memory and why Alzheimer’s is about food.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great start to your day. We sure appreciate our folks and appreciate our followers. I gotta talk to you about a study done in Finland. If Serpa is on with us this morning, she'll appreciate this. Okay, because this study was done in Finland, and it's saying this. I'm just going to quote the findings of the study. Okay? Now, if you get our emails, we sent out an email yesterday on this topic, okay? But today I want to bring you this study that just came out in Finland. It says, Insulin Levels Have a Higher Statistical Value than Age When It Comes to Alzheimer's. Let me repeat it, study done in Finland, Insulin Levels Have a Higher Statistical Value than Age.
Now guys, that's earth shattering research. It's earth shattering. Think about it for a minute. Alzheimer's is not a disease of the brain of the aged like people think the older you get. That's the problem with Alzheimer's. Now, we've been saying this for a long time, but this study on Finland shows clearly that insulin, insulin levels has a much higher statistical value than your age. This is in a very, very important study. It's food. Now between 2004 and 2005. I remember it well because I reported this on my radio show, and here's what I reported way back then. Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's, they've given it a new name. Type three diabetes, Alzheimer's type three diabetes. That happened between 2004 and 2005. And you know, can you imagine way back when in the year 2004 and five, that should have made major news. But for the reasons we talked about yesterday. On our podcast yesterday, we talked about the influence of the food industry, how powerful they are. And they buy research. They actually buy it. They produce more research than the N I H, the National Institute of Health. They pour money and they expect results from their money. A whistleblower came out and talked all about that. We talked about that in a recent podcast.
Now, I want to talk to you today about your brain. Okay? Now, when you get my age, you really, really think about your brain a lot. <laugh> You do, because the last thing that you and I want is to lose our memories. Okay? Now, where is your memory center? I, you know me, I like to test you guys because we have the smartest audience in the world when it comes to health. You guys are the smartest bar none, okay? So where is the memory center? Let's see some answers. What's it called? Jen, you got it right. Let me see a few other answers. Jen's got it right. Tina's got it right. Sue's got it right. Carol's got it right. Rose's got it right. You guys, you guys, you guys, you're so stinking smart. Deb from Detroit got it right. Deb from Timmins, got it right. Sandy, you got it right. Nelly, you got it right. You guys are unbelievable. Okay, Dave, you got it right. <laugh> Listen, Linda, Rosa, you got it right, Jocelyn. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Bonnie.
If you said hippocampus, that's the memory center of the brain. You guys know how I divide the brain, right? I mean, it's, it's more complex than that. But you got two things you should worry about in your brain, okay? Your hippocampus, and that's easy to remember. Campus, school, memory, hypothalamus hormones. Remember those two centers in your brain, your hippocampus, the memory center, and your hypothalamus hormone center in your brain, okay? From cortisol to estrogen, progesterone, your thyroid. Now they come from your organs, they're released from your organs, but not without the hypothalamus. Okay? Let's get back to the hippocampus, the memory center of your brain. This guys is earth shattering studies, okay? Now, the memory center of your brain. Remember what we always talk about? Your brain, it only weighs about three pounds. Okay?
Now, if you eat a lot of fat and they call you fat head, take it as a compliment, okay? But it only weighs about three pounds. It's only 2% of the size of the rest of your body. It's so small, your brain, okay? But like the federal government, that takes taxes, right? Your brain takes 25% of all your energy from food, 25%, okay? It's like the federal government. Before you can take home any pay, the federal government goes, you owe me taxes, right? True or false? It's true. Your brain's the same way. So when you eat, your brain goes, I get 25%. Okay? I get 25%. That's how your brain operates. And I've talked to you in the past about the mitochondria, the energy, the battery packs within your brain. Well, they're all over, but in your brain cells, you got lots and lots of mitochondria. Anyway, let's talk about this. The hippocampus is the most susceptible to that energy. 25% of that energy is in your brain, okay? And the hippocampus is the most sensitive to that fuel that comes into your brain.
Now, you like these analogies that we used in the email. One, your hippocampus is like a safety deposit box. Easy to remember. It's a safety deposit box for your memories, okay? Your hippocampus operates, okay? Safety deposit box. But that's only one. The second part of that safety deposit box, your hippocampus. You have a paid librarian up there, <laugh>, that sorts your memories, okay? Sorts them out. And uh, you have in your brain, so you have a safety deposit box, you have a librarian up there who's sorting your memories, and then you have a GPS in the hippocampus that finds your way around your memories and your experiences. That's how that part of your brain operates. Incredible, isn't it? You've got a safety deposit box. Everybody does. The problem with Alzheimer's. The memories are there, but the librarian isn't there anymore. And your GPS inside your hippocampus not working anymore. You can't sort out the memories. Isn't that crazy? And you know, you get advanced Alzheimer's and they can't even put sentences together. They oftentimes can't talk anymore.
It's a very sad thing. But that's how your brain operates. And you know me guys, you know me enough. I gotta make it simple. I got the kiss method. Keep it simple, stupid. I'm the stupid one. <laugh>, okay? Keep it simple. Stupid. Me, you know, me and my analogies, you know the liver, the Costco parking lot, right? That's the way I, I remember things I visualize. Now, let's get back to the hippocampus. And higher insulin levels is a much better indicator for Alzheimer's than age guys. That is breakthrough research. It is solidifying what they said in 2005 and 2004, that Alzheimer's was type three diabetes. Okay? Now let's go over this a little wee bit, okay? Let's go into a little bit more detail. Your brain, because it's headquarters, okay, allows fuel to come in rapidly. So if you eat that fuel, 25% of it is going woohoo to the brain in nanoseconds, okay? Because your brain is headquartered and it takes a lot of energy to run your brain.
Here's the problem. When you choose bad food. When you consume sugar, do you know that glucose, sugar can go to the brain unimpeded, nothing to stop it. It doesn't even need insulin, okay? Doesn't even need insulin. It just goes right to your brain. Okay? What happens? What happens? You become overfed and undernourished. You see your brain works much better when you give it fat, not carbs. Okay? That's why I always tell you, eat fat and protein. That is the preferred fuel for your brain. Because the little mitochondria, the little battery powers, glucose, you know what it does? Glucose saturates the brain, it saturates it, and your brain cells are swimming. Your memory cells are swimming in sugar, but they can't use that fuel properly. And that's what they're saying in this Finland study.
Okay, let me bring insulin in. Now, I told you, doesn't even need insulin that go, sugar can go directly to your brain. Why do you think sugar is so addictive? Think about that for a minute. It doesn't even need insulin. You know insulin, you know what it does? You guys know this insulin is a traffic cup. You eat a piece of bread, insulin says, okay, right away your body turns that bread. There's very little protein anymore in bread. It's the way of the flour. <laugh>. And that's been going on well over a hundred years. Guys, bread was the first fast food because they went from stone grounding it, the flour, and that kept all your nutrients, lots of protein, whatever. Bread isn't bread anymore. Bread is fast food. It's a junk food because it turns to sugar rapidly. Now you need insulin to say... Sugar, you can't park in the bloodstream.
I must park you elsewhere. Problem is you had a piece of bread toast and jam for breakfast, right? And cereal for breakfast. Insulin doesn't even have time to do its job as far as the brain is concerned. Okay? The rest of the body, insulin will take that sugar and park it either in your muscles, your liver or fat cells, but not in your brain. Sugar gets up there. And if your cells in your brain develop insulin resistance, now, especially the hippocampus is very much affected by that. It's your memory center. It's your memory center. And the memories that can't get sorted, the librarian is on a siesta. Your GPS inside of your hippocampus, it, it's not working properly because of insulin resistance. And that's what the study in Finland showed. It proved it. The very best thing you can do to prevent Alzheimer's is lower your consumption of carbohydrates, especially crappy carbs, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, muffins, bagels, and milk <laugh> because it's too sweet. By the time he gets to the grocery store, they took all the fat out of it. And this is why, guys, I repeat, I repeat, I repeat when I saw this study outta Finland. Unreal. Unreal.
Okay, Alzheimer's, listen to this. Quoting this study, not a disease of the old, okay? Alzheimer's is not a disease of the old, but a disease of insulin resistance. Cognitive impairment is a disease of insulin resistance. Very significant. And the good news, the good news, you can reverse this. It's reversible. Don't get Alzheimer's. Don't wait. This is prevention, my friend. This is prevention. Insulin resistance. Okay? Insulin resistance, we always talk about it. Food. Insulin's a food hormone. You don't need insulin for anything else. Just when you eat <laugh>, you know, so a lot of people like intermittent fasting or whatever, but I, I'm telling you guys, you can fast without fasting. And the old idea, okay? You gotta remember the food industry. They're geniuses when it comes to marketing because what did they do? Moderation. One word. It's almost like they made it up. You can have everything in moderation. You can drink Coca-Cola in moderation, right? You know, they're geniuses, they're marketing geniuses.
So they, they got people. One moderation, two snack frequently. Snack frequently. Guys, that's one of the worst things you can do. Why is that? Because I've taught you this in the past. Let's say you just had your breakfast before the show at eight o'clock in the morning, okay? You don't see it happening, but your body is processing your food. Now, hopefully you had bacon and eggs, okay? Hopefully, because let's say you had Tufts University number one food on the hit parade, Cheerios. Guys, that is crazy. And it's upside down. Anyway, let's say you had a bowl of Cheerios or oatmeal. Okay? I gotta have oatmeal because I gotta go for a poo. If I don't go for a poo, I'm gonna die. Nah, no. Anyway. Let's say you just had Cheerios. Cheerios are gonna turn to sugar in nanoseconds, but the traffic cop's gotta... out, out, out, out. You can't stay in the bloodstream. I'm gonna park you. It works. It works, it works. See insulin, depending on what you eat, it's gonna tell you how hard it's gonna work. When you eat sugar or crappy carbohydrates like cereal, insulin goes, okay, get out of the bloodstream. Sugar, I gotta park. You get out, you can't park, you're in a no parking zone because sugar destroys blood vessels rapidly. So let's out, out, out, out, out, out, out. Get out. If you have a bagel, you have a muffin.
What's the difference between a muffin and a piece of cake? No difference. I remember Tim Horton muffins. You know carrot muffins? Are they taste good? Of course they taste good. It's a cake. <laugh>. They put eight teaspoons of sugar in a carrot muffin at Tim Horton's, and that's not even the sweetest of their muffins. You go to Dunkin Donuts, okay? Don't go there. Just for the coffee. <laugh> Don't have breakfast. Okay? So what happens? Insulin goes crazy. You insist on eating sugar. Crazy, crazy, crazy. You know how long it goes crazy for if you have a bad breakfast? Four hours. If you have bacon and eggs, not even an hour. Insulin, it's <whistles> boy, I got nothing to do. I got nothing to do. You had bacon and eggs. Isn't that wonderful? Insulin gets an extended coffee break because you ate the right foods. It doesn't have to be the traffic cop it, it does a little bit, but not much. Got it? So what happens is, people that are carboholics, okay, they create a phenomenon because they use insulin all the time. They don't realize, "Dr. Martin, I'm just having a little healthy granola bar. I'm just having a little snack of granola. It must be good for me because on TV they say it's good for me." No, it's not because you need insulin and a lot of it, and it goes on and on and on.
Why are we... Number one, why are we so obese today? Why are we so obese today? Insulin, it doesn't get turned off and insulin will not listen to what I say. Insulin will not allow fat to escape. You can't. It's a jail guard. It will not allow your, the fat to be burned. It's said nope. You can't get outta jail. Do you think what you eat is important? And the food industry, remember, they're liars, liars, pants on fires, they're big liars. And the food industry wants to keep you fat and snacking. It's the worst thing you can do for your brain. You don't need to snack. If you have bacon and eggs, they've proven this a thousand times over, guys. I mean, it's, the research is done. The research is in. You have high protein, high fat, the way God wanted you to eat. Bacon and eggs, sausage and eggs. You don't need insulin hardly at all. You're saving your brain, you're saving your hippocampus, the memory center of your brain. You're paying the librarian in your hippocampus to stay there and continue to work. You've renewed your fees on your GPS inside your hippocampus.
It preserves your memory, guys, it's food. And you're not going to hear it. Because like I said, we got a very powerful food industry that don't give two hoots about your health, by the way. They just don't. They don't give two hoots. The tobacco companies took over the food companies. Remember that. The biggest food company in the world started as a tobacco company and they are masters at addiction. And if you don't believe me, go to your mall, sit down and have a coffee and look at the size of people today. If you don't believe what I'm saying, just use your eyeballs and you will see the addictive. The addictive. Okay, guys, did you have fun? <laugh> Okay, I did. Okay, guys, we got a great, uh, um, rest of the week, okay? And Friday is question and answer. Friday, one of our most popular podcasts. Get you questions in. We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!